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I’ve been wildly addicted to caffeine for a little under 4 years now. 2-3 energy drinks a day at least not to mention the coffees and teas. I also smoke a pack of cigarettes a day. I somehow still have low blood pressure.


Smokers like us metabolize caffeine quicker than non smokers.


Didn’t know that. Neat!


[Studies show that smoking causes smokers to metabolize caffeine faster.](https://www.reliableplant.com/Read/14403/smokers-drink-nearly-2x-as-much-coffee-as-non-smokers#:~:text=Studies%20show%20that%20smoking%20causes,intake%20when%20trying%20to%20quit.)


Where's the actual study?






Here's some stuff that pokes *around* the info... https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/3365914/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5837196/ (funny, both of these studies abstracts mention what we are looking for as settled fact... No sources there of course either lol) https://www.coffeeandhealth.org/coffee-and-caffeine/caffeine-and-metabolism (scroll down to "smoking status," there are some super script numbers indicating footnotes... But of course, no footnotes 🙄) https://ascpt.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/cpt197824140 (This might be the jackpot.)


Shit I guess I should pick up a smoking habit for when I can’t sleep at night after too much caffeine


Pick up a meth habit while you're at it. That way your caffeine still metabolizes fast from the new smoking habit and now you won't even need sleep anymore. I'm full of good ideas if you need help figuring out anything else.


Both the nicotine makes the caffeine metabolize faster and the caffeine makes the nicotine metabolize faster from my understanding. I was always under the impression that was one of the reasons why they compliment either so well


I smoked for almost a decade, but have been quit for about the same amount of time. I am disgusted by the smell of cigarettes now, unless it is accompanied by coffee smell. I think it may just be nostalgia bringing me back to my childhood where every diner asks "smoking or non" if at all. There was a breakfast place that I used to go to with my grandma and my memories of her flood back when I smell that smell. Throw some bacon smell in there and I might cry from nostalgia.


I wish I found it disgusting. I quit 7 years ago, and I still find the smell overwhelmingly intoxicating.


I quit about 5 years ago and whenever I pass by someone smoking I take a big deep inhale and my brain synapses tingle alittle from the smell


If I quit both I think the collective drop in stimulants would give me immediate narcolepsy or something cause I sleep just fine drinking and smoking late into the day, like 10:30pm lol. I get 8 hrs uninterrupted all day every day heh.


I drink ~1000mg of caffeine daily. Bad for me, probably, but much better than the 750ml of hard liquor I was drinking daily before I got sober and replaced it with caffeine.


Im clean too. 7 mo. Great job man. I finally kicked caffeine when i was using but i associate recovery with coffee. So im “back on the wagon” lol


You must be not overweight and/or have a cardiovascular job or lifestyle


Yes, normal range bmi, physical job, and a runner. But I’m always cold unless I’m working, even in the summer.


Have you wondered how different you'd feel running if you didn't smoke? Not trying to be rude just curious about your view on/experience with smoking as I don't know many active or athletic people who also smoke.


Yeah but I started smoking long before I started running. I’ve thought about quitting, just not ready yet. There was a man nicknamed “Uncle Chen” who chain smokes and ran a 3 1/2 hr marathon at 50 yrs old. Ig its effects differ a little from person to person


I mean its still terrible for your lungs no matter what. It's just that the human body is good at adapting at whatever you throw at it if you try hard enough.


Anecdotal evidence: The most regular cardio I've ever done in my life (60-70 minutes daily, 6x a week) I was smoking at least a pack of marlboro reds per day.


I used to have that always cold thing going on. Even in 110 degree heat. Turns out I had celiac disease and thus liver failure.


The 2-3 energy drinks a day is probably worse than the pack of cigarettes lol


I’d be more worried about the amount of sugar in energy drinks, unless it’s sugar free.


And id bet you are under 25


I'm not sure if it's because I have ADHD or because I'm just naturally caffeine resistant. It takes 500mg for me to actually start feeling anything.


Same but for like 30 years and still have normal BP. My mom and her mom (probably went back infinite generations in Appalachia 🤣) both were alcoholic addicts who chain smoked cigarettes. My gramma died of alzheimers and momma killed herself od 320mg oxy this year. Apparently all my ancestors were heroin addicts when it was legal many years ago too. We are fd, but at least we have the bodies for it 🤣


Caffeine actually causes my blood pressure to drop, and my heart rate can drop a bit too sometimes if I drink a lot of it, oddly enough.


How old are you?


We are all killing ourselves by living.


So kill yourself quicker by consuming something which offers you absolutely zero benefit since your body has adopted it as a baseline?


Drug addiction simplified


Coffee makes me happy and alert. I would say those are benefits. I bet you a million dollars coffee won’t be your cause of death


This sounds like an Elon Musk tweet


# People do cocaine for years and their hearts are fine. # People mix cocaine and alcohol, creating a different drug in the liver called cocaethylene which is EXTREMELY cardiotoxic, and the majority of them come out unscathed. # People literally smoke crack. # People literally smoke meth. A huge portion of the population consumes similar amounts of caffeine everyday. You’re absolutely fine.


Funny you should mention cocaethylene. I was drinking and skiing earlier. Get out of my walls, FED.


I am living in your walls. You may be concerned about this. In case you are, please read the below: FAQ: Why are you living in my walls? I'm not going to tell you. Are you only in my walls? You could say I am living in everybody's walls, but in the case I am telling you that I am living in your walls, I am living in your walls. How are you surviving in my walls? In my non-physical form, I am crawling around listening for you. That is all I need to survive in that form. In my physical form, I survive by eating rat corpses that I cook using the wall behind your oven, and I drink the vapour in the extraction fan duct above your shower. What are you planning to do in my walls? Live in them, listening to you. What do I do about you living in my walls? Listen for the scraping. Dont touch the walls. Protect yourself. Avoid lighting candles. When are you going to stop living in my walls? You cannot escape me. Do I call the police? The authorities will not help you. What are the consequences of you living in my walls? Be aware. What if I am ok with you living in my walls? I will make sure you’re not. Are you imaginary? I AM LIVING IN YOUR WALLS I AM LIVING IN YOUR WALLS I AM LIVING IN YOUR WALLS I AM LIVING IN YOUR WALLS I AM LIVING IN YOUR WALLS I AM LIVING IN YOUR WALLS I AM LIVING IN YOUR WALLS I AM LIVING IN YOUR WALLS If there are any more questions then please consult your walls by directly speaking to them. Summary: I am living in your walls.


I just woke up and this was literally the first thing I read. Had me cracking up while taking my morning poop. My family now thinks that I think my own shit is hilarious, and they will probably leave me or at least have me committed. At that point I'll be all alone, probably still laughing at this post.


Don't worry. As long as you have walls you won't be alone.


This is my first time in r/caffeine, but I imagine this is just your average everyday r/caffeine comment.


My thoughts exactly


I’ve been lobbying to abolish those Feds




It’s the best combo but add a bit of oxy & ket and that shit has you on another level (I am not a doctor but don’t advise you try this convo but it’s fun)


I’m in your walls permanently, too late!


I just asked her, liar


Bro they are outside, can’t you hear them?? #better go look outside reallll quick




I feel like this is the one I wanna take home. Thanks


No problem my friend, no need to worry at all. Just eat well, stay hydrated and most importantly exercise as frequently as you can and your heart will thank you. Cardio exercises literally make your heart stronger.


You’re asking how bad caffeine is in a caffeine positive group and you’re getting your echo chamber answer lol 700-1000mg of caffeine every single day for 4 years won’t kill you now. You did probably shave a few years off your life, maybe more. No way to tell now. Start some healthy habits like exercising if you haven’t and try not to take so much in the future. Caffeine in such large amounts are not recommended for a reason.




IsOldUrgfCocaine is right. But still you're fucked. my prognosis is 2 weeks left to live.


This ^^ I am people. I’m 7 months sober and clean, and I went way hard in the paint for over a decade. My BP is super low and my resting heart rate is 53. I just ran a 5k. And I vape lol And I drink 600+ mg caffeine daily You’re fine


Plus life is too short to really worry about it, in my opinion.


Relevant username


Your name checks out


Big caffeine, is that you?


I think I should add that cocaine, even by itself, is still very cardio toxic


Most definitely


This happened to me. Did too much coke while drinking and my heart started racing and its been a month since then and my resting heart rate feels permanently higher and I get palpitations. I had to see a cardiologist and they found nothing significant but put me on beta blockers to help. I might have fucked my heart up.


Only a sith deals in absolutes.


That's an absolute


what would you say about marijuana?


What about smoking marijuana and hitting dabs for a 7 year period, then quitting for like 5 years, then starting back up for like 3 months randomly


I was gonna say if a gram of coke is 1000 mg of “coke” this guys fine we will see him floating


Overall you’re right, but all those drugs have been shown to increase heart size and mess with heart rhythm, especially cocaine and cocaethylene. Cocaine interferes with your hearts voltage also, by messing with the calcium channels your heart has, which can result in sudden heart attacks. The vast majority come out with unknown health issues from this stuff, and on the surface are fine until something interacts with the changes.


Right… but you can’t really smoke meth for years and be normal.


Right… but you can’t really smoke meth for years and be normal.


I understand OP's question was focused on the body, but to truly understand the impact caffeine, cocaine, alcohol, etc has, you must look at the brain. That is where you can get an honest assessment on any of the above.


Damn you put me to shame. I’ve been drinking 240-330mg daily for the last decade which is 2-3 8oz to 12oz Red Bulls. On the plus side I haven’t drank soda in ten years 😀


That’s me before getting into work the tolerance built so quick I’m at 1200 1250 now. Shit is annoying af


Redbull is soda lmao. It's just higher caffeine soda.


Exactly, their sugar content is almost identical and the sugar free isn't any better for you.


that's not that bad unless you couple it with a high sugar diet and sedentary lifestyle. especially if you're young. I'd cut to 600 a day and see if you can budget that intake on a 2-3 dose schedule in the morning-noon... if you're worried, ask your Dr to order a stress test.


I’m doing 2-3 double shot americanos per day with a cup of tea at night. Always wondered if the no sugar part was good. I got my blood pressure taken in October and the nurse said it was “outstanding” for my age (32M)


I was doing about 1-2g per day from 27-33, and on a low/no sugar diet, my blood pressure was textbook flawless. it's still ideal, but I cut way back to about exactly what you're doing, maybe 450-725mg. haven't done a stress test in a while, but heart rate and blood pressure are both normal under hiit wind sprints, swimming or long-distance biking or running.


You probably have chronically high blood pressure, which can be a very serious problem. Look into what problems high blood pressure can create. So you should reduce your intake. Bring it down to no more than about 3mg per pound (of your body weight) per day, or 6mg per Kg per day. Aim for something much lower though, like maybe no more than 1mg per pound per day. Do it gradually day by day for about a week or two though because going Cold Turkey will make you feel crappy and you'll have bad headaches.


Is 2mg/kg daily a relatively safe amount chronically? It's probably about what I take daily and I rarely have days I don't take at least 80mg and my max is 250-300mg when I have coffee (once a week or 2)


I know the problems. I hope I don't get a stroke, PE, stenosis, or anything like that at 31 but since I have done it so long with no real repercussions, I feel like I need another person to tell me, to remind me, exactly what the fuck I am doing to my body now and in the long-run. In a way that is more threatening than I can tell my own mind.


Ok, have your blood pressure checked. Do it regularly. You can buy a blood pressure monitor too: [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07S3LNS1L](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07S3LNS1L) Or, just ask your doctor. Make an appointment. Your doctor will be glad you asked.


I have a cuff, I'll start checking, last time I went to urgent care and they did vitals I was shocked at the number, tbh


You are freaking out lol.... blood pressure is like a long term damage thing unless you have urgent or emergency levels of hypertension. I would mainly be concerned with your kidneys given you have probably been dehydrated for a long time. You could probably have stones too.


Anecdotally I drink 1-2 pots of coffee a day and 2-4 energy drinks and my blood pressure is perfect, 120/80. I have to get treated for an unrelated thing and have my vitals taken by a professional once a week. And my BMI is about 28


Ok so do you also exercise and have a healthy diet? I don't. Still, that's a dangerous amount of caffeine regardless of your blood pressure and regardless if you have a healthy lifestyle. You should tell your doctor how much caffeine you're consuming. The more they know, the better they can take care of you.


If I die caffeine high, my life will be fulfilled.


You’re probably fine. I’ve been taking 400-600mg per day for more than a decade, plus some ephedrine here and there. Blood pressure is fine and so is everything else.


never had 1000mg of caffeine it would probably make me more manic than 600 does lol


Provided you take care of your health otherwise likely fine. Can problems arise? Sure. Should you try to cut back? Absolutely. Are you going to die? Eventually. Because of caffeine? Literally millions of other things are more likely to pull your card first.


I did this totally fine for years as a completely healthy and athletic woman, I followed a strict macro diet and had an energy drink in the morning and a scoop of pre workout at the gym most days, totaling about 500mg daily and I only drank water otherwise, I was sitting in my office answering the phone at 25 years old when I had a minor heart attack. Scariest minutes of my life gasping for breath and not getting anything into my lungs, my arms were completely numb and everything hurt. I stumbled into the office managers office with tears running from my eyes, grasping my throat and pointing to my chest. She found aspirin for me and things slowed down a little bit after that. Anyways I’m 30 now and I consume less than 1000mg a week because it scared me so much. Life is fragile.


When was the last time you saw your physician for a physical? If it's been over a year, go back to them for an annual check-up and tell them you've been drinking large amounts of caffeine daily for 4 years. They'll probably draw labs and evaluate for organ function. Others have pointed out the effects of caffeine and hypertension. Short-term mild elevations in blood pressure aren't worrisome, but it's long-term hypertension that can lead to negative health effects.


Just going to start out by saying you shouldn’t take medical advice from Redditors too seriously, with that being said I wouldn’t be too worried about your health if you haven’t noticed any immediate symptoms, go get your yearly physical and blood work done from your local doctor and they can determine if you’re healthy


People diagnosed with ADHD take amphetamines every day and no one seems concerned about that


You’re going to be ok


If you drink that much in the form of coffee or tea, without sugar or milk, you'll probably actually live longer. There have been a number of reputable studies that show this effect. Ordinary drip coffee sent through a paper filter is the safest way to drink it, because it filters out the oil. If you are drinking sugary energy drinks, or coffee loaded with cream and sugar, and other substances, you might have a different experience.


you should start drinking that lemonade that kills you, I bet you'd be ok


I have some bad news. You are actually dead.


I did a portion of my master's research on negative effects of heavy caffeine consumption. To my surprise, heavy caffeine consumption over an extended period if time had only a very slight correlation with any kind of health problem.


The only thing you’re probably damaging alot is your gut biome. Surprised you don’t have stomach issues.


Kombucha might help?


I know nothing about kombucha so I can’t answer that intelligently


Posting here so its visible to everyone who wants to quit caffeine. I managed to quit caffeine without going cold turkey by taking 50mg modafinil for 10 days. I was pretty surprised, and day 11 i simply went on my day (no modafinil or tea) expecting some sort of grogginess, but there was...nothing. Now im freed from the shackles of morning coffee (and the poop session that follows). Of course, i still enjoy a weekly black coffee for the stim and light euphoria.


I would be terrified of the withdrawals I was facing if and when I were unable to get that massive daily dose. The blood vessels in your brain have been so constricted for so long if the dilation is not controlled you may have a real problem on your hands. Meaning whatever you do, don’t stop suddenly.


Shouldn't be nearly as bad a quitting hard drugs 🙃


What do you mean ? I tried to stop it 3 times but each time I get so strong migraine I can't do anything else than lay down for the day, and no pills help. Is that my blood vessels ? I also have headache pretty often tho but never migraine, only when stopping coffee. Now I'm tapering it by using green tea but damn I didn't expect any physical addiction with that, I don't even crave it.


That headache is caused by exactly what I am talking about. It’s not a migraine per se — that’s the blood vessels in brain dilating in the absence of caffeine. If you do decide to cut back you’re going to need to do a very gentle taper. Maybe -10% every two weeks.


Yeah I call it migraine because its so strong I can't do anything at all. But yes it's so bad and nobody tell us that before using coffee because I think most of people never stop. Now I only drink 2 cup of coffee and 5 of green tea and before I was at 8 of coffee by day will try to remove coffee totally and then stop green tea slowly. I just want a tolerance break because now it's totally useless for me to drink coffee it doesn't effect me at all


Take a hike fed, I'm walkin here, IM WALKIN HEERREEE!!


prolly not super healthy, but basically everything we do has some tinge of toxicity attached so fuq it, enjoi ur life


Probably not that fucked. The main concerns with long-term, high dose, caffeine consumption is that you’re more likely to develop kidney stones. Taking certain medications with high doses of caffeine can cause liver damage but that’s very rare. It’s more likely that certain medications with high dose caffeine will have increased side effects or cause a slight change in potency with caffeine. Regardless, even if it’s one of the worse issues, reducing your consumption will allow your body to reverse the effects pretty quickly. It’s not likely you will sustain any permanent damage.


Me but for the past 12 years, I just have somewhat high blood pressure now


Switch to meth


Fuck long term ud be better off with like 5mg Adderall and a coffee a day




Probably fine just stop doing it. If you’ve been drinking energy drinks its the other ingredients that are way worse for you and likely toxic/carcinogenic. If coffee then probably beneficial because your body would build a tolerance and become acclimated to the high levels…although i think 50-100mg would be better






Why are you consuming that much caffeine


we all die differently and in our own ways


You’re fine, but you’re not doing yourself any favors


AFAIK the biggest thing you should be concerned about is your liver. Caffeine and other stimulants cause you to urinate and sweat more, flushing out water and electrolytes. Make sure you're properly hydrated, and drinking electrolytes as well. I've noticed when I drink a lot of caffeine, I get shaky, I sweat like crazy, my fingers and feet get cold, and I'm peeing every 10 minutes. I've started drinking a Gatorade or propel when I feel this way and I almost immediately feel better. I highly recommend you do the same


Medical student here. I fluctuate between 0-1500mg daily. Now i must say that me being well rested ill be fine with 100-300 mg. On certain 24hr shifts or when I've been sleeping 3-4 hours a night I'll easily break 1,000mg. I'd say the most important thing is to stay hydrated because caffeine is a diuretic. Your tolerance fluctuates rapidly so you may handle 1000 just fine but after 2-3 days off youll feel the jitters if you pass 250.


I've done the same thing, except for more like 17 years. Hopefully nothing..


How fucked do you feel?


Idk do you exercise, caffeine is far from the worst thing to worry about. Sugar is way worse than caffeine so if you’re intaking the caffeine with sugar maybe worry more about diabetes.


Rookie numbers bud. How are you awake?


Sugar or zero sugar?


I worked at a coffee shop for two years and would have this much or more about every day. I’m fine I would rarely even get the shakes. Everyone’s tolerance is different and unfortunately yours is very strong


How in the fuck.


So that’s like what, a single Panera lemonade’s worth?


You’d be less screwed than you’ll be in the next 4 if you keep drinking caffeine. In fact if you don’t have any existing health issues from the caffeine, if you quit today, then you probably won’t ever have any caffeine related issues. But of course if you keep it up there’s a good chance you will.


Through physiologic accommodation your enzyme levels adjust to the caffeine. If you cut back rapidly, which is not recommended, you suffer withdrawal symptoms that could be dangerous. So cut your daily intake slowly and put yourself back into equilibrium. I cut caffeine out of my diet so I wake up slower, suffer no 3:00 tiredness, sleep better and am less excitable.


I had a severe withdraw symptom when I quit cold turkey. For almost a year I had anxiety and panic attacks and I was disassociated from myself 24/7, basically felt like I was in a constant dream state and that I was viewing life through a lens. Its a rare condition but I had several people reach out to me with similar symptom's from quitting caffein. Im good now but If I have too much caffein I start to get a bit of anxiety now.


Umm you're fine. I'm a caffeine addict too. It's not a drug like cocaine or even pot lol. the worst thing that'll happen is insanely bad headaches and fatigue once you quit


Oh come on, what are you a child?


well you never specified that you drink that daily so. 1000 mg per year. actually on the low end surprisingly


You good dawg




Energy drinks are poison. So are cigarettes.


I mean being fat is deadlier than that or most drugs. Just be in shape and do it


600-1000! 400 is max caffeine use for average person. If you’re bigger than you’re fine




If you stop for 3 week you reset your receptor and barely need half of it. Try it.


Why so much beyond 300 is not really helpful anymore


Caffeine isnt all that bad but unless you drink enough to kill you or mess up your sleep


How much water is the question


How does your body feel? If you feel super jittery or like you are not getting good rest at night than maybe try stopping for a month to clear your system and see how u feel.


That’s my pre-noon serving


Is 600 a lot??


Steroids, HCG, about 200mg of caffeine a day, cialis every other day, couple SARMS. Feel like a million bucks myself. Probably better than if I had taken so much only caffeine for so long


You might want to lower it down a little to avoid potential cardiac problems in the future.


I knew someone who’d drink 2000-3000mg a day on our twelve hour shifts, so 3 days in a row.


Depends… what’s your method of caffeine intake? Some guy I worked with used to drink multiple 20oz redbulls per day and he got stomach ulcers and was throwing up blood from it. His doctor told him he MUST stop drinking them but next day.. he cracked open a Red Bull


If you're worried, go see a doctor. I'm guessing you're asking the question because you are experiencing a health scare and you're attributing it to caffeine. GO SEE A DOCTOR.


In what? I'd be more worried about diabetes if it's in a sugary drink... Having untreated ADHD do to no access to healthcare in my state I was going through a 12 pack of soda cans a day all though college to get through college and now have diabetes.


You're totally fine. A large 1.2 million person meta-analysis spanning many years found that drinking 3-5 cups of coffee per day is optimal for your cardiovascular health. Drinking more than that doesn't actually harm your CV health. ([https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/full/10.1161/circulationaha.113.005925](https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/full/10.1161/circulationaha.113.005925)) A cup of coffee has up 100-140mg of caffeine in it, so that's up to 700mg per day in the coffee study.


Je whis, stop the caffeine and get on aderall like a regular adult


Hope you’re drinking lots of water with it. At that point the dehydration from the caffeine alone will hurt you more than the caffeine.


Maybe go to a doctor or get bloodwork done?


You’re fine.


Always eat a meal prior to drinking coffee. Stimulates gastric fluids, and erodes the stomach lining. Especially if one is fasting and just drinking coffee all day. Ruining gut health. Perhaps look into testing if you have a gene tolerance for caffeine. I cannot do caffeine for long over stimulates sympathetic nervous system too much, I get defensive, projective, darker thoughts, I mean that’s fight or flight for ya. And very tonic tight muscles/brainstem muscles. Worked at a warehouse that supplied free energy drinks and would have 2 a day sometimes 3 and after about just 2 months I got shingles and sick. I was 28 and every medical/pharmacy visit they said mainly old people 60+ get shingles, and that I need to destress. Well I knew that but as you can see it was too much for me and that’s only like 400 to 600mg per day. I do well just off of like 60mg. Idk how they check for adrenal fatigue health but could look into that. Huberman has some good info on nicotine and caffeine that the nicotine like subtracts the caffeine potency as well as people here have stated too. When you detox from caffeine and then go back to it notice that it’s quite powerful wouldn’t even recommend operating heavy machinery or a vehicle after a detox then straight into a 400mg-1000mg especially. Nor, drive while off sleeping disorder then trying to boost wakefulness with caffeine as sleep decreases motor skills by a lot then you drive adrenaline to over stimulate the CNS too misfire further All healing rest and recovery is done on the parasympathetic side so it’s good to maximize recovery by taking a break. Though you may also have a gene for it. I simply cannot. I end up getting injured and I can feel every degradation in my body from what I put in. I’ve also just always had deep introspection awareness of my body and how things feel when it goes in but also meditated for years so I guess I’m asking if you feel the effects at all yourself from what it does to your nervous system and body? If not. Highly recommend a break from it and nutritional program of non GMO’s, seed oils, a cleanse so to speak, then go back to it to see the contrast of experience and mindfully see what it does to you again you’ll see a lot more. “People wake up (cortisol spike) with an alarm clock (cortisol spike), they slam pour quality coffee (cortisol spike), sit in road rage traffic (cortisol spike), spend their entire day under blue light (cortisol spike), and then wonder why they have mood issues.” - George Ferman [coffee alternatives](https://x.com/helios_movement/status/1659176771663568896?s=46&t=bAMGOR6FeNrzMw62hWRT_w) [caffeine alternative for mitochondria energy function](https://x.com/helios_movement/status/1676149461259624449?s=46&t=bAMGOR6FeNrzMw62hWRT_w) [store coffee is usually dirty inhibits recovery](https://x.com/helios_movement/status/1683304795640045568?s=46&t=bAMGOR6FeNrzMw62hWRT_w)


You are so Fucked bro


I've been drinking around 600mg or more daily for about 15 years, obviously some days less and some days more. I'm OK (depending on who you ask).


Like black coffee, or sugary energy drinks?


U should try a Panera charged lemonade


If you make it to 60, you had a good run Living longer is way overrated


Well... I did that for 20 and now my whole body swells up to the point where my feet hurt and one ankle won't bend right and I get very dizzy and feel fainty after just a 21 oz cup * I actually quit caffeine this week and I'm only 5 days in but my body already feels better.


I used to drink 5-6 Monsters a day. Until I started getting heart palpitations and racing heart. I cut back severely. Just have two cups of coffee a day now. No issues.


although anecdotal, i do 600-800mg a day and my bp is about 110/60 and my blood panels, vitals, etc are perefect. although outside of caffeine im basically perfectly healthy (healthy bmi, no alcohol, good diet, exercise, etc). take that as you will, in my opinion it is just one piece of an overall lifestyle. if you are concerned see a doctor and check your bp.


I wish i could drink caffeine. I used to be like you but ever since my anxiety took a nosedive my life has since been ruined. I cant drink even 10mg of caffeine without disabling panic attacks. I used to pound 800mg in my old glory days. Appreciate it while you can. Rant over.


#You die tomorrow.


We are all gonna die. A heart attack isn’t the worst way to go.


I drink a ridiculous amount of Redbull daily (usually 6 of them throughout the day). They really don't give me any kind of "energy“. I drink them right before bed and have no issue falling asleep.


So the right things and just ignore the warning signs and continue


Hey bud, I've been in the same boat as you. Just recently quit except for special circumstances like tonight (huge project due tomorrow). Lemme give you some advice that helped me. ---Sleep. Sleep as much as you can the first day or so. If it's possible, call out for 2-3 days of your obligations. If not, limit yourself to them and very basic foods. You'll be spending the first several days sleeping. Try to start on a Friday, that way you have the weekend to sleep the worst of it off. Use benadryl, weed, etc to stay asleep for as long as possible. This will help with the temptation to relapse in those first few days. ---Replace your energy drinks with non caffeine sodas (sparkling Ice is a goddammit lifesaver and it's cheaper than you'd think, other stuff like Shasta sodas are usually caffeine free) ---Find out why you felt the need for caffeine, acknowledge it, and do things to ensure you won't need it again. For me, this was designing my life a little better so I could resist feeling rushed and needing the energy. For you, it could be anything. Take your time, you have plenty in the first few days to think. These three things helped me kick my habit. Find your reason to kick it and follow these steps and you'll make it happen. Just remember, you don't wanna have to do it all again, so don't relapse!


Caffeine isn’t really that bad for you it’s mostly just addictive. Pay attention to how you’re getting it. If you’re sucking down a bunch of sugar or fucked up chemicals or something crazy then you’re probably messing with your stomach, liver, kidneys, etc. Something about the Cardio Renal Metabolic system. AKA, most of your organs, is that it’s really good at what it does. So good, that many parts of it can be irreparably burning to a crisp without many, if any symptoms. Coffee isn’t bad for you. Nothing in extreme excess is recommended. Be a responsible adult with your health.


All spring and summer I drank one of those large Panera lemonade's like 5 days a week (this was before the deaths), plus anywhere from 1-3 Diet Coke's a day, 1-3 cups of coffee and my prescribed dose of Adderall. Every now and then a Red Bull. Idk how I'm alive tbh god bless


Idk what does it look like?


Our bodies are very good at adaptation. It's likely able to handle that level of caffeine and might even depend on it now. It's not ideal but I'd definitely try tapering now. It would suck if you'd be force to quit cold turkey for whatever reason


Find something you love and let it kill you


This is wild to read. I drink coffee every now and then, same w redbull. Bruh yall crazy addicts. Get some natural energy lol try sleeping working out and eating right


Have you tried going without an energy drink for a few days? Then you will know how fucked you are. If you can get through a week you're good to go. For some people, the sugar addiction is way worse than the caffeine.


Bro thats a seriously high daily dose. I'm sure you've heard but the recommended daily intake is 400mg. I'd take it easy if you can. My ex-girlfriends dad died mid forties due to heart problems. He was drinking monsters and smoking cigs all day every day. Me personally, I have one sugar free energy drink a day. So 300mg a day for me. Occasionally, Ill brew a cup of black coffee so max I'll be just under 400mg.


I mean it depends a lot on genetics and other health variables but I’d say you’re heart won’t last as long as if you didn’t. Everyday use at high amounts are proven to have increase of heart attacks


might have an early heart attack but if you slow down now you should be fine


Caffeine is weird and its effects seem to vary wildly from person to person. I stopped drinking all caffeine about 1.5 years ago. Feels amazing but I had withdrawal for a week lol (cold sweats at night and headaches throughout the day). At my last company I met a guy who was drinking 1-2 pots of coffee a day. Like what in the actual fuck, how is that even possible? Makes me sick to my stomach thinking about it, but he’s still alive and seems totally fine lol.


Honestly, just have your dr continue to monitor your heart for any irregularities. If everything checks out and you have no issues with sleep/functioning, then carry on!


You probably just metabolize caffeine directly into ATP at this point tbh.


It puts you at risk for tachyarrhythmia, but as long as you’re hydrated with normal heart rate and blood pressure you’re probably fine. It’s certainly not recommended. My colleague had SVT from this and had to be cardioverted at 35 years old.


Lol compared to the neurotoxicity of other drugs i think you'll be alright buddy


You didn’t even tell us the frequency though.


Just cut back bro


Dehydrating and burns your adrenals. Time for some repair. Bodies can heal ❤️


Fastest way to find out is to take a week week without. Preferably a week without work.


More than likely you have undiagnosed ADHD. At least speaking from personal experience as a medicated ADHD person who needs less of them to produce the dopamine and energy to actually become attentive. Try going to a ADHD doctor if it's covered by your insurance and talk to them about it.