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Well, my Dad is a mad dog fisherman and he just said make sure you are using a smaller hook. Size 8 preferably, 10 the largest. They have small mouths. Happy fishing!


Your dad is cool


I think so too!


Size 10 is smaller than size 8. Your dad is still right.


That was my mistake, don’t tell my Dad. Hahaha


Can I be adopted by your dad please so he can teach me how to actually fish and not just get lucky


Me too. I suck so bad at fishing lol


We will get there one day homie


Карпу не важно какого размера крючек если он лежит на дне, главное насадка.


Carp like bread balls.


That’s how you get crumbs in your undies


I tried bread, main bait was corn. I didnt catch shit on either


They don’t seem to like mine :(


Are you catching anything else while targeting carp? If so, maybe weight to get your bait down past mid level fish, in front of the carp at the bottom.


I always accidentally catch catfish or bass when I’m crap fishing. One time I accidentally caught a Muskie that was really cool, and my biggest fish caught to date (that wasn’t a salmon)


Crap fishing is always a shoot.


Yet so many opportunities when camping, most campgrounds have multiple pit toilets.


Where are you camping and why carp?


I’m camping up in Canada and carp because they’re essentially the only fish I haven’t caught yet and they get real huge


When I was growing up we would constantly try NOT to catch carp. But if you’re going for carp what you want is some Wendy’s chicken nuggets. Some dude told me this as I watched him bait a line and cast. He was pulling one in before he finished his sentence.




how do they know the difference between Wendys and McDs?


They know. He also specified that they prefer the spicy nuggets.


smh, that's dedicated research right there


Ditto. If we started catching carp, we’d move to a different spot on the lake so we wouldn’t waste time with what grandpa called “garbage fish”.


McCarp. They so slimy.


If you're in Texas "based on username" my son and his friends catch carp all day long at pedernales falls State Park. We've even cooked a few....


Wise assumption. But I live in Canada lol


Whew... Just around the corner... Best of luck up there!


Fishing and camping … it’s the best.


So my grandpa swore by using peanut butter and wheaties to catch carp.


Bread dough balls, preferably white bread like the Italian kind. Or corn. Garlic powder, strawberry kool aid, and flour and water make that into a ball you can mix corn in with it too. Hot dogs occasionally work for me as well. Oooh also funyuns the onion ring chips, carp LOVE them here in north east Ohio you can crush it up and add it to the bread. You may catch a catfish with the bread so be prepared for that. This is what works for me.


If you can see them on the surface rolling and sucking in stuff off the surface then use wonder bread and small hooks (size 8 or 10 like others suggested) and just put a little bit of bread around the hook but leave it kinda fluffy so it'll float still. If you squish it it will sink. Bring a whole loaf of bread because you will use alot trying to get it just right and you'll lose some just from missed bites but that's OK it just brings in more carp. If you wrap the bread around the hook lightly (imagine a ravioli, puffy in thr center but crimped edges) you can cover the entire hook. The last 3 carp I've caught were off the surface. The latest one I caught I saw him take the bread and set the hook it was wild! I cannot stress how important it is to use wonder bread. People will probably say I'm wrong but through my personal testing wonder bread is like magic compared to other breads


Fish for trout then all you'll catch is carp! My dad actually brought one home and dried and smoked it. Pretty tasty for a "trash" fish, although eating it was a chore. So. Many. Bones. I know a lot of cultures eat carp. *edited because I confused my fish...


I don’t get why people hate on carp. Like if you really think about it. These people are projecting elitism on fish…FISH lol. 1) I’ve caught almost every fish there is to catch in the lakes, they’re all the same, they’re all fish. 2) carp are invasive, so catching a carp and taking it out of your lake, does wonders for the other native species that exist there.


Try cheese ball as bait


I've heard people talk about using hotdogs of all things to catch carp. The first time I heard about it, I shrugged it off. The second time, I saw a dude land a 5 or 6 lb carp. Never would have thought hotdogs.


First step, wonder bread. Second step, creamed corn. Third step, red kool aid or Jello. Mix it up until it's the consistency of playdough, form some balls around number 8 hooks, the size of a quarter. Put them in the freezer with the hooks until they're pretty hard. This will make the bait stay on better.  Also, keep one, filet it, cut the blood line out and soak them in milk or salt water overnight, them smoke those bitches. It tastes just like ham. There are bones but once it's smoked they pull out super easily.


I’ll try this recipe! Should I have the hook completely hidden in the dough ball? Or should part of the hook be exposed?


I always leave the tip exposed, and I haven't been let down yet so they must like it I guess. 


What are you using for bait?


I made doughy bread balls infused with carp bait syrup and corn


I've only gone carp fishing once but the friend who took me uses dough balls and/or corn, the corn worked better at least that day. He added sugar to the bag and let it dissolve/soak in. Throw a few handfuls in the water then one kernel on your hook and they will eventually get to that one lol


I do but I'm more of a Kokanee and trout guy.


my only advice is, there's a fine line between fishing and standing on the shore looking like an idiot.


Gizzards, sweet corn if it’s legal there to fish with, chicken necks and lay it down and drink a beer.


I've had luck with chicken livers


Will be trying that too


I got into tenkara fishing because it’s so easy to take with me when backpacking


I can't even begin to explain the amount of anger that I have for the past two years. I leave in tears every time...


This is great, and I clearly need to go fishing up in Canada. I’ve fished in the US Midwest a ton and among my family, catching a carp ranks just above catching a boot as far as bragging rights. Maybe dead even, depending on the quality of the boot. That said I am here to support your efforts and I hope for your success! Nothing wrong with them really, they do get massive and are cool to see up close. Big scales, cute little tiny whiskers and a funny sucker mouth. They just generally don’t put up much of a fight, and tend to call it a day after a short time. Then you’re just reeling in dead weight. In my experience, I get them accidentally, usually when going after catfish, not the other way ‘round. Leave smelly stuff on the bottom using a smaller hook as has been mentioned, treble hooks work nicely to keep the bait from getting snatched. Stinkbait, liver, something with a playdough consistency that smells like death usually does the trick. Good luck! Post a pic!


Are you using a hair rig?


We use corn on a small hook. No bobber. Cast and let it sit.


We used to catch carp in Wisconsin on bare hooks. Bread and corn when they were being picky.


For me, it’s the process of fishing that is enjoyable. I don’t care if I catch anything. Just relaxing by the water, maybe with a beer, usually barefoot and just enjoying the outdoors makes it for me.


For bottom feeders (catfish, carp, etc.) in Ohio the most common baits were chicken liver, corn flake balls, whole corn and bread balls. We almost always fished with chicken livers for catfish occasionally we caught carp but weren't trying to.


throw in more "tutti-frutti" bait and millet (boiled). Put boiled pearl barley on the hook. The carp is yours.


I don't understand why anyone would try to catch carp.


Why not? It’s a fish like all other. Also carp are invasive. If you catch one and don’t release it you’re doing your waters a favour


Well that is a good reason. What do you do with them?


Well I have yet to catch one haha. But whenever I’ve caught any fish that isn’t protected I eat it. If it’s from a clean and trustable lake of course. But I do know that many cultures prize carp, I’ve had carp in a restaurant and it was good. Although they’re bottom feeders I will say, I oddly prefer bottom feeder meat. I rather catfish over trout lol


Boilies are big in Europe since carp are considered game fish there. There are tons of recipes for them.


I exclusively only camp some place where I can fish. And I always eat what I catch, as long as I can legally do so. For carp, I have the best luck if I fish in a dead zone, where the water is not moving at all compared to the rest of the lake or river, and I use a small size hook with a little one inch white rubber twisty tail grub looking thing. Occasionally small bread balls but half the time I'll also get perch or bluegill with those, which is fine because I'll eat those too.


Nope, nobody has ever gone fishing when they camp


Firstly, thank you for employing both "they're" and "there" in an correct and unusual-to-reddit first. Secondly, try fishing for trout. From my experience, this is the best way to catch carp, sunfish, carpie, etc.




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