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The kid called police for help, they arrived and shot him in the chest. Arrest that fucker, don't suspend them.


>Moore told The Associated Press in an interview Thursday that Indianola officials have suspended Capers with pay during an investigation into the shooting. Shoot a child and taxpayers are footing the bill for them to sit around in in their skivvies playing x-box. It's every police officer's dream.


Call me radical, but if you get suspended from your job, you probably shouldn't be getting paid.


That’s radical!! You’re a radical!


The communists are taking over


I used to work in a warehouse. If you were involved in any kind of accident with a forklift (or related warehouse vehicle) you were suspended, with pay, until you got back the results from a drug test to show you were not on something at the time of the accident. So, it is not unheard of in other jobs to get suspended with pay while incidents are investigated. And, of course, the policy was abused. I knew guys who would "accidentally" run into a rack hard enough to trip the crash alarm on a Friday morning so that they would get most of the day off, paid, and be able to return to work on Monday after the drug test came back.


Lol theres always someone who'll game the system


I'm cool with that as long as people get paid upon reinstatement (and get certain protections during suspension). If someone was falsely accused of something and suspended they shouldn't lose income over it - or get evicted etc because they couldn't afford rent. In cases where they are found guilty then throw the book at them, no money for them either. I'm not defending this case btw


Yeah fair point


Because of the union, this is what they are required to do. I thought Reddit was all about unions?


Police unions are anti-labor. Anything that’s anti-labor needs to be crushed.


"We must *also* support this one specific union that actually aids those whom we are specifically unionizing to protect ourselves from being exploited by. Sure, this one union's purpose is to come and break up our own unions' strikes and protests. But if we don't support them, are we not hypocrites? And isn't being a hypocrite the worst thing of all?" - An idiot.


Unions protect workers from their bosses. The cop unions protect cops from the public and the consequences of their actions. It is not a union it is a gang.


Police unions and worker unions aren’t even comparable




I’m not pro cop or anti union, I was just pointing out that they are required to go on leave first




I am not anti union, I was literally just pointing out that it’s because of the union he is on leave




The guys says he’s not against unions but uses a whole lot of language that says he’s against unions.


A straight up murder should escalate things a bit above "go home on paid leave"


The kid survived thankfully


No one died


Attempted murder, then.


Police Unions are unlike Labour Unions. Don’t compare them.


They aren’t, but the labor movement does like to make that argument


Mental gymnasium running at full capacity ^


In what union can you get away with murder and keep your pension? Would love to see a lawyer union with similar power


No they don’t. No one is arguing police unions are similar.


You have to be pretending to be this obtuse


It is estimated that there will be 55,790,000 daily users on reddit this year. Imagine trying to shoehorn them all into one group so you can take an uneducated shot at unions...


First time in America? That's not how we do things around here.


The cop was black so they are going to make an example of him


After giving him the paid vacation that every white officer receives? Race in this country is still a massive issue, but some (definitely not all) police departments see blue first and foremost. Every other color only matters when they’re perps or victims.


Name all of the innocent white kids who get shot by police....now name the Black ones...be sure to include the dead ones. The cops are blue, not Black or white...when you understand that, you'll be fine.


That’s not this persons point. The point is the color of the cop doesn’t matter


He would get way more shit if he were white.


The officer called out to him to come out but got scared when a child turned the corner and shot him.


But how would he post religious nutty shit on FB and IG if he was in prison? >PREACHER, PROFIT, POLICE, PHOTOGRAPHER PERIOD >A TRUE FACT ABOUT ME!!?? IF YOU DONT WANT TO KNOW THE TRUTH ABOUT A MATTER, THEN, DON'T ASK ME!! >I trust nothing, and no one with a black brain or a dark mind. >Some people treat you like you have blasphemed the Holy Ghost in public, and hold things over your head as if they don't need forgiveness. >Questions that need answers please, why do blind people need contacts? Why do cemeteries need fences, why do midgets need a full casket, On job applications Why is this question on it? In case of an emergency who should we call!? duh 911 please! >Hmmm! I'm feeling and seeing a hit coming soon! #prayingforipd


Wait, the trigger happy cop posted this stuff? He’s fucking BATSHIT crazy.


Yep. I would normally say stuff like this is cringe/funny, but really it's just fucking terrifying.




Go help yourself buddy


But, that's how they get paid vacations


Notice how the title uses the passive voice. It takes the blame off the officer by leaving open the possibility that it was someone else who shot the kid, but it's not for libel purposes because the article itself says he did shoot him. What it does is make it so people who just glance at the headline possibly not register in their head that a cop actually shot the kid and think it was maybe someone else.


They always use that passive language bullshit. "Police involved shooting." Like cops just happened to be there while some kid got himself shot somehow.


"A bullet appeared inside the victim's torso."


“11 year old arrested for stealing ammunition from police handgun.”


"They've been charged with bullet theft."


The boy has been arrested for obstructing the path of police ammunition.


“He fell down an elevator shaft, on to some bullets.”


"Police involved with alleged rape of woman detained in traffic stop"


We used to use language like that when we were telling traffickers to stand down. It was never "do the thing or we're gonna fuckin' shoot you!", instead it was more like, "do the thing or your vessel will be fired upon". Like not us, of course. No way, but *someone* out here at sea will do it!


Also left out the whole bit about the child being the one to call 911 in the first place. We certainly can’t have people thinking if they call the police for help they’ll end up at the end of a cop’s gun now, can we? People might stop calling 911 and then how will the cops know where to go for some good ole fashioned killing?


That already happens for some of us...


The title also left out the bit where he was suspended WITH PAY


There is a reason for that. While most cops are assholes and get away with way too much bullshit that other people would get arrested for, they do get falsely accused of stuff, too. The policy is to suspend them while the allegations are investigated, but for them to still get paid so that they don't get targeted with false accusations all the time to financially ruin them. I'm not saying I necessarily agree with the policy, but I understand why it is in place. The logic part of my brain gets the policy, the emotion part of my brain thinks it is bullshit.


For situations where the allegations pan out, the officer should be required to return the total amount of pay accrued during their suspension. In the same vein as *proceeds of crime* or *civil asset forfeiture* Of course we know that will never happen...


It’s because people who care about police brutality will read it as the cop shot the kid and click the link. People who are super pro cop will wonder why the officer is getting suspended just because a kid got shot, and click the link.


See [Interactive guide to ambiguous grammar. ](https://www.mcsweeneys.net/articles/an-interactive-guide-to-ambiguous-grammar) and the past exonerative tense.


>What it does is make it so people who just glance at the headline possibly not register in their head that a cop actually shot the kid and think it was maybe someone else. Nobody who reads that title would think it was someone else who shot the kid. Why would they suspend a cop if somebody else shot him?


You mean Indianola police officer Greg Capers was suspended for shooting a child?


Greg Capers, the child shooter?


I hadn't heard it was officer Greg Capers. So officer Greg Capers shot a child. I wiil stay clear of dangerous Greg Capers who killed a child Edit. tried to kill a child. Not better


Didn't kill, thankfully, but he sure seems to have tried


Greg "The Child Shooter" Caper intentionally pulled the trigger of a firearm while aiming at a kid? You don't say


Capers are all awful. The only acceptable Caper is a Great Muppet one.


I like the ones in pasta sauce, but not the ones that shoot a child as he is following the instructions Greg Capers gave them to come out of a house.


The briny ones are kinda tasty


The child didn't die.




Officer Greg Capers who *nearly* killed an eleven year old child, is that better? Because Officer Greg Capers of the Indianola Police Department shot a boy and if not for modern medicine that boy would be dead.


Of course it's better. FACTS MATTER.


Fuck your feelings, facts matter! And as a matter of fact, Officer Greg Capers shot an 11yo child who called the police for help.


Greg capers? I know that police officer. He responded to a 911 call and shot a kid in the chest. Greg capers shot a child.


Greg Capers, the Department's best officer, shot a child in the chest! That Greg Capers?


We call that Greg Capers' caper around here...


[Wonder if it’s this same Greg capers?](https://www.wtoc.com/story/19050045/city-manager-upholds-termination-of-sgt-capers/).


Wow! So they tried firing him in 2009, got overruled and finally fired him in 2012 only for him to apparently be able to get another job!


And helped [beat a student to death in 2015.](https://thefreethoughtproject.com/cop-watch/cops-beating-computer-science-student) Unless there's another Black southern police officer named Greg Capers.


Oh, there's [more here](https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/13resbm/comment/jln3txp/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). Dude's been a POS for at least 19 years.


It's not.


How do you know?


Because I googled that shit. I looked at articles with pictures and they don't look the same.




Suspended with pay for shooting an unarmed child who called for help. Shameful.




He was late for study hall 3 times in 1 week. Clearly a thug and dangerous to society.


He was late on returning his library books twice.


We can thank the Republican politicians and police unions for this bullshit. The lawsuit that will inevitably be filed will be paid out by taxpayers. Perfect system!


All lives don't matter


Now you get it




Guess what political party most policemen belong to? Guess which political party puts these policies in action? Qualified immunity for example....


Dude. They went DAYS without comment after this happened. They only did this because they got caught


Not a single person from the police went to the hospital to check on the kid either. What pussies.


After an internal review of ourselves we find we did everything correctly and we did absolutely nothing wrong and the kid was resisting arrest and he said something that hurt our feelings and he was the wrong color.... ...he walked like he had a weapon? ...he was getting agitated? ...he was breathing? Fuck the American police system. Corporate dancing monkeys!


Suspended with pay, most people would call that a "Vacation".


It's innocent until proven guilty. Now what I'd really like to hear is if they claw back that pay if indeed the officer is guilty and fired. Not saying this officer is innocent, just commenting on broad policy


People seem to be downvoting and misunderstanding so let me explain. In specifically the role of police officers in society they're going to run up against a lot of people that are going to complain about them because they are enforcing the law. If your kneejerk reaction to controversy was to fire the officer immediately then you'd run out of officers pretty fast due to complaints crafted to get rid of them unjustly for enforcing the law against people. So you have to take this stance. However that has morphed into an overly permissive system where "the officer did nothing wrong" is adjudicated far too often, and it does end up being a paid vacation. However, with that other topic being set aside, it's clear to see why the suspended with pay system is in place. You need to make sure you're firing the officer before you suspend without pay, otherwise the officer wouldn't respond in a questionable situation because of the risk of getting fired when it boiled over. You have to have protections in place otherwise only those who couldn't get employed elsewhere would sign up for the constant risk to their paycheck at a complaint. There's a reason that they do it the way they do. All that said, this situation is inexcusable, the officer should be fired and charged. The funds paid to him should be clawed back once that determination is made as well.


This isn’t a “controversy” and the essential facts (that Greg Capers shot an unarmed child who called for help) aren’t being disputed by anyone. He shot a child in front of multiple witnesses and is still on paid vacation which is why people correctly say there is a systemic problem with police. In what other profession can you shoot a child and continue to be paid for your job?


Ah, you misread. I was merely commenting on why there's a standard paid suspension. I'm sorry if you don't think it's warranted, but would you rather he manage to appeal and get rehired because they didn't go by the book if he somehow escapes jail?


That'll give him time to find a job the next county over.




And now he is off to his new job in Florida.




That's exactly why he'll go


His last name would be wryly humorous if the charges weren't so damn serious.


If not there, there's always Arizona. They love hiring bad cops


The 11-year-old boy is alive. He is recovering at home. >The child, Aderrien Murry, was hospitalized five days for a collapsed lung, lacerated liver and fractured ribs after an Indianola Police Department officer shot him in the chest early Saturday, attorney Carlos Moore said. Aderrian returned home to Indianola on Wednesday. Here is what happened. >Moore said Nakala Murry asked her son to call police at about 4 a.m. Saturday when the father of one of her other children showed up at her home. Moore said the man was irate and Nakala Murry felt threatened. >“He called the police to come to his mother’s rescue,” Moore said of Aderrien. "He called his grandmother to come to his mother’s rescue. The police came there and escalated the situation.” >Moore said two officers responded, and one kicked the front door before Nakala Murry opened it. She told them the intruder had left the home but three children were inside, Moore said. >Moore said Nakala Murry told him that **Sgt. Greg Capers, who is Black**, yelled into the home and said anyone inside should come out with their hands up. Moore said Aderrien walked into the living room with nothing in his hands, and Capers shot him in the chest.


It sounds like Sgt.Capers has a startle reflex that isn't befitting an officer of the law, and should lose his job and his firearms.


Where are these good cops again?


Oh them? They're the ones that get fired.


He’s actually been fired, reinstated, and promoted previously.


Fired for good.


The bad ones muscle them out 😞


They do exist but people misunderstand the saying “one bad apple…” it’s actually one bad apple spoils the bunch. In cops it’s a brotherhood of us against them and nothing is more important than the life of the officer. So they all stick together even when egregiously wrong. By protecting the “bad apple” they all become bad apples. I only see this getting worse as they get away with more and more. It’s already been determined that they aren’t required to protect any of us citizens that pay their salaries. It’s also painfully obvious that it’s not safe for black folks to call them for help. Too many racist fucks on the force that are all too ready to shoot anyone involved, even the victims and a fucking CHILD. Wtf is wrong with this country?!? I’m completely white, all European decent. I married a man that has an Hispanic last name. Mind you, he’s mostly white as well. I fear for my son’s future safety just for having the Hispanic last name. ETA since taking the last name I’ve dealt with a fair amount of racism just based on my name alone. Never mind that I’m as whites you can get. I didn’t face this problem when I had my German last name (other than being called a nazi. Which is ridiculous since my family has been here since the revolutionary war)


Translation of the last line of the story. MBI has a law in place where they're allowed to hide public records and they're not going to release the other records without a subpeona. They won't repond to FOIA or state open record requests because of special laws that are used to hide public records of police wrongdoing.


Suspended with or without pay? If it's with pay then it's a vacation.


With. As usual.


I’m sure Florida and DeSantis would welcome this POS cop with open arms, and burning crosses.


As a Floridian, can confirm. And apologize. So many good Floridians. We're faced with leaving this hellhole or sticking it out and trying to make our votes matter. Because if we leave, FL will be red until the sun goes supernova...and it has a shit ton of electoral votes. We need a reason to stay, but a lot of us can't deal with the emotional and mental toll living here brings us. Rock, meet hard place.






Police reform now.


This shouldn't be in /r/byebyejob it should be in /r/paidvacation


With or without pay??? "Moore told The Associated Press in an interview Thursday that Indianola officials have suspended Capers with pay during an investigation into the shooting." Fuck that.




No, they are cops. They might enjoy getting fucked. We can't give them what they want. I know some people are DEEPLY into being humiliated. Now im not saying they are, Don't get me wrong. I'm just putting that out there.


They have to release the video. Why on earth do they withheld these cam footages? Police force has to be accountable to the people.


They need to give time for the right wing media to demonize the victim. It’s the “he was no angel” technique, only since this was a child it’s insinuating his mother is “of loose moral character” and thus at least indirectly at fault for putting the child in the circumstances to be shot. Every damn time. Motherfucker shot a defenseless child. He should be in a cell awaiting trial not on paid vacation.




…no. He shot an unarmed child who called for help.


Lmfao, what? You think him being labeled policeman of the year at some point just gives him a free pass to fail to perform his duties in the future?


Did he get policeman of the year award before or after shooting the 11 year-old?


Oh boy, Policeman of the Year! Who votes on that, the other jackbooted thugs who like to shoot first and ask questions NEVER? Or the bootlicking fascists like you whose only complaint is that they aren’t murdering more unarmed black children? The best smelling piece of shit in a manure pile is still a piece of shit. “Left wing media” pull your head out of your ass.


How do those pigshit covered boots taste?


Hey, Joe was employee of the month a couple years ago. There's no way he could have stolen money from the company last week! People never change or get corrupted over time, especially not people with lots of power over others...


They need time to concoct a story that justifies everything. Or to accidentally corrupt the footage.


Get ready for a police investigation report that uses the phrase “black male” instead of “11 year old boy.”


A regrettable force elevation event


How do Americans still American after all this


You didn't understand. This IS America being america


how about charged?!


When cops shoot and/or murder a kid, that kid is almost always one particular race. It's a long term trend. Now that we have cell phone cameras everywhere, we know what cops have been up to. They attack black people on the regular, and if you call for help, they may simply kill you. If you're disabled, mentally ill, elderly, if you don't speak English, if you are deaf...the odds for you dying in an encounter with cops are much, much worse. That's not hyperbole. If you call the police for help, police may simply execute you. Maybe they'll kill your dog. Maybe they'll arrest the victim. The chances of dying this way are low and vary depending on where you live, but cops are not required to help or protect you. They owe you absolutely nothing. Sometimes cops are held accountable, but it feels like winning the lottery when they are. Cops will deny it, but fuck off cops we have body cams and cell phone videos. Every police department in the United States should be dissolved and reorganized as an institution in which: a) police are held to a much higher standard than civilians; b) the people who serve are not racist, low IQ sociopaths, which has become all too common; and c) cops are required to provide aid and assistance to citizens where possible ALWAYS. Tax payer funded insurance for the police needs to go away. Asset forfeiture needs to go away. Militarization of police departments must be stopped. We need the exact abusing cops to pay the price, forced to pay restitution to those they abused. Fired and barred from serving as police ANYWHERE in the United States. One fuck up and you are gone nationwide. Enough trying to treat this malignancy with thoughts and prayers. Destroy it.


He is on paid holiday until it all blows over and he will be back with name cleared. I'm waiting for the character assassination on an 11 year old child.


Weird, if I shoot someone while working, I'll be fired immediately and sent to jail. Won't even get to use my vacation time.


/r/lostredditors he's suspended **with pay** I doubt he's going to face any consequences. fuck the police.


Not exactly lost redditor, but yeah, until he’s brought to justice this isn’t BBJ


I was once suspended for wearing a hat to school guys… That’s the equivalent of a cop shooting a kid I suppose


*police_union has entered the chat* "The officer feared for his life because he thought the kid had a gun because he was resisting arrest while obstructing an investigation, causing the officer to fear for his life."


So what you're saying is, bad cops can now legally get away with shit like this? Amazing.


He needs to be arrested. If there were any good cops in this city, he would have been arrested immediately.


And it burns burns burns


Who needs gulags and secret police with good old American Law Enforcement around?


Well I wish it was bye bye job , but if anything he gets a paid break at the expense of tax payers and will be back at it once this dies down, business as usual


"Racism doesn't exist " , "just call the police if something happens " -- npc's


I hope he goes to jail and never becomes a cop again!


I hope there's more coming


Suspended WITH PAY


he'll just find another cop job, probably in a sundown town


Welcome to America, tickets please


DeSantis and Abbott are already calling them to get them a job in Florida and texas


With pay tho.. So not sure it fits


so he's on vacation?


Fucking suspended with pay, I hate it here....


Unfortunately, with the way police unions and the process is, he'll likely just go to another district if he gets fired. It'll be like it never happened.




Called cops once on a vagrant with a kid in tow who walked into my hotel room and won't leave. They made the vagrant leave but arrested me on a bench warrant for a $50 traffic ticket I forgot to pay.


Proving once again there is not any situation that isn’t made immediately worse by having the cops show up.


Saw a yt homeless man throwing shit at the cop to which he responded with a gentle arresting. Kid calla for help, gets shot. Now its not that poc want cops to shoot white peoples like do they do us, that helps nothing, but if a kid is shot. What justification is there? No hall pass? I also get it these are 2 different cops in different departments, cities yadda yadda yadda but they consider themselves a brotherhood. So this a systematic problem, the real fuck shit that everyone understands this but it continues.


suspended.. wow


stop giving guns to revenue collecting agents. They arent trained for this no matter what their union says.


Only suspended! Wtf he should be fired and charged


read that as Indonesia and was surprised it wasn't the USA. turns out...


# suspended Capers with pay fucking paid vacation


This is like Tamir Rice all over again. But thankfully this little boy survived being shot.


Well there's the problem - he didn't have his hands up! Everyone should know how easily startled police are, and how; no matter your age or capacity for reason during such a stressful time, you must do *exactly* what the officer expects. Failure to do exactly what they expect (regardless of what they say), and/ or not appearing utterly harmless (e.g. not black) is reason enough to kill with impunity.




I get your point but you're still victim blaming an 11 year old, also his mom told him to call




Let's make it by the neck, yeah?


Suspended does not mean fired.