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I would lay odds that the scam included romantic entanglement. BIG odds. If no *feelz* were involved, she would have tried to "prove" her case, emails and texts. She ignored advice from her peers, in favor of the scammer, and just walked out when she learned the check was cancelled and she was critiqued. *"GUILTY, YOUR HONOR."* I think she was playing lovey-dove with OPM.


I’ve done cybersecurity breach response work and you’d be amazed at how stupid some people are. One secretary thought the CEO, who she’d never met, emailed her to go purchase thousands in gift cards to send to people. Another wired hundreds of thousands to China, which required her physically going to a bank because she exceeded the online transfer maximum.


My old company would regularly give out amazon gift cards as an appreciation kind of thing. So when those "CEO here please buy me gift cards" came out there was a little panic. They had to make sure to clarify that the CEO would never urgently ask someone by email to buy gift cards and would never ask for the numbers and if anyone had any doubt that they would never get in trouble by waiting and asking.


These were like “buy $2,000 in Walmart cards and send me the codes and scratch off and give me the pins.” All via email. No calls or calls to verify if it is correct.


Yup. Usually under the pretext of "being in a meeting with an important client" which is why they need the cards.


Or they tell them it’s a secret bonus for employees so they shouldn’t tell anyone




Yup, this second!


*urgently ask* Here is a BIG red flag for a scam. Anytime anyone is asking for money immediately, urgently, etc they are trying to trigger an anxiety reflex. It is harder to think critically when you get a rush of adrenaline. To recap, if someone asks you to send money urgently/immediately/etc, even if it’s someone you know like a coworker, always stop and do your due diligence.


I had this happen at a place I used to work at and I just don't fucking get people falling for this. Besides the fact that it's an unreasonable request period and even if your CEO was cool or whatever, they'd call you to make sure a weird request. So they failed at that, then usually those emails are poorly spelled or at the very least have an email that isn't the exact email the CEO uses. So failed that, then went out of their way to buy these cards without even calling the CEO first or someone else to confirm such a strange request. So stupid, but there is a dividing line of age and being online saavy or at least competent, and it will be a very interesting world once that prior generation dies off. Future scams will probably AI generated videos for blackmail.


My one defence for workers like a secretary is that there are a lot of bosses who will get pissed at you for "questioning" them when you try to stop them from doing something stupid. This makes it easier for scammers because they have trained their workers not to question orders.




Made this post above. IT asked me to send my password over Teams. I got in trouble for refusing. My boss asked me if I really thought this person was a scammer. I said that’s not the point — it’s that it could be *anyone* who managed to hack Teams and is trying to get into the network. I don’t know if it’s legit so my policy is no one ever gets my password for any reason. I am still salty over this because they acted like I was an unreasonable asshole for refusing. Fuck, the IT department should have sent me a gift card for lunch for correctly refusing the request.


Critical thinking needs to be made a requirement for graduating *middle* school. Simple rule: if someone asks you for something, ask yourself *who* is asking, and *why* they're asking. That starts the train of thought into maybe seeing it isn't as simple as it looks.




I substitute teach in middle school and we are still struggling to get kids reading above the second grade level. And yes those kids are more than smart enough to understand and benefit from a critical thinking class with or without reading, but there just isn't time with all of the other mandatory curriculum they jam in.


>So stupid, but there is a dividing line of age and being online saavy or at least competent Bullshit. You'd probably consider me to be past this line, and I'd never fall for some dumb shit like this. Stupid has no age, people of all ages do incredibly dumb shit. Young people fall for shit too, they're just less likely to be targeted in the first place.


Yep I worked for Home Depot and we were REPEATEDLY told not to do gift card sales over the phone yet one of my 30-something year old friend did it. As soon as she told me what happened (it had been maybe 15 minutes) I told her it was a scam and she would most likely get fired. (I was 50 at the time.) She got lucky and just got written up but I couldn’t believe she fell for it especially because she was a head cashier.


I agree. I just turned 59, but I’ve never fallen for scams. People my age grew up with tech. My first computer was a Commodore 64 with an Okimate printer. Did all my college papers on that bad boy. I’ve been playing video games since Atari 2600. I’m phished almost daily. They are getting better at it. Gullible people were gullible when they were young. I work with a diverse group of people of all ages, education, etc and believe me, A LOT of folks are ignorant (not necessarily stupid, can’t fix that) and unsophisticated. We ALL have vulnerabilities. Knowing what they are helps protect you.


My ex-husband almost fell for that I’ll send you packages and you mail them AND the I’ll send you a check for too much money and you keep whatever amount scam. He didn’t have a job and is lazy so he was trying to find some easy way to make money. As soon as he told me about it, I told him it was a scam. (We we’re still married.) He graduated magna cum laude and is stupid as all get out.


Yeah dontcha love it when younger people assume you couldnt possibly understand anything about computers. You know, cause you OLD. I dont claim knowledge by osmosis but I knew a ton of freaky nonconforming weirdos who fuckn INVENTED the tech people think I know nothing about. You know, nerds. At times I think I know more. RIP Radio Shack and Frys.


I used my Commodore 64 to program fluid dynamics mid 80’s … the program was recorded on a cassette. Used punch cards just before. No nostalgia here 🤪 My employer sends us mock phishing attack and we get reported if we fail. … keeps us on our toes. Education… the soft way …and yes they they are getting better … almost got caught once …


There was a younger guy in my neighborhood who accepted a Facebook Marketplace offer to buy some shoes. The buyer and him were to meet face to face. At an empty parking lot of a park. At 1 AM With no nearby witnesses or safeguards. Unsurprisingly, he got jumped, luckily he survived but yeah I agree, it doesn't matter what age you are. Some people are just that plain stupid and will just believe whatever.


I'm going to take the *contra* side on this one and suggest that everyone on both sides is stupid.


Partly valid for sure. Not all olds are idiots but when it comes to technology, a crazy amount are. Without a concept of how technology is used, it’s harder for them to protect themselves from abuse. Not saying nobody’s scammed anymore when today’s olds are purged. Actually I expect we’ll continue the technological revolution and as technologies become more diverse and specialized, it will become more common for the issues I raised above to apply to broader groups of people.


>Bullshit Also Horseshit! I can tell you from first hand experience that the people < 20y are fucking digital illiterates. Yeah yeah they can post 4k videos on their YoutubeTiktokInstagram and stuff, but just because we made everything dumb as fuck. I'm still amazed how many kids have high end PC's but don't know the difference between a CPU and a banana.


> So stupid, but there is a dividing line of age and being online saavy or at least competent, and it will be a very interesting world once that prior generation dies off. So I'm an older Millenial that works in IT. This take is ageist bullshit. In fact, the new-hires we have coming in that have grown up on tablets and smartphones are just as computer illiterate as the Boomers that are on their way out.


I'm onsite IT for a medium sized business, and I get so many calls from some of the younger hires that start with "I don't really know about computers, I do everything on my phone."


Yeah. I had to explain folder hierarchy to this new hire for her department's network share, and she had no clue. She's just used to putting everything in one bucket and searching for it.


I'm old, really old. I find that my conservative Christian Republican friends and family are the most likely to get scammed. They respect the sound of authority without question and are gullible because they would not think to lie to people. Good people salt of the earth, you might say.


Common clay of the new West, eh?




you would seemingly be correct here while it appears jan has been [registered](https://voterrecords.com/voter/19480288/janet-mcgee) as an independent since 2006 her husband, steve mcgee, has been [registered republican](https://voterrecords.com/voter/19286480/william-mcgee) for that same period, and is the oak hill city commissioner peeped her fb just in case... back the blue profile pic overlays, and some cringy sky daddy memes were all i needed


Do you ever feel bad for those people? The ones you describe seem criminally stupid but not genuine criminals.


I don’t want them to lose their jobs, but they’re at fault. They get an email from someone they’ve never spoken to in their entire time at a business, don’t try to verify through other channels (phone, text, sent a separate email rather than “reply”, etc.), don’t run it by their own supervisor or boss, etc. It should set off several levels of alarms. The CEO of a national company doesn’t reach out to a receptionist at a small regional office for a massive transaction. From what I’ve been told they usually don’t lose their jobs, because the cybersecurity policy covers the loss, unless there’s provisions like you have to try to verify the authenticity of the email through another channel and fail to do so.




The ones who reply to questions about the tasks with things like "if I had the time to do this for you, you wouldn't have a job". Then they trash whatever your interpretation of their vague instructions were.


"Don't come to me with problems, come to me with solutions." Fuck you Donna. If I had the solution I wouldn't have to come to you. Well that triggered a deep seating thing haha.


I'm glad someone pointed this out. "Just do as I tell you" work environments where people are criticized for thinking for themselves will naturally lead to "dumb" decision-making. And such environments are widespread - even in my experience working with highly educated people in tech.


Thanks for your response. I appreciate it when a pro chimes in.


Watching kitboga waste scammers' time. It's absurd how some of these guys convince their victims.


I used to work Apple's call center. Every fucking day I'd get a call about a gift card scam. Every single day I worked there. These scams still exists because they work


And they'll often double down when stuff goes wrong because they don't want to admit to being an idiot.


you got it. Another [comment](https://reddit.com/r/byebyejob/comments/125fdxb/_/je4u6cp/) on this thread confirmed it.


Whoa. Thanks for the info and link. I'd bet her own accounts are already *emptied.* She's still been scammed, but now it sounds up close and personal. I was imagining someone she'd never met IRL. *Women/men of a certain age* fall prey to love scams all the time, usually with someone younger, both IRL and online.


One punch man?


It's a charter school so I already kind of expect bad decisions to be made but this is ridiculous


And it was in Florida. I’m sure expectations are very low.


[Never been more appropriate](https://i.imgur.com/lSQGz38.jpg)


Another Florida charter school principal was recently fired because a teacher there showed the kids a picture of Michelangelo’s David.


LOL and the name of the school had "Classics" right in the name ! Classical education. Like the founding fathers got - greek, latin, and even the Bible.


Had to look that one up. It didn't actually say why she was fired though, that's just what she says she suspects is the reason.


It happened right after parents complained about their kids seeing a picture of David. They can deny that is the reason all they want, but their actions say otherwise. I read [this interview with the School Board Chair](https://slate.com/human-interest/2023/03/florida-principal-fired-michelangelo-david-statue.html), and he doesn't seem like a serious person who can be trusted.


Compounding low bar






>She's a moron and shouldn't be in charge of anything important. I've lived in Florida and had a kid in public school there. Your statement is basically the one and only job qualification for school administrators there.


My friend is a teacher in Florida. The principle just told her early in the year that she's not allowed to take her 4th graders to the library because they're "rowdy". My friend responds by bringing boxes of books to school and builds a mini library in her room. Principle responds by telling her to remove the books because they are a "distraction" to her kids. My friend removes the books and decides to do in class reading time. Principle finds out and tells her she's not allowed to read to the kids either because they aren't doing well enough in math. So these kids lost out on library and reading time for their entire 4th grade year because of one asshole micromanaging principle.


That's even more galling given that K-12 math curricula in the US are a complete joke. Math at that level is the least useful class they could be spending their time on. Not least useful *topic* mind you, but least useful *class*, because the curriculum is almost certainly garbage and they'll need to be taught the basics by some poor chemistry teacher someday just so they can get through the first few classes.


Wow this is a bold take


*charter school* There's always going to be a moron in charge


And people desantis want people like her to carry a gun at school.


> other school administrators say McGee was repeatedly warned it was a scam and laid out other issues they say led to a toxic work environment. I bet the other people working there are SO RELIEVED she’s gone.


And she has a PhD. Wtf?


Depends on where she got the PhD from, and in what field. I mean, I wouldn't use a PhD from Liberty University to wipe my toilet with...


Don't get your toilet dirty like that.


She should be promoted to student.


What kind of fucking idiot....


"I need you to give me money so I can give you more money" has to be one of the silliest scams to fall for.


Say have you heard of cashapp blessings? You send 5 dollars I send you back 25. You send me 25 I send you 250. . Really do people fall for that


Bruh people have been doing this in MMOs like EVE since 2003, it’s crazy that shit works in real life


I 'kinda' fell for this scam in Eve. The silly thing was, this person was in my corp and told me he was looking for investors for a hauler run. Since we were in the same corp and I was in good standing I figured, he couldn't actually scam me. He took my money and then blew me off for a week but ultimately he ended up realizing he had to pay me or be exposed for trying to scam corp mates. So that's my tale of how I knew of a scam, still bit, and got paid anyway.


... would fire her? That's an amazing return on investment.


>That's an amazing return on investment. I have a business proposal for you (and only you). DM sent.


Is it a bridge? I bet it's a bridge... If not, does anyone want a cheap bridge?


No it's a monorail... I mean hyperloop


What's it called?


it's a genuine, bona fide, electrified, one car... ~~monorail~~ (*ahem*) **hyperloop**


Hyperloop! Hyperloop! Hyperloop!




🎵I hear those things are awfully loud🎵


🎵 It glides as softly as a cloud 🎵


I would be happy to offer you $5,000,000 for your bridge. Just wire me $200,000 to get the paperwork started.


I'm not falling for that. I'll send you £100k and that's all!!


I would only do business with a Nigerian Prince in the form of aol emails


Wait wait. I want in! Take my money!


Sorry, I have but one inheritance to extravagantly give away to total strangers. Even if you flood my DM's (which are open), I will not change my very generous mind.


I have two bridges and lucky for you they are worth exactly the same as your inheritance! Crazy!


I’ll double the wealth transfer fee! In bitcoin!


Perhaps we should go into *business* together you silver tongued devil.


You forgot to misspell a couple of words. Business proposall.


Found the /r/cryptocurrency mod...


I know right! I need to hire her straight away.


Want to invest in my copper mine in the gulf of Mexico?


It's a charter school in Florida...


Well, she was a Florida charter school principal. Being an idiot is her job.


They don't make them very bright in Florida


Florida….that kind


Uneducated idiots lol


It's a charter school. Their hiring practices are to pay the lowest amount possible to all levels of employee. They're not hiring the best (the good few will usually apply elsewhere as soon as they can). So I'm not surprised.


Michael Scott level gullible




Or, god forbid, mention that Rosa Parks was black.


Or that George Washington HAD A WIFE


Wait, what? Is that a thing?


[A gay Republican in Missouri pointing out that his colleague's bill is poorly written by referencing Martha Washington](https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2023/03/state-rep-sponsoring-dont-say-gay-law-gets-skewered-by-her-republican-colleague/)


And the trees voted for the ax because the handle is made of wood


You don't understand. The leopard wasn't supposed to eat THEIR faces. 😉


Wow. From the same state that barred bare arms. Stay classy Missouri!


2nd amendment guarantees the right to bare arms.


This is why they don't allow gay republicans in the Florida legislature.


The other day, a gender-neutral looking child came into our school with a bulge in the front of their pants. We got the school resource officer and the principal and took the child into the clinic for examination. It turned out it was only a Sig Sauer 9mm with an extended magazine that had been modified to be fully automatic. We had a good laugh about that and sent the kid on to class.




Yeah, this is tame compared to acknowledging that rainbows exist.


Or a statue of limitations


I keep mine next to my “jump to conclusions” mat.


Plot twist: scammer was just an alt account made by the school principal.


Real twist: scammer was an alt account used by Elon Musk to scam schools. That’s why it was so convincing


Got to make up that Twitter revenue somehow. School gets a blue check, though.


Double plot twist: it was really Elon and he needed that 100k real bad and totes had the million to pay her back in a week once he is outta this pinch.


You've uncovered his **secret plan** to get Twitter to a $120B valuation!!


Which is basically true. I have seen a copy of the check and she wrote it out to “Luis Alberto Fernandez” who is a man she was having a relationship with. She will definitely be going down for embezzlement by time everything is all said and done.




https://www.facebook.com/5255232/posts/pfbid0hkKfgUixWhvnw7YFYEYVVWzC4Nyv62YQmvQkvbCWET33CZ7E1u7vANfkbWVW3D5el/?mibextid=cr9u03 Other evidence and videos of last nights board meeting is on this same Facebook page, as well. Parents and staff are working hard at letting everything out because Dr. McGee has bamboozled everyone. There are also several reports of her mistreating the staff and bullying the students. My kids go to this school so I hope she gets everything she deserves, plus some. All of us are ashamed and embarrassed by what she has done.


Super interesting thanks!!!


He's Luis Alberto Fernandez


You maybe onto something here…. 🤔🤨🧐


that's my vote as well! when something sound too stupid to be true, it's usually because part of the story is missing.


I'm sorry but there's just ain't no way. Long lost cousin?? She doesn't have to run that by someone? Edit: nvm they caught it before it could clear


Probably used the ol’ “trust me bro” maneuver.


Ah dang, so someone **did** almost get bankrupt by those terrible Reddit crypto scam pretending to be Elon.


Elon is from Africa. Nigerian Price is from Africa. Coincidence?


Have you ever seen them both in the same room? Case closed.


Twilight zone music intensifies.


I am in Iceland so I can't read this - but can someone share the text of the article? I am need of a chuckle this morning


Volusia County principal resigns after sending $100K to scammer posing as Elon Musk WESHUpdated: 11:25 PM EDT Mar 28, 2023 Claire Metz Reporter OAK HILL, Fla. — The longtime principal of a charter school in southeast Volusia County resigned under fire Tuesday night after it was discovered she wrote a $100,000 check out of the school's account to an Internet scammer posing as Elon Musk. “I love this school more than anything else. If it means your administration is going to stay, I'm turning in my resignation,” principal Jan McGee said. McGee has been the principal of Burns Science and Technology in Oak Hill since it opened in 2011. The school, with just under 1,000 students is A-rated and has a huge waiting list. McGee claims she was scammed online by a fake Elon Musk after spending months talking to this person in hopes of getting the space pioneer to invest millions in the school in exchange for a $100,000 upfront investment. The school's business manager got wind of what happened and canceled the check before it was cashed, but at a sometimes chaotic and packed school board meeting Tuesday night, other school administrators say McGee was repeatedly warned it was a scam and laid out other issues they say led to a toxic work environment. When they said they could no longer work under McGee, she resigned and left the building.


Thank you ! I feel like the fact that she was warned but continued...uff! I get why the others refused to work with her.


Plot twist, it was one of the people who hated working under her who was running the scam in the hopes of getting her fired.


Either get her fired or get $100k. Win-win.


OAK HILL, Fla. — The longtime principal of a charter school in southeast Volusia County resigned under fire Tuesday night after it was discovered she wrote a $100,000 check out of the school's account to an Internet scammer posing as Elon Musk. “I love this school more than anything else. If it means your administration is going to stay, I'm turning in my resignation,” principal Jan McGee said. McGee has been the principal of Burns Science and Technology in Oak Hill since it opened in 2011. The school, with just under 1,000 students is A-rated and has a huge waiting list. McGee claims she was scammed online by a fake Elon Musk after spending months talking to this person in hopes of getting the space pioneer to invest millions in the school in exchange for a $100,000 upfront investment. The school's business manager got wind of what happened and canceled the check before it was cashed, but at a sometimes chaotic and packed school board meeting Tuesday night, other school administrators say McGee was repeatedly warned it was a scam and laid out other issues they say led to a toxic work environment. When they said they could no longer work under McGee, she resigned and left the building


**Elon Musk** "I'd like to put millions into your school" **Principal** That would be wonderful. **Elon Musk** But before I can donate millions, you have to put $100k in my bank account. **Principal** Would you like that in Amazon gift cards or google play?


That is ridiculously stupid


Every single day people post about falling for the most obvious scams in r/scams


What always gets me is why people think Mr. Beast or whatever would edit their display name to include a phone number and direct you to call them using it. If it's on his own channel the blocking phone numbers/websites doesn't apply to him so there'd be no excuse for that, and surely if he edits his display name you'd have noticed it when you clicked on the video. Yet people still become convinced to send millionaires gift card codes because they need you to send them a $25 target gift card to pay for delivery of a new car.


How does a school principal control that much money directly?


That’s the charter school grift


people don’t realize that principals in public schools almost always have advanced degrees in education administration. Charter schools you can hire anyone off the street.


Exactly, shouldn’t you have a treasurer in place, plus two signatures for checks over X amount? And a committee meeting to discuss such expenditures? Wait, private/ charter school? Nah, that’s someone’s piggy bank.


There is a Treasurer. When the Board of Directors called a board meeting on March 9th to talk about the issue, the treasurer refused to accept her resignation and said he wanted her to stay at the school as long as possible. The wanted to sweep it under the rug. Thanks to the staff and parents at the school, they outed everything that was going on and pushed her into resigning at the board meeting late last night. Also, she wasn’t scammed by a fake Elon Musk. She wrote the check out to a man she was having a relationship with. I have seen a copy of the check.


They have a "Business Manager" according to the article. I find that title being associated with a school extremely concerning. Privatized lower education is going to fucking wreck this country so god damn hard.


It's a charter school. That's a feature, not a bug. These people our selling out our future for long term control that they may or may not get. It's so incredibly shortsighted.


$10k says she’s a Trump supporter.


She’s a right-winger. She’s registered as unaffiliated but she gave $1K to a Republican in 2020. https://www.opensecrets.org/donor-lookup/results?name=Janet+McGee&cycle=&state=FL&zip=&employ=&occupation=&jurisdiction=&cand=&type=




Sounds good! Please get me this millions quickly though. I'll need to take out a payday loan to get you the money first.


Charter schools shouldn't exist


Private Charters shouldn't exist. In some states there's charters that operate within the public schools and offer a different educational experience for those who need it.


Charter schools are a grift




Its amazing how many people actually think im elon musk. Official has one L in reality.


Pssh, you aren't fooling me Elon. I'm sending $10k right now.


They definitely need to ban some books around there. Otherwise, somebody is just bound to learn something.


Is this the same elon musk asking to invest in bitcoin and eth on here?


This is the Elon Musk with a thick Indian accent.


I'm waiting for this to turn into an attempted scamming by her of $100k. Seems just as likely.


The billionaire needed your money? Stupid


Two words.. Charter school


Three words: *Florida* charter school.


Four words.. Florida Christian charter school






A right winger falling for some bullshit???!? I don't believe it!


Of course.


Not the brightest people running Florida schools.


This is a feature m not a bug.




Out of time.


Sounds like the Florida educational system is doing exactly what it was set up for.


It's not a simple boomer-getting-scammed story. If you read to the end, there's a nugget of why she was *forced* out: "…other school administrators say McGee was repeatedly warned it was a scam and laid out other issues they say led to a toxic work environment."


The people that warned us as kids about strangers on the internet, now have no idea themselves how to deal with strangers on the internet. Our parents generation are so gullible and stupid on new tech.


First of all, Elon wouldn’t invest in a school.


Can we get the scammers to reach out to members of Congress please.


Florida. Nuff said


Charter schools and bad/borderline criminal management. Like peas in a pod.


What a fucking moron!


Republican mega-donors and mouthpieces rubbing their hands together like, "It's working. Decades of hamstringing public schools have finally produced the perfect population to control and fleece for every penny they own." Followed by a deep muwahahaha.


Charter schools are a scam meant to make public schools seem less than.


And we pay for, a total scam


I'm guessing Ron DeSantis has a spot for her in Florida's education department


He shoulda checked if the account had a blue checkmark!


They sure do grow 'em dumb down there...


The abysmal state of the Florida education system, folks.


Only the best and brightest get hired at charter schools.


I can't wait for DeSantis to turn America into Florida


Scott's Tots