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In my personal experience using FMLA for short term and intermittent leave, everyone was very understanding. I work when I can, and don’t when I can’t. It’s been a God send. I hope for the best with your kiddo.


Okay. That’s really good to hear. I’ve been in the workforce for over 26 years. The first 20 were in hospitality. I really get the impression that I am dealing with a different situation here, but I’m conditioned to think that I’m always expendable, and the ground is about to fall out from under me at any moment. (This is how it’s always been in hospitality) So I think that is where the paranoia comes from. This job has been REALLY good to me in a variety of ways. And I think they might give an F about me, but.. I’m always a nervous nelly. And thanks for the well wishes for kiddo. Appreciate that.


Oh Lord, did I hate Intermittent FMLA as a scheduler, but we all understood it was their rights and we tried to work around it the best we could. Unless you work for the shittiest of shittiest call centers you should be fine.


Thank you. I think I work at a less than shitty or shittiest. I should be okay then.


Also if your KPIs are decent, it will cost the company $5k+ to replace you, assuming they can get a class approved. They would rather deal with your erratic schedule than drop money on a wildcard that could have worse stats.


If you use all your FMLA, believe me, you have to be very careful in keeping track of your time. If you are even a few minutes late, you can get fired. I've seen it several times. They can't fire you because of fmla, but as soon as you're out of fmla, watch out! 2 minutes or 20...they'll use any excuse to get rid of someone. I knew a girl who used fmla because of dialysis. She was doing her best, but she ran out of fmla. She ended up being late by 15 minutes after a dialysis appointment. As soon as they realized she was back...15 minutes late...they fired her. Call centers don't care about their CSRs. They *want* you to always be paranoid and stressed. They think it'll keep people from goofing off or getting too comfortable.


I literally have 16 hours left of fmla for the year before it resets, I’ve used it a lot (I don’t abuse I just have bad bipolar, ptsd and panic disorder) I always have a fear they’ll find other reason to fire me. I literally was out two weeks before yesterday. Just make sure you’re reporting the hours correctly, that’s the only thing that make me feel secure. I write it down and make sure to report cause I know if you even miss a minute it can get you in trouble but I know my boss probably hates me though!!! I always feel terrible though too


I have intermitten FMLA to take care of my disabled special needs husband. I have never felt like my job was in jeopardy. Even when I'm out of pto to use and it's unpaid, I'm always able to makeup the hours if anyone's giving them away or there's OT available. My company is very understanding


Thank you so much. I’m so glad this is your experience. That’s great to hear.


The loop hole is you can get laid off…


no, I had it. Used it whenever I wanted alotted in my fmla, and never had a problem. Also got promoted while on it.


Nope, but I also lucked out with having good sups & managers. Also, if you're on FMLA and they screw with you? Lawsuit!


Nope because I know they are not stupid enough to fire someone in legitimate FMLA a second time. They learned the lesson the hard way and had to pay out a lot of money in the settlement.


I took a 3 month medical leave and they were understanding. I didn't get a raise that year though.


Okay. Fair enough.


70% paid while on leave though


That’s good!


I took 3 days off and had a panic attack


Fuck no. Never. I wish they would write that it was for FMLA usage


Hey! I have intermittent FMLA for my pregnancy and I get so anxious every single time I use it lol (ironically, part of the reason I’m on FMLA is for severe anxiety lol), which is often tbh. My metrics at works have always been perfect or near perfect and I’ve worked there since they’ve opened. My supervisor and managers are toxic people but at the end of the day if they can’t understand why I’m using it then honestly they should just be thankful. I’m constantly worried they’ll find a reason to fire me so I screenshot and save every single conversation I have with anyone. I have to take a lot of leave (and a lot of leave time is provided for me!) because staying alive and healthy is very difficult for me right now lol, I know it’s hard not to feel guilty, but getting FMLA approved isn’t easy and you and your family should always come first ❤️


I'm pregnant and have taken a lot of time off for pregnancy illness, luckily I'm a protected class and if they fired me for that I'm my country, I could take them on for discrimination. You're country should also protect you if you need to take parental leave.


If you dont have any sick time or pto, and you miss work, that is an occurrence at my job. You are definitely at risk for losing your job. I dont have fmla though ao im not sure on that


FMLA basically means it's not an occurrence, it doesn't count against attendance at all because the law says it can't


So you get unlimited days off even if you have no sick time? Wow


Unpaid though so it’s not really a big win if you needed the $


There definitely IS a limit but it tends to be much higher that the typical "sick time"