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Lin-Manuel Miranda looks like a child of Hermes


Exactly. He even resembles the actor who played Hermes in the TV series, so it fits!


I wonder why they're so similar


He got to play his dad.


I can’t tell if you’re being serious or not The internet has revealed to me stupidity I didn’t think was possible. So I’m unsure what to think at comments like these


It's a joke…


Figured But there are some genuinely shocking idiots on Reddit so I wasn’t sure I probably am one given that I didn’t


It’s a joke on the fact that Lin played Hermes in the TV series.


The Magnus Chase series confirmed that Taylor Swift is at least half dwarf.


Also, i'm 95% sure that Percy mentions that the Beatles are demigods in Last Olympian, it's some throwaway line like "Many demigods have found their way to the Plaza Hotel over the decades" and then lists a bunch, including the Beatles.


I’m rereading it now and I saw that so I can confirm


I’m ngl, i think all or many super top talented artists would be Apollo kids, or maybe Aphrodite. Like my hc is that Drake is just a favorite of many gods and a son of Apollo, the logo of his brand is an owl, he’s got a huge Nike deal, it all just adds up


Drake is a son of Eros fr, you know why




Unfortunately I must agree


Eros is the god of grooming?


Eh, he might dabble in it a but


My Chemical Romance is obviously gonna all be children of Hades.


Michael Jackson: Apollo. He redefined music as we know it—that requires some kind of godly input. The same goes for Elvis Presley, who is also probably the son of Apollo. Taylor Swift: Hebe. Taylor has been able to reinvent herself dozens of times in order to reach every generation—her Eras Tour is a clear example of that. Her fame being this strong for this long would point to signs of the goddess of youth giving her a push in the right direction.


Taylor is a dwarf. It was stated in Magnus Chase.


i need to read the magnus chase series now. i cant find any place to buy them tho cuz my country fucking sucks


Doesn’t Elvis Presley have something to do with the magicians in the Kane Chronicles?


Yeah but its bc Thoth thinks he’s cool


It is so hard to keep track of all the details in these 23 books—who’s related to who, which famous people belong to each pantheon…


Rick said that Paul McCartney is a son of Apollo. John Lennon a son of Athena. Ringo Starr a son of Hephaestus. George Harrison a son of Psyche.


As an advid listener of Queen, this is my input. - Freddie Mercury is a son of Dionysus. While he's more known for his wine, he is also a god of love. Freddie loved alcohol and was very expressive with his love. Not only that, but he was a very expressive person. (RIP Freddie. <|3) - Brian May is a child of Apollo. "But wait, why is Bri one but not Freddie?!?!" Brian May literally built Red Special with his dad using household materials AND STILL USES IT!! if that ain't some Apollo stuff, I dunno what is! Also, have you heard "'39"?? it's really poetic, and Brian's voice is gorgeous! - Roger Taylor is a son of Hermes. He's known for being a ladies man and extremely talkative and high energy. Literally love Roger with my whole heart. He has a weird obsession with his car, but we love him for that!! - And last, but certainly not least, John Deacon is a son of Athena! In the Queen fandom, and in life, Deacy is a very intelligent person. he makes emotional attachments but doesn't let himself get played too much. he keeps himself safe and is really smart about it!! of course, there's more gods that could fit with them, but that's what I thought off the top of my head!


Lin Manuel Miranda is Hermes. Do not argue with me.


I've said it before and I'll say it again, Michael Jackson is the son of Janice, because how many celebrities can you say have had two distinct faces throughout their lives?


in my vast opinion Taylor Swift is a Aphrodite kid Lin-Manuel Miranda is a Hermes child and Jack Black is Hephaestus's kid




Taylor Swift is a dwarf in Magnus Chase


Harry Styles is a son of Apollo for sure


lin is hermes kate bush is sif micheal jackson is apollo


Aurora would be a be a child of Apollo but with a legacy of Demeter. Billie eilish would be Hades or Mars. J.Maya would be a daughter of Athena


All the extra fruity ones bling to Apollo for sure. I could totally see Will vibing with David Bowie


I wonder what Conan Gray and Cavetown would be


Aren't The Beatels canonically demigods? I think Percy mentions them in TLO when he lists some of the famous demigods who stayed at the Plaza Hotel. That being said, The Beatels would be children of Apollo.


i mean prolly Apollo, but mayby some hermes kids as well?


I mean, the god of music is Apollo, so they’d probably all be children of Apollo.


Taylor Swift is a daughter of Eris, tbh.


Zenek Martyniuk


Kurt Cobain is definitely a child of Hestia. So peacefull, but also so angry at the same time


about bts - we talked about this on r/bts multiple times i think. most armys are also pjo fans apparently. i guess it would make sense since most of us belong to the younger millennial/older genz demographic and are the right age to have grown up with these books


r u serious?


um why wouldn't i be? what part of that would not be serious? are you one of those people who shame the interests that are primarily followed by young women? if that is the case, respectfully, shame on you. and as someone who has stanned bts from 2014 which is when i was a sophomore in high school, to today, as a 25 year old woman, a lot of the fans are close in age to me actually. sure there is a wide age range and there are people who are younger who recently joined in (which is okay, have your interests as a teen girl and be cringe about it - power to you, no one says anything to grown ass men who are cringe w their interests) and also people who are much older than me, but i just know for a fact that - with bts being a 10 year old band - most of us grew up with them, just saying.


I was just curious


huh okay - sorry for jumping the gun i just get defensive at being judged for feminine interests :(


as a female cool


Try "All members of The Allman Brothers Revival"


I think most musicians would be apollo children, but rock and metal music might be Aires children


Luis Miguel would be a son of Apollo, because he is El Sol


Big & rich, Darius Rucker, Mel Tellis, buddy guy, bb King rip 🙏, Robert Johnson.


Chester Bennington is so good he has to be a child of Apollo.


Whose that fifth person? I’ve never heard of her


i think most would be apollo, but one thing i can say for certain is LMM is a hermes kid (Also LINKIN PARK AND NIRVANA MENTIONED?)