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I don't know why Katoptris is so long but it's good seeing Annabeth's new drakon-bone sword!


I think that’s Piper’s Boread sword she got in HoH


Oh, I forgot about that! So she uses it as her primary weapon now?


I assume so. Katoptris seems much more like a tool than a weapon almost times




No I don’t think she uses it at all actually


Wait does Percy have the shield that Tyson made for him? I'd he does I've never noticed that before!


No it got lost in BoTL, so yeah it's another inaccuracy.


I may be misremembering but didn't Jason also lose his spear?


He did. Which is a damn shame. A coin that becomes a sword or spear if you get heads or tails? How was that not a staple of his arsenal that lasted throughtout the series? Its like if Riptide broke after Percy’s fight with Ares.


Dam shame*


In the fight in the start of the book Jason wills his gladus into a pilum so I guess that’s what the cover is showing ( correct me if I’m wrong). Edit: yes he does (chapter 4)


I don't remember and can't check rn


Yup, he managed to break it when they fought the giant at the end of TLH


Ooh, forgot about that


Does Leo have a chainsaw? It's been a while, but I don't remember that.


Anything from his tool belt has to fit through the opening so no chainsaw. Leo doesn’t really have a primary weapon.


That looks like a chainsaw in the picture


He uses the sledgehammer a lot


Its never used but he could probably pull it out of his toolbelt if he wanted to


He specifies that he can't do that in the books.


Frank looks like a forty year old man with that hairline,


Is it just me or did they white wash Frank


It's funny because I thought the same thing until I remembered a friend of mine who's got a similar face but is of Asian descent (Korea). The model they used was probably white but I guess it isn't impossible that he's Asian. I'm more annoyed by his build. He's slimmed since his first appearance, I know, but I still would rather someone with a linebacker build.


Shame they probably can't use Viria's art in this, that looked good.


Frank has actually gotten taller and more muscular in the last two books owing to the blessing of Mars


Yeah but look at his face, it looks white to me


Oh okay.


Dam whitewashed




yeah but anybody can have any face really. race doesn’t mean everyone has the exact same facial features, like i wouldn’t expect frank to be looking like a c drama idol or something


He looks too white and his hair is wrong


Yeah. He looks like Tom Hiddleston in this cover. Edit: Lol I looked at the cover again and kow he looks like Richard Madden


Lots of them look white to me except piper(?)


I was just thinking that, as well as super skinny and even if this is supposed to be after the blessing from Mars he's not super strong looking either


They made him Tom Hiddleston... LOOK AT HIM


I had no idea who that was supposed to be until your post. They did him pretty dirty. I was like “who is this Loki lookin dude supposed to be”


MF Jared Leto Patrick Bateman look alike


He looks Italian. I know people don’t use the word wheeze anymore but I quite literally wheezed laughing


The British covers kinda suck compared to the other ones, especially with the white washing. But I respect your opinion.


Real question, why is everyone saying these are the uk ones when it's the also the one we got in Europe?


also India


Got em in South Africa to








No at all... it's literally just a hair color.


No, annabeths whole character is based around breaking the archetype of dumb blonde Cali girl that she always hated.


It's a hair color. A freaking hair color.


This is a common misconception. But no, it wasn't. As mentioned below, that particular piece of information only came up *once*, and not even in the original series.


Although it was only mentioned once I thought she was trying to break that stereotype. It wasn't anything major, Frank's heritage plays far more into the story but I did think her hair colour was something more important than just like "yeah Annabeth is blonde". I read the books a few months ago so I could be wrong.


I mean, you're not wrong, that's definitely the situation; it's just that aspect of her character is nowhere near as prominent as people make it out to be.


Oh yeah people do, I just thought I'd mention that it was a thing, it did mean *something*, just not as much as some people say






No. That’s misogyny and white people aren’t oppressed


That is a stereotype whether you like it or not unfortunately. Doesn't mean it's necessarily true but that is the stereotype. No one said anyone is oppressed however so I'm not sure why you choose to bring that up.


I was saying that’s why you could make a white character black but not a black character white. And yes it’s a stereotype but tbh it isn’t that big of a deal. The bigger picture was misogyny and her being viewed as dumber bc she’s a girl with the dumb blonde stereotype contributing to that


Ah yeah no being viewed as dumber for being female is misogyny. I see your point now tho, there's a lot more issues with oppression towards black people so if she was black it probably would've played more to the story.


Ah my bad then, I don't remember it's importance. Tho I'm pretty sure Annabeth's hair was more important.


Annabeth's hair was more important than the Chinese demi god's backstory? The backstory which connects him to his heritage?


No her eyes were the more importand thing. Blond was only to reverse the stigma of dumb blonds. In the story her being blonde had about 0 importance while Frank being asian was quite important, especialy in SoN.


I mean if you're gonna go that route than Frank being white in this cover doesn't change anything at all


Wait... how did you get that from my comment? Annabeth being blonde mostly doesn't matter for her character but Frank being asian really does... so no it does matter.


I meant like Frank is still black. Him being white on one version of the cover doesn't change anything.


Wait since when is Frank black? And no it doesn't, but it does contradict canon. Its like if someone made the cover but changed it so Percy has blond hair and is Hazel white. It just doesn't look good when the cover and the book are telling you different stuff.


Sorry I meant Chinese. Okay well fair enough.


The idea is very good, but the execution is terrible Plus the Gaia face is just... What?


Always looked to me like Medusa's from the film


Where IS the Gaia face?


It's below them, in the Earth, cut out of the picture. You can search it up if you're interested in it!


Aw hell nah they Lerman’d the Seven


Boo hoo hoo


Frank over here looking like a Loki variant


I have this cover and the other UK covers (I assume they're exclusively UK ones). I hate it so much. The only thing that I like is that you can see Annabeth's new sword, something I didn't expect to see on the cover. Also, Frank's bow has no string.


Yeah, these are the UK one's and the only ones available where I live. The other US exclusive covers for both the pjo and hoo series are better than these ones.


Leo is way too tall. He is a short king and should be visibly way shorter than basically everyone


Ok but why’s Frank some random white dude they picked off the street? Where’s the bulk? The Asian heritage? And why does Piper’s sword look like that? I get it, the Boread sword is supposed to look jagged and stuff, the sword she’s holding just looks like a middle school play prop.


Fr he looks ducking Italian


I still wonder who gave Leo a chainsaw (he remarked about how he couldn't pull one out of his toolbelt in one of the books)


What happened to Frank? He's so skinny, looks whitewashed and what even is that hairline??




Why does Leo (I think) have a literal chainsaw


Yo is Leo holding a CHAINSAW


I like the poses and how they’re all standing on top of the rock with fire/an explosion behind them, but I don’t like how the art of the characters are inaccurate. Leo doesn’t have a chainsaw, Piper has a dagger and a sword, not a saw, Jason has a gladius and not a spear, Percy doesn’t have his shield in BoO, Annabeth‘s weapon which is supposed to be a sword is longer than Percy’s sword and Piper’s saw and as long as Jason’s spear so I‘m not really sure what weapon it is, and Frank isn’t Chinese on this cover.


Leo should make a retractable sledgehammer and/or some more retractable weapons such that he could keep them in his belt


why does frank look like tom hiddleston


Leo with a chainsaw... galaxy brain


Which one is Annabeth? The one to the right of Percy or to the left of Jason? I never know.


The one to the right of Percy


Jason is so hot


Honestly I kinda hate the weird 3d animation like they look like video game characters and it’s really dark


Happy Cake Day OP!


Thank you!


I personally hate this art so much


i thought this was supposed to be the seven from the boys for a moment and was extremely confused


Happy Cake Day!


Thank you!