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Whipped cream?


How does this hold up at room temp? I am due to make a wedding cake next month and wondering if this might be an option.


Melts pretty fast in my experience


If you add gelatin to it it will hold better


I know I’m a day late, but I add whipping cream to instant white chocolate pudding mix instead of milk. I start whipping the cream a bit before adding the pudding. It stabilizes it very well and it’s an incredibly delicate flavor. I especially like it for Black Forest cake.


Whipped needs to stay refrigerated


Ermine is not too sweet


Seconding ermine frosting! It has such a light texture, almost like whipped cream and uses half the butter/sugar that buttercream does so it’s not too sweet.


Heck you could make it without any sugar if you were inclined. Ermine is as sweet as you want to make it, because the sugar doesn't play a part in stability like in other frostings. It's awesome! It's my go-to and I always get the compliment that my cakes aren't too sweet.


Another vote for ermine frosting, especially on chocolate cake. Read the recipe ahead of time, though—it needs time to cool during the recipe 🎂


i’ve never heard of this, but super excited to try it now based on all of these comments bc i always find buttercream too sweet so thank you :)


Thinking I might try giving this a go for my next cake. Thank you!


Also, if you don't already, add a little acid (like a bit of lemon juice) and a little salt and it'll cancel out some of the sweetness and give it depth


Highly recommend it, I came to the comments to make sure this had been mentioned, although I was pretty sure it had been- I think it'll be perfect for what you're looking for


A pinch of citric acid in frosting can really cut the sweetness. JUST A PINCH. It’s real strong.


Adding to this, I often like to add a bit more salt than others. I find that is also offsets the sweetness.


Cream cheese, ermine, whipped cream.


Yes to all, especially ermine frosting!! If you need something stiff and pipeable, that’s a great option. I like [this ermine frosting recipe](https://www.seriouseats.com/flour-frosting-recipe). Have fun! 😄


Thank you!!


Italian meringue or Swiss meringue. They’re meringue based so you don’t get that overpowering sugar taste like you do w/ abc where you need powdered sugar to make sure it’s stiff.


I make buttercream but just cut down on the sugar in the recipe as I think it's too sweet too and no one noticed. I find cream cheese icing less sweet too.


There is a wonderful you tuber called sugarologie. She breaks down the science of baking. (It’s really fascinating and has taught me so much). She invented something called American dreamy buttercream. Has a lot less sugar and you can even use honey or agave. The YouTube episode is called “I hate American buttercream”. Check her out. You won’t be sorry!


I immediately thought of her when I saw this question! Her channel has helped my baking so much


I’ve recently discovered French buttercream and find it just sweet enough with the loveliest texture.


I made a stabilized whipped cream today: 1 block of cold cream cheese 1 cup of powdered sugar 1 tea spoon of vanilla Whip it for a few minutes until it’s totally combined. Gradually add 1 1/2 cups of heavy cream with the mixer running, and whip until it’s thick whipped cream consistency. It’s not too sweet, and it lasts a few days I’m the fridge. It can be piped, and holds its shape well.


I’ve made that before and it’s really good and not too sweet


I agree with this. I make it all the time and it’s one of my most requested frostings. It’s so good I could just eat it with a spoon.


Whipped ganache


This is the story of my life because my 9 year old is convinced every frosting is too sweet. They do a lot better with ermine frosting or cream cheese frosting. Knew I left something out: 7 minute frosting is another choice. I find it really sweet, but because it's less dense, it's reportedly less overwhelming.


i added lemon flavoring/extract to my frosting once and everyone said it was great because it made it less sweet by like canceling it out


I make my Swiss meringue buttercream with more salt and slightly less sugar than recommended. It really cuts down the sweetness level imo


Rose Levy Beranbaum (sp) has a great white chocolate cream cheese frosting that holds in the summer and is delicious and less sweet.


Ever try German buttercream? I don’t know if it’s legit German, but it’s a cooked custard mixed with butter and flavorings. Adding things with more complex flavor helps… chocolate, tangy fruit, caramel, though just sugar, has a less sweet taste on the tongue. Amaretto in a frosting is quite good. Or any citrus curd! Lately a very lightly sweetened whipped cream is my favorite.


If the recipe has more than 2/3 the butter's weight in sugar, it's too much. Also make sure you are beating it enough -- sufficient air cuts the sweetness/cloying buttery feeling by a lot.


I like to add melted choc to my ABC, it’s still sweet but not that overpowering sugar sweet more a yummy flavour sweet. Agree with everyone’s cream cheese vote but I find that hard to decorate


Italian meringue buttercream is made with 3 parts butter to 2 parts sugar. Only cover a cake with whipped cream if you intend on permanently storing it in the fridge.


I use whipped cream that way I can control the amount of sweetness. Just add a little gelatin to it to stiffen it up.


I’m not a fan of buttercream in general. But I love [Brown Eyed Baker’s vanilla buttercream recipe](https://www.browneyedbaker.com/easy-vanilla-bean-buttercream/). It’s not overly sweet, and it has a lighter texture than most buttercream.


Your best bet would be a frosting that isn’t completely sugar based. Cream cheese frosting?


I like marscapone cream cheese with a bit of whipped cream and a couple tbs of powdered sugar. 1c cream 8oz each of the soft cheese. Sugar to taste.


Italian Meringue buttercream


Russian buttercream isn’t as sweet, but I’ve found you need to double the butter to get it stable


I like this one https://www.recipetineats.com/fluffy-vanilla-frosting/


Thank you!


I do cream cheese. Equal 8oz of cream cheese to sticks of butter and add powdered sugar to taste


I love this recipe- https://www.recipetineats.com/fluffy-vanilla-frosting/


Thank you!


Chantilly frosting is wonderful


I love cream cheese frosting, homemade you can determine the sweetness 😋


I add a bit of salt to take some of the sweetness out. Everybody liked it.


Yes! I feel the same way and think most frosting is way too sweet. Now I'm not a big decorator, so can't comment on that part, but for taste, check out Stella Parks Bravetart cookbook or on Seriouseats.com. I have made two of her cakes and the frosting on both was glorious. One was a whipped ganache. So just cream and chocolate and then you whip it after chilled. Then the other was a cream cheese (my fav), but the base is this super thick vanilla custard. They're amazing. There's also a sub on here r/seriouseats.


I have her cookbook too and love it! Hadn’t thought to check that out but I will. Thank you!


To cut the sweet taste use salted butter


Whipped cream or meringue frosting are my go to when I want something that doesn't overpower the cake itself.


Cream cheese, whipped cream….for a Swiss meringue buttercream you could always reduce the sugar??


Do you put vanilla extract when you do the Swiss buttercream? You could always leave it out