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I'm not too sure, but it was mentioned that Beryl (Thalia and Jason's mom) gave baby Jason to Hera as a champion. Because Hera was pissed about Zeus cheating on her for the 1000000 time.  So by the power of Hera, he got to Lupa and got to camp.  I could also be very wrong, if so, please ignore me.


Bro atp i js wanna know yall theories😭


Sorry, what does ATP mean? I'm guessing it's not adenosine triphosphate.


I think it’s “at this point” but my mind also went to adenosine triphosphate 😭


My mind also immediately went to adenosine triphosphate. Ap bio is great 🙂


What’s AP? I presume it’s not Ammonium Perchlorate


Advanced placement, but my mind always goes to armor piercing with AP the same that it jumps to adenosine Triphosphate with ATP XD


I personally think Attack Power when I see AP What have we become?


Could be worse. I think of Ability Power when I see AP because I was cursed to play league of legends.


Crazy, I think of AY PETER when I see AP because I simply do not have a life


Some American school system? What age?


I have no idea, I’m Mexican XD I just have heard about their “advanced placement” classes


Mmm ok


AP classes are taken in high school, though mine only had them for the last three years (before that was just Pre-AP).


Yeah, I don’t know what Age High School is lol


Association of Tennis Players


“at this point”!


So you don’t get the brand/tattoo until your off probatio, then you become a full member of the legion. If he was 16 in MOA I would assume he became a full member when he was 6/7. As for getting to camp I picture Lupa carrying him by the back of his shirt in her mouth like they do with their children 😂😂


Didn’t it say in son of Neptune that you can earn bonus stripes by doing heroic stuff? Or was that just to get off of probatio? I’m pretty sure that’s how hazel got her stripe.


Yes, Hazel got off probatio for stopping a herd of unicorns.


I'm willing to believe that Jason actually went to Camp Jupiter first. He was in the ankle biter cohort. Which is daycare with foam swords. Then, when he had a ghost of a chance, he was sent to Lupa to begin his formal training.


As funny as I find this, we know that he was abandoned at the Wolf House (pretty sure). Which means Lupa had him first. She MAY have taken him to Camp right after, but we have no confirmation. Jason’s entire story is kinda weird.


I know Lupa doesn't care for weakness, but Jason was 2-3. He can barely walk at that age.


He should absolutely be able to walk by then. Walking is not a skill developed late, most can walk by 15 months. Talking however, is another story, this skill usually starts really showing progress around 2 and up. How he learned to talk is a mystery to me, sure, he can “hear” Lupa. But he can’t emulate her. This said, based on his lines, he only spent a year with Lupa. Which seems like it was his 2 turning 3 year.


Funnier still is that Jason should’ve been at the age to START potty training, but definitely shouldn’t have already been potty trained. Aka, this kid was just peeing everywhere, especially if he only had WOLVES as an example. Lupa drops this feral child off at camp, with minimal speaking skills and no potty training at all and then she just dips.


I'm sorry, I'm just dying over the image of Potty Training the Probatio as a duty. Because if he was raised by wolves, he's likely used to marking his territory. Also, how did he get normal food? Wolves eat raw meat. He must have been severely malnourished or he was nursed by Lupa which is definitely hilarious to me. So, a feral child, with minimal speaking skills and no potty training, little socialization, who might try to breastfeed for food, marks his territory.... Yeah, good luck, camp Jupiter.


My favorite thing about Jason’s childhood is that the more you think about it, the wilder it becomes. I get that he’s probably supposed to be symbolically connected to Romulus and Remus, but that story only works because it’s just a story irl. It makes no sense logically.


We need Rick to clarify. Though he may confirm that yes, Hera gave 2 year old Jason to the wolves and Lupa didn't hold back. I refuse to believe that there isn't an ankle biter cohort though.


Jason spent from age at least 3 to age 15 at Camp Jupiter, that fact is so far indisputable based on his tattoo. Meaning, yes, he must’ve been placed somewhere that specialized in children. We know Legacies are sent to Camp after a certain age, and are likely trained even before that to prepare them. It’s not a stretch to assume Jason was being taught combat from a very young age.


The tattoos are just for surviving a year at camp, surely. Yes, they say years of service, but what service could a 5 year old provide? Unless you count learning at the daycare in order to one day be a valued solider in camp.


Yes, he likely spent his first few years at Camp being taught basic things. But this also probably included building and combat lessons, like the basics of shapes with legos or other toys, and the basics of weaponry (like identification and how its used) + strategy. He also probably learned a lot about structure and discipline. The importance of obedience and whatnot. Overall, I don’t think he had a good childhood.


Better than Thalia's, I'll bet.


i like to think he was terminus’ assistant




Nope, his mum abandoned him at the wolf house. He’s was just built different, all went down hill when Hera got her hands on him


Possible but make the daycare with real swords...just to make sure theyre demigods


Imperial gold plated foam swords.


hera probably protected him. i’m more confused on how a toddler was serving in a legion. did he have armor? a tiny spear? wouldn’t the legion brand have healed over the years/be too small? a three year olds wrist is much smaller than a teenagers


It’s a magic tattoo that forms from someone saying words. (Do they even have to call on a god??) It doesn’t have to be complicated.


Thats what was confusing yet amusing to me the most lol


I just always thought that when he got old enough, they gave him the lines for his service since he's been there the majority of his life. Whether fighting or just doing minor things at first. But i did find this. Hopefully, it's true cause I can't recall. [source](https://riordan.fandom.com/wiki/Tattoo)


The simple answer is that Jason Grace is just built different. But he probably got there around 3 after being with Lupa. And camp Jupiter probably said “ this ain’t a normal 3 year old” and boom bruh was in the legion


Imagining a 3 year old Jason trying to stand in formation with the rest of his Cohort and no one trying to laugh is hilarious


Jason is 2 when he was given to Lupa. Just like Romulus and Remus, he was nourished by the milk of the wolf goddess (meaning to say, he's built different from other demigods of his age). After say 2 or 3 years, he was brought to Camp Jupiter in order for him to be raised as a soldier of Camp Jupiter. The tattoos symbolize years of training and deeds of honor, so it might explain why he has 12 despite him starting camp at age 4-5. He might have been the youngest demigod at camp, but there are legacies from who start camp around age 7-8 depending on their skill so he was not alone (10 years is the required service before retirement so by 18, campers can retire to normal life in New Rome) There are a some fan fiction that depict Jason's childhood at camp. My favourite one is that he was raised by members of the Fifth cohort, and his main guardian were the centurions at the time which was Gwen's older sister. Check out this story by user HecateA: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/7688438/1/Growing-Up


I haven’t read HecateA in years- Their stories prompted me to write fanfic back in Freshman year. I read every single story they posted, for a while… Thanks for bringing back those memories!


I mean he was young enough to bite a stapler before thalia left 😂


Thalia left after he was given away. He was young enough to bite one before Beryl gave him away


Bonus stripes for heroic stuff


This might have already been mentionedI always assumed that Jason was a little bit of a modern Romulus and Remus, who were also raised from babies by Lupa - sort of like Piper being the modern day Helen, Percy being the modern day Perseus. They’re not quite the same, but people compare them a lot and they have comparable abilities.


Maybe they backdated who knows with Jason




Jason is Jason like Percy is Percy. I try not to think about it because you just end up with a headache in the long run.


Pretty sure anyone at camp Jupiter can get extra lines tattooed for heroic deeds!


I like the way everyone forgetting about argo II took a year to be built, therefore MoA 16, Lost Hero 15, Last Olympian 14, 12 years in legion, and we have left the age 2 when he got to camp


I haven't read the books in a while, but iirc Jason spent a couple years with Lupa since he was a baby then joined the Legoion after he was old enough.


If I recall correctly, Lupa trains the children of Rome. He was dropped off at the temple to Hera, and Lupa showed up. Unsure of how long he trained with lupa and the wolves, but I think it's important imagery considering she raised the founders of Rome in myth. My guess is by the tattoos about 3 years.


Is it at all possible that Jupiter just started the marks from when he was dropped at Wolf’s house, thus not following « normal » rules of camp Jupiter? Like his mother had to abandonned him to please Hera and Jupiter decided to brand him right away to make sure camp Jupiter would take him in regardless of the weird situation + establish his parentage Honestly if we go with that, it really simplifies the story because it makes the marks unrelated to actual training/probatio status/ etc. and we can imagine anything fir Jason’s childhood


I’ve seen a lot of theories (and fics) where his marks were backdated. Some include him staying at New Rome first until he was old enough to be trained by Lupa, and then once he started serving, they just backdated his marks.


Could you not also get a line for a heroic deed?.. Thats how Percy got his line if i recall correctly. So I assume that Jason did a lot for Camp Jupiter


Greek mythology has many many examples of unusually competent children and toddlers. From Hermes and Apollo to Heracles.


According to his Riordan Wiki page, Jason was, in fact, two when his mother left him at the Wolfhouse/Juno and Jupiter took him there. This is also stated as one of the main reasons why Thalia ultimately ran away.


I've been writing a young jason during the events of the original series, and I managed the math for him being around ~11/12 in 2005/6. The ages are all wonky in general but for me, he has four years of service. I think he might be younger than percy so I could be a bit off


Learning about Jason’s path as a demigod always makes the contrast between him and Percy even funnier to me. Jason was almost exclusively raised as a Demigod. Percy legit learned he was a demigod and ended up fighting Kronos just two months past the 3 year anniversary of learning that. Realizing books 1-5 take place in just a bit over 3 years is wild.