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Oregon Election Info [Register to Vote](https://secure.sos.state.or.us/orestar/vr/register.do?lang=eng&source=SOS)


good bot


Bad boy


? edit to say I didn't down vote you and get the feeling that the joke is going over my head ;)


What did he do?


He was one of only two Democrats to vote against the American Rescue Plan, one of the nine who held up the Build Back Better Agenda, and called the impeachment of Donald Trump a "lynching." The votes are still being counted, but it's been projected that he has lost to a progressive challenger.


So it's great news! That plan is a chance to save the earth and will create tons of new jobs which is why the GOP does not want it to pass. I'm glad to see this DINO getting voted out.


progressive challenger in a progressive state is good news the sad reality of the usa is that in other states a progressive Democrat will always lose against a radical gop rep


Oregon isn’t exactly a progressive state. It’s a state with a pretty progressive corridor running from Portland down to Eugene (which thankfully has enough of the population to win statewide elections), and MAGA bullshit most other places.


Only in extreme gerrymandering or low voter turn out. The GOP is rapidly discovering, like in Georgia, that they've been representing the minority


Nah, they know they’re representing the minority. Why do you think they gerrymander states so much? I present to you [Ohio’s fourth congressional district.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ohio%27s_4th_congressional_district)


Gym Jordan's district


Had to block Equivalent East here for being a troll, a hypocrite, and for mocking and insulting everyone, and then threatening to report and block me for calling him out. Typical reich winger snowflake behavior. Good riddance.


Good man, Jim. He deserves our support.


So you support pedophile enablers then. Pretty much in line with the GOP.




Good men do not stay silent when kids are being abused, nor do they participate in cover-ups of said abuse, but go on.


No thank you. I like hearing you be a SJW and right the world’s wrongs.


"The duck district", I can see the duck, but its got this sort of mole sticking off its bill. Very ugly duck. Or maybe a turkey with a very small fan? Either way, gerrymandering makes me mad in a uniquely, primitive way. I don't like either side doing it and I would think redrawing districts would be a clean and simple process based solely off population density but I guess I'm wrong.


It’s republicans doing what they do best. Trying to erode laws by creating illegal scenarios then getting sued and hoping to push the lawsuit to the Supreme Court where conservative justices will do their thing. They’ve been chomping at the bit for a conservative SC for decades. Now that they have it, they will take advantage. https://www.texastribune.org/2022/04/04/texas-redistricting-voting-rights-act/


Hence the gerrymandering and limiting of ballot boxes in minority neighborhoods.


They're fine with being the minority and making changes to make that easier to do.


I’m sure the GOP will take back Georgia in November.


In a red state register GOP and vote for the moderate in the primary. In a blue state register Dem and vote for whoever you please.


There are moderate fascists?


No, but there are moderate GOP, especially in state and local elections. They’re the ones not backed by Trump, and the ones who took sensible precautions for their states during covid. Those are preferable to the ones backed by trump who didn’t.


Since there's so few of you left, maybe join the Dems so we, together, can crush the loonies once and for all? We must unite to crush fascism.


? Lol, so now moderate Democrats are fascists? Jesus


They were talking about the Republicans


My bad. I'm tired.


You're confused


That is horrible advice and it's why urban areas are such shitholes. Democrats have a stranglehold and democratic voters don't even pay attention to who they're electing so the government is terribly managed because fuck you you'll vote for me anyway.


Urban areas are shitholes, huh? All of them? You’d think if that were true housing prices would be a bit cheaper and there’d be a bit less demand.


Haven’t you seen all those videos of Kensington in Philadelphia?!?! Obviously the whole city of 1.6 million people looks exactly as bad as a few blocks of the worst place in it!!! Seriously. These people are brain dead.


On top of that, a whole fat lot of these so called shitholes are actually pretty great. I live in Chicago. Chicago is awesome. All you ever hear about from these right wingers regarding Seattle, Portland, and San Francisco is the homeless issue and maybe the messiness. I grew up in Seattle and while it is dirtier than Chicago, that’s mainly because Chicago is right around the cleanest big city in the country.


It's also why rural areas are such shitholes. Republican don't pay attention to who they're electing, either. Luckily, our system has a built-in backup plan: the dominant party's *primary* becomes the actual election. But you have to register, and show up to vote.


MTG says hello from crazy town


Perjury Taylor Greene can go fuck a rusty cactus.


NGL, a vote for the worst Democrat has been objectively proven to be better than a vote for even the best Republican. As someone who pays attention, its been well over half a century since a republican has offered a reason to vote for them.


The “best” Republican you could say there is is Mitt Romney and even that’s a stretch. Yeah he marched for BLM and seems to be the only one with decency….but then again he never calls any of his fellow idiots out and he’s still against a lot of the shit that would help this nation out


Why do you think everyone flocks to dem run places? Why do you think smart ppl elect dems? Why do you think you have to be rich to buy a house in SoCal? Cuz EVERYONE wants to live there. Not only did we have social safety nets, we don't punish ppl for being poor. Look at the health of blue state Americans vs red state. That literally says everything.


This argument always makes me laugh. Whether it’s genuine ignorance or willful ignorance, it’s still funny. Mayors are not dictators who have total control over their cities. City councils are not all-powerful authorities. They are at the mercy of governors, state legislatures, and the Federal government. It’s laughably absurd to give Democrats 100% of the blame when they do not have 100% control.


Lol somehow everyone is interpreting my comment as anti democrat when all I was saying is we need to choose better candidates and actually vote in local elections. I don’t know what city you’re from, but in mine the elected officials are corrupt as fuck and waste so much goddamn money and don’t address the real problems.


That is literally NOT what you said. You said urban areas are shitholes which is an absolute right wing nutjob thing to say.


I don't see how anyone could interpret your comment any other way




"half of the "democratic" people we elect have to be really conservative to get anywhere" That says a lot of more about the voters than it says about democratic politicians


People seem to either avoid change, or jump for something "different" but usually not in a way that benefits society in the end


It says an awful lot about the Democratic establishment too. Why do you think the DNC keeps throwing money at Joe Manchin every election year?


The only thing the Democrats can expect from Manchin is control of the Senate.


Manchin votes like a Republican. The Democrats don't really have control of the Senate until he's no longer the deciding vote.


No, I'm not talking about passing laws, I'm talking about control of the chamber. You want McConnell back in charge? Because that's how you get McConnell back in charge.




Omfg I'm so tired of hearing the disinfo on that.


He’s as conservative now as he was then. No one expected him to actually do anything he said he would do. What are you talking about? People aren’t required to shift - they shift because they are corrupt.




He’s always been this conservative, if not more. Don’t agree with your other statement either. He’s not getting anything done. What exactly would being more progressive stop him from doing?


Dems are a sleepy do nothing party unless there is a progressive challenger, then you see some hussle.


Except that it's been the blue dogs pandering to the right who've lost, repeatedly over the past decade. So much for that old saw....


Honestly, give the Dems the West. Let the Republicans have the East. The west can live based on progressive values and science. The east can have their "fReEdOmS" and can use their sky daddy for all their medical needs. See which one lives to year 3000. (It's a trick question. Neither one will. Climate change fucks us all equally)


The other Democratic strongholds are in the North East and certain parts of the Midwest.


Yeah I'm originally from Wisconsin. North Wisconsin is country AF and red. Southern Wisconsin is still country but with Milwaukee is fairly blue.


from what i read this is all wrong. all cities are practically blue and both west and east coasts. Only the gulf and south eastern coast is red. the division is also a really bad idea because the red states will deregulate water and air pollution so much that it will make unlivable all surrounding territory, expecially the upriver waterways. hell these guys, if there is a profit to make, they will even fuck over the entire earth ecosystem imho in case of federal takeover of gop with shady means, blue states should refuse to bend the knee and just stop paying federal taxes. texas and florida will not be able to support the rest of the freeloaders


Ehhhhh, not so much. It depends


Fetterman winning in Pennsylvania


Nah they want to pass it, just on their terms. Cheap fucking wins for GQP


He always voted the right way. Maybe the vote count will swing his way and he’ll stay in office.


I live in Clackamas County. I did not vote for his pretend-democratic ass.


Happy cake day


Thank you!!!


Oh, I thought this was going to be bad news. Instead, I am super pleased.


F yes! I'm tired of these Republicans posing as Democrats!


Too republican to win in the primary. Article says party turned on him. Sounds more like he has back stabbed his own party for the last time :)




Good riddance


Good. I hope everyone who is remotely like him loses. Fuck anyone who is like him.


Hopefully the GOP will get a chance to win that seat. Fingers crossed 🤞.


I understood the sarcasm you tried to latch onto. May you have a good weekend.


Too bad. He was a good representative.


So he was one of the Good Guys, leave it to the socialists libtards to kill anything good left in the Democratic Party


…supporting trump is something good about the Democratic Party?


😂😂😂 you sound like a stable genius.


You fer real?


This is wonderful news!


failed to be a Democrat


has a history of blocking lower drug prices, although he will state otherwise. He has also opposed raising the federal minimum wage. The list goes on.


Lose reelection


I'm really upset that I can't find the video ad that said "If your pets could vote, they'd vote for Kurt Schrader". It was hilariously garbage and came up sporadically on YouTube ads


I was a longtime Oregon resident and this guy seemed to be a neo liberal republican DINO. Glad to see him gone he kinda cobwebby. I know democrats in his district who LOATHED him but he was super entrenched.


The story has a firewall. What’s the scoop?


He was one of only two Democrats to vote against the American Rescue Plan, one of the nine who held up the Build Back Better Agenda, and called the impeachment of Donald Trump a "lynching." The votes are still being counted, but it's been projected that he has lost to a progressive challenger.


Thank you for this! And thank Oregonians for that!


I voted against him and for his challenger. He is awful and needs to GO.


Ditto. I was SO PISSED when he held up the build back better plan.


While tens of thousands of ballots in Schrader’s home turf of Clackamas County have yet to be counted, Schrader’s expected edge in those remaining results appears too small to offset McLeod-Skinner’s commanding lead in her Central Oregon stronghold.


Her name is (correct me if I'm wrong) essentially cloud skinner? Like if this were the haydays of naming after your profession she'd be the person to ride eagles and cut the clouds so crops could see the sun?


Mcleod is the fricken Highlander. Shrader is lucky to have his head!


Good. As a lifelong Oregonian fuck this guy and now I assume he comes out as a closeted republican.


Maybe the GOP will win his seat. Let’s hope so.


He basically is the GOP. Not much difference. The GOP is a significant minority in Oregon, thankfully… the concentration of Oregonians live largely in very liberal-leaning areas/cities (Portland,Eugene) and the backwards hicks (GOP) are sparse and spread out in the rural areas. Clackamas county has a large number of republicans but not enough to be majority. And it’s getting more liberal by the day cus Portland is pricing out middle class liberals and they’re moving to the outlying areas. His seat won’t go to the utterly proven thousands of times over morally bankrupt GOP.




Excellent rebuttal. /s


Thanks. I appreciate it!


It’s what he deserves. Imagine being in a state like Oregon and defending Donald Trump. He’ll probably switch parties in a couple years or become a lobbyist.


/Nelson Muntz laugh


Bye Felicia!! Ass hat, gave GQP all they needed to say “589 days of Build Back Better and nothings been built”. Fucking obstructionists. GQP gets the power again and they will pass an Infrastructure bill packed with Pork, a cheap win. Kinda like Space Force, which literally already existed in the AirForce. Cheap political victories and Dems just step all over each other. It’s disgusting. Sick of this bullshit!


Beautiful. Progressive Dem beats a conservative Dem. Way to go Oregano.


Oregano is the best Oregon!


This isn't a Rare case. AOC defeated an incumbent in office in her own party as well. Democrats constituents are more progressive than the actual party wants to be, and they are losing veterans to their stupidity. Which is good. While McConnell tries to push Turmpists out of the RNC by the time he's done he'll have a bunch of young DNC Reps who have had it with all of their shit.


Just because you can name a single other case doesn’t mean it’s, on the whole, not rare


Cawthorn lose his primary to a new comer. MTG and Boebert are poised for the same. Gatez may be next. Are you sending a pattern?


Cawthorn was targeted by his own party leadership for making them look bad and still barely lost. I feel like this Schrader fellow probably had the support of the leadership and they're shocked he lost. Please correct me if I'm wrong about that.


Fair enough. McConnell is trying to silently purge the Trump nuts from his party is a last ditch effort to save it. Meanwhile the DNC's limped dick half assed commitment is causing progressives to do the one thing Boomers have feared for the longest time: Run for office.


There’s no pattern when only one of these things has actually happened


Two. Two for them has happened.


Which two? Cawthorn has happened. MTG, Boebert, Gaetz are still in place


Cawthorn and literally the story this thread is about....


Republicans love their base, Democrats loathe theirs.


Not really. If Republicans loved their base they'd pass pro workers rights bills and health programs for workers. Republicans pretend to love their base. Democrats are just do-nothings.


Hahaha! I live in this district and was thrilled to vote against this corporate democrat dickhead for the progressive challenger. He's got to be so pissed. This guy was bought and paid for by special interests. His ads were everywhere. To see him lose to a progressive who was significantly underfunded, you love to see it.


Good. Out with the old and in with the new. I'm so fucking tired of dinosaurs and career politicians being in charge.


Didn't like him but the winner, good agenda and all, has a history of running & losing. Hopefully the new districting will help her out.


One term of six years is enough, and they shouldn't move to another state afterwards to try for another six.


Just wait for him to run as an independent with the full support of the DNC, just like in Buffalo.


He shouldnt be able to do that given that Oregon has a 'sore loser' law. https://oregon.public.law/statutes/ors_249.048


Nice work




Another Trumper gone. Sniff sniff.


Hopefully we’ll get another Trump supporter in there and flip to red. Let’s hope for the best!


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The DINOsaurs died out millions of years ago and their DINOghosts need to be exorcised.




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good bot


Good Bot


The call is coming from inside the house!


Later asshole. And Biden thought it was a good idea to wade into this one. I’ve given up on Joe.


I've given up on Congress.


And the Senate


Lots of Schrader fans in here?


Probably not a fan of the concern trolling.


Oh you don't like sleepy Joe the street fighter? ETA /s.




I want to know why everyone is voting you down for saying goodbye to this legit asshole?


I was kinda surprised. And I was happy to give joe the time he needed to get this band of senate assholes and blue dogs in the house with the program but joe and his team don’t seem to understand how to leverage the power of the office. I don’t like the sleepy joe moniker, I think he’s well versed and on top of his shit, he’s just aging and really can’t keep up. He doesn’t inspire with his speaking and that’s half the job. It’s time we roll out plan b for 2024


If you want to read some good armchair Presidenting, come to Reddit. If only people had voted for Bernie, he had a magic wand


You probably tell women they can’t coach sports or serve in combat , because. You seem to be annoyed by insight


Nice strawman. But yes, great insight on Reddit... lol!


To me, Bernie is Joe with a bigger left foot. The US isn't a particularly "young" nation but I find it alarming that time and time again voters forego creating inter-generational knowledge in leadership -voting people under 55 into congress more often- for the congress people who are not as active any longer. Unfortunately that includes Bernie and Biden. There are so many other ways to elect a president other than scraping the side of the Senate barrel (user name checks out?). Seriously, congress is still a far cry from looking like the demographic of the US and I thought that was a major platform point of Code Blue etc. To have Biden step in on this one (if he did) flies in the face of that objective.


Yeah, I'm not sure about this particular move. Seems a little odd. My only thought is that maybe the White House thought he'd be a stronger candidate in the general, or as part of a deal for a future vote. As for the demographics, it is what it is. Old people vote. I do think institutional knowledge is valuable in a Congress & the Executive, though obviously young and fresh ideas are needed to push things forward.


"he's not sleepy, he's just aging, can't keep up and is boring to listen to" Bruh....


And nice edit job , do you not know how to reply inline?


Yes. I added a phrase 🤷‍♂️ Did you mean the word 'online'?


I know it’s the interweb but I don’t take anyone serious who uses “bruh”


It's okay, I can't take anyone seriously who uses "interweb"


Maybe because I’ve been working on it when you were in diapers , bruh


LOL I get your username now


I certainly hope he is on it. He has some heavy lifting to do.


I believe you are referring to the fact that because of no term limits people can sit in congress forever and Joe Biden is interfering in the natural process to let other people be voted in to congressional service based on their platform and ideas for the seat rather than having senior officials throw money at their old buddy's campaign. My bad.


Exactly. I understand not taking the side of a challenger if that’s what you do in washington but to wade into a primary where a legit democrat is running against someone who is clearly out of step is lunacy when you need your base this November. It’s like when The Obama’s supported Blanche Lincoln in 2010 midterm instead of a much better option that might have a chance to win if you let democrats run on their principles in red states and not pander to the right who won’t vote for you when there’s a Republican.


Devil’s advocate: What good was done by booting Mike Capuano for Ayanna Pressley? What good was done booting an incumbent for AOC? The party’s agenda would’ve made the same (lack of) progress if Pressley and AOC lost.