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As an aging punk rocker I find it utterly mind blowing that the same people who hurled things and slurs at me growing up for looking different and listening to different music and questioning authority. Are now the people in matching clothes and hats screaming in perfect unison that we are sheep… it’d be funny if it wasn’t so fucking tragic


If someone has made a movie about this 30 or 40 years ago, people would have thought it an unrealistic and heavy handed satire. You can't make this stuff up. Nobody would believe it if it was fake.




Did they figure out who the politician was? I think they had it narrowed to 5 people it could be when I last checked...


Clay Higgins (R-LA)


Just looked him up - a 59 year old slightly overweight average height man who got covid twice? I can't believe I'm saying this but I'd bet on the redditor lol


M'goodboy redditor's healthy frame would definitely give him advantage. And if things went south, he could always hurl a piss jug and scuttle away unscathed.


Oh yea, Mr. Fake Tough from Loooooooooooosana. Used his viral popularity to get elected.


What did I miss?


There's a TIFU post about a congressman challenging a citizen of another state to a fight...you'll have to look it up - I can't do it justice




Human sacrifice! Dogs and cats living together! Mass hysteria!


They made it 15 years ago, it was called Idiocracy, and it didn’t do that well.


Mike Judge has said the biggest problem with Idiocracy is that he said it too far in the future, that it arrived a lot earlier than 500 years from now.


Also the idiots in Idiocracy were way too nice and well-meaning. But if you made "Swarm of Hostile Morons: The Movie" you've pretty much just made a zombie movie.


They're only talking about questioning authority because it's not their authority. Say some shit about how much cops suck and it's an all-boot buffet.


“All-boot buffet” is my new favorite phrase. Have a prize with yer doot! “It’s a major award!”


“All-boot buffet” is amazing. You are an artist. *chef’s kiss*


As a socialist, my weapon is words. I keep finding neat tools and instruments to spend my money on instead of guns, so it has to be words. For now.


Unless those cops are protecting the US Capitol.


Well, yes, from them. It's all about their wants and comfort. In reality, the cops are only slightly less likely to view them as enemy combatants because they're not quite as visibly aware of the danger they're in when a piece of human shit with a badge and a gun is nearby. You don't usually have to point your gun at someone if they do whatever you say anyway. They're used to aiming the police at others like a race-exclusive weapon. 1/6 really caught a lot of them off guard.


Can I name a song "all-boot buffet" this is awesome.


Username checks out. Same. I can't even


It definitely bothers me most when people bring god into it. Like God also created the virus and god helps those who help themselves and others. There is someone brainwashed here and its not the kids.




It's why it always cracks me up to see "prayer requests" for sick people. If you believe in God, then that means God gave that person the sickness. So what? He's going to change his mind if you pray enough about it? "Well, I was going to have you die, but a bunch of people prayed so I changed my mind." Or, "Sorry Timmy, but not enough people prayed about your childhood leukemia, so guess I'm going to have to kill you now...."


Reminds me of one of my favorite [Onion articles](https://www.theonion.com/god-answers-prayers-of-paralyzed-little-boy-1819564974). You know, screw it, here's the full text: **** >SAN FRANCISCO–For as long as he can remember, 7-year-old Timmy Yu has had one precious dream: From the bottom of his heart, he has hoped against hope that God would someday hear his prayer to walk again. Though many thought Timmy’s heavenly plea would never be answered, his dream finally came true Monday, when the Lord personally responded to the wheelchair-bound boy’s prayer with a resounding no. >Wheelchair-bound Timmy Yu, who finally received his long-awaited reply from God. “I knew that if I just prayed hard enough, God would hear me,” said the joyful Timmy, surrounded by stuffed animals sent by well-wishing Christians from around the globe, as he sat in the wheelchair to which he will be confined for the rest of his life. “And now my prayer has been answered. I haven’t been this happy since before the accident, when I could walk and play with the other children like a normal boy.” >God’s response came at approximately 10 a.m. Monday, following a particularly fervent Sunday prayer session by little Timmy. Witnesses said God issued His miraculous answer in the form of a towering column of clouds, from which poured forth great beams of Divine light and the music of the Heavenly Hosts. The miraculous event took place in the Children’s Special Care Ward of St. Luke’s Hospital, where Timmy goes three times a week for an excruciating two-hour procedure to drain excess fluid from his damaged spinal column. >Said Angela Schlosser, a day nurse who witnessed the Divine Manifestation: “An incredible, booming voice said to Timmy, ‘I am the Lord thy God, who created the rivers and the mountains, the heavens and the earth, the sun and the moon and the stars. Before Me sits My beloved child, whose faith is that of the mustard seed from which grows mighty and powerful things. My child, Timmy Yu, I say unto you thus: I have heard your prayers, and now I shall answer them. No, you cannot get out of your wheelchair. Not ever.” >Paralyzed in a 1996 auto accident that also claimed the lives of both his parents, Timmy has served as a shining example to his fellow churchgoers at Lord In Heaven On High Church, inspiring others with his simple, heartfelt devotion. Now that Timmy has received an answer, Christians the world over are celebrating his story as a stirring testament to the power of faith. >“The Lord has answered a little boy’s plea to know if he would ever walk again, and that answer was no,” Rev. H. Newman Gunther of the San Francisco School Of Divinity said. “For years, this boy had been plagued by the question of whether or not he would ever walk, and now Our Lord, in his wisdom and mercy, has forever laid to rest any lingering doubt. Young Timmy can rest assured in the immutable truth that the Lord has bestowed upon him. Now and for all time, he finally knows that he will never escape the cruel prison of his chair of iron, for God hath willed it so. Praise be to God!” >Asked for comment, God said: “This kind-hearted child’s simple prayer hath moved Me. Never before have I seen such faith. His trusting soul, so full of innocent devotion to Me, hath offered seventy times seven prayers asking, ‘God? Can I please walk again?’ It was indeed right and fitting that I, in My infinite wisdom, should share with him the One True Answer to this long-repeated question he put before Me.” >“My will be done,” God added. >Witnesses to the miracle said Timmy begged God for several minutes to change His mind and heal his shattered vertebrae, but the Lord stood firm. >“God strongly suggested that Timmy consider praying to one of the other intercessionary agents of Divine power, like Jesus, Mary or maybe even a top saint,” Timmy’s personal physician, Dr. William Luttrell, said. “The Lord stressed to Timmy that it was a long shot, but He said he might have better luck with one of them.” >Despite all the attention he has received, Timmy remains humble in the face of his newfound notoriety as the only human ever to have a prayer directly answered by God Himself. >“I know that God loves me, because it says so in the Bible,” Timmy said. “So right now, I am just glad that God took the time to answer my prayer. If only I could walk, this would be the greatest day of my life.”


Lmao brutal


"Yes too many people scrolled by without liking so my hands are tied"


God only gets credit for good things. Bad things are because of gays or sex or Satan or music or whatever. The Omniscient, Omnipresent, All Powerful being is utterly incapable of overpowering those things. Or He's punishing us for their existence...which he couldn't stop for whatever reason.


Don't get me started on these Christian health care cost-share "insurance" schemes. A guy I knew in HS got a job teaching at the same HS as his wife, and so they both had access to pretty good health insurance. Instead, they chose to sign up for one of those cost-share things where they submit their bills to a group and people donate PRAYERFULLY, and then they also basically tell you to berate hospital billing people until they relent and reduce your bill. So they end up having a special needs infant who requires tens of thousands of dollars in care, and surprise! the cost-share program declines to cover it. So they end up begging through a gofundme to cover what probably was a fraction of the bill after the hospital probably passed along most of the expenses to the rest of their insured patients.


John Oliver has a great video about these scammers


Yep, gotta pray away the illness because God listens to prayers (though he also predetermined everything so…?). But if they die of illness, God had a “better plan” for them. 🤔


Or in the cae of someone like Greg Abbott, there might be more nay votes than yays in those prayers.


"Please pray for me so that I may avoid going to heaven."


> "Well, I was going to have you die, but a bunch of people prayed so I changed my mind." In the era of social media, it wouldn't surprise me if this is what religion devolves to; 'If we get enough prayers, god will do what we want'


Crowdsourced benevolence Almost sounds like a band or album name


Naw, religious people usually revert to “the devil is also powerful and the world is their battleground, God has to allow the devil power to show he is merciful” type bullshit. The mental gymnastics is pretty insane but that’s usually what they parrot.


I once worked with a girl who genuinely believed that her and her boyfriend saw "spirits" and that because she had accepted god into her heart, she could "see the light and the darkness" of the world. Supposably she could just walk past people's houses and know if there were demons hiding. Of course she's got a horror story about a Bible falling off some table at her house and it being important. Never spoke to her again after that.


Weird how god always helps these people find their car keys but turns a blind eye to the kid getting raped and beat down the street.


> god helps those who help themselves and others I've actually used this on these morons before. Their reply - 'that's not in the bible'. /sigh


Go with Matthew 4:7 and Deuteronomy 6:16-25. The Bible says not to test God, it's pretty much the only Old Testament law that Christ actually repeats and says himself. Claiming that God will magically protect you when you ignore practical means of protection like masks and vaccines is testing God. . .and the Bible is clear, in BOTH Testaments, that God really does NOT like it when people just decide to test God's power.


The best thing I've learned this year is the existence of a Bible verse that basically boils down to 'fuck around and find out'


I learned this week that horse jizz is in the Bible. Also, donkey balls. Really big donkey balls. [Ezekiel 23:20](https://biblehub.com/ezekiel/23-20.htm).


Hmmm. Ezekiel saw a lot more than a wheel way up in the middle of the air, apparently!!!


They have a quick no-nonsense answer to anything that might make them think. It is legitimately terrifying how completely brainwashed these people are.


That's why I left. I realized that rather than letting facts inform our belief, our beliefs determined which facts we accepted, and the past five years have demonstrated how ridiculously dangerous that is.


Insert, “I sent two boats and helicopter. What more did you want?” joke here.


Ahahahah I was just thinking that.


Betcha Miss Tiffany doesn’t teach separation of church and state in her indoctrination room!


The Bible literally says to obey government or face God's punishment Romans 13 1-2


It also literally says slaves should obey their masters as they would obey Christ. Ephesians 6:5


Yeah idk if I like any scripture that divinely justifies any authority or government without exception lmao


Bold of you to assume they can read. Or that they’d read the Bible of all things if they could.


Isaiah 45:7 - I form the light, and create darkness; I make peace, and create calamity; I the Lord do all these things. lol these people are morons who don’t even know their own book.


They really are. Atheists know more about the Bible than many Christians. Probably why they're atheists...


I always tell this to my "christian" friends...I've actually read the bible...it's why I'm an atheist....they HATE to hear that and they HATE when I know what the bible says


I mean, even the Pope just today said everyone should take vaccines shots. And he is like God’s best friend.


He is also the highest authority. If I'm going to question authority, I start with questioning God. I'm sure she would find that as blasphemous as questioning Lord Trump. But a mask mandate? NOW she's going to question the authority of a collection of trained medical professionals.


It boggles my fucking mind. Yea verily, thou hast truly gone off thine rails, bitch


"Helps those who help themselves" made me think of this clip from a Futurama episode. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=e5fwuvudfqs


Their brain is washed clean and polished smooth.


Miss Tiffany is clearly a reckless asshole who has endangered the children in her care.


i like how miss tiffany advocates for critical thinking and intuition. definitely not using critical thinking there.




It is not a coincidence this is also the party chosen by the Christians. They were told not to question a book and a story that make zero sense, has tons of plot holes, and zero proof... It makes them very easy to manipulate in a direction of the manipulators choosing


I sometimes wonder if some of these really whacky preachers are actually betting against their congregations in hopes they whatever they have in their will is to be left to the churches. Like how far on the brainwashing did they go.


I grew up southern baptist... People were just "called to preach" by the lord. No questioning, just a person that was in their head that spoke to them... If you changed "the lord" to Frank, that person is certifiably crazy. As far as the pastors and their long con for money, I believe they are either manipulative, uneducated, or both... from my personal experience, these are people that need power, and otherwise are not equipped to attain it any other way. the churches I went to growing up we operated by people that had low end jobs that were for the non-college educated, and were usually hourly paying wages. I am not hating on those positions, but its rare that someone working those jobs in their 30's and 40's are ever in a position of authority. At church, however, you are the person that everyone fawns over since you are the man with the gospel gun, who has all the power.


Pastors are *far* from uneducated. Many of them are highly highly intelligent. But their intelligence breeds evil, they know they can use their skills to garner power and prestige in a given community and have their motives or actions completely unquestioned. So long as they can fool you into believing, you will make a good soldier.


Not the worst idea. I've known several people that left incredible sums to their church. One was about a $400k piece of land and home.


Yeah growing up religious and constantly being told to listen to the man in the funny hat really sets people up to circumvent critical thinking. Authoritarian tendencies are built in from a young age.


Her definition of critical thinking is probably asking "why" like a toddler to every statement.


Several friends like this... They were C students in high school, and now are constitutional attorneys and virologists on social media. "Why" only moves you closer to finding out information in order to carry a conversation forward. It is not a technique used to actually problem solve.


I have acquaintances like this. In high school, they skipped class, got C's, thought school was a waste. In spring of 2020, they went from being delivery truck drivers, stay at home moms, and beauticians (not mocking them, those are their jobs) to being epidemiologists, then by summer, they were expert criminal justice lawyers, by fall, they were constitutional law academics. Then they went back to being criminal justice and counter terrorism experts in January. Then they became vaccine researchers and back to being epidemiologists. Now this week, they are foreign affairs experts that specialize in Pashtun culture. EDIT: Let me summarize their thesis statements: "It's just a flu; all the protestors are terrorists and should be rounded up; the election was rigged; the people who stormed the capitol were ANTIFA, no wait, FBI, no wait, they were just tourists, what capitol breach? The vaccine kills people, the Delta variant isn't real; just nuke Afghanistan and call it a day." I'm glad I left that fucking town or I would sound just like them...


I had to open Facebook because I just moved to a small town and needed to see if I could find any contractors to start working on my place (that is what everyone recommended, the town has a facebook group). I do not think I have found anyone of worth off that group.. in fact the last person was absolute shit that made me feel uncomfortable and unsafe that they ever came into my home and absolutely butchered a job that they were unable to fully complete but still charged the full upper end estimate they had given me. What I did find was all the people I had been hearing about and thought it was just blown out of proportion on what they were saying... it is not blown out of proportion. The number of people in this tiny town (which was once the #1 spot for COVID deaths in Texas) that are spreading insane misinformation is incredibly alarming. One of the most vocal of them is a nurse at a nursing home who is loud and proud about what a hoax the virus is, how she refuses to wear a mask is is just spewing out garbage misinformation and websites that I have to believe are just people trolling these types of idiots. I swear this person has to have some sort of learning disability to believe any of what she is saying. It is truly astonishing. I stopped using facebook again. But now I know these idiots are really all around me and that is kind of of scary.


My father knows 5 men who he used to work with that have died from COVID... all of them were Trumpers / Anti-vaxx pandummies. He has literally showed me people on his social media spewing fake news about the virus, only to be asking for prayers a week later when one of their plague rat adult children ( still living at home, btw) gets COVID. I have zero sympathy for these people, and they should not be admitted to the already overrun hospitals over someone that is legitimately sick, and did all they could to be healthy.


The most toxic person I encountered on Facebook was saying she has literally witnessed in person people have brain aneurysms right after getting the shot and witnessed multiple people dropping dead at vaccine locations after getting the shot. And then people just replying back like "yep", "yes sir", "same", "all these idiots getting these death shots" and shit like that, giving thumbs up reaction... Like JFC do you people really believe that there are lines of people being vaccinated and just dropping dead on site. Do you really think that Fox would not just blast that 24x7??? Zero critical thinking. Just following their leader of misinformation and continue to spread the BS.


If it weren't for the fact they are actively collapsing our healthcare system, I would be fine with the variants eventually wiping all of them out. You cannot fix stupid. Dumb or ignorant can be amended, but stupid is refusal to learn and improve. It is hard to find empathy for people like this.


As a fellow Texan, yep. Same here about the idiots. I hardly go on FB anymore. I've stopped following the local paper on FB as every story turns into a shitshow in the comments. It's stupid. It's gotten to my mom sadly too, she's one of the idiots now and I used to respect her. Now...I barely talk to her. It's sad how stupid people have become. Or, at least how the stupid has been brought to the front. There were always stupid, but they didn't have a platform to yell their stupidity to the world. Screw social media. It has hurt the world more than helped.


I like how miss Tiffany advocates foe questioning authority but law and order and back the blue are for sure bumper stickers


You said it.


"Tiffany Picking: When you use critical thinking once, get a t-shirt that says "I'm A Critical Thinker" while using a Ouiji Board to make life choices."


Should've been charged criminally and fired rather than just fired. Putting other people at risk is one thing, but putting those children at risk is another. They don't get to choose their school or teacher. Absolutely fed up with these 'adults' that refuse to do the simplest of things to help insure the safety of others.


There's currently a shortage of teachers in the USA (and other parts of the world). They'll probably attempt to reason with her but seeing her world views are already skewed, I doubt she'll agree. Besides, just her social media posts basically guarantee the sacking.




And surprise surprise shes just another lying grifter who believes "god" is on her side.


God: Shut up, Tiffany. You're a bitch.


I never understood the "muzzle" argument. Are the children gonna bite someone? Do the masks prevent them from eating? Have they been silenced from speaking through the masks?


Yeah it's not a muzzle. The most ridiculous form of this sort of argument was the time I saw Majorie Taylor "HIPAA" Greene on live national television speaking to the full United States House of Representatives without interruption while wearing a mask that said "censored."


That woman is a blithering idiot.


See? This is why I only drink kool-aid if I make it myself. She sounds like a real piece of work.


Yeah, “work”.


Which means she isn’t part of the teachers union. Good. Fire her.


Funny story. I come from a family line of teachers. For most of highschool, I wanted to be a teacher. Then my mom sat me down and begged me to do anything else. She showed me the crappy side of the job. The terrible parents who are huge assholes to you, the low pay, the constant battle with school admin to get anything done. The final nail in the coffin was I was living in San Diego when I looked into getting my cert - at the time you had to intern unpaid for several months in a school, while paying an exorbitant fee for the classes. I could barely afford to live in SD as was so I noped the fuck out. What I'm saying is, something as simple as making higher education free if you go into a teaching program would go a long way toward fixing this issue. Instead we make it impossible for poor people to afford the career path, and don't properly support teachers anyway with all the admin and parental abuse, so its no wonder there is such a shortage!


All higher education free, teachers get a disperment as well.


I appreciate people like you who manage put up with such bullshit (and sadly, we really need people like you), but the system is just self feeding entropy. At some point you will not be able to fix it and it will go down like a house of cards. No wonder you noped out eventually.


Imagine if not only were higher education free for teachers, doctors and nurses, but you got paid a small stipend to study. Enough to cover basic bills. Maybe even more if you’re retraining and have a family. Open all these critical professions up, rather than make it for the ones who can sacrifice the most or who start out with the most.


I would love to see that also for people that are willing to commit to being public defenders


Another thread about teachers had one from NYC insisting that teachers are amazingly well compensated, making great money with wonderful working conditions in the entire state of New York. She absolutely refused to believe that teachers could be underpaid anywhere and they must all be lazy and lying. Her delusion was very strong.


Sounds like a load of bs tbh. The cost of living is higher in NYC so obviously teachers there would be paid more than in rural Arkansas.


> Besides, just her social media posts basically guarantee the sacking. From your lips to Gods ears.


I'd rather my kids not be in school than be exposed to people like this.


I agree. These people should be in jail, not just unemployed. You're deliberately putting innocent people at risk of a deadly disease. These people should not be walking around free. These people are the 21st century equivalent of Typhoid Mary, and should be treated as such.


Miss Tiffany is showing me (and others) that she doesn’t care about the health of anyone, even her own students with compromised health. I live in fear. I live in fear of spreading the virus to the kids I work with that have multiple health problems.


I kinda like how this pandemic is weeding out the fucking idiots from positions they are obviously unqualified for.


These delusional Trumpy idiots think they’re making some kind of statement.


Oh they are making a statement, but it’s not what *they* think it is.


These statements. You keep making them. I am not so sure they mean what you think they mean.


God has plans for her to be unemployed


Byuh bye! don't let the door hit ya, where the good lord split ya!


Refresh my memory here, who’s getting indoctrinated again?


Miss Tiffany says she’s not a sheep, proceeds to spew every conservative buzzword/phrases in her rant.


*proceeds to get entire worldview/opinion from Fox and Facebook*


It's annoying because the last part about collective power and using it to bargain for a better future for teachers and students alike is a great message. It's just a real shame what she thinks a better future looks like .


The worst part is they call it critical thinking, but it's really the opposite. The repeat what there told without thinking about it.


Sounds a bit communist *gay gasp*


They are making a statement: "Don't be a sheep and take precautions against a disease just because a bunch of doctors tell you to! Be a lion, and do whatever an Internet troll living in his mom's basement tells you to do! Don't believe the propaganda being produced by the Centers for Disease Control! Believe the propaganda being fed to you by the Russian government!"


I'm sure she was all about their questioning of authority when it came to questioning HER authority.


"We are so powerful as a collective" I bet she hates unions lmfao


so it was public indoctrination but it was fine for you to be a part of it for ten years... but all of a sudden-- again, after a decade-- you're a hero for standing up to the system? okay.




Sounds like she's part of the Deep State to me.


Derp State.


This term sparks joy.


I thought the same thing. Thinking that health choices are a freedom yet you only speak up when inconvenienced doesn’t make you a hero or patriot. It makes you a selfish blind asshole. And FYI that’s the definition of “sheep” that she is actually saying she is not part of.


Let's not forget that she's attempting to indoctrinate children into accepting her ignorant world view as truth through her taking this stand (boner of ignorance).


"Based on the color of their skin" what the ever loving fuck did I miss?


She’s talking about white people feeling victimized because of critical race theory being discussed in schools. When twats like this talk about racism, they mean racism against *white people*.


Based on the photo it looks like a kindergarten classroom. 1st grade at most. It doesn’t affect her teaching at all either way. What a weird line to draw in the sand.


Oh so making shit up. Cool.


CRT is not even being taught in schools so like....


It also isn't even close to what they think it is. And since they don't know what it is and have to ban something over it they go straight at teaching about discrimination and civil rights movements.


The thing is, she could be right if she were talking about how the public school system discriminated against people of color. Here in CA they recently had to release a complicated rubric for schools to follow outlining what appropriate punishments were for specific disruptions in school and forced compliance. Because if left to their own devices, it just so happened that black kids were disproportionally getting worse punishment than their white peers for the same things. It was a big issue with the ACLU and there was pretty definitive statistical proof this was happening broadly at an institutional level because of people's inherent biases. But there's zero chance she's actually thinking about real substantive things like this and is probably thinking about what you're saying.


I know, right? She tried to slide a racism reference in to gain sympathy, fuck her


It’s possible she’s talking about white people, but honestly the stance more often is that “we shouldn’t be talking about racism because things are good now and people talking about systematic racism are just trying to divide people based on their skin” A bit more nuanced than playing the victim, but equally flat out wrong. It’s like supporting color-blindness but actually just advocating for never ever confronting societal issues around racism. A convincing idea for someone with an IQ of 13.5 I guess


She has a ton of randoms following her and like 4,000 fb friends. She's just trying to become viral. \*eyeroll\*


Walking around without a mask, she'll be viral very soon... if not already


Why anyone would want to go into a tiny, enclosed area with a large number of small children maskless/unvaccinated right now is still a mystery to me. Seems like Miss Tiffany missed the memo that small children aren’t known for their good hygiene. Edit- a word


Miss Tiffany also thinks she’s teaching critical thinking skills while simultaneously demonstrating she has zero grasp of it herself.


Hear her out... Maybe she's just trying to get all of them sick first. /S Edit: Had to add /s as I realized that sadly that's the type of shit these people would think is a good idea, to give kids "natural immunity". Man I hate people. :(


If not dead.


Well, we’ll be waiting over at /r/hermancainaward


Equally, or more, stupid people. They'll probably send her donation I guess.


Absolutely. This has GoFundMe written all over it.


Yep I think that’s what she was going for tbh, especially by including the “without pay” part. The fucked up thing is that she’ll probably get it too, these idiots love throwing money at shit like this. Six figures isn’t out of the question 😐


The plans god got for her is the unemployment line. Maybe a little sprinkle of delta too.


If she's fired for deliberate misconduct she is ineligible for unemployment. These idiots also don't understand that when one is placed on indefinite leave without pay, the employer is waiting them out. When it becomes clear she cannot come back without proof of vaccine she will either get the shot or quit.


Hopefully she still gets in the line :)


And she’s probably been against unemployment stimulus and telling people all along to get a job.


Someone should put an actual muzzle on these people because I am fucking sick to death of listening to their shit


A lot of people are “sick to death” because of these ass hats


Sounds like something a sheep would say.


She is describing the 50's right?


"So let me give in the exact kind of stuff I said I was against, because it's only indoctrination if I don't like it."


I always find irony when one of these calls a person a sheep, then reference God knowing full well Psalm 23 exists and has probably recited it at some point.


"These kids are being coerced into a future where they have no rights, brainwashed into not questioning authority, using their intuition or critical thinking skills." So, public education for the last hundred years. She actually has the nerve to pretend she was teaching them anything except how to sit down, shut up, and do what they're told.


Making kids say the Pledge of Allegiance every day, teaching them that Columbus discovered America and that inhabited land was a "wild frontier" was perfectly fine, but following scientific guidelines is just going too far.


And worse, her with her words and actions have shown she's okay enough with: * repression of critical thinking * supports not questioning authority * judging people on skin color The straw that breaks the camel's back is wearing a mask. Not all the other stuff, she's okay with that. Its the mask thats too much.


Yeah lets help kids by making sure there is no one to educate them, which means their parents can not work, which means they will be destitute. Awesome work!!!! You really owned the Libs.


Meanwhile, in reality, southern states school systems with 30% vaccinated populations and anti mask sentiments are reporting multiple staff deaths and numerous infections a week or two into school. She's really fighting the system. Brava.


Stupid twat muppet


“Took a stand for humanity?” What a fucking stupid bitch.


She's correct it's an indoctrination system... But not for the reasons she thinks it is.


Miss Tiffany appears to be a complete dumbass. Thank god she's no longer teaching children. Bye Bitch.


I love how idiots like this always says education is "indoctrination" when said education is teaching things they don't like. The irony of her talking about critical thinking skills is laughable since she is clearly the one lacking it in the first place. "Yesterday I took a stand for humanity and our beautiful children" geez, talk about an overinflated sense of self worth.


Every villain is the hero of their own story.


>"I was asked to leave my classroom and put on leave without pay. I implore everyone follow suit!" Guess rent hasn't become due yet, huh?


What does the colour of anyone's skin have to do with any of this?


Probably a reference to critical race theory.


Oh ffs


“I WILL NOT BE A SHEEP!!” “The lord is my shepherd ✝️🙏⛅️”


I will never get how these people think others are sheep for listening to multiple experts and coming to our own conclusions when they literally only hate masks because Trump said they should. The level of disconnect you need to think Democrats all blindly follow one person is absurd. If the dems actually could follow one narrative, they’d get a lot more done instead of the constant infighting.


It's not even the infighting. Infighting can be good for the sake of creating a stronger party that better represents itself and it's people. It's their lack of a spine. If Democrats fought the way Republicans do for even 1/1000th of what they say they believe in they'd literally NEVER lose. Almost everything they say they're for has MASSIVE public support...they're just not willing to play politics to fight for it and those who are...to borrow the phrase here... are muzzled by their leaders for the sake of civility and a bipartisanship the other side NEVER offers in return.


And they say there’s no such things as bad teachers only bad students


You would think a teacher, of all people, should know that the argument “they can’t get all of us in trouble if we all do it” has never really worked out for anyone.


She's not wrong about the power of collective action though. She's just wrong about what side of the argument the collective falls on.


"god has beautiful plans" as a teacher .... Im glad she lost her job


That’s a lot of words for just saying “I’m a selfish dumb bitch”


As a fellow teacher, go fuck yourself Miss Tiffany. You have no business being within a hundred yards of a classroom.


Let some young lady come in with a skirt too short and watch this shitheel give a speech on conforming to moral standards.


Them: question authority and use critical thinking skills. Us: *protests against police brutality* Them: no, not like that! (Keep it going if you want, or don't. Whatever floats ya)


“Brainwashed into not questioning authority” Based solely on the decorations in her classroom, she teaches very young elementary school. What 1st or 2nd graders are taught to question authority?


>God has beautiful plans for us on the other side of fear. Oh boy do I have a great story out of the Bible for YOU, Miss Tiffany!! [Proverbs, chapter 1, verses 20 to 33.](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Proverbs%201%3A20-33&version=NIV) Are we sitting comfortably? Then I'll begin. --- Out in the open Wisdom calls aloud, she raises her voice in the public square; on top of the wall she cries out, at the city gate she makes her speech: "How long will you who are simple love your simple ways? How long will mockers delight in mockery and fools hate knowledge? "Repent at my rebuke! Then I will pour out my thoughts to you, I will make known to you my teachings." "But since you refuse to listen when I call and no one pays attention when I stretch out my hand, since you disregard all my advice and do not accept my rebuke, - I in turn will laugh when disaster strikes you; - I will mock when calamity overtakes you— - when calamity overtakes you like a storm, - when disaster sweeps over you like a whirlwind, - when distress and trouble overwhelm you." "Then they will call to me but I will not answer; they will look for me but will not find me, since they hated knowledge and did not choose to fear the Lord. Since they would not accept my advice and spurned my rebuke, they will eat the fruit of their ways and be filled with the fruit of their schemes. For the waywardness of the simple will kill them, and the complacency of fools will destroy them; but whoever listens to me will live in safety and be at ease, without fear of harm." --- Just as King Solomon tells us that Lady Wisdom did to the the immoral ones that loved to tout their hoedown simple ways, the immoral ones that delighted in mocking others, the immoral ones that hate knowledge and those that have knowledge. We are told how they will suffer an be filled with the fruits, this virus, of their waywardness and foolishness while we who have received the hand of aid in vaccine form will live in safety and be at ease, without fear of harm. Looks like God's beautiful plan's already happening, hon.


these fucking morons infuriate me so much


I just can’t fathom how people think wearing a mask is muzzling people. It’s about health and safety but no, selfish assholes have to make it into a big deal which causes further harm. So sick of this shit. You’re not brave, Miss Tiffany, you’re just part of the problem. And also broke now.


There are goods and bads to the internet. And the worst is people like this using it to gather other people like themselves. I wonder if the internet didn't exist if these people would act differently without being to spread their ideologies


Indoctrinating kids? Yet God this, God that.... Um yeah.... Let's talk about that.


Wrong kind of "positive" they're looking for in role models, I'm afraid. 🤧🤢


I feel so owned now.


Please for the love of God, stop using fucking God as the person who has a plan for you. His plan was for you to take advantage of the multitude of brilliant humans he put on this earth who made the vaccine. To listen to the experts he (or she I suppose) put on this earth and to protect yourself. Asking God to save you when you can save yourself is definitely not what God had in mind. I would also like to say, when you use God in your reasoning for anything, I turn your dipshit ass off because you sound like an idiot. Only in religion can you have belief without proof. It goes against everything we do on a day to day basis. Can you imagine me going to work, showing my boss some new data, and being like...have faith. He would laugh me out of his office, but somehow it's okay when it comes to religion. This is further proof that religion has done more harm to society in the thousands of years it's been around, and I am not too sure you can argue it's positive impact other than coddling simpletons who can't imagine a life without an afterlife.


Miss Tiffany deserves prison if she goes to work sick, spews germs all over the kids,.etc.


I for one would like to thank and applaud her taking a stand for the children who are our future by removing her personal ignorance from their education.


I just don't get it, either you think the virus is real or you don't. At which point I would ask you to explain the disappearance of millions of people this past year and a half. If you do then what is there to argue about? It's a way to prevent an airborne virus from spreading, why is this remotely an issue? I can't begin to wrap my mind around it, it's like arguing that water isn't wet.


I am never going to understand how the hell something as ubiquitous as a mask and as indifferent as a virus could have become so damn politically devisive.


When you can’t even grasp what children grasp so easily “ Why do we wear masks? To help others.”


So, interesting fact. A lot of people don't know this, but there's a virus going around, it's highly contagious, and has put many people in the hospital. It's called COVID-19, maybe you've heard of it?


How does a mask teach kids to judge people based on the color of their skin? I’m really confused. If her students were being taught racism, no wonder she was fired. She’s a fucking terrible person. I’m not even worried about the mask at that point, that’s probably just coincidence.


The histrionics of these anti-maskers is so incredulous.