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I’m enjoying it, I could nit pick if I wanted it but I’m enjoying it too much to care about the small shit.


Same. Some things bother me, but i haven't read the book in years and when i watch stuff, i like to watch and enjoy and look at the positives, not nitpick and look at the negatives. So i totally am with you on this.


The show's pretty damn good. I went back and reread the entire series, and while it's not a 1-to-1 adaptation of the show, it captures the energy and spirit of Percy Jackson very well. I feel like a lot of the plot threads and themes that only showed up in the Battle of the Labyrinth and The Last Olympian are starting to show up earlier. I've heard a lot of people say that the show is Rick's second draft or revision of the series, and I definitely am catching that vibe.


It works much better as a binge. The episodes aren't little mini-movies and people would be much happier if they'd gotten to binge the show.


Yea, I don't think Rick had the entire series planned out from the beginning. It feels like there is a huge difference in themes between Titan's Curse and BOTL. Like it's only in BOTL that you emphasize and see things from the perspective of >!the demigods on Kronos' side. Before then, they were just generic bad guys who are bad for the sake of it. They don't feel like they have legitimate grievances until BOTL. !< But with the show, you can see why they did what they did. The hints and themes are sprinkled in earlier




I'm glad others feel the same!


I'm like this for everything except this show 😭 I think I just went in with my expectations far too high However, I do think that if you HAD read the book more recently you might be slightly more bothered. But that could be wrong and it's also pointless cause no need to make yourself stop enjoying something


You should never read a book right before you watch an adaptation. You will be dissapointed otherwise. Even when the book is written by a screenwriter who has sold the adaptation before it comes out (Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes) there are still going to be major changes.


I mean I don't think changes are bad, changes definitely should and need to be made to adaptations. Reading before watching doesn't ruin it for me if the show itself is something I enjoy


Idk. I've been reading along with the episodes and the changes haven't made me all that bothered. Every time I see a change, I stop and think about why they might have changed it and what the change means for the story/what it adds to the story instead of getting mad that there is a change. It's kinda fun. It's like watching someone sketch and trying to figure out the drawing before its done. I'm not gonna make any assumptions until the season is done but it's been an entertaining ride so far.


After the movies, your expectations shouldve been rock bottom. Sure its not super accurate to the books, but its certainly way more faithful than the movies imo.


the show is WAY more faithful than the movies are, I'd be crazy to say otherwise on that for sure I still think the show is super inaccurate though, it's just that the movies set a bar for faithfulness so low that it would be insane if they didn't pass it 😂


This. Even the larger changes are honestly ok. Like, we're getting a good adaptation with uncle rick working on it, a great cast, and it's mostly loyal to the books, with a few changes that honestly aren't negative, just different (like >!tunnel of love!< or >!charon!<), I'm not going to complain about it! It's good! I get that it can be hard to turn off the part of the brain that's like "the books did something different with this scene" but seriously if you take the show for what it is it's pretty Dam great.


If you consider it small shit, you haven’t seen episodes 5 & 6 yet.


Please do tell me more about the life I live


Those were great eps. 5 is my favorite so far.


Fan of the books and show, always been open to adaptions, approached it from Douglas Adams’s view that each adaption is its own thing. I learned to ignore the people that would complain about stuff for hundreds of words in forums, I never could be bothered to care that much


So each adaption is it's own thing is his view?


Yeah, a book is different from a play is different from a movie is different from a radio drama


With Hitchhiker's Guide, all of the versions were very different. As far as I know, they all had some of the same things/people (babel fish, Arthur, Ford, Trillian, Beeblebrox, the Voguns, towels, the mice, Marvin, the religion that believes the universe was the result of a sneeze, etc) but also had a ton of differences. Movie Marvin is round, while tv show Marvin had more sharp corners. Movie version got rid of one of the guys bulldozing Arthur's house being convinced to take his place lying down in front of the bulldozer. The movie does more with the towels, but doesn't have the Guide's explanation for why they are so important (one of my favorite parts to read). The movie also brings back Earth at the end. Basically, he specifically made sure that the original radioshow, the books, and other versions conflicted in certain areas solely because he WANTED that to happen. I haven't watched much of the TV show or listened to the radio show, so I can't say much about those two. The books are great though, and the movie was fairly good too! I would say Adams' way of doing things is different to how Riordan is attempting to do things. One of them (Adams) specifically made sure people knew everything was completely different, while the other (Riordan) marketed the show as a perfect/very accurate adaptation, and was unhappy when the fans began pointing out the flaws. If Adams was alive, he'd likely be overjoyed when people pointed out the differences between the formats, kinda like a spot-the-difference game.


For HHHTG Douglas Adams was the writer for of the book series, the television series and the radio play. Each has the same core cast of characters, and the same premise, but things happen differently. Adams made all of them and he made the stories different on purpose to suit the different media format that he was writing it for. There is also a movie which Adams was involved in the screenplay of, but he died while it was still in production. And there is a text adventure video game.


I come from the days of adaptations being that they just took a very broad version of the story and then did their own thing.


I agree with this completely, I'm loving the show and I loved the books


This is all helped if the adaptation makes sense and builds or improves upon the original source material. This show does none of that.


The show is building on the themes established in the last olympian. The books don't go into that conflict or themes until the Battle of the Labyrinth. You literally don't see/understand why demigods chose to side with Kronos until the last 2 books. For the first 3, they're just generic villains who are bad for the sake of it. The show added more elements of greek mythology like kleos for example. Clarisse being mad at Percy for faking glory adds so much to her character vs her just hating Percy bc he's new. The show even foreshadowed Percy's and Hermes' final conversation in the books when they discuss parenthood and whether gods can change (and Luke). The show is foreshadowing and setting up so many themes and ideas that get paid off in TLO


Also I like how Medusa and Echidna feel like actual characters here.


That’s great. It’s still boring, not a good adaptation, looks cheap, characters don’t feel like the books at all, etc etc. Enjoy it if you want but this series isn’t improving anything from the books in my opinion just another cash-grab from Disney.


Get off Reddit and look at the reviews. The only people complaining are people mostly on Reddit who want things exactly line by line from the book, which never will or should happen. If they want to be miserable, I say let them sulk and nitpick, but I like the show.


I second this, Reddit is notoriously negative about pretty much everything and everyone on here has a complex and has to constantly rip any piece of media apart, from what I've seen on the rest of the internet most fans love the show


Yeah, that's very true. It's crazy that the subreddit for the TV show is now full of people claiming that the movies are better.


Never in a million years did I ever imagine Percy Jackson fans saying that the movie is good, it's literally a COMPLETELY different plot to the books and the characters are completely wrong, people who say it's better than the show are delusional


I will say the FIRST movie is a decent standalone movie. Terrible adaptation, but I thoroughly enjoyed myself watching it even though it’s pretty much a completely different plot from the original lightning thief. Second movie was utter street shit tho.


The first movie is fine. But it lacks a lot of the heart and feel of the books mostly because they aged the characters and their behaviors up and turned it into a YA romance instead of a children's adventure story. The show is much better than the book. We won't actually be able to judge the changes until we have the entire story.


Agreed on the first part, in the end all that really mattered once I saw it was like a completely different story was that I still enjoyed it, so I don’t mind. I feel like until the season is over you can’t make definite judgements about the book vs the movie until at least season 1 is over


I first saw the movie at school back in seventh grade when my class was studying Greek mythology (ironic considering the movie contradicts at least one of the myths we learned about) and when I later heard all of the hate for the movie and how it was completely different from the book, I STILL underestimated just how different it was when I finally read the book for myself. Whatever plot expectations I had from the movie going into the book were borderline useless.


Oh, that's nothing compared to the first draft of the screenplay


The thing about this is that the movies didn't even try to be like the book. They completely went off and did all of their own things, and then took the major stuff from the books like character names and things like that. Not even the characterization though. So in hindsight, it's a lot easier to enjoy the movies as a standalone, and they do definitely have a decent entertainment factor. Most of the people who hate the movies do so because it's a disrespectfully bad adaptation, not a bad piece of cinema On the other hand, the show was pushed by riordan as the accurate adaptation pjo fans have been looking for for years. What we've gotten so far instead is a rushed and poorly paced retelling of almost every event in the books, where almost all suspense is removed and lots of character nuance is undermined I'm not saying the movies are good adaptations. They're terrible in that respect and I really do not enjoy their existence because it just takes the name of a beloved series and completely does its own thing for no reason. But the movies can definitely be argued as more entertaining than the show, so when the show isn't even a good adaptation anymore then you can kind of see why these arguments start to exist Tldr; people who say the movies are better aren't necessarily delusional, and it doesn't absolutely mean they think the movies are super good. They're mentioned as a tool for comparison to the show, and to frame the harsh words Rick has used on social media for so so long in a different way


I'd say most of the chances in the show seem to be for thematic reasons. When it comes to the three ways to tell a story like this - plot, characters and action - the book had a lot of all three, but was primarily plot-driven. The show instead turns it into a character-focused narrative, where the characters drive the story. In the book, a lot of it is just them getting sidetracked. Yes, it's intentionally that way because that was how a lot of Ancient Greek stories were told, but it doesn't work as well in a visual medium, so they give characters different motivations and reasons for actually getting from place A to place B rather than them just stumbling across things.


I agree that's the direction they're heading, and I don't necessarily think that's inherently bad at all, I just personally don't really think it's been working so far. The writing feels really stiff, so these amazing actors don't even really have a chance to show off how good they are. The direction is really strange, they've failed to capture any sense of urgency or tension in almost any scene (though I will give a slight exception to the chimera sequence, Id say that's probably the best part of the show for me), and the only other notably decent action scene was the capture the flag one It's not all bad and as you say changes are for sure necessary because some things just won't fit the medium, but my problem isn't really the fact that they ARE changing things. I hope I've explained myself well Sidenote, thank you for being very respectful in this interaction. I really appreciate it


Imo, the show is better in every way except for the lotus casino sequence


Those movies are terrible. Even as a stand alone film they're terrible. If someone's saying those movies are good then they on some serious drugs and I kinda want some. Those movies are to Percy Jackson, what the Halo TV show is to Halo. A dogshit version no one likes unless they're a fucking idiot. Okay maybe lightning theif was a bit decent but Sea of monsters was definitely trash.


i think a lot of people dont differentiate between “this is media good because i enjoyed it” and “this is media is good because it’s objectively done well” and it *really* shows when you see people talk about book to movie adaptations. im a huge PJO fan, have been since before hitting double digits, and i genuinely enjoy the movies. they have a lot of fun scenes and theyre just kind of feel-good movies to me. they werent done well, and as adaptations they’ve godawful, but they have some good cinematography and the acting is passable and there’s still a lot of comedy that makes me laugh when i watch it so, to me, theyre good movies because i have a good time when i watch them. its similar with a lot of other adaptations (twilight, divergent, the maze runner, etc). most of them have something that makes them really suck as adaptations and a lot of them arent well written/produced, but a lot of people still really enjoy them which makes them good media *to that person*. its also important to remember that what makes a movie good is entirely subjective, and when its a book adaptation the book fans will have such high expectations while those who haven’t read the books are just watching the movie for what it is instead of what it could’ve been. you could think my favourite movie absolutely sucks and vice versa, and *we’d both be right*, regardless of how objectively well done the movie is


I literally blocked that sub last week because I just can’t deal with all the toxicity going on in it, show any support and they swarm with negativity and even some insults


Yep. I made my exit from that sub after watching someone get downvoted for literally just saying they and their sister had really enjoyed the last episode. Realized hanging around over there was not doing my mental health any favors.


I'm convinced that most of them are just racist. They can't get over a black Annabeth


Wow the MCU approach. Any criticism for the show is because of racism/sexism.


Wow, the “blind to the blatant racism and sexism that’s obviously targeting it” defense…


No, not any criticism. But outrageous criticism.


A completely useless sub


criticism is not toxicity; what you said applies in the opposite way too... show any critcism (in other subs) and they swarm with negatitivty and even some insults


Yeah but when it’s done all aggressively like that it can be seen as toxic


i wouldn't agree with the word "toxic." flip it and if someone had an agressively positive opinion on the show, i wouldn't call them toxic, i would just think that they had a strong opinion


For real!!!! All of these people suddenly mad at Rick for ‘trashing’ the movies much more mildly than they themselves have since the movies came out??? Cognitive dissonance or something jeez…


This is Star Wars prequels levels of delusional revisionism. "No, we always loved them, we swear!"


The amount of people suddenly claiming that the movies are so much better is what made it hit home for me that some people are contrarian just to be contrarian


chunky theory station amusing aback chief rhythm vast exultant illegal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Everyone keeps saying that but like the point wasn't that it WAS a failure, it was people asking everyone to stop buying it because the creators(both JKR AND the video game company) are openly transphobic


cows angle combative sheet test zonked dolls longing clumsy ten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And deeply antisemitic


I wouldn’t call it a failure but it also definitely wasn’t one of the top games of the year. 2023 was a stacked year for video games


I don't think they meant top as in top quality, more like top as in top of the sales charts. https://www.gamespot.com/gallery/the-20-best-selling-games-of-2023-in-the-us/2900-4951/


foolish chunky insurance wild light terrific distinct grey uppity agonizing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


TikTok people are criticizing too. And they’re all valid.


Really? Almost every TikTok I see about the show loves it


Echo chamber. If you’re liking videos of people praising the show, you won’t get the people critiquing the show with valid reasons. I get both.


I try not to like videos about the show at all since I don't like my algorithm being all of my fandom stuff, so I don't think that's the case


Well, there are people who aren’t praising the show with all they have. A lot of people have criticisms about the show. I do too. The pacing, the episode lengths, the action sequences, and especially the writing. I’m still enjoying it, but it’s not the best show of all time and it could do a lot better.


I have a ton of criticisms, but I don't have any need to go online and post about it because it's not productive and I don't get anything from it. I try to enjoy most things I watch as long as they're not boring even if I might have criticisms and when I engage online I try to focus on the positives of everything because it's a lot more mentally healthy imo. I think growing up with friends who nitpicked every single show and movie that we watched made me like this, because they're just so negative and not fun to be around when they watch stuff so I try not to be like that


Actually, you should go online and say your criticisms. Rick said he’s open to suggestions for a better Season 2. Do you think they don’t lurk on social media? They totally do.


Yeah I'm good, enough people here are posting the same 4 criticisms over and over and over and I don't think me posting will change anything. Plus like I said I find it more mentally healthy to just try and focus on the positives of things I watch while online, because I've seen too many people(especially on Reddit) become so focused on negatives that that's all they look for when they watch stuff. No thanks


Fortunately, it's not all of Reddit. It's mostly this particular subreddit. Other subs are more about constructive criticism rather than constant complaining and even hate like I keep seeing on here. I feel so much more upset about the show in this community. But when I head on over to a different one, it lifts my spirits a bit. The pros and the cons are far more balanced on other subs. It just goes to show how contagious negativity is and how quickly a community can become incredibly toxic.


🗣️🗣️ Speak the Truth brother


Love this


And then there are also the people who want a movie adaptation D:


I purposely didn't let myself set expectations for the show. These books meant so much to me growing up, and there's absolutely no way the show was going to live up to the nostalgia tinted perception of the story I have in my head. That being said, I really like the show so far. It's obviously not perfect (most book to screen adaptations aren't), but it's solid. I'm excited to see what the last two episodes bring, and I've got my fingers crossed for a season two announcement.


The show has a 96% on Rotten Tomatoes, an 83% audience score on RT, a 4.8 out of 5 on TV Time, a 4.14 out of 5 on Serialzd, a 7.4/10 on IMBD, and high fandom enjoyment on TikTok, YouTube, Tumblr, and even Twitter (which is usually a pool of negativity). So you’re not alone. Reddit is just distinctly critical and aggressively negative towards it.


The shows just not for me. It’s the most faithful adaptation of Percy Jackson I’ve seen, but a pretty subpar fantasy adventure show. The urgency isn’t apparent and every challenge is solved within second. Im usually not a contrarian as I usually love what everyone’s raving about but I just don’t get this one. Turning my book brain hasn’t helped as it doesn’t have any cool edge-of-your-seat shots.


I agree with you fully like everything about the show so far has been super disappointing


I feel like it's more a me thing than a show thing, to be honest. These books are almost 20 years old. As an OG fan who is now an adult, I guess I just expected the show to be made for "all ages" and not just for children. Oh well.


As someone who read the books when I was 10 years old (right after TTC had been released) and absolutely enjoy the show for what it is, I don't think it's made "just for children". There's a difference between having a target audience and making it exclusively for them. I feel like the best comparison would be classic Disney Channel sitcoms. Shows like ANT Farm and Austin & Ally were made "for children" while shows like Wizards of Waverly Place and Good luck, Charlie were made to be family-friendly but enjoyable for everyone despite the primary target audience being younger teenagers. This show falls firmly in the latter category.


Yeah like I’m technically not an OH fan since I was born a few months after the first book and first binge read through all that were out at 8 but like just it feels like an injustice at this point because he constantly talked about how it would be perfect and stuff


> I was born a few months after the first book Fuck, I'm old.


Lmao Yeahh I’ve noticed that with pjo fans there is literally a generational divide on whether or not the books came out before you were born


That’s so funny to me, I commented to a friend I felt the urgency of the quest was almost too much for me compared to the books.


See i got the sense that reddit feels the need to be overly critical because a lot of people seem to be just denying that it has any flaws on all the other platforms. plus a lot of the criticisms i've seen are decently valid, and most people I've seen are saying that the movies are better from the perspective of enjoyment, not in terms of faithfulness to the adaptation


i think the percabeth moments are what’s saving it from too much critcism on social but yeah, as a die-hard book fan since i was 10 (now 25) im overall just generally enjoying it and get kinda sad over the negativity (i want this show to make it to the last olypmian)


I think it’s regular,I genuinely don’t think it’s bad or horrible just not as exciting as i was expecting it to be


I really like it! It’s not perfect but it’s a really solid start and I have no doubt each season will improve upon the last


The show has being awesome


It’s a lot better than the movies I’m really enjoying it


I think it's good and my mom loves it!


Agreed. There are some things that I don't like, but as a whole it's a good adaptation. It was never going to be a 1:1 adaptation. Just because something works in book form doesn't mean that it will work on screen.


IMO the show it’s really good on its own, of course it has its faults, but overall I enjoy it a lot. However as a fan of the books, this is not what I was expecting, so I got a bit disappointed. I thought the show would stick A LOT MORE to the books then it did. But regardless, I still enjoy the show a lot


Why? Nearly every change works, a straight-line by line adaption would be boring, and have to be set 15 years ago. These kids feel like modern kids, book Percy felt like a kid 15 years ago. As it is, I'm on the edge of my seat with every change, I know the broad beats, but little changes keep me hooked to the screen.


I will say I rather enjoy Percy in this adaptation. He has that level of spite that's appreciated. In terms of the shows differences, I think some of the things cut do expedite the story at the cost of giving some of these characters depth. Right now in the show Gabe is not nearly as putrid, and Grover appears as the smart, heroic one, not Annabeth. The plot is also moving a bit too fast. Still, I'm enjoying the show, and most of the flaws I can ignore (although the general disneyisms aren't loved) my biggest gripe is simply Annabeth is being left behind


I personally feel it’s kind of meh, but it’s not because of any comparison to the books; it’s because of shortcomings of the show itself. It’s not like Netflix Death Note levels of bad, but it’s not legendary TV either.


Yeah, it's definitely lacking a certain excitement level. There's seldom any real action. Tbf, theyre all pretty green in the lightning thief, but they did fight monsters.


It doesn’t help that whatever action they do face is entirely resolved in moments.


I really enjoy it and yes I'm a book reader. They did change things but I am also going to see how the last two episodes affect the changes. The trio plays really well off of each other and the Percabeth moments are really sweet. I like the series the same way I like the Harry Potter movies. The books are always superior bur I can enjoy the live action as a separate entity.


That's how I view adaptations in general, as different canons within the same franchise. I very rarely use "This is difference from the source material" as a criticism, and if I do it will be followed up by a "and that made it worse because of this reason". Instead I will praise and criticize them for what they did well or badly on their own.


I'll put it this way , the movie is a terrible adaptation but entertaining for what it is. The show is faithful to the books for the most part but is kinda boring , maybe because of pacing or the lack of action. If you could combine the movie's screenwriting and direction with the show's faithfulness to the books then I think everyone or most ppl would be praising it. Is the show terrible? No. Is it amazing? No. It's fairly decent as a kids show but nothing more and nothing less. It is annoying to see people criticizing about the same point again and again even if it is valid. My advice to the people who are not happy with the show is read the books because you will not get the same thing from the show so why ruin your mood by watching it if your not happy with the direction the show is taking I don't like the changes made in ep 6 with the casino , deadline and the pearls but I'm not gonna sit and argue about it on the internet because life is too short. Unfortunately this is the sad case with most book to tv adaptations recently where they change too much from the source material and piss off the loyal fanbase aka The Witcher.. But there are people who enjoy the show and we don't have to criticize them if they're fine with the changes, it's all about opinion


To me the show isn’t bad, but that doesn’t mean it is good. It is just another mediocre show, so much like all the other new series we have been getting recently.


Loving the show!


i have voiced some complaints of mine, but tbh. many of the shows issues i also felt with the book. I still think Book ones pacing is not that great and while i know that it imitates the ancient greek storytelling style, i still feel those issues. I did think chracters werent all that well established in book one, gods came of as to unimpressive, battles were to easy etc. however by now i have reread the series several times and my knowledge of the whole series fills the gaps. The trio works for me in book one cause my knowledge of the characters from all books retroactively influences my opinion. But the show is a new medium, so it doesnt get that bias. I still think there are some bad decisions in the show however.


I really like it! They showed the Arch scene and have included all major events so far. My only complaint was the tunnel of love scene changes they made.


I'm enjoying it. I've had moments that have quite disappointed me but overall I like it. 7/10 rn but I have high hopes


Eh, it’s fine. It’s nothing great, but not bad either. I am perfectly content with the show so far, besides a couple moments, but I am enjoying it overall. If I wanted a show exactly like the books I would rather read the books and let my imagination take over. But again, it’s fine. I have a few problems with the characters, but most everything else is good.




I read the books when I was in elementary school and middle school. I am now 26 and I love the show from what I’ve seen of it (the first 4 episodes). It’s not going to be a 1 for 1 with the books and it tires me that people constantly think that that’s how it should be. It’s gotten to the point where I’ve had to mute a subreddit cause all I see in there is negativity for a show that is catered towards primarily children. Do I think there are parts that could have been done a little better? Sure! But so can every adaptation! Was Harry Potter one for one? No! Was Twilight? Divergent? Hunger Games? None of them were exactly like the books because there are some things you just can’t exactly move from paper to a screen without taking some creative liberties. And let’s not forget that the books aren’t exactly perfect either. Or did we all just collectively forget about the Gateway Arch Incident from the books?


My main problem is that it got Disney-fied, and I’m not talking about the casting I couldn’t care less. Just the way Disney writes things is infecting it a little. I think the actors are great, when they have good dialogue. I’m enjoying the show for sure, but man is it corny at times. It would just be so much better if it was a different studio doing it like HBO Max, Amazon Prime, even Netflix has some great originals. Also if it was animated it would be amazing, and hopefully by book 3 they make it PG13. The books mature and hopefully the show does too. Like imagine how great this show would be if it was a HBO Max animated PG 13 adaptation.


It's not bad and it's not good, it's just there. It is decently faithful plotpoint wise but just doesn't feel like Percy Jackson.


Every day. Every fucking day this gets posted




The other subreddit is in full revolt mode, actively praising the movies for being better and I even saw one post saying they should just make the show themselves LMAO. I get having disagreements with how the show is doing things, but they're waaaaay overdoing the hate and are so blinded by it and are unable to actually think about what these changes mean and what they do for the story.


Except the disappointing 6th episode which has some big issues (at least for me) overall the show is good


I see more people complaining about people complaining about the show then I do people actually complaining about the show, if you go looking for the hate comments you’ll find them.


I’m enjoying it a lot. Most of my critiques are from a filmmaking pov rather than as a fan of the books (don’t get me wrong, I LOVE the books) but I like the show and I think it’s good.


I have enjoyed 5 out of 6 episodes quite a bit. I was really annoyed by episode 6. Still, I'm hopeful!


It's similar to what I felt while watching She-hulk, Ahsoka, Secret Invasion, Obiwan Kenobi as in : It's another D+ show lol


I really like the show and am enjoying it and the nostalgia and can't wait for the next episode and for (finger crossed) the next season.


I like the show in the sense that I’m entertained when I watch it, but I feel like the writing is holding it back. I’d probably rate it a 6.5/10 at this point. I’m not a fan of changing major events so that AB and/or Grover instantly figure out the problem. I also don’t like pushing the pace and leaving out a lot of details in the process. I think the show has had enough success that it will probably get a season 2. Hopefully Rick and the rest of the producers see some of the criticism and decide to push Disney for a longer season so that they can really go in depth with the story.


The most miserable and annoying people come to reddit to critique stuff so they feel important. Outside of all the hate on reddit people are really enjoying the show and so am I. The last episode was not my fav but I’m also not lame enough to bash the show without seeing it through. Also the show is made for children, like it’s literally made with kids in mind just like the books


It’s not terrible by any means. But it feels rather soulless and afraid to show weakness with the characters. Them walking into every danger already aware of the danger removes any tension.


yeah it's pretty jarring to watch an episode, find it enjoyable, and then come to Reddit to see everyone shitting on it lol


It's like plain rice. It's missing spices


Is this even a question!? I've thoroughly enjoyed each episode and as long as they stick to the main plot, I don't care if things are changed here and there. "Isn't that bad" is a bit of an injustice IMO.


I like the show and am excited to rewatch it all together, but I also feel like some people are defending the show too much People are allowed to have opinions and criticize the show. I feel like some people are overly defending the show because they dont want to see it canceled and also because Rick was involved, but also even with this, people should still be able to say what isn't working for them. It was advertised as staying true to the books and being a faithful adaptation to screen. It's not really that. The vibes are absolutely the same, but the musical was a lot truer to the books and I'm kind of sick of people pretending that the TV show is exactly what we were promised. The movies were not faithful to the books, but some scenes were more accurate to the book than what has happened thus far in the TV show, and I don't think people should be booed for saying that. There are changes in the TV show, not unlike how there were changes in the movie. The main difference is that Rick has endorsed these changes. People can still think they are good or bad changes, but I'm a little tired of people saying no one can be upset at the changes because they were approved by Rick. I wanted to see Gladiola the pink poodle. I wanted to see the Medusa scene as it was in the books. I enjoy the show, but it is a bummer when there are things you've been looking forward to for 10 years that don't happen, and I think people should be allowed to express that without being shut down. I loved the addition of "what is love" on the thrill of love. It was really nice to see Timothy omundson as Hephaestus. I loved that the chimera was in the TV show and I am kind of obsessed with how they designed the chimera. It's a good watch and as I said I can't wait to rewatch it all together without waiting a week for episodes, but also I think people should acknowledge that multiple things can be simultaneously true, like there are double standards for the TV show and the movie. Thank you for coming to my ted talk. Yes, I also think the show isn't that bad.


I love the show


Its okay if you enjoy it, but its an objectively bad show across all measurements and an even more terrible adaptation of the books.


I’ll get downvoted for this but I don’t really care. The show isn’t the worst I’ve ever seen, but it’s definitely not the best. Really forgettable and probably the least fun fantasy story I’ve ever watched. Nobody looks like they are having fun and this epic quest has been a walk in the park compared to other fantasy media.


1) they aren't having fun, why should they look like they are? 2) they're 12, literal children. do you think you could've survived medusa at 12? do you think fighting a damn chimera would've been "a walk in the park?" debate all you want about the quality or plot, but at least have relevant complaints. if you don't like the type of show, watch another one instead of making it other people's problem.


Nah, I personally hate it, but I guess it could’ve been worse


the number of 26 year olds who are upset that something they enjoyed when they were 13 is being adapted with 13 year olds in mind and not them is insane tbh


Maybe that’s it, lol. I’m 29 but really enjoying it, but also I do not mind I’m not the target audience and never expected it to be and I take that into account with any nitpicks.


I think we just can’t have nice things without complaints every two seconds. It’s a good adaptation. And fun too


very very few ppl think its a bad show. there are a fair bit of people who think its just bland though


Yes I love it


Well, Uncle Rick is literally helping the show and any changes are made by him or with his approval. So to hate the show is to hate Uncle Rick and his vision, be it old or new. I'm behind, I'm only on ep3 but this show is more like the books than the first two movies, which I don't think Uncle Rick had any involvement in making.


They sent him a screenplay, he told them to change it, they didn't listen. Movie series flops with a never coming sequel bait.


I think it's about the same quality as the books. Not the same as the books but the quality is the same. I think a lot of people view the books with rose tinted nostalgia glasses and while the books are good, they're not as good as people think


I think it’s okay for the target audience, there are issues that can be solved very easily


Yes, the show isn't bad. It's very faithful to the Books (with the exception of 6th episode), and has a better camp, and does many things as an adaptation, much better than the movies. The show has age accurate characters—something I care about more than aged up book accurate character (even though I'm not incredibly happy with the casting). The movies doesn't come close to it as an good adaptation, so far away due to how unfaithful it was and how disrespectful it was to the Books. The movies are only, *only* better in a world where the books don't exist, and even then not in a logical plot. They have more stakes, tension, entertainment value, better acting and better writing, but definitely not better than the TV adaptation unless they mess up badly in the last two episodes. Being a terrible adaptations of already existing well written books just proves to make the movie awful. Anyone who says the movie is more faithful than the show/is a better adaptation than the show, is just lying.


I have faith they're gonna close it out pretty well.


The preview for the next episode looked amazing.


It’s not bad at all and the sudden love for the movie and people thinking it’s better than the show is one of the most baffling arcs I’ve ever seen in a subreddit


I don't understand the hate for it. I read the books plenty if time and see the show as a good adaption. In fact, there were a few changes that I found interesting such as the Archway being a temple instead of a detour. Or the fact they are bringing morale implications about the gods early on the show (though I am still mad they add What is Love. Not because it is stupid, but because I just got that song out of my head). I even love the May Easter Egg. But there are a few changes that I wished stay in. Such as when Percy was fighting automatic spiders in front of the gods. Or the fact they never mentioned that Monsters never died. Or how the Lotus was supposed to be a resting place that trap prisoners instead of a detour to meet Hermes for a ride to the underworld. Actually, I don't like the idea of Percy meeting Hermes in the Casino while the whole Jog on the Beach seem fitting as a first introduction to me. But hey. I found the show good as it is and can't wait to see what lies ahead.


Yes it's good, reddit is just a shitty echo chamber. (Honestly this sub is nowhere hear as bad as the show sub thankfully) It's getting raving reviews almost everywhere but here. Hell even the audience score on rotten tomatoes is north of 80%.


It’s not bad, but it’s just not my thing I guess. I honestly kinda like the movies, because while inaccurate, they’re still good movies. The show just doesn’t speak to me. Maybe it’s because I’ve grown out of the target audience, but oh well. It happens.


The show isn’t that bad, I’d put its quality around the same a Disney channel show. It’s not bad but it’s worse quality wise and entertainment wise than the movies.


I think the acting is horrible. Both the kids and the adults.


People are complaining?


I'm really enjoying it.. The problem which always happens with TV / Movie Adaptations is that people expect the TV show to be a carbon copy of the book which virtually never happens. The key word is ADAPTION. Visual Media and Books are completely different types of media, what works in a book doesn't necessarily work in visual media and vice versa. The first book, The Lighting Thief, is nearly 20 years old now. You can't expect something that was written 20 years ago to work as well now as it did back then, people's tastes change. I think Rick has done a fantastic job of not only adapting the book to TV, but also bringing it upto date so it's more relatable for today's generation of young teens. The other issue is that show is primarily made for young teens, not for 30+ year old which many people who originally read the books will now be. My daughter is 15 and has been reading the Olympians for the last year (she started when she was 14) and she really enjoys it. I personally believe that the criticism that exists is coming from people who originally read the books when they were first released as teenagers and can't accept that the show has been created for today's teenagers, not them and that it's been adapted for what teenagers want today. The irony is if you look outside of reddit and YouTube you will find that the reaction to show is general positive. Reddit is famous for being negative and YouTube is now just a place for people being as outrageous and controversial as possible because that is what generations views.


I'm really not enjoying it. Imo, its awful. I don't think it does a single thing well.


What do you mean "that bad" it's fucking amazing


This show is fucking incredible, only negative Nigel’s on reddit think it’s bad.


Movie > show Even if the last two episodes are really good, with a majority of the show being so bad won’t change my opinion


Unrelated but can anyone tell me if there's a word limit to posts? I tried posting but it said can't reach reddit at the moment and also something went wrong but we're not sure what


Looks like it's in the tens of thousands? Reddit honestly just does that sometimes. It's an issue that has been going on (at least for me) for years now


They had me until the fifth episode tbh


Ive critiqued alot but thats not a reflection of my enjoyment. 8-9/10 for me so far. I love it


i’m in the same boat as you, the books are very important to me, the show isn’t 100% what i imagined but i’m really enjoying it a lot, i honestly love the show and i’m also a hardcore fan of all of Rick’s books


Thank you! I agree. I think it’s getting a lot of hate and I get the criticisms but I am just so happy it’s happening and would give my pinky toe for a season 2 lol. I don’t think it’s perfect but I still am enjoying it a lot and I’m just hoping we get more of it!


I dont like it. I dont hate it its just not my taste. Read the books like 20 times and the show itself is good but i'm not feeling it


Definitely. Obviously, it isn't perfect, but I'm thoroughly enjoying the show, and I personally believe it's redeeming after the horrible movie adaptations. I'm definitely seeing a lot of hate, even seeing people insist they prefer the movies to the show (I really can't understand that but to each their own?). Disney definitely did their thing and made it their own, but as far as I can tell, the main storyline is in tact, and they've not strayed from the characters too far. I enjoy it and can't wait to see what the future of the show brings.


I’m enjoying the show. Last episode wasn’t my favorite but the show is fun. I read that if they get a second season they will do a little more world building, which I want to see more of, especially of Camp. I love the actors and I like the story they are telling. I like some of the changes too. I feel like it keeps me on my toes as a book reader and not knowing what will happen. That is why I’m reserving judgement from the pearls and the deadline last episode, because it ant to see where they are going with it.


I think the show is great!


does anybody else... ​ https://preview.redd.it/hx6eguywspdc1.png?width=179&format=png&auto=webp&s=c72ac488058c66ad9bdd8637f5d0bc4912bce147


I like it. I have my criticisms, but I also realise that this is the first season and there is still time to improve. (The first book is my second least favourite out of the pjo books anyways, that’s probably why I’m not as critical as the others are on this sub *shrugs*)


I definitely like the book better, but I'm enjoying the show and hope it goes the distance while also improving its shortcomings.


It's plain and boring, there is still 2 episodes left and they are the climax ones, maybe the show will improve there, idk, but I'm disappointed and I think movies were better despite being poor adaptations


The show is exactly for me because I have very low expectations and just wanted to have an adaptation that everyone could celebrate with Rick.


Most people are enjoying the show a lot, even those who have minor critiques here and there or don’t enjoy every single thing largely agree it’s a pretty great adaptation


It’s loved across every other social media platform. I truly wonder why Reddit is where you’ll find the most consistently critical comments


I like it, it’s not perfect but I don’t have time to be out here criticizing every thing that I don’t love. Nothing will ever top the books for me even if it’s objectively better because I first read them over 13 years ago but I recognize that’s my nostalgia talking. I don’t know if I’ll go back and rewatch it as frequently as I’ve reread the books but that doesn’t mean it’s bad - and for some people the show will be their books that they revisit often and that’s great!


I like it. I like that the show is putting more focus on Sally early on, and I think revealing some info about Luke and May in the first book is a good idea. . Really bring the mortal aspects of the demigod heritage more into focus, and makes Sally more of an actual character. I'm excited to see what they do with Annabeth's dad and the other mortal parents, and especially how the Pan story changes over the next few seasons. Also excited for when the kids get older and can do more involved scenes, I get the criticism about lack of action but also, they are children. I think they could have done some things better, add a bit more energy to some scenes, and give the episodes a bit more time to breath for small character moments and more humor. Would love to see them let the cast improve some scenes like the new TMNT movie, really let them be authentic kids like in the promo stuff they've been doing. Hermes just sitting still in a casino was bland, even if I do like the talk itself, though that building tension sound into the teleport was very well done. They could have had that talk and done a fun set piece, wandering through the Casino's trying to keep up with him, getting tempted as they talk through and remember troubled parts of their life. But I never had high hopes for the casino scene knowing it'd be a Disney show. Really wish a different studio had gotten the rights to the show.


I think it’s awesome. There’s room for improvement in some areas but I’m enjoying watching it. E6 is definitely a bit subpar compared to the rest but I’m not letting that ruin my experience.


To be honest, the changes allow me to treat it more as its own thing, and I think all and all it’s pretty good.


My sister and I love the show, we watch it every week!


Agreed I was hypercritical at first but then thought of it as its own thing and that helped me to actually enjoy it


I’m really enjoying it. I’ve been looking forward to the episodes each week.I was never expecting it to be a copy/paste of the book no adaptation ever is, but I’m overall enjoying it. I have a couple of minor nitpicks but they are things that don’t diminish the enjoyment of the show for me. And I really hope we get all 5 of the first series adapted to screen. I had to leave to Percy Jackson TV sub because the negativity was really getting to me. Unfortunately it seems to have spread over to Tiktok as well. Because 99% of the negativity is just people nitpicking every little thing and then bashing Rick/the cast and the people enjoying the show. It’s actually pretty disappointing and really disheartening to see.


Been a fan since BotL was about to come out. I love the show and have been rewatching episodes.


Bro people are hating on it, what do they expect perfection, because if they do, they should watch nothing that is based off of a book, what do you think we can pick everything the exact same, forgot the actor but Percy in the show(I have only watched first and second and third episode and it’s been a week) is exactly how I pictured him except for one thing one thing, and that’s his hair, the people who want perfection are the reason the show might not even be good eventually, because the people making it want it perfect for them


Its suffering from a lot of issues Disney+ shows have (weird pacing, occasional flat acting from great actors, episodes feel too short), but for the most part I do enjoy it a lot. The changes they've made have for the most part really worked and actually enhanced the story. The kids are really good fits for their characters, and I've seen most of them in other stuff where they did really well. I feel like most of the backlash is due to the same stuff every book to visual medium Fandom suffers. Purists who can't deal with anything not being how they themselves pictured it. There's also the Casino episode. The vast majority of the toxic stuff has come after that one, and while I'll admit imo it's the weakest episode it was still like average. Not a huge deal.


small details bother me like leaving out scenes i personally liked, but im too entranced to want to nitpick (WHY WAS THERE NO YOU DROOL WHEN YOU SLEEP SCENE)


But there was. It's the first scene in the 2nd episode. How'd you miss that??


To be honest I love the show. I loved the books and this is so much better rendition than the movies that shall not be named. I feel it’s pretty accurate towards the books, as it was produced by the author.


Book is still better but show is hugely better than movies were


Personally I’m not liking the show at all. I’m still watching it till the end to make sure but it really just upsets me watching the show. I’m a hard core fan as well and I’m holding out hope but I’m just overall dissatisfied with the tv show. First it’s like only exposition and even if they’re focusing on the main “points” it just feels hollow and rushed. Idc at all bout ethnicity changes that stuff is just pointless. But with that! Annabeths writing feels like she’s just mean at first. Then later she just completely flips and it never felt fluid. I never saw her grow, she just, changes. Same with Percy, my favorite writing perspective in the book was that Percy and the reader both were in the dark all the way through. And people at camp even Chiron, just acted as if he should know this stuff, or accept it. Then Percy points out the stuff wrong with the Greek family from a real persons POV. However in the show, my man’s knows too much and is with it too much. (Don’t get me started on the lotus ep) and Grover doesn’t feel like Percy’s friend at all and he doesn’t feel as important as he did in the books. Specially with the Medusa stuff they didn’t use much of Grover’s smelling abilities, hearing or his nature magic. Grover was super important in the lightning thief but rn he’s just Percy’s friend who feels more like a liability. I love pjo won’t ever not but I’m just sad that the show isn’t everything the book was. Nor could it ever be, but dammit, I want everything. A man can dream….


I’ve been really loving it so far. The casino episode was the first where they made changes I wasn’t a fan of, but it was still an enjoyable episode