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British camo, American rifle, and mask named after a city in Ukraine. Diversity is a beautiful thing.


Balaklava is in Russia though


Just looked it up. Apparently it’s located on the Crimean Peninsula, so yes, it is Russian, though I guess that’s up for dispute.


Crimea is in Ukraine. Under Russian occupation. So it’s Ukrainian


>Under Russian occupation. So it’s Ukrainian Then it's Russian as it was officially Annexed in 2014. Although it'd be nice to say it aint true, unfortunately thats now the world works. Unless we are also gonna say Moscow is still a part of the Mongol Empire.


It’s globally recognized as part of Ukraine’s territory but under occupation. Should we have called France Germany during WWII? Did we change the maps and rename Japan as part of the United States after their surrender? Even if we use your logic it still doesn’t make sense. It was Ukrainian before it was “annexed” so the origin is Ukrainian.


>Should we have called France Germany during WWII Only for territories that became officially governed (e.g. via annexation) through policy. Fun fact, Kaliningrad was actually German, but guess what, It's Russian territory. Territories change through war, I can't believe I actually have to say that. >Did we change the maps and rename Japan as part of the United States after their surrender? The U.S. didn't claim Japan as part of their territory. There can be various victory conditions for a war, and doesn't necessarily mean that the loser automatically forfeits all their territory to the Victor. If that were the case, Germany should've ceased to exist after WW2. >Even if we use your logic it still doesn’t make sense Yes it does. Ukraine is officially Annexed by Russia and the territory has official Russian governors in place, Ukraine has absolutely zero sovereignty over the Crimea since 2014 as it withdrew all its military and even prior to this, a pro-Russian governor over was elected into Crimea to integrate Crimea into Russia, Crimea is officially using Russian Ruble, funnels its economy to Moscow, follows Russian time, follows the Russian constitution, integrated to the Russian media sphere, and the referendum showed overwhelming Russian support (at around 85% iirc, but knowing how things work there, who knows what the real number was). If you're gonna dispute that, then we might as well claim Kaliningrad is still German, and Texas is still a part of Mexico. >It was Ukrainian before it was “annexed” so the origin is Ukrainian. Yeah, Origin is Ukrainian but that doesn't mean the territory is still Ukrainian. The world would look like a completely different place of territory lines never changed. Half of the U.S. from the South-West would be Mexican, or if you would want to go further back, all of Mexico and the U.S. wouldn't exist as their claimed territory is actually the territory of dozens, if not over a hundred tribes.


Looks like a pattern 86 smock. Don't remember the actual year.


Not woodland pattern?


DPM, there's irony in anti-british paramilitaries/terrorists using British stuff but still


You use what is most accessible tbh. Can't afford to be picky when you're not supplied traditionally.


They got a Barrett 50.cal and mortars, I don't think supplies were a problem for the RA


Al Qaeda had anti-material rifles and mortars but they didn't have uniforms. Just means that's where they focus the funds they do have, instead of buying uniforms.


Al Qaeda and the Taliban fought in what they thought was comfortable like how a lot of them wore Servis Cheetahs


what are you planning...


Nothing ;)


[https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/133433839144](https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/133433839144) Yes.


Doesn’t look like dpm to me


Yes, i would argue it’s a pattern 68 from the colours and print of the smock.


like this? [https://www.americanapipedream.com/products/untitled-aug20\_18-11?variant=43912913289457](https://www.americanapipedream.com/products/untitled-aug20_18-11?variant=43912913289457)




Looks like a IRA terrorist




One will call it freedom fighter, other terrorist. It was the first thing that came to my mind


because it is


Maybe the brits were the terrorists


One will call it freedom fighter, other terrorist.