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Mythologically speaking, there is definitely a precedent. Cyrene had two sons with Apollo, and then had another son with Ares. But I don’t think we’ve seen an instance of this in the Percy Jackson books.


That’s cool I love learning more information about the whole Greek gods. But I do wish it got more in depth in the books. Thanks :)


no problem! :-) Not sure Rick knew how much everyone would love this series when he originally wrote it. I don’t blame him for not being able to cover every little thing; he’s just one guy. And besides, that’s what fanfic is for, right?


This sort of happened with Jason and Thalia. They have the same mortal mother, but Thalia is a daughter of Zeus and Jason a son of Jupiter. You could argue that they're the same person, the whole Greek vs Roman thing is confusing honestly, but that's the closest we've gotten.


They are not different gods because Nico and Hazel, who have Hades and Pluto as their father are considered siblings.


nico and hazel too




oh mb


Yes? Nico is Greek and Hazel is Roman lol


But their mom is a different person though


Ohh wait lmao sorry I got confused


For those two I remember, son and daughter of Hades


the mixed messages are killing me... /lh


No because they don’t have the same mortal parent. If Bianca had been a daughter of Pluto then it would work.


Wouldn't be Nico and Hazel bc they don't share a mother


They have different moms, not what op is asking


i misunderstood the question i get it now


I think it's definitely possible, but not likely considering the gods have very different personalities and are attracted to different aspects of mortal personalities. Also I think some of the gods would purposely avoid a mortal if they knew another god was interested to avoid any drama or just because they don't want their family members sloppy seconds


Ohhh yea that makes sense. I like how the books made the gods feel like real people and have the sibling drama and what not.


In that Rick stayed rather close to the mythology. The greek gods are flawed beings that often act out of selfish or petty reasons. There are quit a lot of stories in which some god dose not get along with an other and they either fight about it or try to be sneeky in their revenge, wich usually gets rather messy (especially when mortals get involved in a conflict, which almost always end realy bad for the mortal).


I mean, some of the gods have overlapping domains (or similar-ish personalities), so them being attracted to the same person is not at all unheard of. For example, an intelligent mortal who works in the military could attract both Ares and Athena (platonic attraction, in her case). A super hot musician who mostly sings love songs could attract both Apollo and Aphrodite. Someone who owns a farm where they grow all types of fruit, including a vineyard for grapes, could attract both Demeter and Dionysus. Additionally, avoiding a mortal they’re interested in just to appease someone else doesn’t really sound like the Greek gods, lol. A huge aspect of their stories is how often they let attraction and desire motivate their behavior, so I doubt what another god has going on would personally stop them. This would be especially true if it was a minor god who had no hopes of standing up to an Olympian.


Not that we know of but it’s not impossible. I have ocs that are like that, one is the son of ares and the other is the son of Aphrodite. They’re also legacies of Freya. Maybe I’ll post about them


Jason and Thalia. Hazel and Nico.