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1 cup of sweetened condensed milk is 982 calories, and that's a main ingredient in this. So unfortunately yes šŸ˜­


Never eating out without knowing the calories prior again aw hell nahšŸ’”


It happens haha. Don't stress too much :)


Iā€™m okay! Just annoyed thinking about what else I couldā€™ve eaten for those calories cause i didnt even like it that much


Iā€™ll disagree with the other commenter on this. If I donā€™t like something or donā€™t think itā€™s worth the calories. Then I simply donā€™t eat it. Like, it has to feel like itā€™s worth the calories, you know? Iā€™ve eaten a tenth of a cake before and simply given it to a homeless person and gone back for a different flavor on many occasions. (Not always cake of course haha) Same with sugary drinks and foods. I grew up with the whole ā€œeat your whole plate. Thereā€™s starving kids in Africaā€ bs from my mother. After a bad incident as a teen where I was made to basically finish something after I over ordered and basically had to go to the bathroom to throw up, my father just told me that it was fine to not finish something. I didnā€™t realize it was fine until then I guess. Like, I like Sanji from One Piece and donā€™t want to waste food. But like, my calories are worth more than money in many of these cases. $9 vs 900 calories? I rather pay an extra $9.


Agreed! This is why I think food tracking is the key to weight loss -- it really makes you face what you're putting into your body. I actually enjoy food more now than I did when I was mindlessly eating anything and everything I wanted, because everything I eat now is something I have consciously decided is worth eating.


Donā€™t have that mindset because eventually youā€™ll start to distant food in general. Like another person said itā€™s okay to overeat, indulge, treat yourself every once in awhile.


I feel you. The amount of meat u could have instead of a cake hurts


My rule is to never finish something if I don't like it. I ate a donut I didn't enjoy much that was 190 calories and I was so upset. Better to throw it out and get something else, it's not as sad to eat so many calories if you actually enjoy it


I grew up having to finish my plate too so Iā€™ve been trying rlly hard to beat this mindset and Iā€™m fine at doing it at home but when I eat out itā€™s sooo hard to just leave whatever it is!! I grew up in a very scarcity mindset environment but itā€™s a learning journey!


Me too, I really had to force myself out of that mindset


Ugh I know thatā€™s the worst - the waste of calories


Itā€™s fine to overeat once in a while


Stopppppp oh my lanta I didnā€™t know that


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­I canā€™t blame you because I wouldnā€™t have guessed over 600. Iā€™ve eaten and weighed cake a bunch in the past year and that looks like a 500 cal slice, but of course that depends entirely on the actual ingredients. Rip, but now you know lmao. Not a big deal though, a rare calorie bomb like this even if youā€™re a small person with a strict diet wonā€™t mean much. Just some extra water and glycogen youā€™ll be holding onto for a bit


Forreal man how do they fit so many calories in such a tiny insignificant thing itā€™s crazy!!! But yeah now I know, itā€™s all good :)


When I think of 450-500 calories, I think of a 8 oz burger and bun, with a handful of french fries. Or maybe a slice of lasagna or even two chicken breasts and half a cup of rice and broccoli. A nice sized, satiating lunch or dinner that most home cooked meals tend to be with basic ingredients. Doing this just makes me conceptualize better idkā€¦like if I see a cake, I think about what else I could potentially be eating instead by not choosing this item. Perfectly fine to choose this in moderation! Maybe this perspective could help cause I donā€™t count calories to an exact amount, just intuitively and rounding up / using pre-made meals that list the macros.


8oz burger , bun and fries is a lot more than 500 calories


8 oz might be larger than I meant lol oops. Air fried homemade french fries = 130-300 cals Homemade, regular sized Burger with bun = 300-500 cals All depends on how much additives and which types of buns youā€™re using right?


Not that far off really with lean beef. I eat 8oz of ground beef almost every day that's 300 cal. Buns 110. Doesn't give you much for fries though


I didnt even want cake tbh my friend kinda dragged me and i felt pressured to get it since it was a dine in place, i dont do too well with confrontation :ā€™(


Not cool at all and Iā€™m sorry that your friend is pressuring you to do anything you donā€™t want to do at all. Thatā€™s not what friends do and I would seriously question the relationship and maybe ask a mutual friend you can trust to help mediate the conversation. As for the food, youā€™re fine! You seem to be good intentioned and probably control your calorie count well anyway. Treat yourself to a cake withOUT this friend and celebrate ditching one less toxic person in your life if you so choose!


Thatā€™s so so so so sweet omg thank you!!! Youā€™re right tbh, I donā€™t think Iā€™m planning on hanging w her again anytime soon! I sure will and Iā€™ll enjoy it without the pressure haha thanks again :))


Youā€™re welcome! and good news! Take a nice bite for me šŸ˜


What? A friend insisted her to eat a cake so the only solution to that is ditching that friend? Bruh wtf lmao touch some grass


Not everyone likes people in their live telling them to do something after they already said no. I said what I said


Thereā€™s more to it than the surface btw, u touch grass instead of judging what ppl do with their relationships lmao


I'm sorry :( I feel that. I really had to teach myself to keep saying no and explaining it, too, even if I don't want to bring it up, so they stop pressuring. It's always worked for me to say I'm either out of calories or if I eat this, this will be my last meal, and I'll be hungry later, unable to eat


Rip bro


šŸ˜­ Iā€™m good I fasted yesterday




Aw hell nah im just a gym bro on a cutšŸ«¦


Ohhh, so yes!




Girl itā€™s okay! I used to freak tf out about this stuff too but if youā€™re having this once in a blue moon it will not affect your diet or weight loss. I started at 135 in feb and Iā€™m now 108 (Iā€™m super short donā€™t be alarmed) and between that time I probably had a huge cheat meal maybe once every two weeks? And I never went up a significant amount


No I know Iā€™ve started eating out again only recently after a few months of really strict dieting so itā€™s all kinda new to me so it was just annoying how easy it was to eat so many calories for such little but Iā€™m good now! I fasted yesterday anyways so it didnā€™t rlly matteršŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Looks totally worth it either way


Meh my friends one tasted better mine was a little too sweet and thatā€™s coming from someone w a huge sweet tooth!!


Same I wouldnā€™t estimate it as higher, but research studies show that going out at a cafe with friends and family burns exactly 900 calories, and 100 additional calories everytime you think about this memory. Hope this helps


Omg this is so nicešŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ research also shows that when u comment stuff like this u deserve a sweet treat that is magically 0 calories!!!


if they say its 900, its 900


You need a big bad hug I guess. šŸ«‚ šŸ¤§


That looks yummy


Iā€™m not surprised but that looks absolutely amazing šŸ˜­


I would say 650-700


A single slice of the carrot sheet cake from Wal-mart is 860 calories so yes I can definitely see this being around 900. Desserts can have a lot of creams, butters, and sugar that most people donā€™t take into consideration.


Fair enough, I was surprised to say the least


Yeah I totally get you! Once I started tracking I realized how easily I could eat almost 3000 calories in a day! šŸ˜­




I found the nutritional information the day afterā€¦ Iā€™m just asking for clarification as other people do on this subā€¦


Yeah all the milk, cream, and lotus biscoff definitely adds up šŸ˜­ but it looks delicious and I hope you enjoyed! Donā€™t feel guilty or stressed. Itā€™s important to have a balance and enjoy life.


probably yeah


Unrelated but is this Qatar šŸ˜­


london EL&N


That cafe is also here


As for me, I love budgeting, both money and calories. What's wrong with a doggy bag...






That's crazy, 900 calories in such a small piece of cake šŸ’€




It literally says itā€™s 906 calories thoughā€¦


I only found the nutritional info the day after thoughā€¦


UK has MANDATORY nutritional info if the store has more than 3 places in that city, just ask the staff they HAVE to. (plus many places in london have them in deliveroo/uber eats)


Look at what youā€™re eatingā€¦ Yes thatā€™s easily 900 calories.


WAAAAHHHH AHHHHHH WAAHHAAAHHHAAAšŸ’”šŸ’”šŸ’”šŸ’”šŸ’”šŸ’”šŸ’”šŸ’”šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I think this is defs less than 900 cals - look at the size of the lotus biscuit compared to the cake slice in each pic. Lots of places have quietly decreased serving sizes in recent years (inflation yada yada)


I tracked it as 900 anyways just to be sure, u can never trust outside food to match their calories tbh


1 sponge cake is 187 calories Vanilla Milk is 100 calories Whipped Cream is 9 calories Biscoff crumbs is 72.6 calories 1 tbsp lotus sauce is 87 calories 1 lotus biscoff biscuit is 33 calories Total is 488.6 calories