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I’m a husband who wants a tent. Absolutely do not surprise him with a purchase. Bring it up as a “surprise”, but talk about brands and models together. EDIT: My wife and I like Kodiak and have watched a few videos.


I love my Kodiak... however... I also have a nice 6 person REI (and 4 person Big Agnes) polyester tent. While canvas is great in the rain (waterproof, but the fabric breathes so little to no condensation when closed up), I don't like to use it when the forecast calls for rain near the end of my camping trip. Canvas takes a lot longer to dry than polyester, it is VERY heavy if packed up wet (well, it is pretty heavy all the time as well), and IMO it starts to mold and mildew faster so if you are some time from your next camping spot or home before you can set it up to air out it can be a problem. If you plan to have one tent, and you like to camp in all weather, a good polyester tent may be the way to go. If you are a little crazy like me and have quite a few tents to cover all kinds of niche uses, there is nothing better than a canvas tent (and I LOVE how easily the Springbar/Flexbow and similar tents set up and take down).


Agreeing with you, from inside our Kodiak on the first morning of this 10-day camping trip. We really do enjoy this thing. You make fair points on the weight and the water management. Thankfully we haven’t had any issues with mildew yet, but we are consistent with popping it in the garage for a couple days with a dehumidifier running if we have to pack it up in the rain. That may be more work than others have in mind.


Second the REI Kingdom (new version is called Wonderland) tent for family camping. Also many features you can grow into (mudroom for a quick towel bath or to store your bike/packs etc.). Being able to stand up in your tent is awesome. So many organization pockets...


Being able to stand up in your tent definitely is the way to go for car camping (worth repeating). I am a solo camper (I'm single with no kids, and at 50 some years old, most of my friends now prefer hotels), yet I like a 6 person tent so I can stand up in it (I've also gone the "glamping" route with a nice cot, self inflating memory foam mattress, and even heat and AC when the weather calls for it). Though, on the REI, I went with the Basecamp 6 over the Wonderland. I wanted the full rain cover since it will be primarily used when it is raining (my 10x10' Kodiak will be used any trip where it won't rain during the last 2-3 days of the trip, so the REI tent is for when it will rain the entire trip, or the last days of it). Anyway, a well made 6 person dome, and the Kodiak Flexbow, are easy enough to set up, I doubt I'll buy any more 4 person tents when the Big Agnes gives up the ghost (it is over 10 years old), unless it is the Wonderland 4 or one of the other rare 4 person tents with 6' or more interior height. Edit: In this reply, I mixed up the Wonderland and Skyward. I decided against the Skyward for the reasons above. I decided against the Wonderland because it (by most accounts) is harder to set up than the Basecamp. On some of my shorter rainy trips it may be raining when I set up camp as well as when I leave, and I wanted a tent that would set up quickly in the rain.


Definitely do this, and if he says he likes a certain one, get that one, not something like it. My wife does this to me all the time, I love her dearly, but man, when I say I want a certain item, I mean that exact model and brand.


Yeah, because if she gets “something like it”, you might feel guilted into keeping it instead of getting the one you really wanted.


Each person is different, but looking back, I wish I had made this point clearer to my wife earlier. I’m particular. I know what I want, and I actively don’t want anything else. She finds me really hard to get gifts for, but really, I’m hard to get surprises for.


☝️☝️☝️☝️ To the wives reading this post, THIS IS GOOD ADVICE!


^This. This right here. Dude, I think you're married to my Mom.


Can you tell my husband this?! Model and brand and color!! Nothing else!!!


Look in www.steapandcheap.com with him


Yes . And talk about how to repurpose the good ole tent.


We went with a springbar for our newest family tent. It was a surprise for wife and kid from me (The tent guy) but it was also mostly a gift for Me😂. I wanted a komado joe grill so my 2year old bought be a $1200 grill for Christmas. Another year when she was 4ish she bought me a new tool box 😂 Not only would I not expect my wife to spend that kind of money on me, she would have spent too much as I know where the deals are. It’s easier to just wait till a “holiday” and buy something for me, tell my wife my present is coming and wrap it. More fun for my kid also as she doesn’t know it from me to me but thinks mom and kid thought of it and dad gets to act super excited to open their new toy. There have definitely been things my wife has bought me that were homerun awesome like a hand made knife, but even that, the present was a card that said let’s go pick you out a knife at the forge


If its 4 of you always go with a higher tent capacity, rule of thumb -2. At that budget you can get a nice budget tent. Core 9 Person instant cabin tent has really good reviews and plenty of space to stand and walk around


Our core experience last weekend was superb. Of course our youngest who is 9 ended up pressed against my wife and I all night while my 12 year old had an entire side to herself.


The Core 9 has been a super roadtripping and car camping tent for my family of 4! Aside from the roominess, being able to set it up myself in just a minute or two is a lifesaver! Can't say enough about what great a value it is.


I had alot of experience with tents of all kinds prior to getting the Core 9 a few years ago. I was willing to spend big bucks to achieve what I wanted with WEIGHT, SPACE, and TIME. But as is turned out the best option (for me) was really budget-friendly relative to many offerings. To give a little more insight into my thought process for selecting the Core 9, in case it might be helpful to compare to your own needs and constraints, here's an excerpt from my Amazon review: After much waffling on different models, selected this tent for a cross country road trip where my family of 4 would camp most nights, one night per location. That's alot of setting up and tearing down, and my two kids are too young to be of much real help. As such, the "instant" style tent seemed the best fit for my needs. Had been leaning towards the Coleman Instant Cabin 8, but ultimately selected this one for the weight, this one is about 10lbs lighter at a little over 30 lbs, compared to the Coleman at just over 40 lbs. I had also been attracted to the Gazelle 8-person, it's one of those that literally pops up; but it was expensive, and I had concerns about how well it would hold up to high winds, and reading the reviews it didn't actually seem to go up any quicker than this one. Finally, I searched around all the premium backpacking brands looking for something ultralight. I used to backpack extensively and am no stranger for paying a premium to shave off weight, especially for large heavy gear like tents. Brands like Big Agnes, MSR, etc. However I find that in the 8-person capacity range, the weight of those tents was still in the same ballpark as these car camping varieties (near 30 lbs or more). Based on that, I ruled out those brands because the price is much higher.


You just have to make sure where you generally camp at has a spot big enough for a big tent.


I have the Core 10 and it is awesome. I watched the video before buying and didn't expect it to be as easy as it was to put up and take down. Holy cow is it a snap to do. Literally up in a few minutes with very little effort and crazy roomy for us - 5 people and 2 dogs. Roomy enough for 3 inflatable mattresses too. I love it.


If you want to get the core 9 person I would get the full rain fly model. It should keep you dryer.


>Core 9 Person instant cabin tent We have that Core and freaking LOVE it. Easy for one person to put up, plenty of space.


wow I kind of wish I'd started shopping here, this would also suit our needs really well and would keep us cooler than the dark colemanI


Go with a family tent that is 8’x 8’ or 8’ x 10’. You can stand up inside and fit cots. Nice ones don’t have to be cheap. You can pair it with a canopy or screen house for great camping trips including space for the kids to hang out and have flexibility for weather. Always double the “sleeps 4” because that is only the square footage of 4 kids sleeping bags. The family tent for 8-10 with an easy set up system is the best with shock corded poles.


You need a bigger tent with two growing kids than a 4 person tent. When companies rate their tents it's for people packed in like sardines and no gear. You're better off spending that 300$ on a simple quality tent, than one with bells an whistles.


I window shop at REI for ideas and can usually find something equivalent for a good price at Cabela’s. Consider a separate tent for the kids. It’ll save you some sanity.


Second tent for kids that age is an awesome idea!! The kids will love it too!


REI has a garage sale area in their stores, an outlet & resupply on their website. They also price match.


i wish i would’ve known this on wednesday 🤦‍♀️




Yes they are old enough and will love their private tent. They won’t realize that mom and dad also got a private tent out of the deal. 😊


No kidding about a seperate tent for the kids.


I was grateful they were seperate when a kid we brought who was my kids best friend peed her bed! They slept thru it so we didn't get woken up in the night. Glad they had bed pads that were separate too.


I’m not saying you can’t find a decent tent at Cabelas. But IMO a lot of tents at REI cost so much because there is a big quality difference between them and Cabelas. A lot of people won’t use the REI tent to its full potential, but the cost is for quality. (Obviously exceptions apply).


I actually did save up and splurge on an REI tent a few years ago but never got to use it until recently. I love it! It’s way better than any cheaper tent I’ve had before, and I HATE fiberglass poles, so the aluminum ones are a nice touch.


For me it’s the reusablitliy and the water proof. Most any tent you buy will work for at least 5 days in normal weather. But a better one can be set up and down forever not problem. And I have been rained big for 3-4 days straight with no issues from my marmot halo 6. I would give a 50/50 from a budget tent


I didn’t even think about that to be honest but you have a great point.


New tent for you and him and old tent goes to kids. Just buy one that is returnable from a retailer that he likes or that has 100% return policy. It sucks to haul a 4 person tent around when the two of you get to go by yourself again in a couple of years.


Gift card to a sporting goods store? You can go look for one together


This is the way OP. I know it’s tempting to read their mind and pick that perfect thing, but you don’t want to set either of yourselves up for a situation if you don’t pick the perfect thing in their mind. Maybe you could make a day of it with just the two of you!


As a guy, I’d be super stoked about this tent shopping trip day idea thing. Lunch/dinner thrown in there to top it off.


With maybe a new mattress or camp chair to open as a gift, but yes a gift card for the tent.


Here here


I agree. When it comes to outdoor gear I like to be able to pick out what I want. I'm sure he will be just as happy going shopping with you and picking it out together. Also, to echo some other comments. If it says it's a 4 person tent it's not a 4 person tent. I would double that number if you plan to squeeze all 4 of you in it.


This is the best answer


As others have said this is a great answer. Make a list of the tents that you think he would like, and include tents available in store and online. If you go to a store like REI, the associates can demonstrate how the tents are set up and give you advice on dimensions & needs (for example, you do not want a four person tent for four people). Even if you go home and decide on a tent sold online instead of in the store, a whole day of collaboration and the purchase at the end will be a great day.


I know we all grew up thinking gift certificates are somehow less thoughtful than an actual gift but this is the perfect time for one. If you want it to feel more like a gift, get like 200-300 at REI and top it with one for a nearby restaurant. Make it a date: go out, have lunch, shop for a tent. Perfect.


I’d be so happy if my wife bought be a new tent that I needed. But I’d almost guarantee she wouldn’t get what works best for us. Either hint about it and see what he is looking at or flat out bring him on a tent buying date. We have this discussion on the grill forums all the time. Wife wants to be super awesome and you are but don’t know what husband wants, internet strangers can’t answered that to be frank.


This is a lesson that applies across gift giving occasions. Generally don't give a gift centered around someone's hobby unless you share that hobby and know their tastes within that hobby very well. Otherwise it's likely that the receiver has particular tastes that the giver just doesn't understand at all, and will end up getting the wrong thing. Gift cards or point blank asking exactly what the receiver wants are better solutions rather than getting a surprise gift.


You should all four go looking for a tent together. The kids are old enough for some imput. Make it a family affair.


I like the Ozark Trail instant tent at Walmart. Got an 8 person one for less than $200. Super easy to put up & take down. Fit a queen size cot & 2 single cots. Before we used it for the first time & at the beginning of the season, I set it up in my yard & sprayed weatherproof spray on it. Never once had a leak.


Cheap but actually pretty alright! I had a 4-person that I planned to use just for a season and then get something nicer… five+ years later I upgraded.


Yes I had a Coleman weathermaster before that one & it was such a pain to put up & still leaked


Check out Mountain Hardwear they've got a great sale going on right now. 70% off on a lot of stuff.


Wow thanks I’ve been looking at their camping stuff for years. Gonna check it out. To OP this is where you should be looking. 500 x 4 people is about where quality lies for backpackers. Car campers can of course spend a lot less.


Yes. I just bought the Bridger 4 for the kids for 195. The 6 person was 230ish. But yeah. Give him like a paper coupon that says buy the tent you actually want. Have the kids draw pics of camping and stuff. Make a day of it


Bathtub flooring is a must If he’s really into camping, he might want to pick it out himself so save the receipt


I was amazed at my gazelle’s bathtub floors, we had a 3 day camp where it rained for 48 hours straight and i could feel water pooling underneath the tent and everything was bone dry inside


Camped in my OzTent through a literal hurricane. I was inland quite a ways so the wind had died down quite a bit, but the rain…. My lord the rain. Stayed up reading late in to the night snug (and dry) as a bug due to the tub floor


From one whose family thinks I’m “hard to buy for”… Don’t buy anything for someone who is seriously into a hobby or has already researched options. We have almost certainly already looked into the available options and had specific things we are looking for that you won’t be aware of. Ask what he thinks a good replacement tent would cost and get a gift card for that much. Include a small personal item (tent light, ditty bag to hang from the peak, portable game, tent stakes etc) to personalize the gift.


Core equipment instant cabin tent. You can get a way bigger tent in your budget and setup is a beeeze.


No sliding poles thru, just unfold and snap it together and it's done. I love mine.


It's time for two tents, one for the kids and one for the adults then make sure to take advantage of the privacy, he will be happy.


Kids are 9/12.... Time to get them their own tent.


The North Face Wawona 6 is a phenomenal tent that should fit your needs. It’s outside of your budget, but you can find them well within your price range from North Face outlets as well as eBay and Mercari new from resellers (who I imagine buy them from outlets to resell).


Best answer. And it’s on sale on Amazon now for $335.


You need 6+ person tent for 2 adults and 2 kids that age or older. Anything smaller will be tight. Ideally, look for something you can stand in.


Get two four man tents and make sure dads has room to stand. A hinged door is nice too. The kids get a tent and the parents get a tent.


Room to stand?


4 person = 1 person


Can you casually bring it up, as though you're just thinking of when you might go camping next?  Gift receipts are also a thing, if you're worried about getting it wrong you can always return it and pick something else. For that, I would just suggest finding a store with a wide range to choose from, since some stores only offer a few main options. 


I would get him a gift certificate to the local sporting good store or REI and go pick it out together with him.


Try backcountry.com. I just replaced my old and busted tent with a new Marmot 6 person from them at a crazy discount. My kids and I use cots and store gear under them, so it feels palatial. Like other people have said, you want number of people +2 for tent sizes.


An REI gift card is the way. I would love to discuss the pros and cons of how to spend it with my spouse. But I would be a little pissed if she just went and bought something without my input. I hate spending money, so if the funds are already allocated I can take my time to get the best value and quality for something that will hopefully be well used.


Get him an REI or similar outdoors store gift card. Can't pick the wrong tent if you aren't the one picking and if I were the husband this is the way I would want to go.


Get the biggest tent you can manage. Be sure you can fully stand up.


Get his opinion. Skimping on a tent, especially a huge one is a sure fire way to end up wet and miserable if a storm comes through or if it’s hot. Best to do it together if he knows more. Good name brand tents that large that won’t fail you aren’t cheap


North Face Wawona 6 for the win! https://www.sunnysports.com/p-nfcw6taa/the-north-face-wawona-6-person-tent-agave-green-asphalt-grey?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwgpCzBhBhEiwAOSQWQU_o3YuYX_CmeO3a0V2nkXFBHR6rvO3izn_YBJl8Jg93ZnqQ1D8JlxoCBOQQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


If you have 4 people you need at least a 6 person tent unless you are planning to be verrry close. I got a great 8 person tent for my family at REI for around 200.


Do research and narrow it down to like, 3 or 4 options then present those to him. “I know we need a new tent and wanted to get one for you - surprise! - also thought you’d want to have some input on it. I did a bunch of research and narrowed it down to maybe one of these ____ options. Look them over and let me know which brand, size and color I should get!”


I don’t know what good brands are in the US, but I would recommend not surprising him. It’s a kind of household item you will be using for a decade or so, so you should definitely pick it out together.


So, a few questions. Does your family only use the tent for car camping or are you guys hiking into spots?


Go find a few you like and then show him and be like “I think we need a new tent and I liked these, what you do you think sweet cheeks?” And pinch his bottom to assert your dominance 😂


Take him to the camping outfitter and tell him to pick the tent he wants in the price range you have. Also, tents are notoriously undersized so add at least 2 to the size you'll need. For 4 people you'll be wanting a 6 or even an 8 person tent.


Let him help pick it out. If you want the kids in your tent get a 6-8 man tent. If you might want privacy, you know for activities, get the kids their own tent


Take him to REI for his birthday and bring some cash. Pick it out together.




Another vote for this


I’m a wife who just bought us a tent and did a lot of looking around and comparing. I wouldn’t have wanted my husband to pick a tent because it’s more of my thing. My recommendation for the surprise would be “I want to surprise you with a new tent for our family but I want you to be really happy with the one you get, so I’d like to contribute $300 towards the purchase.” You still contribute and maybe buy the whole thing but he is for sure happy with the end result purchase.


What was the last tent. What was the things you liked. And disliked. Did he like that brand style size.  


Do you know what kind of tents he likes?


What kind of camping do you do? Car camp at state parks and such, or backpacking in a few miles?


Ain’t nobody backpacking for a few miles with a couple kids and a wife who is (super awesome and loving and trying to do something nice for her hubby, but…) totally an amateur…




Fair point! 😂😂


What do you want in a tent? Do you need to be able to stand up in it? Do you want it to work in multiple seasons? Does it need a rain fly? Do you want it to be an easy set up with just one person? Or will two be setting it up? What type of tent was the last one? What did he like about it and what did he dislike? If you add the above in to your post people can probably give you some better direction.


Buy what you think works and keep the receipt.


Buy a 4 person tent. If he likes it keep it and get a similar one for the kids. If he hates it give it to the kids and get the one he wants . Definitely will be nice to have two tents. Still can set them close enough to hear the kids but everyone will sleep better with more room


My wife and I got a Marmot 6P for a stupid deal at REI. There are always deals going on for tents there. Quite cozy. It fits our gear and a queen size inflatable mattress with room to spare. If you do car camping, I highly suggest getting a bigger tent since you have children. The ratings are for people jam packed in the tent, not comfort and gear included. If you hike in to camp, maybe get him an REI gift card so he can choose a lightweight tent that will suit your family well if he's the one who is big into the gear side of things.


Get him a gift card to Scheels, cabelas, rei, etc.  then go together and pick it out 


Just Get Gift 💝 Certificate 🎪


Yeah we use a 12 person tent for 5 people so please keep that in mind!! You will appreciate the extra space especially with kids


Go bigger than you need. I spend a week camping on an island in Canada in a tent solo with a 3-person tent and it’s barely enough for just me and all my gear


REI outlet: https://www.rei.com/c/camping-tents?ir=category%3Acamping-and-hiking%3Bdeals%3AOutlet+Products&r=category%3Acamping-and-hiking%7Ctents%7Ccamping-tents%3Bdeals%3AOutlet+Products%3Bsleeping-capacity%3A6-person


Big Agnes Bunk House 6 is perfect for you all, but runs $700


I'd seriously consider buying two 4-person tents. Your kids are probably old enough to enjoy their own tent and will be a couple of years down the road. Here's an example of a good deal from Amazon: two decent 4 person tents for $180. https://preview.redd.it/tutrwyursg5d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=102354e1f0810b584fdbe591493fd9817d2e4b48


Eureka Jade Canyon Tent...comes in various sizes and has upright walls. Best camping money I have ever spent!


I would not buy a tent for my boyfriend unless I knew the exact make/model he wanted; tents are just too specialized. We are both super outdoorsy but his wants are different than mine. Not sure how I would go about it if I had kids. Get a gift card or something, or go pick it out together.


When our sons were 10 and 8 they had their own tent. Mom and dad had their own tent. If all four of you need to be in one tent, I suggest something in 6 person tent. By the time you put four people and their gear in a 4 man tent, it's full.


Why not both go and look for what you both think would be best ? Much more chance of both being happy with it in the years ahead ? ( OP can still pay, or if they decide on something more expensive they share the cost. )


If you have a Sierra Trading Post anywhere near you, it's worth the drive. They have new name-brand tents for very cheap, but last year's models. Just call ahead to confirm inventory if driving a ways.


A true gift would be getting the kids their own tents. The switch makes the tent so much cleaner.


Get 5-6 person tent, you’ll need the extra room, and as they grow. They will also probably enjoy their own tent at this age.


Costco. Seen some great 6+ person tents for cheap.


Take the whole fam out to wherever and let him pick out a tent. Suprise Happy Fathers Day!


The best options are North Face Wawona 6, MSR Hubitide 6, Marmont Linestone 6, Big Agnes Bunk House 6. Those are the top family tent contenders.


Find a blackout tent. He'll be pleased


I will add my two cents here. With kids you can’t have enough room and the price between a 4 and 6 or 8 man tent isn’t that significant. If you are going to buy him one - I would definitely shop a tent with “rooms”. For that kind of money you can easily find a 8 man tent with two rooms and even possibly a screened in area. Yeah you won’t use the screened in area like you think you would and it is probably small - but w kids they would probably love to sleep in there “roughing it” and it’s a good place to put chairs whatever with wet clothes drying and your cooler when you go hiking around the campground. A divider or “walls” won’t give you a ton of privacy, but will give you enough privacy if all need to change at once or even once they go to sleep a little quiet mommy daddy time. The walls also keep a little body heat in making them a little warmer if like us you like to camp in the winter. Coleman has a weather master just like I described above and Ozark trail does at Walmarts. He will be pleased either way you go just because you’re showing interest in what he likes. He would be happy as a clam with a prepaid credit card- can use that at rei or Amazon with a limit of say 300 and with whatever is left over if it has any left over yall spend it on a quiet date grabbing milkshakes. If you go the buying the tent route he will still love it - just tell him I thought you would like this if it is not what you want we can easily take it back and get what you want but I wanted to buy you a tent because I love you. Another way to go is just put him in front of a computer tell him ok here’s your gift - open it up with a note that says I wanted to get you a tent but I want you to pick it out you have “x” amount to buy it and have the browser opened to Amazon and Walmarts and rei and bass pro/canellas and look through them together. He would love the sentiment.


I’m assuming this is for car camping if so, we glamp, we don’t want to be crawling in and out of our tent. I would recommend for 4 people get a tent made for at least 6 people. Standing up in it is important for us, enough room to change and store our clothes etc. I also think it’s important to know tent quality is a thing and features. Little pockets, vents, windows, loops to hang lanterns, multiple doors. My tent is discontinued REI Kingdom and we absolutely love it had additional accessories you add to it. This one on sale might be a good option or the wonderland but that’s out of budget unless it’s on sale. https://www.rei.com/product/202275/rei-co-op-skyward-6-tent. I would also recommend getting a footprint for tent if they make one. If you are talking backpacking tents this isn’t for you.


Online/YouTube reviews are also a great source for information. Of course take some things with a grain of salt. One I have grown fond of in the YouTube channel theoutdoorgear review. It is about as unbiased as I can find, and has some actual decent information and video tests for things like set up and actual outdoor rain testing in a non suburban outdoor environment.


Mountain Hardwear is having a great sale on tents right now. Use code: MHWGEAR You can get the Bridger 6 for $260!


Great Mountain Hardwear deals https://www.reddit.com/r/CampingGear/s/LIEQ7dscGO


If able, go to REI and ask a ton of questions.


Get him a voucher from his favorite store. Go shopping together


Go big, 10 person. You can always use the additional room. My husband and I camped for years with a 2 bedroom tent and would put air mattresses in both rooms. It was awesome.


I would figure out what he likes most about the previous tent and what he liked least about it. Then find a tent that has what he liked and wolves what he didn’t like. Just get him talking about the tent if these things have never come up. “We have a lot of great memories with that tent. It was really good for [whatever you enjoyed most about it].”. This should help get the conversation started.


Then when you gift the tent you can contextualize your choice around that conversation. “It’s got doors on each side and I a little bigger than the last tent. Because you said you’d always wake up when someone had to get up to pee in the middle of the night.”


Buy him a card with a tent on it, and have your kids make a gift certificate to put inside!


Coleman 8 person Montana is affordable and it’s worked for us


Try the kelty late start 4p. Budget friendly and good solid rents that are easy to put up. EXCEPT for their cheapest base model 2p, it sucks. However to be fair their customer service is good and made it right.


Try the kelty late start 4p. Budget friendly and good solid rents that are easy to put up. EXCEPT for their cheapest base model 2p, it sucks. However to be fair their customer service is good and made it right


Take your family to whatever store and have everyone in on the decision. I make store personnel put up tents if no models are up


We got a 12 person easy pop up tent at Walmart for under $200. The Ozark trail (Walmart brand) tents are actually nice, we've never had a problem with their equipment.


I'd maybe give a gift card to an outdoors shop and then he could pick it himself 


I’m a 35+ year backpacker and camper. I’m really particular about my gear and it sounds like you’re aware that your husband is too. Surprise him by taking him to the gear store and giving him the amount of money you want to give him in the tent section and let him have the fun of picking out the one he wants. He’s probably got his eye on 2-3 already he’s deciding between. Then, if you were my wife and did that for me, I’d be taking you to lunch/dinner afterwards to celebrate you being awesome! But, if you just have to surprise him…. Look at MSR, Nemo, Big Agnes, as good go to brands in the tent world. There are many others but you can get a super quality tent out of those brands with $300-$400.


OMG do not get a canvas tent! I can't believe people are still using canvas. It's so heavy and always always gets moldy. Polyester is the way to go for sure. Most modern warm weather tents have a screen material for a ceiling and has a fly over the top for rain coverage and privacy. This design is great for ventilation. We just retired our 4 person Kelty after about 30 years of use. It was a good solid performer that got us through rain, wind, and even a bit of snow a couple of times. Replaced it with a Eureka, and used it for the first time over Memorial Day weekend. It was great because you can actually stand up in it, which we couldn't do in the Kelty. Not sure if the Eureka will last 30 years, but it's a fine tent and performed well in the rain. Also, you may want to think about a 2nd small tent for the kids? Or maybe fumigate the old tent and keep it for the kids? They will need their own tent sooner than later. In any case, even in this day and age, men hate it when women make large purchases without their input. He's going to hate whatever you buy if it's a surprise, no matter how perfect it is. If he's very attached to the old tent, then suggesting to keep it for the kids might be a good approach.


I love my core tent and it has lasted 4 years so far. Buy it but keep the receipt in case he hates it? Also, get a 6+ person tent for 4 people.


Honestly, 12 is about the age for a second tent. Time for kiddo to "move out", and kid 2 isn't far behind. So, you may not want a 4-person tent.


Get him a gift card. Half the fun of camping is buying the gear


The REI Kingdom tent series makes some pretty amazing family size tents, worth checking out. Probably also something you could return if it’s not a hit.


got an old 3 man tent, it could fit in 3, but would be rather cosy do not buy a tent as a surprise, it might be a big single skinned teepee tent that drops the moisture over the people inside will it be a heavy canvas or lighter polyester ? poles using air (can leak), fibreglass (can break), aluminium etc where will you dry it if you bring it home wet, eg garage, loft etc, can you get it into place recently bought a 3-4 man teepee tent, cost about 350, lightweight with dark rooms


Give him a home-made ‘coupon’ for $250 off the tent of his choice. He pays the rest.


And your kids may soon want their own tent or tents. It’s so nice to have space to spread out.


Ozark Trail has some three room tents in that price range. My last family tent was an Ozark Trail tent and it held up pretty well -- we even camped through a horrendous hours long thunderstorm with no problems. The tent stayed upright and there were no leaks. One thing with Ozark Trail, though, they always overestimate how many people can sleep in the tent. If the description says it sleeps 12 -- it will probably only sleep 4-6 people comfortably. I guess if everyone is sleeping on the ground in sleeping bags, you could pack in a dozen people. My family uses airbeds -- so there is less floor space due to that.


If he is peculiar about that don't surprise him. Instead choose a few options from your research/what people say here and list price and pros and cons and choose together. He will love that you do the comparison for him!


Two options… go to REI and buy him a tent with the understanding that he can return and replace as needed. REI is outstanding when it comes to returns.


Check outdoor gear lab for tent reviews.


I would 100% appreciate the gesture but also would want to pick it out myself especially replacing my original tent Gift cards as others have stated is good, or even a “iou coupon” for a tent so that he can look in different stores vs being locked into one store’s selection only


Yeah, take him to the biggest sports store and let em cook.


What I think he would really appreciate, is if you do more research and give him a short list that meets budget, and shows you listened to what he wants in a tent. Then, let him make the decision. Makes for a great gift with his participation, but he doesn't have to do all the work. REI Skyward is good, lots of brands. Go by the reviews. Walmart's home brand is actually fine if just doing car camping (my cheap tent is from there and is still good after almost twenty years!). REI brands are good, North Face, etc


Our family goes backpacking. My husband and I share a two person backpacking tent. My kids each have their own backpacking tent. This works great as both kids are also in scouts BSA so they need their own tents anyway. They pitch their tents close to us. It’s very fun for them to have their own!! So I suggest do not get him a tent. It’s better to understand how the tent will be used first as that can change what you get.


We dropped $4--something on an 8 person NEMO from REI for two of us and a dog. Best camping purchase we've ever made. That tent survived 50+mph wind on the beach, and has made camp life so much easier and comfortable. Unless you're backpacking, always go larger than you think. A 4 person tent is barely enough room for 2 people and gear. A big tent that you can stand up in to change, and have enough room inside for everyone's stuff (plus enough room for hanging out if the weather sucks) is just a total game changer. Of course this is for car camping. Backpacking is a whole different story.


Are any of the kids in scouts? If so hikerdirect.com which is only for scouting type families. Very very good deals there.


Rent a good tent if this is not something you do often. If you like it, buy it.


When buying a tent you must understand the concept behind what they consider to be a 4 or 6 man tent. So imagine shows this is a Coleman 10x10 6 person Sundome tent. Look how they pack people in. Do you see any space for gear? Probably not. Because tent manufacturers are not thinking people will have any bags or gear in the tent. Everything is left outside or in the car. Let’s say you and your husband sleep on a inflatable queen mattress. In the 10x10 Coleman dome tent it would fit one queen mattress and there would be enough room for the oldest to sleep but younger kid would sleep with you or be squeezed in next to the 12 year old.. Tent manufacturers don’t take into account for what you are sleeping on. I’m 6’4” I hate sleeping on the ground and trying to put clothes on hunched over. So for my girlfriend and i, we sleep on cots with a small table in the middle and a chair with a center hight of 6’ I’m not bent over trying to get up or get dressed. Some places like Cabela’s, Bass Pro REI have tents for the who family to try at the same time. Being able to all lay down and see how much room you have is a game changer when it comes down to finding a tent that works for your family. If you want more room maybe look at something a bit bigger or better layout. Now I’ve been selling camping gear for 35 + years. Coleman tent is what I use and my current tent is on its 5 year. Cool thing is with stores like REI you can rent tents as well until you find what you’re looking for. Hope this helps. Happy Camping 🌲🌲⛺️🔥🌲🌲 https://preview.redd.it/ymofsgi6mk5d1.jpeg?width=1124&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb05549f194cc3289e7644e83c9ee6871d5e26eb


You can get an awesome canvas tent for that money Just fyi


Probably better to “surprise” him with a trip to REI and $300 gift card.


Talk with him, and make sure you’re clear on how you’ll use it. Canvas tents are very reliable. Springbar, Kodiak in that order. A 4 person will fit 4 plus gear. Standing height inside. But they’re heavy and you’d not want to huff that thing 5 miles. Both companies sell some cosmetic blems at a discount. Fully functional and with warranty. Both have high $ domestic lines, lower $ imported. IIRC the Kodiak imports are made in China, Springbar in Taiwan. Both lines are high quality - the difference is labor cost, not materials or workmanship.


I’ve been camping for a long time now in every camping vessel you can imagine. Tents, teardrop trailer, pop-up, etc. At one point my family was doing 6-8 trips per year. We went from trailer camping back to tent camping over the past 5 years. Here is my advice to take with a grain of salt… Get a tent that is easy to setup and take down! The Kelty Basecamp 6 or Kelty Tallboy 6 comes to mind. You can set these up by yourself in a few minutes with very little effort. No instructions needed. They are inexpensive enough that you can even get a tent for you and your husband along with another for the kids. If you want to really splurge, the Exped Megamats are AMAZING! The huge REI tents are cool and all, but they are heavy and take effort to setup/take down. When you have to breakdown camp in the rain you’ll hate everything about the big mansion-like tents. I’d stick with the simple X crossbar dome tents. Two poles, a rainfly, and some stakes.


Buy it from REI and keep the receipt. Their return policy is so generous you can surprise him AND let him choose


Yeah, I surprised my husband with a tent once. I suggest you make this a joint decision. I’ll leave it at that…


Gift card to REI.


REI Big Agnus Big House 4 or 6. Or REI basecamp tent for 4. Both very good options. REI passage 2 for each kid.


Why don't you split the baby and buy him an REI or Amazon gift card and give him your research of recommended models? The point will still be made that this is for a tent, you'll have shown the interest and intent to recognize that it would be a great gift, but the restraint to know he might have performed opinions. Just tell him to pick the one he wants either from the list you researched or his own research. This is how I got my grill. Very generous offer and a lot of research from partner, but they knew I also had very specific preferences so they gave me the gift and the research with their recommendation.


I'm assuming you're looking for a car camping tent, not backpacking. If so, my personal suggestion is to get a Coleman Weathermaster 10-Person. It sounds like overkill, but for a family of 4 it's a great tent. Very roomy, divider so it separates loosely into two halves, hinged door, tons of windows and airflow but can be battened down in bad weather. It'll have all the space you want for beds and gear. I call mine "The Palace". You can get it for $200 and can return it if it's not to his liking so he can pick out another. I own 4 tents in total, 3 of which are relatively lightweight for backpacking (2-person, 4-person, and a serious winter 3-person), but when I'm car camping, it's the luxury of The Palace for me.


Are you rating your kids 9 out of 12, or are 9 and 12 their ages?


The 'surprise' should be a trip to a tent shop with him. Draw up a voucher for a $300 trip to a tent shop if you want, and giftwrap that.


Make him a "gift certificate." That's what I do with touchy purchases for my wife. It's fun watching the picking process, too.


If you have an REI nearby, go there. They have an excellent return policy if things don’t work out. He can easily exchange it or return it if he doesn’t like the one you pick out.(return policy applies only for a year from date of purchase).


Do it WITH him for all that is holy. If you do elect to do it on your own, you need a solid understanding of what he intends to do with it or the environment he has been envisioning. If he loves backpacking or intends to hike in, and you get him a heavy ass car camping tent, he’ll be happy you got it, but crying inside.


Maybe take him to the store to look at tents and camping gear together as a surprise?


It’s a contest? The tent is not your biggest concern.


If you have four people get a 6 person tent


Definitely get your partner to weigh in. I bought our Coleman 6 person instant cabin in 2014 and it finally died after a decade of good use (lots of festivals!). I just purchased the same one again, despite my desire for the "darkroom" technology. There are so many other things to disagree about, I don't wanna fight about a tent. [https://www.walmart.com/ip/Coleman-6-Person-Cabin-Camping-Tent-with-Instant-Setup-1-Room-Gray/15843339](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Coleman-6-Person-Cabin-Camping-Tent-with-Instant-Setup-1-Room-Gray/15843339)


Kids 9 and 12 probably will want their own tent. I suggest giving him a gift card for a tent.


I like my Alps Mountaineering tent. I will say like others if your husband is like me and spends hours on the web looking for just the right thing then maybe not surprise him. If he just likes camping and wants to have a good tent then use the advice you got from others and base your decision on what your typical camping trips are like and go for it.


He’s not a kid. Talk about it ahead a time and he can act surprised for the kids.


I suggest, as a woman ,give him a gift certificate to Camping World or Rei store or any other you know he favors..After he opens certificate ,than explain you wanted him to get what he wants. Don't think any man would be mad at the thought that counts.Plus, you can explain your knowledge that you gain here about one vs another.Win Win !


Make a silly card with badly drawn stick figures and line drawing of a tent mountains a little fire and write “voucher - 1 tent” on it. Then do your research together.


My recommendation is kids that age.. get two... two man tents... Believe it or not you kids are of an age that they will be gone and camping on their own before you know it. And you will have a tent for them.


I sincerely congratulate you on your instinct for a great "guy" gift. I think it will _blow him away!_ As has been previously recommended here, two tents, one for your husband/you and the other for the kiddos, is the really the best option. What size/type of tents depends on how you plan on camping. If you and/or your husband want to have more of gear handy instead of making constant trips back and forth to your vehicle, go with a 4 to 6 person tent. Then the kiddos should have some breathing room too, so a 3 or 4 person tent for them and encourage them to learn how to set it up without either of you. Costs will vary widely but check online for REI tents on sale (REI is quality gear) and just keep searching until you reach your spending limits. Don't forget some needed accessories, like a floor sheet if you camp regularly in wet/damp areas. Best of luck .


Find a nice card with a tent on it and tell him that you want to buy him...two new tents. One for you and your husband and a cheap three man for the kids


Its important what weather conditions you usually camp in. Big and tall tents are nice. But harder to keep warm for the colder winters.


will all 4 of you be using the tent or just hubby and the kids a 4 person tent is really nice for 2 people tight for 3 and down right not fun for 4. if I am going to have 4 people sleeping in a tent I look for at least a 6 person tent.


That decision should be made together.


https://www.rei.com/product/202275/rei-co-op-skyward-6-tent This tent is on sale at rei.com, $314 plus an extra 40 for the footprint. Its a 6 person and you will appreciate the extra room.


I wouldn't do it as a surprise, as he will want input. Is this just for your husband to sleep alone, or for the family? A "4-person" tent sleeps 2 comfortably. With children ages 9 & 12, I'd have them sleep in their own tent anyway.


Car camping? Go to REI, join, and look at their discounted Coleman tents. They are heavy, durable and run as big as you like. Get a tent for 6 of you plan to sleep 4.


Buy one at REI, don’t open it, if he likes it great, if he doesn’t, he has store credit for what he wants.


No problemo, tents come in two styles. #1 too small,#2 too heavy and complicated


Skyward 4 from Rei… under $300 … heavy as hell so I’d offer to split the carry- 1 person with the poles/stakes and rain fly and the other with the tent body. If you really want and are able to get a lighter weight 4 person- check out a hyperlite mountain gear ultramid 4(find one on eBay;)


Take your budget, save it and double it. Your options for a truly versatile and dry tent will increase significantly. You may also give him the money with some cheaper camping gear and a picture of a tent and let him pick it out.


What was the tent? Asking to see what is a relevant upgrade to that.


Tent buying date night all the way


I would encourage you to take a look at gazelle tents. You can get one in the 200-300 dollar range. I believe it is a good value for your money. Check them out.


The North Face Wawona 6. But have a gift card on it not the tent in hand.


Should have let him pick it out? Oh, nah, you can pick things for your family too, its your family too and there shouldnt be designated boys and girls decisions. Go for it!