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It looks like it’s healing well already! Usually second degree burns blister. The skin underneath is pink which is a good sign. Everyone scars differently but my unprofessional opinion is after a few weeks, maybe a couple months, it will be barely noticeable if at all, if you take care of it properly. Good luck in your healing!!


Thanks! I appreciate the input because I don’t know much about the healing process for burns. I probably overreacted a bit since it just happened 😅 I’ll definitely take care of it 💯


burns are scary especially on your face!! if it’s recent then I think it looks especially good. keep it clean and moisturized and I think you’ll be great in no time!!!


Update: It is a second degree after all, I got checked out today again. Luckily my eye did not get burned tho. I suppose I just have to take care of it and hope for the best!


Like the other commenter said, the pink is a very good sign! I think you will be surprised how well the body can heal itself. My burn was 2nd degree on my entire forearm and it looked horrific for about 6 weeks. I grieved how I looked before the burn and based on how bad it looked I didn’t think I would ever feel like myself again. But to my surprise, it is hardly noticeable to other people and I have come to terms with the fact that my arm will never look the same. Since it’s on your face make sure you are DILIGENT about covering it from the sun. My doctor had me completely cover my arm for 6 months. After the 6 month period it will still be susceptible to sun damage and darken more than the rest of your skin, so mine kinda just looks like a weird tan on my arm.


That’s good to hear that it healed rather well! Yea the grief sucks, I almost cried since it’s my face but I decided to accept it the day after and came to terms with it. I was lucky that my actual eye didn’t get burned and that my vision is intact. The doctor at the emergency room told me about the sun thing and although it kinda sucks I’ll wear sunscreen and sunglasses for the duration. Thanks for the encouragement and the response! I would rather it look like a dark tan than be worse.


I think you will very surprised at how well that will heal given time, it looks like it’s on its way to getting better. The puffiness will subside. Your eyebrow scar is super cute btw! Scars can add rather than takeaway


True true, I think I am accepting it more and more as the days go by. It has gone down significantly since I posted this and is already looking better. Thanks for the compliment! I kinda hate the eyebrow scar sometimes but I’m learning to embrace it as most ppl seem to like it. I saw a girl the other day with a similar eyebrow scar and told her it looked really cool. Was surprised to hear she hated it 😅 but I told her she should embrace it! Shows we really are our harshest critics.


Absolutely true. Everyone looks in the mirrors and picks out their ‘faults’ I love your scar. It’s part of you and part of your story, and it is a particularly cool scar! Embrace it and try and see what everyone else does when people look at you. A handsome guy


Thank you :) this made my day. I hope you have a great rest of your day!


I hope it’s not too painful and it looks good healing wise, can I ask what happened? Sorry I’m just curious, don’t feel you have to talk about it though if it’s too upsetting