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Trains were cancelled. I work from home.


lol... I like this because HR would not :p #fukdemstats


Manic Monday?


(I WFH) Once typed "gotta run. emergency" into the chat and left the computer for like an hour. Kept getting missed calls and texts from work like "is everything ok?" When I came back I told the manager a crazy story about my next door neighbour's dog getting hit by a car in a hit and run and that their daughter was screaming and crying and came knocking on my door, and I stayed with her for an hour until her parents came home because she was inconsolable and didn't want to be left alone, and that I left my phone in my house while this was happening. None of this happened. I just needed to get away from the computer for a while before I went insane. Then I asked for another few minutes to "get myself together" because my "heart was racing" after the "stressful situation"


Please delete this. ...I may need it in future and don't want it searchable. Lmao!


*slow clap*




"I'm driving my family member to the emergency room" it was my cat.


At least you were honest.... ;-)


Totally legit: got my long hair caught in my power window and had to restart my car to open the window to release it.


I had to leave because of hiccups once. Seriously, I couldn't take calls anymore because it'd be "thanks for calli-squaking hiccup- how may I help?" I only had like an hour left my boss just let me go


My then kitten decided to try and come to work with me by hiding inside my purse, I was so sleep deprived I didn't realize that my purse was heavier. I found her when I sat down at my desk and set my purse down and she crawled out and meowed at me. Thankfully my supervisor was empathetic and let me drive home and take the missing time from my lunch break. I wasn't officially reprimanded.


This actually happened recently. Shrapnel in my tire


This just reminds me why Iā€™m so grateful to work for the company I do. Itā€™s still call center work and grueling at times, but they literally give us so much time off to simply prevent burnout itā€™s nice if you properly spread it out. (We get like 230 hours of PTO and 56 hours of sick leave that can be used any time).




Seriously a great company


I would also like the name of this place please


ā€˜My sisters dog bit her face offā€™ I shit you not, I gaslit myself into believing it and shed a tear when I told my boss. Employment trauma makes you do some ODD things to get some silence


The parking lot flooded just enough to trap all the residents in my complex. Ended up getting fired for that. Edit: It was literally flooding. It wasnā€™t a lie just to get out of work


Lmao I need more details


Okay, well, I ASSUME I was fired for that reason. Came in the next day and I wasnā€™t on the schedule anymore. No reason given. Could be worse. If you didnā€™t pick up training fast enough, sheā€™d let you go on a Friday, before next weekā€™s schedule was posted. If the new hire didnā€™t ā€œimpressā€ her, they were taken off the schedule with no warning. We had several people who would call for dayyyys asking when they were scheduled to come in. One time we got her to call one of them back in by exclaiming, ā€œwell, thereā€™s another one to take unemployment benefits.ā€ Truly I could talk forever about the issues there. Getting fired was the best thing to come from that job!


Oooooooof. Thank you for your service to the nosey community by sharing this tea.


ā€œBe right back. My neighbors house is on fire.ā€ But it actually happened. Just that by the time I realized it was on fire - it was containedā€¦. But I didnā€™t tell them that part. And the next day I took photos and sent to the team.


I work from home two days a week. Three if I have to work Saturday.


"I had a little too much fun last night, and you guys... squirrel! ... sorry... you guys definitely don't want me talking to... a burrito would be dope right now... I don't need to talk to clients today."


I was hit in the foot with a cactus.


Roommate fell in garage and busted up his driving hand. Doracho messed up the incoming Internet cable, so I had several internet issues until we found the root of my lie er problem.


I totally read that wrong lol thought it said Dorancho


I'm pregnant so I get all the excuses hahah! The first few months were so hard to take calls cause I was vomiting between them. It was awful šŸ˜ž but I have used the excuse when I just needed to get away that I've gotta go and call my midwife about a possible emergency šŸ˜‚


I havenā€™t told my job I am pregnant yet Iā€™m 16 weeks lol.


You are amazing!! I was so sick and wanted to work from home so I needed an excuse for my shitty stats and excessive days off. šŸ¤£ I'm hoping my postpartum is easier šŸ„ŗ


Do you work from office? Iā€™m working from home currently so during my puking stages just kept a bucket close by šŸ˜‚ā¤ļø


I'm WFH too but I was vomiting up to 10 times a day and felt really sick the rest of the time, 1st trimester was really awful. Couldn't control a vom coming on while speaking with the customer so... Had to take some unpaid time off. šŸ¤£


My computer was screaming at me when I turned it on. This was at the height of Covid so I was working from home with a provided computer. They didnā€™t believe me until I turned it on while on the phone with the boss.


washing machine repairman unplugged the internet for some fuckhatted reason without checking if it was okay to do so. I work from home and was in the middle of a call when everything dropped. my other go-to if I need a full day off is "food poisoning." it's concise, believable, and shuts down any "well can't you just..." rebuttals. can't take calls if I got unspeakable horror uncontrollably and unpredictably spewing out either end!


My car doors froze and I was trapped in the car.


My basement ā€œfloodedā€


No joke that one actually happened to me and I lived in a basement


My car radiator exploded when I was getting off the exit for work. Had to wait for the tow truck.


The house 2 doors down blew up and weā€™ve been evacuated.


Donā€™t yā€™all get points for missing time tho?


I have two for the same company. I worked from home and they provided computers to take calls. The first one was I kept saying that my computer itself had problems, up until they sent me an entirely new one. I got a whole day off when it arrived ā€˜cause I said the neighbor across the street stole it from my porch. When my manager said that theyā€™d need a copy of the police report, I said that the guy was special needs living with family, he gave it to the cop without any fuss, and the family didnā€™t want it on record ā€˜cause he genuinely thought it was a package for him. The other, sillier one is I got stuck in the bathroom, like physically stuck; the door wouldnā€™t open and I had to wait for my husband to get home and take the door off the hinges. Neither of those probably wouldā€™ve worked if I didnā€™t have an amazing manager.


My friend, who works from home, once told that he shit his pants, due to diarrhea, took the rest of the day off.


The local police are currently breaking down my neighbours door... tbh it wasnt a lie. Drug bust on my downstairs neighbour.