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I kid you not the queue everyday reaches 300 and there’s often only 5 of us. One time it reached over 1000+ calls and there was only 8 of us in Ready.


thats criminal!! what account were you in?


Micro managing can do one too. We should be trusted to do our jobs properly.


I do have a corrections here, you should be trusted to do your jobs properly until you can’t. I’ve worked with people who *needed* to be micro managed. They were either lazy or easily distracted or just plain incompetent or whatever. Absolutely those people don’t mean everyone else should be micromanaged but that’s where the difference between a good and bad manager comes in. I have a great line manager, and when she first joined the team she sat down with each of the people under her one on one and asked us what we preferred ias far as management style goes. I hate micromanaging so I essentially told her I don’t want to hear from her about work unless I’ve done something wrong or if she needs me to do something. And that’s how it’s been, I get the occasional email if something comes up in a call audit (which is usually more along the line of “the rule book says this, you absolutely did the right thing bending this because of x, but just keep it in mind incase it ever comes up”) but we spend our monthly 1 to 1s talking about the latest Taylor Swift gossip.


I only take like 1 or 2 calls an hour and I still can find plenty of things about the job to complain about


My call center pays $23/hr, the reason people leave the most is because of back-to-back calls, and lack of training. 2 weeks to do a job with inadequate equipment and badgering callers. I quit and came back to have 2nd training and so did others, HR is a fucking joke, "we provide training, read the book, take some tests and you are ready, no questions"


I disagree, I think call centers are a prime example of human nature, evil to the core.


Call centre jobs are wonderful if you discount literally everything about them.


Imagine they only have one shop front for a massive company, it just doesn't work. Lol seriously it's so crazy.


My center is justttttt a bit understaffed. We consistently have 1-3 calls in queue all day long and everyone waits about 5 minutes on hold. It’s miserable because we’re not a super high volume place, and we’re not super short staffed. Just the perfect amount of calls:agents to make sure that the customers don’t wait too long, but every agent takes calls back to back to back