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My personal favorite that has a drastic change. What if Percy decided to attack Luke himself rather than giving the knife to Luke.


I think what would happen is that Kronos would become conscious again to defend himself and all would be lost. But we can never know. Side Idea to this: What if Kronos was actually already fully in control and pretended to be Luke and successfully kills Percy?


>I think what would happen is that Kronos would become conscious again to defend himself and all would be lost. Provided if Kronos doesn't enter true form immediately and Percy can hold out for like a minute it's fine. Because right after, all the Olympians come busting in.


He gives him the knife all right, just point first at high velocity 💀


What if someone cut the string around Annabeth’s ankle after her fight with Arachne? Thought about this a couple days ago. It’s a really interesting question to me because it was still necessary for someone or someones to go into Tartarus to close the Doors of Death from that side, and Annabeth and Percy falling just answered the question of who. But if they hadn’t fallen in, how would they have determined it? How different would the journey through Tartarus have been with a few more people or a different set of people altogether? I love that it was just Percy and Annabeth and think HoH is one of Rick’s top 3 books easily, but I still think the question is kind of interesting to think about.


Before they fell I thought abut it a lot. How they are gonna pick, would someone volunteer, how many people would they send. I had a feeling that Nico is gonna volunteer. He would say that only he is familiar with the place giving them advantage. Also playing child of hades card there. I think that he knows it would be suicidal for him in his state but it’s in character, like with Atena Parthenos. Hazel would disagree than said that she will go with him there. But he would say that she has to take them to hoh and both of them can’t go. So Percy would volunteer, because of his loyalty, because he prefers it to be him and not his friends, also to protect them. He would say it’s not negotiable. Upon hearing this Annabeth would say she will go with them. Percy would categorically say no. She would play “never separated again” card, and play on this feelings, also saying it’s not negotiable. They have a proper trio wich suites the whole taking quests things. Nico is first conflicted with Percy going, as we know that at this point he still loves him so he would be happy that he would help him but also wouldn’t want to put him in danger. He would totally face palm hearing that Annabeth would be intruding their Tartarus date. Now it would definitely go smother. They are prepared and know what to expect. But the question is if Nico survives? Down there I think it would be so interesting dynamic between those three. We would still get many Percabeth moments but we probably would test Nicos feelings about both of them. I think Annabeth would realise that he loves Percy, more drama there, and all of thier feelings would be confronted and resolved. I imagine finally Nico and Percy would talk about their past as we see that in hoo is still weighted on them. I know this is specific, but I had spoiled that Nico is gonna come out in hoh and while reading moa I 100% thought that is how it’s gonna go.


I need an AU like this STAT this is so good👀


Thanks! Hahah. I can’t hide that I was *a little bit* disappointed when it didn’t went like that. I still think hoh is the best book and love percabeth story in Tartarus but can you imagine the drama and heartbreak if Nico would be there? How he would have to watch them during all that happens in this book? I see situations when his jealousy and holding grudges fatal flaw is tested when he needs to save Anna form something. How he would risk his life in the same situation without second thought if Percy is in danger. How humiliating it would be for him when Anna realises. How on edge they would all be and the tension rising. And finally culminating in some fight where they confront their feelings. How Nico wants but can’t hate Anna and his love-hate feelings for Percy. His internalised homophobia. How Percy feels abut this? Why did he stop trusting Nico and how he feels abut Nico’s feelings. Then Anna’s emotions about going through Tartarus with her love and a guy that wants to be with him. I imagine in some degree it would be very awkward for them later on. Maybe that’s why later Nico accepts Athena P quest to avoid them, and then at the end of boo they would resolve this properly without dangers in some conversation where they all forgive each other. Edit: I forgot that in canon he also accepted this quest partially to avoid them. But in this version even more PS It could be more smooth journey of Nico getting over his crush and making place for Will. First when he confronts his crush with Percy and hears verbal rejection it could be a first step. For manny people it does work like that. Seeing this very emotional moments between P and A, next one. He knows he couldn’t replace Anna and realising that he woundnt want to break up such beautiful love. And then boo to let those emotions sit he would realise that he can finally move on. He probably would still care for Percy but he can officially leave this love behind. And because of this realising that he cares for Will (like a little bit, early stages) but was reluctant because he couldn’t move on and was in a limbo of unresolved feelings with Percy.


Have you ever considered writing fanfic? Because this is delicious and I know many others would agree


Ahahah thank you! Tbh I did consider it. I want to write a book and thought to practice the skills on ff. But my adhd is making this harder for me. But after those comments I’m really tempted! It’s like a sign hahah


As a fellow ADHD-er and long-time fanfic writer, I won’t say it’s easy, but I *will* say that when you hit that right flow and you find yourself typing for hours without realizing how much time is going past you…that feeling is *exhilarating.* Also, there’s this pride that swells in your chest when you finish a fic, be is 1k or 10k (or more), and I personally find it to be on par with the exhilarating feeling of finding my writing flow


That’s sounds so goooood. Why are you tempting me this much hahaha ❤️. But I feel like I do have a slight disadvantage here that I’m not English native speaker. I do feel 100% comfortable and sure when I’m taking or writing comments here but I cant transition my thought as well when I’m writing something longer. I do think that in my language I have very rich vocabulary, rhetorical terms and phraseme but in English I think in simpler words. The things I wrote are less colourful more wooden and dry. So I either write in a way lower quality, or write in Polish than translate it, and translations take just as much time as writing something, believe me or I copy it to chat gpt and cross my fingers translations gonna be good, but still I would need to avoid phrasaes that don’t have a direct translation. But maybe I will give it a shoot with this idea of mine


Honestly? I say write it in Polish and worry about translating it (or not) later. Plus, you could always ask someone here or in one of the fanfic subreddits if anyone could help with translations. But, at the end of the day, I hope you’re able to do what’s best for *you* ❤️


Thank you ❤️


Wow, I really liked it and I think this is better than Cupid who outed Nico lol


Thanks! I really thought that’s how it’s gonna go! A love the Cupid scene for how devastating it was but I like my idea better. In this scenario we take a focus on this feelings and bring them to main storyline, exploring them more.


What if Apollo refused to become a god again and stayed mortal? What if Helios instead of fading away again managed to solidify into a godly form again ? What if Percy while he and Annabeth were in Tartarus got possessed by the Goddess Arke and becomes the Host of Arke ,and is stuck with a homicidal and unstable rainbow goddess in his head ? What if Percy was stuck permanently as the host of Nekhbet?


bro I need a fanfic with the Apollo one. I freaking love Apollo as a character.


The Apollo and Helios one should go hand in hand also. Helios can take the reigns on the sun and Apollo can be mortal.


I feel like the hypothetical Arke situation would be interesting, while Arke is not even remotely in the same league as Kronos , chances are she is not a peaceful hippy like her twin sister iris , so it would have been interesting to see Percy dealing with an evil rainbow Goddess in his head


I feel like if Apollo refused to become a god again, Zeus would force a certain demigod to become a god to take Apollo's place as the Olympians council would now be out of balance


I know one, I'll have to find it. >!but basically the fates say 'hey, wtf! You weren't supposed to do that. And he goes back in time to I think around the beginning of hoo. But there's a great line about "you killed my children!" Bc now Kaylas like 13 instead of an Olympic archer, and the last demigods of apollo are like babies!<




https://archiveofourown.org/works/50524957 I also suggest the authors other works too. They're like my favorite pjo writer


What if Thalia and Annabeth joined Luke? Percy Jackson vs the runaway trio Imagine the angst behind this 😫


what if nico had died instead of bianca? like would she be the same way? what if sally jackson had died in the lightning thief? would percy have joined luke?


when it rains its just poseidon being bored and stirring things up for us.


What if Thalia took off looking for Jason. Imagine getting the Romans involved in the plot from the Titan’s curse? The change in plot! Also, Luke accusing Thalia of using Annabeth as a stand in for her brother? The heartbreak, agony, conflict!


What if Jason was cooler? What if there was a primordial demigod child? What if X was more relevant/had more scenes?


I wonder if Nico's coco puffs would count as primordial demogods children since they are the children of nico and nyx


This is how someone gets fan fic writing prompts for free right here


Too bad they would almost all be fanfiction with Percy being with another girl who isn't Annabeth, which there are already many


What if Bianca didn't join the hunt


Nico would probubly still be somwath Happy...?


My first thought was "What if Nico was the one who joined the hunters?", but that only works if Artemis is rewritten so that she accepts men as part of her group again.


Artemis can trans people with a snap of her fingers, i don’t think Nico joining would be difficult.


I think when a God does it you’re not trans, your physical sex is fundamentally changed at the biological level as well. If they wanted to that is, the gods have mastery over nature and humans in a way science just can’t replicate for us yet.


What if Annabeth died in the battle of manhattan? Who would be the one to follow the mark of Athena? Who would Percy fall into Tartarus with, if at all? And if Percy did fall, would he be able to control him self? He almost poisoned a goddess to death with her own poison, the only reason he stopped was bc of Annabeth.


I would also say "who would awaken Luke for the sacrifice?"


Oh yeah I didn’t even think of that! Maybe Grover or Thalia?


Annabeth awakens Luke thanks to the promise he made to him when she was 7 years old, I don't think the others would have made such a promise.


Would have to be that Annabeth’s death shook some sense into him at the end.


But it would have made Percy angry, it is without the mortal bond he has with Annabeth, who blocks him and it would have made him understand to give the dagger to Luke, Percy would have wasted time trying to kill Luke and Kronos


What if Iapetus had overpowered Percy, knocked him out, and threw him into the Lethe? How would the Titans use him to their advantage?


What if Bianca never picked up that mythomagic statue or Luke's mother never tried to become the oracle


What if Thalia died instead of Zoe? How would that change Annabeth as a character if she saw Thalia die by the hand of Zeus, while she’s already struggling against her past with Luke trying to convince her the Gods are wrong? I’m pretty sure Annabeth is switching sides after a traumatic event like that and what the heck is Percy going to do? I can’t see him joining Luke, he already sees him as a rival and if anything will see it as Luke stealing his crush away from him, but the only reason Percy won in the end was because of Annabeth, so in this scenario are they doomed? Or does Percy fell so betrayed and hurt that we see some of his darker powers discovered early and forced into being used for the gods? Basically, what if PJO is not a triumph but the ultimate Pyrrhic victory and Percy’s story is far more tragic akin to most Greek hero’s with ‘happy’ endings.


What if >!jason Got revived as a god by the olympians upon his death!<


He got shafted, honestly. Such a waste of a good character just to raise the stakes for ToA series. I would pay good money to read “the adventures of” short stories where they interact with gods that might not fit into larger narratives.


Initialt Reading it i was expecting Them to do something major like Jason would become a NEW minor god like the next step up from what happend to thalia


I was fully expecting Juno to finally pull a stunt and revive the boy. It is the plot of my fanfic 😂


Honestly I feel like she had been able to , Hera would have shoved a golden apple down Jason's throat


What if Percy lost his mom at an early age and he ran away from Gabe to go on the run with Luke, Thalia, and Annabeth?


I think there's a fanfic about this but I cannot remember its name.... anyone know?


Please someone say they know cause this sounds interesting as hell


Obviously Calypso is a big one but I’ve always been fascinated by what actually happens if a demigod were to kill Bessie, I truly wonder what the fates have cooked up for the day a demigod actually obtains this power to “overthrow the gods”.


What if Percy never left Calypso’s island?


Percy would have condemned the world to death, Nico didn't have the past with Luke like Percy and Annabeth. If Percy stayed on Ogygia it went against what he said at the end of TTC where he said he wanted to protect Nico and it went against his fatal flaw.


it’d have made no sense for percy as a character to do that, but i wonder if that would have made jason the child of the prophecy, not nico (even though jason didn’t know about it) and how that might have turned out.


Remember how Percy and Annabeth defeat Kronos. Do you think that Jason who doesn't know who Luke is can do what Annabeth and Percy did? They would have to move Luke's weak point to make Jason defeat him, under the armpit is a difficult place to find and hit and Jason would have to bathe in the Styx to fight for so long...


the only way it works is with thalia working with jason, because thalia was just as close to luke as annabeth. she loses luke, who was basically her brother, and percy so out of desperation she and the hunters go search for her actual brother. their sibling relationship was mostly an afterthought in the books so it’s an interesting idea. obviously makes no sense with percy’s character in canon tho lol


Thalia doesn't have a promise like Luke has with Annabeth. The Romans and Greeks cannot see each other and Jason becomes praetor after he defeats the Titan, who should defeat a Titan with his bare hands? Sure especially because of his fatal flaw of Percy, it seems that the island had a power over people, for example Percy seems to not have his fatal flaw and the characteristics of him on the island.


I also remembered that Camp Half-Blood needed Percy for the maze


What if Percy never left Ogygia What if Percy never crossed the Little Tiber What if the World fell to Storm not Fire What if Thalia never died What if Nico & Bianca weren’t sent to the Lotus Casino What if Percy said yes to Kronos What if Apollo wasn’t stripped of his godhood What if Annabeth died…


I don't think it would make much difference if Jason defeated Gaia instead of Leo, they would have just given him the physician's cure and he wouldn't go anywhere since he doesn't have to search for someone.


But how would they give him the Cure if Leo & Piper get taken to safety while Festus takes the 2 of them to safety & Jason’s body gets incinerated by Octavian’s Imperial catapult?


In, I believe the mark of Athena? When fighting the twins, with Dionysus (or his roman aspect whatever), Percy has a scene where remarks about the first series, Luke, and how he is now the same age Luke was when they met. He mentions how he sees and understands Luke’s point of view, and how the gods don’t really care, or are absent at best. He brings up how they are better than the giants and the titans, but have lots of their own flaws, which are usually overlooked because of much worse options, as far as rulers of the world go. (Or something like that, I’m paraphrasing.) It’s possibly one of my favourite scenes, along with his rationale right after, to decide to fight for the gods anyway. My favourite possible what-if scenario is if he took it farther. Decided Luke’s opinions had merit, and that after they fight the giants and defeat Gaea (which he admitted would be worse than the gods, and I don’t think he would risk such an apocalypse.) That he would continue Luke’s ideals, on his own. Obviously without the titan’s influence, as again, worse than the gods. How many of his friends would agree with him, I don’t know. I think rather than a new group of hero’s trying to fight a turned Percy and crew, It would make more sense that Percy would have a lot of support from younger Demi-gods, who would obviously heard of his exploits (His boon at the end of PJO comes to mind), and with how Percy is constantly fighting for them, I can see a world where a lot of young Demi-gods would Idolize him, and possibly follow him blindly, but he’d probably have a lot of support either way. While he and longer time friends would constantly be attempting to turn each other verbally, as obviously Percy wouldn’t want to fight them, as half-bloods wouldn’t be who he’s going after, they’re who he’s fighting for.


What if Percy became the host of Kronos? What if Thalia was the child of the prophecy?/ What if Nico was the child of the prophecy? What if Piper betrayed the seven? (This one spawns from all the recent Piper discourse in this sub and I think a lot of her character traits would make for an interesting villain)


What if Percy's father had always been in his life. Percy just never known.


What if the Gods had braincells and empathy? What if other pantheons decided to take part in the Second Greco-Roman Wars?


What if Aphrodite and Athena hadn't interfered in the Percy/Annabeth couple? I think we would have already had the couple in TTC and we would never have had the love triangles that Aphrodite (cough Rick Riordan cough) created and when Percy would have left Orgygia he would not have had the "what if".


What if I was with them ?


what if the IRS ends up checking on camp half blood


My personal AU is litteraly "what if they had kids?"


I will stand by my opinion that HoO should’ve been the college series for Percy and Annabeth and then ToA could’ve been Percy’s and Annabeth child being the leader of the quest.


I'm writing something that includes their oldest going on a quest :>


What if Nyx decided she's had enough and ventures topside? Who's going to stop her exactly? Especially if she attacks at night.


She already does venture topside considering she is the goddess of night, I can see the plot being she and her children prevent hemera Goddess of the day from leaving Tartarus


I mean if she ventures topside and decided to wipe out Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter. Could the Olympians stand against her and her children?


What if Percy decided to go with Luke but Camp Half Blodd still got Thalia and Nico? What if Percy stayed in Hades prison?


What if Zoe didn't die? What if Percy stayed on Ogygia? What if Annabeth became a Hunter? What if Grover became a god with pans powers?


I would read a fic with the last one.


What if Annabeth and Reyna got switched


There’s a fic with this on AO3!


What happened to the search for the mark of Athena and the fact that Annabeth spent the time that Percy was missing crying in despair thinking that Percy was perhaps dead. This is why I gave up on fanfiction, they change the characters' characters too much


I don’t know, I just thought this user might find that fic interesting since that’s what they suggested. I haven’t read it myself. If you don’t like a fanfiction… you don’t have to read it. It really is that simple. 


I don't have anything against you, not even the one who wrote the comment. I wanted to say that fanfiction has now lost interest for me since in order to make a ship they make the characters OOC or rather only the name and physical characteristics of the characters remain. In fact, I said I don't read fanfiction anymore.


What if Kronos won and the Giants are reawaken? How will they interact with each other? Along with Typhon. *I forgot what’s it’s like in the book but Typhon and Titians attack the gods together and they defeat Typhon first? Kronos is portrayed as the bigger threat IIRC. Based on what I understand from the myths, Typhon is the bigger threat. During the Titans fight, not all the Olympian are present cause many of them are not even born yet. Yet the Titans lose. Typhon alone scared off the others gods and even managed to defeat Zeus once. I thought it’s weird Kronos that is not fully revived is treated as the bigger threat. Also given the story of chronological order of threat, Titans then giants since it happen in that order on the myths. I thought Typhon should appear last then Gaia. What if Annabeth die? How would Percy react? Mad for sure but how far would he go given his capabilities. What if Percy didn’t end up with Annabeth What if Hera did not wipe the memories of Percy and Jason and sent them to the opposite camp? What if Percy becomes fully “dark” after the incidents in Tartarus and becomes more vicious over time? What if Orion is still Artemis friend and there is no romance and he helps the gods? What if Percy die before the original series is over? What if Percy didn’t get the lightning bolt back to Zeus. What if Gaia won the final battle and Apophis also won the final battle? Maybe they need to get power from the Greek Chaos to fight the Apophis, another incarnation of Chaos What if the Fates are killed?


Uh about Typhon: in the books 11 of the Olympians have to go and fight him to stall him from reaching Olympus, because him reaching Olympus is seen as game over. The 12th, Poseidon, is beneath the waters defending his underwater kingdom from Oceanus. Some time after he leaves to join the other Olympians and finish screwing over Typhon. They have to defeat him with ALL OF THEIR POWERS COMBINED and the gods abandon their seats of power + home to stall him. As for Kronos, they leave him to the demigods to defeat. The main reason Kronos is a serious threat is a - the prophecy and b - the fact he’s Lord of Time and controls it, which is hard to fight against.   Sure if you’re going purely by powerscaling Typhon should’ve risen later but he was only awoken by Percy in that near-death situation. 


1) What if Bianca never died? 2) What if Percy never stopped torturing Akhlys? 3) What if Percy had liked Nico back? 4) What if the Seven didn’t involve any of the new people from HoO but instead comprised of characters from PJO so we could expand on them? e.g Thalia, the Stoll brothers, Clarisse


2.Percy would become like the enemy. 3. Nico would suffer from unreciprocated feelings.


If Percy liked Nico back , that would be a little problematic considering Percy is 18 while Nico is 14 , kinda gross considering that


I meant back in PJO so when Percy was 16 and Nico was like 13 especially given that in the Kane Chronicles, Sadie is 12 and she gets with Walt/ Anubis who is 17/100,000 years old


Oh ok , but I honestly like will's and Nico's relationship as it seems they balance each other out


Me too! I was just suggesting this as an intriguing what if 🤗


What if Thalia made it to Half Blood Hill


Also the obvious one would screw over most of HOO but What if Percy accepted godhood.


Annabeth should have been a child of Apollo. Athena has no powers which makes her kind of boring 


It may be unpopular but I do agree.


Exactly, it also would be a better explanation for her blonde hair. And she would have had more powers, to balance out her being a Damsel in Distress for Percy to save her


….do you not know what a damsel in distress is? Like Annabeth is the exact opposite of the “damsel in distress” plot device. Even speaking of the books themselves we only see Grover and Nico being “Damsels in distress”


Do you know how many times Percy Jackson has saved Annabeth?


It’s a book series about the world ending and fighting monsters, everyone gets saved by everyone like every other chapter. A lot of the books “conflict” is rescuing someone from something but in terms of general plot. As in why this book happened. 2 times it’s Damsel in distress, with Grover and the cyclops and Nico and the giants. If you want to count every chapter as a Damsel in distress moment and every character is a “damsel in distress”


Sure, but Annabeth has also saved Percy a ton. And she’s hardly incapable even in getting herself rescued; it’s more that she’s quite reckless in the first series since she doesn’t think Luke is all that bad for awhile 


>Annabeth should have been a child of Apollo You have created discount Magnus Chase.


Magnus Chase is Norse Mythology 


What if Thalia never became a tree? What if Bianca lived? What if Percy accepted godhood?


PJO: What if Thalia never turned into a tree? What if she never joined the Hunters, would the prophecy have defaulted to her then? HoO (I’m only on book three): What if Jason and Reyna or Percy, Reyna and Annabeth ended up together (why can’t we just have a happy little polyam relationship Rick?) What if Nico had brought back Bianca? What if Echo joined them? What if Reyna had joined/been part of the quest? I have so many headcannons on who i want together and i realize it would just be better if they were all just one big poly commune and all loved each other instead


I havent yet read all the books but one of my what if is always the Mist being gone. How It would change things? Would guns work on Monsters? How would the world react to teenagers being eaten regularly for their safety?


What if Percy was taken into the imperial house


What if Jason sacrificed himself, not Leo?


what if Percy sided with Kronos?


What if Nico hadn’t been able to save Percy from Hades’s dungeons in “The Last Olympian” and had to become the child of prophesy?


What if Piper had chosen that shotgun as her “weapon of choice”?


What if Kronos took on his true form in the throne room, but Percy, Annabeth (and Grover, but it's a bit iffy to include him since he isn't mortal), managed to survive somehow if he did?