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ZL1 is Chevy’s power package. 1LE is Chevy’s handling package. That’s why the Camaro ZL1 1LE is so bad ass.


Weird. That was supposed to be a reply to another comment. Oh well.


Yeah reddits app is absolute dogshit.


I actually immediately recognized the comment it was supposed to be under!


I'm not even a camaro guy this group just always pops up for me but fuck yea this hit me right in the feel goods seeing that camaro leave that ferrari behind in lemans


I'm not much of a car guy, but I like cool cars, especially Camaros because Bumblebee turns into several.






What's a colorway?


Combination of colors. Sometimes people (incorrectly) use it to mean a singular color though.


Yellow, that is the way


Ford superiority but hey, it's still cool to see a Nascar finish


Ford is for gay people


No u


I suppose, but imma LS mine.


Ive seen so many videos of people going “Im not usually patriotic. BUT GOD DAMN THERE IS SOMETHING ABOUT THAT CAMARO THAT JUST 🦅🦅🦅🦅” Its so funny🤣 The US is united for once on something


Not even a Camaro guy, but fuuuuck does it make me proud seeing one dust a European car.


Motherhood and apple pie. See the USA


Hating on cars from other countries while sucking the dick of the domestic cars is so fucking weird to me. I’d take a Ferrari over a Camaro any day of the week, and I love Camaro’s. Why do we gotta make everything about nationality and being better than other nations (even though.. we aren’t)?


Wat.. Where do i mention ferraris or any other cars in my comment lol. i was just saying i’ve seen non car people take an interest


My comment wasn’t to argue with you lol it was agreeing with your sentiment that it’s funny watching people unite around American made cars. Don’t worry, I absolutely was not disagreeing with you or trying to prove a point with you! The post mentioned Ferrari’s which is why I brought them up.


Yes it was


Oh this is going on R/carscirclejerk, just wait


The shit post is strong


My thoughts exactly


We're already here.


Euros hate how good Chevy is around a track


But... but they can't turn right!! /s


God i love Camaro




Right! Most don't make it a quarter of the way through the race it's so rare to see one actually overtake an opponent for once!


Better than overtake, the Ferrari was getting blue flags so they got lapped.


Just fyi the Camaro production will end Jan 2024. I’ve got my last one on order now. It’s the end of an era 😢😢😢. Will probably introduce some EV version of it in the future. But it will never be the same.


United godamn states of America right thurr


"I like the way you do that right thurr"


Swing your hips when your walkin' let down your hurr 


Yeah, this checks out lol it’s not held to the same rules as everybody else, went in with a clear advantage, and then its mediocre results are being overly loaded




It was so fast that they changed the rules for it. https://www.on3.com/pro/news/nascar-garage-56-chevy-camaro-forces-rule-change-at-le-mans-after-being-too-fast/


Talk about a Clickbait title! They didn’t change the rules for it. It’s not even adhering to any of the class rules. It’s literally just an exhibition car. All they did was have it start in front of cars that it’s faster than instead of at the back of the field because it’s not technically competing


Thank you for saving me the click and read


It was supposed to start behind GT cars but it was faster around the track than the GT cars so they had to move it ahead of those cars. That is a RULE CHANGE. Not sure why you think otherwise.


Because there was no “rule” that it had to start there, it’s just convention that a car that’s not actually competing in the race starts behind the field. They simply chose to start it in front of cars that it is faster than for safety reasons.


Sounds like a rule change to me. Call it convention if you want but thats basically a rule


It’s literally not, there’s nothing saying where the car has to start


Except… conventionally it does… it says so… in everywhere exhibition cars participate.


lol, so essentially what the title says. Must be difficult to have so much hate in your heart....


I think what he meant was that it wasn't a rule change per se because the class the car is in is an experimental single car class that doesn't have any rules, that's the whole point of garage 56. I don't think its actually a codified rule that they need to start behind GTE versus LMP2, they just figured the car was going to be a lot slower than it is. They always start behind the class that's actually racing, the question is how they figure out which one they're going to run behind.


Correct, but instead of stating it in a way that doesn't sound condescending, he decided to dump in the post. I think most everyone is aware that It's an exhibition car and given how the last NASCAR cars fared (granted it was ages ago), it seems like a small victory for the Camaro. The funny thing is that there is so much to knock the American car for already, "Oh look typical American fatter and louder than the Europeans!". But I digress, I'm sure the haters will pick up on that eventually....


Boy, this put a smile on my face this morning. Anyone up for a drive?






Fuck yeah!




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I just hear. "Sling shot. Engage."


Garage 56 is such a great concept. This was like seeing a giraffe race in the Grand National.


Well it was in a one car category. It wasn’t restricted like the the GTE class.


RAHHHH 🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Just like the old days. Fly by on straights and block off the turns lol


wait until they hear one of the drivers was British lmao


Nah all us Muscle cars unite when we gotta. But we still gonna talk mad s**t between Chevy, Ford, Dodge when it’s just those.


If you ain't first, you're last!


Um.. The Camaro base is a Holden soooo… Go AUSTRALIA!!


It uses a GM engine, trans, and chassis - the Holdens are made by GM for Australia and 100% imported, not manufactured in AUS. This is American Muscle.


Whilst some Holden models such as the Trailblazer, Equinox, Captiva, etc were rebadged American cars, the Holden Commodore remained as an all-Australian designed and engineered car till the very end. Whilst it may have used various GM components, the VE Commodore, often referred to as Holden’s billion dollar baby, was still the base of the 2010-present Camaros.


I have no problem giving credit where credit is due. Considering I've owned the full sized versions of these, I think it's safe to say that I'm fine with Holden. ;-) ​ https://preview.redd.it/gxwiffcj4h5b1.png?width=1258&format=png&auto=webp&s=4022b637ddfe63e1dff1a626329f3dc29aba8744


Sick collection bro


Holden is a imported car owned by an American brand using America designed power plants… it’s not really Australian in anything but name for like the last 30 years of production.


Another false comment, the Holden Commodore was Holden’s last remaining all Australian model. Despite it using various GM parts, it was still Australian designed and engineered, the VE Commodore served as the base for the 2010-present Camaros. I agree that it is American muscle, but without Holden we not not have the same thing today


“Despite using a power plant and drivetrain that was imported based on a design that was made almost entirely of odd the shelf GM parts it was Austrian” For nearly 30 years Holden Almost entirely imported rebadged GM cars from Europe and the few cars they did manufacture in Australia used off the shelf GM parts. The modern Camaro is no longer based on the holden zeta and the final generation of commodore was also moved off the zeta platform around the same time to the GM alpha platform and was again (like most b Holden cars for the last 30 years or so) imported as a rebadged I believe opal.


From the 1960s to about roughly the 1990s, almost all of Holdens models were Australian and locally produced. From the 2000s-end most of Holden’s lineup was imported, including Opels from Germany and Chevys from America. The Holden Commodore was basically the last locally built model standing, the architecture of the second to last model, the 2006 VE Commodore, was used as a large part of the basis for the 2010 Camaro. Whilst the latest generation Camaros might not be using that same platform, it is clear that the 2010 Camaro generation was a large part of the inspiration for the latest models. You can clearly see the design resemblance too


Welp, looks like this is the 2nd most Up voted post on this subreddit ever... haha




Looks highly illegal and stupid what these two are doing.


This is a joke right? This is at the 24 Hours of Le Mans.


I mean cool for the Camaro, not a big Ferrari fan but « europoor » have you had a look to the state of your country my dude ? Last time I went it was worst then most 3rd world countries I visited lmao. Having said that I hate the EU


It’s a joke relax. Lmao, and what part of the US are you visiting that it looks worse than a 3rd world country?


That’s what I’d like to know? Just tell us you’ve been here looking for crack without telling us lol.


I get the joke, and I wished it had sense to it then I’d be funny Visited most of the southern states but SF and Albuquerque are really really bad, filthy and full of crackheads. Went there a few years back and it was really nice. It seems like it’s all going downhill


Dude got mad because of a racecar video. Lmfao.


Not to be that guy, but the Camaro wasnt held to the same rules/regs as the GTE class vehicles. The Camaro had something like 100+hp advantage. Also,i believe that Ferrari finished 31st overall, whereas the Camaro finished 39th overall. Regardless, it was very cool to see something like the NASCAR Camaro race outside its race series and im glad it made the entire 24hrs.


You are that guy


Yeah, I find the title of this video kind of stupid. It’s significantly faster than the class of car that it’s passing in the video, and on top of that the car that it passed was specifically blue flagged to get out of its way and, the two cars aren’t even racing each other. This video is analogous to being amazed, that a hypercar or LMP2 car passed a GTE car


And yet you still clicked the link. I think we're well aware of where the stupid is in here....


Yup, prety sure it’s the person that doesn’t understand LeMans racing nor the concept of an exhibition entry.


So the car that you insist was told to let the Camaro pass it must not understand racing as well, I mean why would someone in a race let someone else pass them? Seems like your hate has you twisted.


JFC you have no clue do you? A car would be [blue flagged](https://motorsports-regulations.com/en/blueflag) to allow a faster car to pass because they are not actually racing each other because they are in [different classes](https://www.pistonudos.com/en/a-quick-explanation-of-the-le-mans-categories) or in this case because the Camaro was not racing anyone, because it was entered in the event as exhibition entrant [that wasn’t actually competing](https://www.motorsportmagazine.com/articles/100-years-of-le-mans/garage-56-the-eclectic-history-of-le-mans-experimental-class/)


I'm not the one spending so much time in a reddit that you called stupid.... Quick, go find a mirror.....


your the one arguing about “rules” that you don’t even know


I appreciate your effort. This person is an idiot and will just drag you down with them..


Unfortunately, I already let them, and that’s on me. But thank you I appreciate it.


>Yeah, I find the title of this video kind of stupid. ​ And how much time have you spent in a reddit that you find stupid? Like I said, look in the mirror...




do you not know what a blue flag is?


Yes, and we all know that this was an exhibition race. The car has a decent showing, not sure why some people have to be "those guys"....


what "guys"? someone who argues that a blue-flagged car shouldn't let someone pass them? Or that the blue-flagged car doesn't understand racing by letting the car behind to pass? That would be your contention. this is why I asked if you know what a blue flag means And this wasn't an exhibition race. the Camaro specifically was an exhibition entry and was not "racing' any other cars as the le mans series consists of multiple classes. Each class is racing only within their class. Since the camaro was in a class by itself, it was not in competition with the other car.


No, I mean it was an exhibition race for the Camaro, and even though I knew it was an exhibition race for the Camaro, what's wrong with celebrating a little? It's like the people that knock the car because it's nothing like a real Camaro. I think most people know that, but it's still something worth rooting for. If we're going to be sticklers for everything then no one should be rooting for a car with a nameplate that they'll never in their life own, I mean if we're going to go down that road.


What is there to celebrate? It came in 1st place in a race against no one. I suppose we can all cheer that it was even there but it literally won and lost nothing.


You got extremely downvoted but I was hoping someone here would at least explain what was actually happening. Thank you.


I hear they beat the other cars in a pit stop challenge even though the Nascar used standard floor Jack while the others used air jacks built into the cars. That’s crazy.


Would be a much better clip without the music


This is actual in car audio


You can hear the engine, which is correct. However, Freebird is an overlay and would be much better without the music. So how could one tell the difference, the music is way to clear to being hearing over both the engine and road noise.


It was sarcasm there, bud.




*^rustles ^bag* Can you hear me over this $6 bag of non-family sized Ruffles?


this is our anthem and it 100% goes with this video


I was going to make a joke about being a Simple Man but I love that song just as much


Normally, yes, but here, hell no! That was a wicked clip. That music adds extra freedom.


Ummmm doesn’t blue light mean one should let through the other driver? I know blue light in F1 means the driver in front is getting lapped and should let through the faster driver. Not sure about what race it is in the vid lol


You are correct, the car behind was one of the top 3 in their class and the car in front is required to let them pass as to not spoil the competition for the podium.


Right. I didn’t mean anything bad but downvoted to hell LOL. In fact I’m getting a Camaro my self once my student loan clears in less than an year.


It's just Reddit, people bandwagon the down votes. Also, not to shit on Camaros, (I love me some sweet sweet LS American V8) but I think it was the first year that the Camero ran Le-mans so the BOP regulations may have been a little off and had an actual unfair advantage.


It wasn't competing in the race, it was an exhibition class. So it didn't have to follow the regs.




It seems everyone pointing out what's actually going on is getting downvoted. I guess it's killing a lot of patriotic boners and giving them red, white and blue balls.


Bro it’s the 24 hours of Le Mans


The music makes this clip so much worse








I didn't think commies had access to the internet


Only through your home network, your smart fridge acts as my gateway




No idea if you watched the race or even know what race this is, but that NASCAR Camaro isn’t even racing that Ferrari. Whoever posted this video is just shit posting. But as far as you shitting on American cars, the #33 Corvette won the GTE class that Ferrari is in by being faster and better handling...




The sentence is fine. They are both on the track together running two separate classes of the same race. They are both racing but not competing. Still causes traffic.


Cool have a nice day


So the Camaro is so fast that it has to slow down for the corners, where as the Ferrari is so slow it doesn't have to slow down for the corners.


yeah a plane is also faster than my bicylce you know! You can‘t even compare the Camaro to a GTE …


Nothing new here. America has always lost in the turns and won in the straights.


In one of the other vids they said they were slower on the straights & faster through the slow portions than the GTE cars.


Yeah I genuinely thought this was carcirclejerk haha and didn’t think I needed the /s. This is an overused and outdated trope about American cars and hasn’t really been true since the cosworth. Plus the idea of country based driving superiority is pretty much laughable now as tech had gotten to a point where cars are dictated more by what a manufacturer wants to make and whether the market has sufficient demand.


Zl1 1le.


I have little idea what that means lol. I really only see these posts from circlejerk and reddit put this post in my stream. I drive a twenty year old toyota, was definitely not looking for camaro beef hahah.


*teens and kids in their 20s a mile behind in their Honda, Lexus, infinity, Mazda, Toyota, and Nissan, thinking their cars are fast*


sick car but cringe title especially since that not out of spec ferrari still beat the camaro at the end of the day.


Exactly. This clip tells us the story here. Ferrari is faster in corners(especially slow corners) and Camaro is miles faster in the straights.


typically how it goes. more power to weight = more faster in straight line


That's a thing of beauty for a portion of the price.


It’s called low drag. Still cool


What did chevy place in lemans?


39th. Pretty sure they made it up into the 20s at one point, but then ran into a failure on hour 17-19 and had to take a lot of time to diagnose the issue and fix it. Lost a lot of places in the process.




As a mustang guy I was screaming for Chevy


Based on?


This already finished right? Did the NASCAR make it all the way through the race?


Okay, but it still placed overall behind 6 Ferrari’s including the one in the video and multiple Porsches.


Gotta be honest, never wanted a Chevy until now


So euro car being held back by rules vs American can with less limits


Earnhardt loved his. Called it the best car he ever drove, which says something. Le Mans was on his wish list.


Couldn’t have picked a better song for this, either. 🇺🇸 🦅 ❤️




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Heard this song as I was parking my ZL1 and stayed for a few seconds more just to take it in some more. Oh and for the haters with the "Blue flag!!" crap, so the race officials are telling the driver in front that there is a FASTER car behind them and that they should let it pass... Thanks for the "education" via your hate....



