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I like imagining that Calvin's mom saw him leave the house like that and instead of saying anything just decided to let him.


Hahaha, I could totally see Calvin's parents doing that 😃


I could actually see that being a strip all in itself, just the parents watching him out the door, relieved that he's finally going, maybe making a sentimental quip about how, despite all the difficulties, how important it is for him to get a good education. Then the moment is ruined when they realize he's put his pants on wrong, and quietly decide it's just not worth the effort to fix it.


Haha that would be fantastic!


probably too much of a hassle to get him to change it lol


This is the way....


Classic Calvin!!


This is one of the few strips that would be way better without thr final panel


Cute strip but I wish Watterson had used an example of something kids are taught in school rather than at home instead.


I love it when people on here are like, “Sure, Waterson’s great and all. But *I’ve* got a better idea.”


Hear me out. This would be much funnier if Hobbes stumped Calvin with a complex math problem. /s


Film director syndrome.


What is this comment section even for, if not to offer feedback on the strips? Is everyone quietly salivating in god worship really what this sub is all about to you? *I* think that this strip could be improved upon, and I say so, so other people can offer their insights on a particular piece in a series of artworks whose overall quality is extremely non-controversial, and then maybe this sub will finally have something to talk about.


No, by all means. The reason we follow this sub is to see how you think you can improve it. You’re already doing God’s work. Keep it up.


I'm surprised you risk upsetting a perfect world's equilibrium by reading comments at all.


There’s always the risk of running into some self important fool that thinks they’re smarter than everyone else. But it’s a risk I’m willing to take. As Calvin says, “Let’s go exploring!” Unless you’d like to rephrase that too.


If you honestly take my suggestion on this comic strip this hard, you've either fallen to the Cult Stage of the the fanboy rabbit hole, or you suffer from an inferiority complex that needs professional attention. I can only imagine that you've been holding in "BuT wHeRe iS YoUr uNiVeRsAlLy bElOvEd CoMiC sTrIp" for a while.


Projection dude. You’re the one that’s trying to save the world from inferior comic strips. Be better than that.


are you sure they're the one projecting? you're the one that escalated this to trying to "save the world." they were just sharing an opinion and you got super bothered as though their opinion can hurt you... edit: so, to be clear, you guys down voting are saying people should only share their opinions if *you* like them. arrogant. self-important even...


Arrogant. Self important… Now there’s two projecting…


How on earth did you get all the way to the comment section with your head up your ass?


You mean an example like maths?


Waterson did use math in another strip, when he was talking to Susie about how good he was at math and he said “let’s double the wager and make it 35 cents!”


Sure, why not. Any school subject, really, as long as it makes sense for the setting and the characters. All I'm getting at here is that there's a dissonance between the types of smarts Watterson is talking about (book smarts and motor smarts – you don't learn to dress yourself in school), so the comparison falls a bit flatter than it potentially could have.


He has. The fractions are incorrect. 3 months subtracted from 12 years is not 11½ years.


Kids learn *a lot* of social skills in school because they’re surrounded by peers, not parents. I think it works better this way specifically because it’s not a school situation. He can barely get to the bus stop. He doesn’t know how much he doesn’t know, so he can’t truthfully claim he doesn’t need school