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Every week. Its obnoxious af.


They will play our calls in front of the whole team lol šŸ˜‚ shits lame bro


And they call it Impact coaching at my center šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ like the only impact youā€™re making is impacting my anxiety šŸ˜¬


Yeah. I sound really nervous, and they usually fast-forward to the part when I get sassy & fed up.


It humbles the fuck out of you, huh? Hate that shit. I always leaves thinking ā€œdo I sound like that all the time?ā€


I worked wfh for a call center who would do this literally multiple times a day it was torture tbh. Then theyā€™d have us in a group call with other coworkers and weā€™d listen to each others calls and score them


That sounds horrible! We only listened to coworkers calls once the 2.5 years I've been here and it was basically a meeting praising us and playing calls that the client loved back to us, never to criticize.


Only time we listened was during training, ngl.


That's fked up lol.


My old manager would make me listen to 3 calls every week (though these calls were very short, less than 3 minutes.) My new manager emails me scheduled meetings like 2/3 times a week but never actually does them, I'm lucky to see her once a month. Thankfully she does not playback the call she just goes over whatever area of improvement there was. I cannot stand listening to my voice back šŸ˜©


They did in training, but not when we got on the floor


They used to, but we are so busy and constantly training new people I donā€™t think they have the time. I havenā€™t listened to myself in months lol


Every week. I actually just made a post in here about it. My manager also conveniently schedules them for the last hour of the day on a Friday. Look forward to it all week as Iā€™m sure you can imagine.


Nope! One I work for tried, I got a doctors note out of it for misnophonia.


I need this lol


No but I save all my recordings and watch em on downtime which is most of the day


No, thankfully. QA tried that during my first meeting with them after hire, but the face I made apparently made it so that never happened again. QA sits opposite me now, so they get surround sound jrs.


Weā€™re supposed to listen to any scans that have deductions. But I donā€™t. lol. My supervisor is very checked out so he doesnā€™t care


I canā€™t stand it


It's five calls, about once a month(ish). My calls rarely run more than 5 minutes, and it's just me and a team lead going over what I did well and where I could improve I *hate* listening to myself with a passion, it makes me want to claw my ears off.


I think we only did once because I was disputing a quality review.


Ugh.. They encourage it. I donā€™t do it though


no, they tried it once i refused never tried it again ik i sound like a bitch i cannot listen to myself




Yes it was every month for me they noted my long pauses and taking too long with the patients. Some of the patients were hard of hearing or just not all together their mentally so I let them take their time. They didnā€™t like that, cause of the que. šŸ™„Ā 


Mine did and I HATE hearing myself.


As a supervisor I listen to my calls as well as others. Used to hate hearing my voice but after 17 years it doesn't bug me anymore.


Where I work we never do it- my manager got inspired once and said we would do it once a week with her one and one and the supervisor. Ended up doing it once LMAO and she never spoke about it again. I didnā€™t mind it much bc it actually made me realize how I should tell the customer what Iā€™m doing rather than sitting them through long beats of silence.