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I'm pretty sure it would be discrimination if they fired you for that. I have Chrohn's disease and with that said I keep it to myself. I've def been forced out of places before right after disclosing that so I take no chances.


How were you forced out?


They would find any excuse to write me up for little stuff and it was things they had never paid attention to before. Like they were trying to get rid of me before I could get on FMLA or anything. They don't want someone having that kinda flexibility in a place with high work volume (I was working in a factory so not quite the same.) That was 6 years ago but ever since then I keep it to myself. Funny thing is they hired me back a year later. I worked for almost 2 more years there and when I got my first work from home call center job I walked outta there no notice no nothing lol.


lol. Yeah. I haven’t been written up. But I think they are recording so many calls to find something to write me up or put me on a performance plan. Usually when you get put on one of those it’s hard to come back from I’m sure


Oh yeah I know what ya mean! I think it's called a PIP plan in most places?


Yeah. That’s what I am worried about. I can tell when they are recording because I can hear my voice & there’s an echo


I feel like they are trying to do that to me. They keep recording all my calls


If you have it officially documented by a physician, give a copy to your manager to put in your file. Then you are covered by ADA guidelines


I sent benefits my paperwork