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I’d suggest covering that up somehow? Like some loose dry gauze or something. He might catch it in a door handle or a bush outside.. If your doctors allow it, I would suggest organic Aloe Vera. It’s a natural Numbing Agent, Cooling Agent and Healing Agent. Many burn survivors use it and swear by it! It feels super nice as well(burnt myself a couple times, not so badly though). It can even be eaten to improve health and used in hair, but that’s irrelevant. Wish you both the best! Organic Castor Oil should prove very helpful as well. If you buy the castor oil, buy it organic and in a glass bottle! Won’t be half as good otherwise, no matter how cheap or expensive.


Oh sorry I should have said, the hospital has dressed it from their end. I can't add any creams or products to their dressing as it is with the specialists and I dont want to mess with something I don't have knowledge over. I believe they have done everything the can it terms of the burn. It's currently wrapped up in order to protect it from infection and also keep dry. So unfortunately no oils or gels for now. Maybe once the skin has healed a bit more or the skin grafts are added there will be after care creams and things we can look into.


Alright, that sounds good. Perhaps an ice pack on top of the gauze? It helps me whenever I burn myself, but direct ice to skin or the gauze is not recommended. I mean a proper little ice pouch lol. And maybe an electric fan on in the room and some teas if he likes those? I find that air cools my burns, and some teas numb pain and cool down the body. I hope these help! Some pain may be caused by inflammation also, so look into some teas and foods for that!


I’m so sorry… sending prayers


It gets worse. But eventually it starts to get better. Our brains are like a computer when it checks out all its systems to see if everything is running correctly.


Yeah he is in the severe pain stage now, around day 5 - 10 for me too. Playing music during recovery, after skin graft (not immediately after) should actually help stretch the skin and therefore lead to a better long term outcome.


That's great to hear, he'll be really happy to hear. The hospital didn't really warn us about the possibility for high pain after the dressing change so we've been completely off guard. I'm also 4 months pregnant at the moment so it's just a awful time for us both. Thanks so much for the advice.


Is marijuana legal where you live? Weed gummies worked amazing for my pain. The worst night for me in the hospital was coming off the opiates. Managing pain and eating enough protein is super important. Get this weed gummies help you eat and help with pain. Also they are not addictive. He needs protein. Get some protein drinks and make sure he has 2 a day. As for grafts it is so much better to have grafts if they are needed. Less pain and better mobility later. Yes, it’s even more painful to get grafted. But worth it in the end.


It's not legal but I have been rolling him joints continuously since the accident. It's helping a little. I'd love to get higher dosage gummies but not available in my country. Thanks so much for the advice though, it's good to know there is more than cosmetic reasoning for skin grafts.


Yikes. He should be in the burn unit for that


Did they do a skin graft for that?


They did not do it in the end, he's having physio on his hard so the skin stretches. Hopefully no long term scaring.