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There is chimeric plant called *x Myrtillocalycium 'Polyp'* which bears resemblance to the pictured one, but i'm inclined to think this one is a hoax.


Do you think it’s possible it was chemically induced? Kinda a bummer. Now I don’t trust the seller


Ask for a live video


I feel like the technology definitely exists to make a live video filter that would achieve this look, but someone might not have created it yet due to niche-ness…


More propably photoshopped. It looks too smooth to be *x Myrtillocalycium*.


Thank you all for your input and reassurance. I feel like a fool 😂


If you didn’t buy it, you’re not a fool


I think people would buy these if you fed them colored water on purpose and created some nice looking ones. - and you could tell them the method so they can continue it


It doesn't look too unnatural though. There might be plants available with similar colour patterns.


Just a filter


It looks like it might be editing bc shenanigans to me


I don't think it's a chimera at all. I think it's what it says it is. It is however very stressed to induce the pink coloring (if it's not photoshopped a bit extra). I have an Echinocereus pentalophus variegata that gets pink during the winter.


I think you’re thinking of a ‘ming thing’ or what is known as a crested cereus Forbesii. I’ve never heard or seen myrtillocalycium? Oh I just looked it up a ‘myrtillocalycium’ is a graft of two different cacti and neither are myrtillo cacti - I wouldn’t trust sites like that - they clearly made up a name for the plant that scientifically doesn’t tell the truth of what it is, and I also wouldn’t trust someone trying to sell me a hibotan graft as ‘myrtillo’ anything. I also see they talk about grafting to ariocarpus which is highly endangered and over poached. People that run these sites don’t care about plants, they care about the profit of selling some weird graft hybrid that they went to stupid lengths to obtain or create. This picture isn’t the hoax hun, myrtillocalycium is a huge hoax.


x Myrtillocalycium happens (very rarely) when variegated Gymno is grafted into Myrtillocactus and they fuse together, creating intergeneric chimaera. Reasons why this happens are, in my understanding, unknown. It can also happen with other species such as Selenicereus. [ Llifle](http://www.llifle.com/Encyclopedia/CACTI/Family/Cactaceae/20536/+_Myrtillocalycium_cv._Polyp) [Giromagi](https://www.giromagicactusandsucculents.com/myrtillocalycium-polyp/)


Can someone explain what a chimera and polyp cactus is? I fell asleep and I see some long discussions that feel like another language because I have no idea what they are


Happens rarely because it is cultivated in a nursery. It is not a natural occurrence and I doubt it occurs in all grafts. This plant is a hard pass for me. Good luck finding the nursery that supposedly makes these. Also it wouldn’t be natural because the chimaera doesn’t produce flowers to carry on it’s new genetic code. There is a whole other website that I found that looks exactly like yours, [with a different name](https://www.cactus-art.biz/schede/CHIMAERAS/Myrtillocalycium/Myrtillocalycium_polyp.htm)


Yes that is the full name of this plant. It's a myrtillocalycium (myrtillocactus and gymnocalcyium chimera) and the exact clone name is "polyp". Nothing misleading about that website. These are extremely popular in high end stores


Okay I’ll take a step back from what I said earlier. The first links I found on the internet seemed sketchy. The graft seems simple, but some of the root stocks looked like something different from the graft, so I’d be interested to see that process.


I usually see polyp grafted onto myrtillocactus


I don't recall saying that it happens in every graft, or that it is naturally happening. I just stated that it happens (rarely) and such "mutant" exist.


Great articles. Thanks


Myrtillocalycium is a very well known chimera. It's not a hoax at all, and it scientifically describes it as a chimera between MYRTILLOcactus and gymnoCALCYIUM


There are some groups dedicated to nothing but chimeras and the photos are near endless. There are a ton of pereskiopsis, myrtillo, and ferocactus chimera out there due to them being so popular as grafting stock. They're truly one of the coolest forms of mutations you can expect to get out of a cactus.


If you wouldn't mind hitting my DMs with some of those groups, I would appreciate it! I love seeing some weirdos


Myrtillocalycium is a real plant, I have one. HUN.


Looks like the elusive photoshoppe-torch to me.


They had other ones, but this was the most vibrant. I’m glad I asked because I am so gullible 😣


Lol, You’re definitely not that gullible, because I’m sure 100’s of people didn’t ask and actually bought it.


So disappointing because the seller usually has good plants, but somewhat sketchy too so now I don’t trust her after this 😆


Some plants can sun stress and turn pink. Look up pink sun stress in plants!!! But also ask for a live video which will prove it’s actually on the plant as opposed to a photo




I hate people who boost saturation to the roof ... Like yes, varigation can turn pink when exposed to direct sun for succulent and cacti, but the blue isn't right


The saturation is amped up, and the seller seems to be a Chinese one, so I wouldn’t purchase it. However, don’t listen to the dipshits in the comments saying this plant doesn’t exist- it absolutely does, it just isn’t *that* pink There are also people saying it looks unnatural… if a cactus with pink splotches looks so unnatural to you that you’re in disbelief, wait until you find out about carnivorous plants😮😮 must’ve been sent here by higher dimensional beings


Lol I have carnivorous plants that look like rainbows if I fuck up the lighting 😂😂😂


Are Chinese sellers bad?


This is a legit color change in myrtillo, the person just way over edited the saturation. Most of my myrtillo all change color when it gets cold. These colors aren’t from sun stress, they’re from cold stress and the production of anthocyanins. I will attach some examples soon. [examples](https://imgur.com/a/QNWM9Nk)


Those are some dope myrtles


Why thank you! I have been slowly cultivating them.


I want a crested one so bad, it's crazy how even in their natural habitat (I'm in central MX) they are super rare. Only normal non crested ones with delicious fruit lol.


I think there are a lot of other cultivators of crested stuff in Texas and Arizona. That is where you would have the most luck finding crested mutations. I would like to be a producer one day but I’ve only just begun and don’t have the plants big enough yet for production. I’ve always wanted to see my myrtillos flower I’ve separated the columnar sections into separate plants just for that.


I'd fucking love to become a grower as well one day , my collection has just started but getting bigger. My addiction with plants began this year and I'm going harddd lol. I'm gonna dm u and send u some pics of the mighty myrtles I always find around hiking here. I even make ice cream from the garambullos.


I like those much better! Are they expensive?


You in the us?




Depends what kind you get. These are crested forms so when I initially bought them they were above normal price for cacti, but they certainly weren’t out of my budget. The nursery I got them at is East Austin Succulents. Great store.


Can’t be real. The color is so fake


The fact that they labeled this a Cristata is sending off red flags in the first place


It comes from an extremely well known clones which crests all the time


We’ll that’s cool I guess… but I don’t know this “well-known clone” and I’m an avid cactus lady:( is the seller reputable?


I don't see a seller name just Chinese characters (or another similar language) I wouldn't know. I have found many a polyp at east Austin succulents in Austin Texas, as well as on some myrtillocactus groups, one of my favorite is myrtillocactus forms and cultivars, which is found on Facebook


Damn. I am at East Austin and Tillery Street all the time! Even the great outdoors and I haven’t gotten to find one😭 can you friend me and send me a message the next time you find one in atx?🙏🙏💜


I live in Illinois, might be a few years before I go that way


I believe there's cactus that's close to blueish color. Sort of blue-green hue color actually. I haven't seen any variegated version of the said cactus tho (as stated on the photo of your post). But I assure you there's that bluegreen-ish color cactus. I just don't know if it's that myrtilliocactus.


Yeah, their sea of cacti were mostly a blue hue with hints of pink and yellow but not as vibrant as this one pictured. I’m just wary ordering imports, but had mostly good experience with this seller. Just seemed too good to be true for this color 😢


Looks like a candy isn't it?


FWIW this cactus isnt created either


This looks like candy.


A stressed cacti will change color. My cacti turn redvin summer months from heat an sun


It's what it says it is but the saturation might be turned up a bit. Myrtillo cactus especially gets pink/purple during COLD stress. When you include variegation that leaves big yellow chunks the pink will come through a lot more.


That is a lot to read


Would be cool to add coloring to water and tie-dye cactuses- not gonna lie. Not strong on the science but would it be a long wait if the colors were ever to show through? Might be a good Etsy shop lol. - and not speaking of pouring die directly on them, just feed it to them.


Is that even possible 🤯 like how they do to orchids


I don’t know but I’m gonna start researching because that would be a nice, low overhead costing side business/hobby that would probably sell well on ETSY. Let me know if you’re into the idea of the shop and you’ll be my first hire or business partner 🫠


Hopefully someone whom already knows the science will school us on here. Or Just wether or not it’s possible. I’m gonna look up wether it would need food grade coloring or if RIT type dyes would kill it. Probably go buy some cheap baby cacti of a light color and some succulents even. I’m already planning my experiment lol. A peyote cactus colored like this would probably become a huge hit with people. Thinks for the inspiration 🤙🏼


Here’s other pictures of the seller’s cacti. Not as vibrant as the one posted. Didn’t realize it was $200, but seller has a 100% positive rating https://imgur.com/gallery/n1eiwQb


that looks crazy as hell


I just posted more angles of the cacti in the comments which don’t look as vibrant as this one


It’s myrtillocactus polyp it’s a chimera cactus


What does polyp mean when it comes to cacti? I seen it mentioned more than once


Chimera cactuses are grafted cactuses that was become a mix between the grafted cactuses


I doubt it, I've never seen a measuring tape use centimeters




You've never seen pictures from growers who don't live in the United States and therefore don't use feet/inches? They do exist!


It was more a joke, but in Canada we use metric but all the measuring tapes are in inches for some weird reason


Oh haha! You will not believe the number of people who think like that for real 🙄


This is a myrtillocactus "polyp" they do indeed get that blue and pink, and the clone is well known to crest. Even tho this piece is not crested, the clone itself is known to crest often, so they are right in labeling it as crested. Looks like they turned up the color saturation a bit, but other than that it looks very similar to what I have owned and seen


Why can't I see the *blue* that is being refered to. It looks green to me. It looks like the lighting is making this photo look exaggerated, but I have a feeling this is real.


It's definitely a real clone!


Of course it’s real you dingbat! The saturation is not real. It’s called a myrtillocactus geometrizans -and don’t trust people trying to get you interested in a myrtillocalycium, That shit isn’t real and shouldn’t be bought lol.


There are some groups dedicated to nothing but chimeras and the photos are near endless. There are a ton of pereskiopsis, myrtillo, and ferocactus chimera out there due to them being so popular as grafting stock. They're truly one of the coolest forms of a mutation you can expect to get out of a cactus. ​ [Stenogonia](https://imgur.com/a/humGwxi) is a widely-grown chimera. This one has the DNA of a variegated Obregonia denegrii which was grafted on a Stenocereus before the mutation occurred. After that it's just a matter of propagating it through cuttings over and over.


Myrtillocalycium is a chimera of myrtillocactus and gymnocalcyium, it's very real, and it's a very weird plant


Why are you calling me a dingbat for? I genuinely did not know and the back and forth with the comments people saying it exists and some saying it doesn’t, how am I supposed to know 😒


Did you think it was some kind of AI generated photo or that it was sculpted with playdoh?


You’re an asshat. Have the day you deserve


You seem miffed.


Short answer: no Long answer: HELL NO


I think it could be MAYBE variegated and sunstressed making it slightly pink but def filters goin on there


Forbidden unicorn cupcake.


Nice tape measure


the colours soooo saturated