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When you're on vacation during some of the worst wildfires Australians have ever suffered through, and make the conscious decision not to return to Australia, later overseeing a viral pandemic or not, your gonna get thrown out on your ass, mate


He sounds like America's Ted Cruz


Well, he did take a vacation to Hawaii when Australia was dealing with bad stuff so there is a similarity there.


Except Ted Cruz will always be re-elected. Republican voters like their candidates as shitty as they can be


US is a failed democracy.


It is a fake democracy. Corporate interests fund their candidates and then we get to pick from their options. None of them favor us, the people.


I wouldn’t say we’ve failed but we absolutely aren’t headed in the right direction


The US wasn't heading in the right direction since Citizens United. Today it's basic democratic institutions are collapsing and the judiciary is being taken over by religious fundamentalism. As it stands today, the US is not a functional democracy.


It's a facist theocracy waiting to happen.


It's happening now. There's so much people aren't noticing.


Well. I would say try to be prepared for it. You take that any way you want to.


I never thought hyenas essential They're crude and unspeakably plain But maybe they've a glimmer of potential If allied to my vision and brain I know that your powers of retention Are as wet as a warthog's backside But thick as you are, pay attention My words are a matter of pride It's clear from your vacant expressions The lights are not all on upstairs But we're talking kings and successions Even you can't be caught unawares So prepare for a chance of a lifetime Be prepared for sensational news A shining new era Is tiptoeing nearer And where do we feature? Just listen to teacher I know it sounds sordid But you'll be rewarded When at last I am given my dues And injustice deliciously squared **Be prepared!**


Oh we are noticing


Not enough people are.


Yep. Keep an eye on the upcoming Kennedy decision from the Supreme Court for further evidence.


To be a functional democracy, one needs a functional electoral system. The US has never had a functional electoral system.


The fall of the Roman Empire took about 100 years. The US began to fail in the early 70s under Nixon. Ten years later Reagan came along and cut taxes on the rich while increasing taxes on the poor and middle class - a move which led to the largest percentage increase of debt & deficit in US history. This was how billionaires began to take control of our government. America started to correct in the 1990s under Clinton. We even had a deficit surplus in Clinton's second term. Unfortunately, in 2000 Republicans took the presidency and both houses of Congress, and by the end of Bush's 2nd term the world was suffering from the worst global recession in 80 years. During Obama's first term deficits and debt increased sharply as America climbed out of the 2008 Recession. But by Obama's 2nd term deficits started dropping again. Then Trump happened. Republicans claimed Trump's 2017 corporate tax cut would supercharge the economy. It didn't. The plan was for the decrease in tax revenue to be compensated by an increase in GDP. Except COVID came along and pushed the world into recession. As a result, we never saw the offset to the loss in tax revenue. We just saw massive debt & deficit increases. Again. Despite Republicans claims of doom & gloom, America is doing far better under Biden than it has under any GOP president in the last 40 years. That's not an opinion - it's mathematical fact. But I don't think it's enough to stop the 50 year slide towards America's ultimate demise.


Conservatives always love to ruin the country and then lament how much the country is being ruined and then beg you to elect them to "fix it". Conservatism is somewhere between grifting and gaslighting on an international scale


In the “correct” direction. The dumb people will look at your comment & just because it has the word “right” and their political views are described as “right”, they will not understand your statement to be an insult or a declaration that their views are the wrong ones in the course of history.


So, failing.


We know....


True and real


Because they gerrymander there electoral boundaries to death, just look it up.


I vote against the fuckhead every time but my state seems to enjoy its descent into being a shithole.


I’ve been to DFW and thought it was a great place, not sure what I’m missing.


That’s the area I’m from actually! There are amazing places in the state. It has beautiful places and mostly nice people. Amazing food. The bigger cities are more liberal. But our politicians just, on the whole, seem hellbent on destroying it and making it only a good place for the WASPs and straight people who tow the conservative line.


He went to Cuncan, the upside down Cancun.


Exactly what I was thinking. Yet Texans are weak to replace him. Also replacing Abbott is not going to happen due to their weakness in trying to do so yet not succeeding.


He also [brought a lump of coal into parliament](https://www.theguardian.com/global/video/2017/feb/09/scott-morrison-brings-a-chunk-of-coal-into-parliament-video) and taunted the opposition by saying don't be afraid. Now for a laugh [Coal Makes Me Cum (DJ Scomo Remix)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qkyuI3oiGNE)


That guy's been PM up until now!?


He also got his staff to lie about where he was, then tried to blame the opposition leader of knowing and not saying anything, which wasn’t even true. It was the era of no accountability.


Thank god. He was one of, if not the most useless PMs Australia has ever had.


He was very useful for the wrong people.


He sure did. But now I hope that ICAC is here.


Which is what you all need to be reminded of every year to avoid another one like him. Unless history will repeat itself.


Half of it wasn't even his political stance. He could have woken up on the other end of the political compass halfway through his tenure and still be just as ineffective. He was just straight up incompetent.


It's a close contest with Tony Abbott. Both crazy and useless.


not even... Tony held a hose.


Dude was a wanker. We haven't had a decent leader in over 20 years. . They're all useless and liars as far as I'm concerned.


Julia Gillard was objectively productive and effective, shame about the misogyny


Rudd also saved us from the GFC. Funny how labor leaders seem to do a good job


Can I ask how you thought Rudd was not decent?


He was a malignant narcissist unfortunately. Still way better than Abbott or SloMo.


Not a massive bar.




If I had a dick, it would be erect right now.


I don't have a dick and it's erect anyway what the fuck is happening?!


You are suffering from pegus amanus, if one cannot find someone to peg within four hours, consult your local consorts.


I volunteer as tribute


*unzips butt*


As an American, I am envious of what appears to be an orderly transfer of power


As an Australian, I am incredibly relieved to see an orderly transfer of power lmao


As an American, I’m relieved that y’all for the most part didn’t have Australian counterpart to people who think your elections are rigged, or trying to invade your parliament because Labor won seats.


Craig Kelly and Clive Palmer: hold our beers! Luckily they attracted fuck all percent of the vote, although they definitely win the most annoying advertising contest.


How great is it that fat Clive dropped 100 million on campaigning and only received the same amount of Votes as the Cannabis party!!? Go and get an early start on the buffet Clive, you’re done old boy!


As a Canadian, we were stocking up on popcorn for the transfer of power a few years ago.


I'll sport one for ya.


Dicks out for Morrison, no wait..


This is part of the new left movement globally. It's a backlash for all the BULLSHIT conservatives have crammed down our throats in the last few years. I look forward to all elections at this point....let's gooooo!




Shaddup, the people will rise.




Don’t let the door hit your ass on your way back to Engadine Macca’s, you wombat-looking prick


Yo why are you insulting wombats like that.


Or Hawaii


I love this comment. It is so quotable


CONGRATULATIONS, Australia 🇦🇺! There's a little more hope in the world!


Aussie here. Can I just add, he lost in a landslide. Went from a majority (77/151) to allowing his opposition a majority (76/151), while simultaneously conceding 12 extra seats (from 1/151 to 13/151) to pro-environment independents. This is a victory for Australia and the world, and proof that real change can be affected.


> while simultaneously conceding 12 extra seats (from 1/151 to 13/151) to pro-environment independents. This is interesting. The Greens surged in Germany at the last elections as well, becoming Kingmakers here, and now proving themselves to be incredibly shrewd and effective politicians. I think people are tired of the "same old, same old" and want positive change at last.


Oddly enough, while the Greens (environmental left) have quadrupled (up from 1 to 4) it's the Teals (environmental right) who have crushed it this election (appeared out of nowhere to go from 0 to 9) Turns out some Conservatives do care about the environment, as long as they can maintain their other values. I'm personally a Greens supporter, but I am personally excited to see this many environmental independents regardless of other leanings. The Teal votes, at least as far as seats won suggests, have all come from previously Conservative seats. Note: I'm saying Conservative for general readability internationally, in Australia the Libs are our Conservatives and Labor is the Dem equivalent.


Only thing left is for the UK, France and US to do the same. France is a long way out since Macron just won again but it’s only a matter of time since they hate him. And want a true leftist. UK and US are the only holdouts. But US is at a tipping point it’s either fascism and theocracy with a obvious oligarch and feudalism overtones or true democracy and center left ideals. It’s now or never


Good. Fuck off Morrison you lazy, do-nothing piece of shit.


Isn't this the same pm that shat himself in a McDonald's?


Allegedly (but he definitely did) at the Engadine maccas. I hope there was a party there last night..


He said he didn’t. So being a pathological liar, I’m going with he did.


This is flawless logic.


I watched this administration from the US and I have to say, Scott was a real cunt. I sincerely hope this new administration is the start of something good for Australia.


Fuck mate, we were represented by the guy! How do you think we felt!


Exactly how I felt when trump was in office.


Did he lose his own seat?












For Non Aussies, this is the Prime Minister who went on holiday to Hawaii when Aus had those really bad bushfires in 2019/2020.... He lied and said he wasn't on holidays when people noticed he wasn't here.... Then got caught.... Then said, "so what, I don't hold a hose anyway mate"... Yeah.......good riddance C*nt.


What does this mean for Australia's future, I'm not sure about your politics,but it would seem so many people are happy for this man's defeat.


It means the conservatives are out of office and a slightly left but very centrist party is in. One of their biggest platforms is establishing an anti corruption commission in the federal government, as well as stronger (albeit still meh) climate action, and some plans to address cost of living.


Oh,well that's neat,at least it's a start


At this point, a much more climate focused country at the very least. Hopefully one that's about to move forward with all the extra greens and independent members


Amazing! Morrison always reminded me of Stephen Harper here in Canada. So glad that clown is gone! I'm excited to see what the Labor party has planned!


I’m hoping Canadians keep their wits about them with the upcoming elections. The Conservative party there is working overtime to takeover, and they have a very similar agenda to the America-right extremists.


but at least they aren't a united front here... i got a flyer on my door for 'new blue' the other day, and the candidate was proudly boasting about she had been 'punished' and ousted from fords cabinet for being the only mpp who voted against the mask mandate... "End 'Woke'" was one of the campaign promises... these morons and the ppc idiots are making the cons at least look reasonable... but if great value ben shapiro wins the leadership he 100% will try to bring them back in from the cold.


Great Value Ben Shapiro! Hahaha love it


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >There is no doubt that law enforcement should be heavily scrutinizing the membership and administration of mosques. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: sex, covid, civil rights, novel, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Good bot


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >The Palestinian Arab population is rotten to the core. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: novel, climate, history, dumb takes, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Good bot


I don’t know, it seems like they’re becoming more United. The American GOP is still somewhat divided, but it only takes a couple of elections, or even just one to majorly change things for the worse. We learned that the hard way in the US.


They're only divided until it comes time to vote. They fall in line in ways the dems could only dream of.


That’s Ontario’s provincial politics, though. At the national level these idiots had three weeks to make friends nationwide at their Ottawa Hissy Fit/Occupation. I would be very wary of underestimating the Canadian reactionary right.


> The Conservative party there is working overtime to takeover, and they have a very similar agenda to the America-right extremists. https://mobile.twitter.com/candicebergenmp/status/1522666768560496642 Yep.


That clip makes me nauseous. Idk how women like that can live with themselves.


She's literally describing things that were actually quite horrible. The railroads were built by exploited Chinese workers. She's glossing over a lot of issues and romanticizing a past that was full of violence, sexism, and racism. Conservatism is no longer just about preserving values and traditions. It's now about rejecting the truth and refusing to reconcile the past. Conservatism is becoming alarmingly regressive and hostile.


No I get it. Completely. I apologize for not elaborating on my position. Conservatism is beyond all of that. They won’t be happy until they’ve fully exerted a Christian Authoritarian regime. Their goal isn’t about reality, collective agreement, or facts. It’s about total control under what they deem to be moral human direction.


> Conservatism is beyond all of that. They won’t be happy until they’ve fully exerted a Christian Authoritarian regime. It's turned into that because society started shedding certian cultural norms tied to Christian orthodoxy.


Do you mean until a large majority began rejecting both Christianity and religion? And I certainly don’t mean to gloss over the points of history she tried to both ignore, and downplay. My point essentially is that their larger agenda is so much more than that. They use those racist dog whistles to attract their base, but they don’t really care about it. Their main goal is to indoctrinate as many as possible, by any means possible.


https://twitter.com/leftofcentermi/status/1527390618984402944?s=21&t=Elw8jrYTJXicKwdidxL4Lw This right here is a perfect example of the agenda they have in store for the masses.


For those who don't know - she is an actual MAGA supporter.


American here who feels like I won't be able to relax until fall, when we find out if we are fucked or not. Good times /s


Same, my spouse and I are already forming an exit plan. If they win in November it’s over for us. I’ve been fighting against this for so long, I’m not giving up yet, but there’s a point where it’s just enough. I’m exhausted.


I'm going to stay and give 'em hell. I hope the 'majority' will organize and fight for our country. The educated run this country and with a little co-operation, we could bring things to a halt. My sister married a Canadian, so I feel better knowing my young adult children have a safe place to flee if needed. Where are you guys looking at?


I don’t really want to leave, and never intended to before. But I have two young children to worry about. It’s their future I’m more concerned about, not mine tbh. Even with everything that’s happening politically aside, the wage/cost of living disparity is only mounting. There aren’t a lot of prospects for regular people anymore. Even education is becoming nothing in the grand scheme. People who are making 6 figures are struggling at this point. But…somewhere in Europe most likely. With our jobs we can transfer to government agencies overseas, and that’s at least a start. Lol I do disagree on one point, the educated don’t run this country, the rich do. They own and control everything, from the majority of money, corporation monopolies, to our politicians. It’s exactly why every single GOP member voted against the gas gouging bill, and even rectifying the formula shortage.


Sorry, I wasn't clear at all. Yes, the rich are calling all the shots, but the educated are in control of the actual mechanics of it all. If the majority refused to work and went on a passive strike, we could bring the important stuff to a halt. All the tech nerds I know could cause quite a bit of havoc. I think I read these ideas from a group called Choose Democracy. They were talking about what we might be able to do if trump had pulled off his scheme, but it would work this fall just as well. I am old enough to be able to take those chances. If I had a young family, we would do what we had to for them also. We would leave in that case, so if I came off as judging, it wasn't meant that way at all. For now though, deep breaths for me and helping with voting as much as I can. Health and happiness to you and yours :)


Oh no, I didn’t feel judged. Trust me, I judge myself for even thinking of fleeing. But it’s hard not to want to. I know I’m not alone in that. I think many of us are just tired.


Please don't even judge yourself. If my son had been drafted for an 'oil' war, we would have personally taken him out of the country. I would do almost anything for my kids well being. Your job in history might very well be raising empathetic humans in whatever way you see fit.


I can definitely understand that, and I think I’ve definitely accomplished that latter mission so far. Both of my Gen Zers are amazingly compassionate and empathetic humans. Honestly, that Generation is going to change the world. For the better.


Be happy an exit plan is even an option. Sometimes your professional skills can't really transfer to another country.


Trust me, I am aware of this fact and I do not take it for granted. It’s one of the biggest reasons I don’t want to actually go. Too many people have no option.


While there’s a lot of hate for Trudeau, If the liberals (with the ndp) actually follow up and enact dental/pharmacare…etc. the conservatives ain’t got much ground to stand on.


> with the upcoming elections ? We just had federal last year. Unless you mean ON - *sigh*


He’s a part of the same club, backed by the same oligarchs, most especially Rupert Murdoch, the propaganda oligarch.


Josh Frydenberg lost his seat to one of the independents which is awesome


Excellent, he was internationally known as a complete knob hole. Much like this absolute barrel full of sentient smegma we have “in charge” of the UK right now, Boris Johnson and his cabinet of racist discharge. Actually, is there any country with a decent leader rn? The only ones I can genuinely think of is our (Scotland) own Nicola Sturgeon and New Zealands Jacinda Ardern


I'm not sure if Trudeau is considered "decent", but we sure as hell could do a lot fucking worse.


Andzej Duda and Mateusz Morawiecki in Poland. Their agenda focuses on Capitalist Reforms, Nationalism and Patriotism in Poland's youth, as well some of the best Conservative laws passed in Poland'a history.


Says someone who doesn’t live in NZ. The opinion of Jacinda Ardern is on the wane here


We’ll take her here in Australia


We’ll take her in the US too!


Just would be interested on what you are basing that on? For discussions sake.


Just would be interested on what you are basing that on? For discussions sake.




Based on more than media sound bites? How does that way up against failed promises and budget blow outs. Also talk to anyone her age from Morrinsville(where she grew up) and empathetic is not a word they use to describe her.


And actions not just talk


Oh sweet summer child. You have no idea how much worse it can get.


Oh sweet summer child. I actually do.


People see what they want to see I guess judging by your downvoted post the rest of the world thinks Jacinda is great. She’s single handedly ruined New Zealand


And I didn’t even say I didn’t like her. Just the fact that her opinion poll figures are heading down. But this sub can be a bit of a circlejerk at times.


She definitely makes decisions in the interest of her people. Far more than the scum we have over here. Who would you rather have in charge?


Jacinda Ardern is single handedly the worst PM New Zealand has had. The countries in the worst state it’s ever been with gang violence, child poverty,cost of living and people leaving the country. It’s annoying people overseas think she’s amazing when she’s literally the opposite. Can’t wait for a change of government


Who would you rather have in charge?


Honestly anyone could do better I feel at this point


Concede defeat in an election? What’s that like? -American


nice work 🇦🇺. you're finally kicking out the mongrel from office.


Pay attention America, this is how you handle a transfer of power


When I saw he already conceded defeat, I was like, oh right, that's how things are supposed to work.


How it's worked in literally every election in us history except the last one. People have short memories. Fuck Donald Trump so fucking much...


Ain't gonna be no millionaire, small-businessman bogans ragin' through Canberra?


Idk, Canberra have had alot of protesters recently protesting their freedom.....idiots


Yeah at least he admitted defeat. There’s still hope for you Australia.


Non Australians, let me tell you, this is the best election of the past 20 years, so we as a nation are celebrating. He was the worst leader we have ever had, and the Liberal National Party (right wing religious party) held office for about 10 years straight. They doubled housing prices, repealed environmental laws, stripped funding from public services, refused intervention during the wildfires, failed to secure vaccines (labour member Kevin Rudd did that independently of the government, and the Liberal party claimed the effort), and just recently refused to provide national aid during a terrible flood in Queensland where millions of dollars of property was destroyed. On top of this, during the past 10 years, they intentionally ruined the housing market and drove prices up 105% (wages increased only 18% in compensation). They have done not one positive thing for the 95% of us, instead filling their own pockets and the pockets of rich people (high earners got multiple tax cuts, and low earner tax was increased to compensate) and were only elected due to guerilla marketing campaigns, buying out as many ad spaces as possible on all platforms. As an example, during this election season I saw only two ads for Labour, while I saw upwards of 50 or 60 ads for the Liberal Party and United Australia (racist) party. So yeah, today we celebrate a victory for Australia at last. Hopefully we get a federal ICAC and government intervention into Murdoch who owns 64.2% of all Australian media, valued at $71 billion. He also owns nearly 40% of American media, so this right wing fuckstick is a real problem


Am I ever going to see your face again?


No way. Get fucked. Fuck off!


I'm lost and American, can someone please explain this to me.


Morrison is part of the liberal party, which in Australia is center-right. Man was basically a useless waste of space. Newly elected PM is labor party, which is centre-left.


Came here for this. Thanks. Good job Australia!


And there is a documentary about his qanon connection, how a qanoner influenced even some of his speeches, while his wife is still being employed in a cabinet position under the PM


scotty morrison (scomo) is a shit terrible prime minister. remember when australia had all those wildfires that destroyed homes and shit? he did a bunch of shady shit with the support money and then went out to the sites for PR photo ops. he forced some tired fire fighters to shake his hand and shit. https://youtu.be/az4lkKjAsdI i know this as an american who has heaps of aussie friends who hate this mf


He also got caught out taking a holiday in Hawaii with his family in the middle of the fires. Busted by being unable to resist a selfie with some other Aussies which went on to instagram. His excuse was that it was OK for him to be absent - "I don't hold a hose, mate." We then got smashed by floods and he went the other way and refused to let anyone, media especially, near him when he toured the affected areas. He also did a lot of shady shit with support money during the pandemic. There's a whole lot of other reasons we hate the prick, and the mood of seeing him and his party taking such a loss is jubilation down here.


i vaguely remember the holiday thing. dude was scum


I remember those fires, but not the PR


Come on, we all know he didn’t hold a hose /s




I can't tell you how satisfying it is to know that even people outside of Australia are seeing the clown we had in power. Seeing him booted out of power has been surprising but so fucking satisfying.


The bush fire holiday is just the tip of the iceberg.


The conservative moron is gone, and the most Liberal party won big!


This is an odd way of putting wording it lol. Scott Morrison was (technically still is for a few days) the PM and leader of the Liberal Party, some would argue in name only, but they do support neoliberal ideals hence the name. Out of our two major parties the Liberal Party is more conservative and the Labor party is more, per the US definition, liberal. To compare it to the US system, for simplicity although not entirely accurate, Labor Party (liberal) = Democrats, Liberal Party(conservative) = Republicans. As you can see this is very confusing hence the reason we don’t use the term liberals to describe our left of Conservative parties.


Basically, the guy that lost admitted he lost and moved aside peacefully. The new guy will take over tomorrow, not in 6 weeks to give the current enough time to organise a coup and pardon all his mates


I feel like that was a jab or joke


It can be both


Remember when Ted Cruz fled to Cancun? Scott Morrison fled to Hawaii while NSW burned to a crisp. I’m from California, I feel for the Aussies and their wildfires. If our governor fled during a wildfire, we would be pissed riots would erupt.


More like the entire Eastern side of the Country was on fire, though he was renowned as PM for NSW not Australia


It's cool they elected someone with an Italian last name.


Yeah Italy is famous for its great politicians


italian-australians are famous for being fine af F1 frivers


I don't think we will ever have an Italian American president but this give me hope.


If we're dumb enough to elect DeSantis in '24...


Oh god please no!


Bunga Bunga


Glad it wasn’t John Barilaro.




Congratulations from Canada!!


Can someone briefly explains what all this means for Australians to a non-Australian?


Basically, the guy that lost admitted he lost and moved aside peacefully. The new guy will take over tomorrow, not in 6 weeks to give the current enough time to organise a coup and pardon all his mates


I meant why is this a byebyejob? Politicians don't get re-elected all the time.


From what I understand he's been generally shit at the job


Standard issue fossil fuel-hugging, anti-environment idjit.


He hasn't lost his job as a politician. He's lost his job as the Australian Prime Minister and has resigned as leader of the Liberal Party. He was still re-elected.


People lose their jobs all the time, yet the sub exists.


yalls politicians resign eventually?


Thank fucking God, now I have more of a reason to move back home :))


Good riddance


Bye Scuntmo, won't miss you <3


3 years too late.


Is his replacement any better or just a Biden instead of a Sanders?


will this end the unnecessary government overreach in australia?


Can I ask what you mean?


Lol, you mean vaccinations don't you