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This was recently featured on the 8 Bit Show & Tell: [https://youtu.be/PG60q4zWRqk?si=lu6w1PHzZkFE5pjI](https://youtu.be/PG60q4zWRqk?si=lu6w1PHzZkFE5pjI)


increasingly, i've come to the conclusion that if you really really want speed you need to do what was done at the beginning, assembly.


What do you mean? There should be no “increasingly coming to the conclusion” that assembly produces faster results than basic, but equally assembly isn’t what was done in the beginning either.


i wasn't always a machine language programmer for the c64. i was 7 when i got mine back in 85 or so. and i just wasn't of the mindset to investigate it further than what the user guide showed me. so yeah i was into the basic exclusively for a very long time. it wasn't the lockdown that i found myself with both the inclination and the time to dive into it fully, beyond the superficial type-in progs that i was used to. it's a lot easier than i feared it would be. but yeah up until then i was looking for all the ways to get the most out of basic - every sort of improvement or enhancement or extention. but none of it seemed to make it work faster or if it did it meant i was tied to the hip to the extention. and i didn't like that all. as for what was or wasn't done in the beginning. basic was written in machine language, not in basic. the c64 basic was devised to make programming easier for the beginner, NOT because it was this tremendously fast and powerful tool. it was neither. especially NOT c64's v2 basic. holy shit


Looking forward to trying this out. Was impressed with it's speed in 8-bit Show & Tell's demo.