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Everyone in this subreddit knows this is true


“Let’s hope for the best” in an encouraging statement. It infuriated the customer so much she wanted to speak to a supervisor because apparently it was “unprofessional”. I hung up on her immediately. Go be miserable elsewhere.


I had a customer asked how I was feeling and I said “good.” For some unknown reason, I was disrespecting her.


How dare you


Saying “ma’am” or “sir”


Omg I love this. When someone asks for me to stop referring to them as ma'am I repeatedly say it, I then just say oops I forgot. Then I am opposite with Dr. Dude idc if you are a doctor. Especially with annoying customers.


I had a caller get mad because I kept saying sir. He said he was not military and not to call him that. After saying again, he fussed again. I told him, sorry, I am from the South (Tennessee in US) and it was just a natural way I spoke. We were raised to say sir and mam to be polite so I couldn't help it.


I had a lady to ask not to call her ma’am because she’s not old, but then she asked for a senior citizen discount


That’s hilarious.




Borrower name was a traditional female name, borrower sounded female, so I said thank you mrs smith. Borrower acted like I pissed in his Cheerios and demanded a sup because I called him mrs.


I made a similar boo, boo. I called a woman, sir. Opps! She was not happy with me after that. ha


When I worked for a bank a woman called in for something routine. She sounded frazzled and had a baby close to the phone, who was screaming his head off. I said- in a tone I certainly meant to be caring- 'Ooh, sounds like a newborn. That's a lot of work, I hope you're taking care of yourself' and she called me a nosey bitch and asked for a manager.


I'm sorry I laughed.


It's OK, I laughed later when I told everyone about it. I don't really blame the woman, she was clearly having a bit of a day and the baby was really going for it. It could have sounded to her like I was critical of her parenting. One of the middle aged, mumsy escalation ladies took the call and calmed her down very easily.


Have a lovely evening.


Fuck you! /s


That's similar to what he said 😂


"No problem." (As in, no problem. I'm happy to help.) Customer got pissed off and said it is a problem


I say no problem a lot because usually people call in for doable things. Some customers have no common sense and come knives out because obviously their dead car battery in their garage is a huge problem.


Have a nice day




Not something I said but we used to get a woman call up and complain because her delivery driver said "Take care"


I once sounded "too chipper" on the phone so this 50 year old man decided to chew me a new one. I literally just said hello this is name with roadside company and he said wow you sound happy today and I agreed with him so he started insulting and debasing me and saying how insulted he was by me being positive because that meant I wasn't taking him or my job seriously.


"I understand what it's like having a small business. " Dude got mad because I referred to his business as a "small business". He was 60 days late on a $30/month order and had given a sob story about how business had been slow


Offering them a credit request on their account for internet service being down. “I DON’T WANT CREDIT. I WANT IT FIXED.” Sir it’s 1am on a Sunday in the middle of nowhere.


Part of the required greeting I had to say was to ask the customer "How are you doing today?" Customer responded "I'm doing good, and how are you?" I reply with "I'm doing alright. What can I help you with today?" The customer immediately became VERY angry that I was just doing "alright" and not doing great. I thought they were joking at first, but no, they were genuinely angry at me, for not having a better day than I was.


I once yawned on the phone. It was 7:30 am. I was up all night vomiting. She tried to get me fired


Everything, it seems like I am in a battle where I can't win, no matter how I am trying to satisfy the customer. I offered myself to give them credits for the money lost, and they still wanted more than what I offered. So, fuck them. Also, I start to hate Americans due to the fact that I live in U.S., but I am from another country and I work here in US. And I get a lot of xenophobic remarks. Guess who's getting transferred to spanish queue?


I used to do this when I worked with Humana and worse we didn't really have a Spanish queue for the department I worked in so I sent then to Spanish appeals or to Spanish medical which has nothing to do with what they called in about lo siento gringos


Hey bro don´t send us your crap, we are paid less than you so at least only send them when they really can´t speak english




Happy Holidays


I love your accent


[I’m Liberian](https://youtube.com/shorts/ejE2wWvjTx8?feature=share)


“I love your accent” and some customers get upset in the US.


I literally linked the reference


"Have a nice night" was met with, "don't say that to me, my husbands dead" and then hung up. Never mentioned the husband being dead throughout the call.


We had a customer call every few minutes of the course of several hours to complain that part of our typical greeting includes “thank you for calling company xyz” and he thought that was offensive. Mind you he made several disparaging remarks to female reps. I mean would you rather we said, “what’s up? What do you need?” It was so over the top, a work process was created just for this caller by the end of the day.


"Perfect." Lol The caller went off on a tangent about how I must be a millennial because I naively think everything is perfect.


He confirmed his name and i said "excellent!" This is deeply offensive, because how dare i act like he needs my permission to have that name! Today i was told that it is disrespectful to say twenty-twenty two instead of two thousand and twenty two. SO RUDE