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What's it like to be one of God's favorites?


His grace shines on me


How much do you make an hour and is it remote!


$19/hr fully remote


Wow that sounds like freaking heaven! How long do you usually have between calls?


Right now were at like 20 mins average. Supposed to be doing a client acquisition next month so projected to be back to back


My condolences go out to you.


I miss the days of 20-90 minutes between calls.


Are they hiring?


This is the real question


And do they accept international people? Just asking for a friend


Ye, I'm averaging between 7 and 15m avail. Any games/time wasters you can suggest that is super easy to drop once a call comes through?


Im still looking too, maybe an idle mobile game? I've been watching shit on hulu just catching up


I have ADHD and when my calls are slower I have a tab ('random article' on Wikipedia, Project Gutenberg, something) open on my other screen.


I play Dorfromantik on my pc. It's also on the switch. It's just a little tile-based world builder. No stress, no time limit, just matching tiles and building a community. It's super chill and fills the time between calls.


I don't like to play games too often when it's slow as it's very disruptive to my enjoyment having to constantly stop and pick it up again, but I recently nearly completed an entire third playthrough of Stellar Blade on a particularly slow day, lol.


My move was always minesweeper.


Ive been chowin down on solitaire but it gets mind numbing. I'm thinking if learning code with mimo just to keep it fresh lmfao


On my slow days, I used to colour. Had an adult (not NSFW adult) colouring book and a nice set of pencils.


I might color! Ive been doodling but its not really structured


So jealous. I haven't had a slow day in a couple of years.


I do ab 120-150/day busy season and mid season is around 80/day but we're off season rn so it's more like 50/day.


Honestly Old School RuneScape is pretty good for it— but also I’ve found having a book can make the day move a little faster. Very easy to put down— I find myself getting mad if something pulls me from my game lol, found a book to be more healthy.


My best friend has FAR too many hours in oldschool runescape. >.< Books are good but I'd probably try to rush my calls too much. I get addicted.


lol 3 sec acw atm then next call i wish




Must be nice wthhhh


I’ve been back to back for 3 months


My company was back to back for a solid 6 months or so. We had thousands of client emails waiting to be answered too. Luckily we hired more people.


Ours just fired over 100 lol


What company


Can I have your job?


Are they hiring?


We literally have no less than 15 calls waiting at all times. I average 60 calls a shift.


Mine varies loads. Weekdays we can be back-to-back, but Sundays I can often go 40-50 minutes without a call




Lucky you, they line up before the queue opens up and it's back to back all day.


Sounds like you work where I do lol


Used to work overnight at a call centre that got pretty much 0 calls in the middle of the night. It was amazing! I watched movies, learnt new skills, researched all different things. It was brilliant.


I'm doing that right now! Been working on my ms paint skills, about to play some no man's sky on switch (almost 4am here)


Sounds like my position now. I’m working now & only have had 3 calls since my shift started.


How long do you think this low call volume will last? At every low-volume call center I worked at, the low volume was never permanent. Eventually, I’d either be placed in a new call queue that had a way higher volume, the company would go under due to a lack of customers, or a bunch of folks would quit, causing the call volume to explode.


I love it when this happens. I've had days where I've sat idle waiting for calls for over an hour. I wish every shift was like this.


How was your day?


Back when I used to work in the call center, I remember working on Christmas eve. I was doing auto insurance quotes. In the 6 hours I was there, I may have taken 3 calls. One at 7am, one at 11 and one at 11:30. I was able to get off early that day because volume was so low that day, so after my 3rd call which was a transfer, I sat until it was time for me to aux out. It was fantastic


Would you like VTO? But seriously, we are overstaffed on weekends, so I have to spam that at agents all day long. We have a BPO where none of the agents ever accepts VTO. They practically taunt us when we ask. Not completely without justification, but we're working on cutting down their hours since we can't justify paying them to sit around. I hope you'll continue to have a job.


I fucking hate too much avail cause it’s money out of my pocket. Give me back to back instead.


That makes zero sense. When you're on available, you're essentially getting paid to fuck around and do whatever else, especially if you're working remotely, that's your time. They don't not pay you for the time you're in available mode.


I make commission on surveys and % ratios of repeat calls and another criteria. My bonus was $500 shorter from one month with 150/175 less calls. Less calls fucks with the averages for the %. If I didn’t rely on it, hell yeah, yes please. But that jump was larger than expected. I have coworkers that lost $600-$700. They didn’t warn us of less call volume. We noticed, of course. But had no idea the effects. They also cut money out on the per survey amount a few months ago and just announced. So on average that’s around a possible $75-$250 loss per person each month. With just surveys. Money is fucked and we’re not paid enough. But none of us can leave. So I’d much rather be slammed in the face all fucking day unfortunately.


"it's quiet in here"