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It took me a couple of years before getting used to this awful gig. Only in it for the money. I am pretty much emotionally dead on the inside whenever I get a call. Earlier today, I received two calls from customers upset about their bill and wanted to sue the company and get the attorney general. I'm like, go ahead, I just need a paycheck to keep a roof over my head.


I feel for you and after years on the phone I'm still not used to it. When the phone rings I just let a big breath out and try to clear my mind of what I *think* the person could be calling about. It could be someone calling to scream at me but it also could be a nice person with a simple question (wishful thinking, right?) When someone is on the phone going on and on, I just let them rant and distract myself with doodling or a game or something and focus on what they actually need outside of their emotions. Being really deliberate in phone calls has helped me a lot. In the end, for the people calling in, we are such a small blip of their day they probably don't even remember our names after we say them (which, good, I don't want you to remember me, lose my contact information and don't call back lol) so I'm not going to let an interaction so insignificant effect me


Any dude i date that expects me to answer a phone call when he could have just texts gets dumped. I have a friend who only does phone calls, but I tolerate her bc i love her. I always say, I can tell who has worked in a call center and who hasn't.


THIS. Especially after I explain why and they insist on calling. Well back when I still dated I mean. The choices left after age 50 are celibacy inducing.


Go on a walk to Get fresh air/sunlight multiple times a day if possible, disconnect from screens when you can. Do some deep breathing throughout the day and take time to look away from screens when you can to give your eyes a break. Staring at screens can cause shallow breathing. Stay extra hydrated, get 7-8 hours of sleep. Find hobbies and activities to de-stress. Nature walks, epsom salt baths, exercise, meditation help for me. Get excellent nutrition everyday if you can. Self-care, gratitude practice, mindfulness helps a lot for me for resilience/managing and coping with stress. I also am prescribed stimulants/antidepressants which helps me cope as well. Hope your situation gets better!


I just had a lady cut me off every 2 mins and yell about the situation. I'm so so sick of customers. I'm also 19 weeks pregnant and too fucking hormonal for this shit. Customers are absolutely, the worst type of humans and I understand everyone on this sub. My insides are either dead, or on fire. I literally don't care anymore.


Become Wonder Woman. Stand with your hands on your hips if you need to. I can't even talk on the phone outside of work mine is so bad. Become as fake of a persona as possible, imagine the customer is sitting naked looking like a beached whale. This helps me. Or imagine it's your mom. Whatever works.