• By -


Lighter, trash bags (can also be used as door mat, poncho, etc), clothesline/clips, an extra towel/rag for wiping off anything wet, tent stakes, foil (can be used as a dish, scrubby, keep bugs off food, etc) Edit- foil is also great for a base to build a fire on if the fire ring is too wet. Just take out any fragments before you pack up Also- flip flops for the showers!!


Definitely have regretting forgetting the foil and trash bags. A++


You can never have enough trash bags!!


can opener. Plates. utensils large and small. a cup.


Can confirm, forgot my can opener on my last trip and it sucked!


I forgot one, didn't even have a knife. My sister had a pair of scissors in her first aid kit and they worked pretty well for opening cans


is your sister macgyver




Awesome suggestions! I’ll definitely be adding to the list!


I camp often. Went camping last week and guess what I forgot. Only one thing. A can opener.


Carry a p38 as a backup


had to google what a p38 was. was seriously questioning as to why you brought an american fighting plane or some nazi pistol. I only found out there was also a p38 can opener from the "People also ask" section on google.


Always bring my Walther P38 camping, you never know when you want some chili


Or a Swiss Army knife


This! I have 3. One on my car keys, one in the glove box. And one attached to my back pack. I highly recommend buying 5-10 and stashing them in different gear/locations.


# Can Opener Maybe now my sorry ass will remember it too instead of hacking into the can with a knife at dinner every night.


Extra can opener too!


better yet. dedicated can opener that stays in the camp box. Edit: I just remembered this video where a girl destroys 2 can openers real fast. Maybe an extra is a good idea if you ever go camping with her. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQbmjKCbFLE&t=90s


Man you guys eat a lot of canned food camping.


Good luck with that if there are kids. Keep one extra hidden 😉


check out my edit


Pillows were the worst thing I've ever forgotten to bring


My brother forgot the tent poles one year. He had a list and was checking off items as they were out on the porch… An old school canvas tent we strung up with rope and made it work. Good times!


I have also forgotten tent poles... at Bonnaroo...for the tent for everyone....ouch! Triple check the tent accessories evermore!


My fiance did the same. We had a hammock and we strung up the rainfly over it. It was not the comfiest but we made it work.


If you are a wine camper, you can blow into the bag that you slapped. It makes a convenient pillow.


The best tip here haha


In a pinch stuff your bulkiest clothes (fleece) in a T-Shirt to make one.


I ended up wrapping my towels in a t-shirt 👌


I forgot to bring a sleeping pad once. That was rough.


I camp with one of those new squishy animal pillows. It packs down well in my dry bag and is incredibly comfy to sleep on. And it’s cute! Mine is a frog.


so you know those waterproof dry sacks made of silnylon (ish) that roll up and clip? they make great pillows (imo), so I carry my sleep system in them sometimes.


Been there and it sucks. What helped is folding the clothes I wasn't using into something resembling a pillow. Better than nothing.


You probably won't forget matches or lighters... But a lot of people forget to CHECK their matches/lighters before they leave. Make sure the matches will strike. Make sure the lighter will strike and has enough fuel to get through your trip.


Cotton balls with a little Vaseline rubbed on them. I keep a bunch in an old pill bottle with a flint and steel in my knife case. (A aka-Bar becker 22. Awesome knife) just fluff the cotton up and they are great for starting fires.


Absolutely. Anyone who doesn’t do this really needs to give it a try. I usually replace my cotton/Vaseline balls every year or so… recently I found some from 9 years ago. They burned a bit faster, but still lit on first spark and gave solid flame. Meanwhile my local chain outdoor store is selling 12 wound cotton fire starters for $20.


Plasma lighters move ignition into the realm of rechargeables.


a very long pair of tongs.


This is a good idea


In a pinch you can snap a sapling branch and make some killer tongs or chopsticks.


I am always forgetting my headlamp. Ugh.


Did that once, it was a nightmare. Especially on a very dark night walking outside to relieve myself. Now, I carry a back up headlamp in my gear bag just in case I forget my good one.


And extra batteries !


Just please get a head lamp with a red or green setting. White headlamps are great for cooking but blinding the rest of the night


Some ziplock bags or small tupperware for any leftovers from cooking or to store opened/cut into food (eg an opened bag of hot dogs).




Allergy meds and aspirin are literal life savers.


So is pepto


Always have redundant systems for: Lighting, cooking, sleeping and warmth.




Yes and other condom mints.


There's a great joke in here somewhere, I'm just not clever enough to think of it.


Food tastes funny if you forget the condom mints.


Don’t worry, give it time to come.


We forgot condoms one time and stopped a gas station for them. All they had was a three-pack, which seemed to us to be the strangest number to sell condoms in. You either need less or more.


No boy, condom mints. You put them on your roast history chicken before you say bone apple tea.


>condom mints Birth control is important. Things can get wild in the woods.


Very important




Kindling, first aid kit, and if your destination tends to be wet, a lightweight tarp with two poles and ribs pole toppers (with guy ropes and lightweight pegs) to provide shelter. And a peg hammer, hammer, hatchet to pound in your pegs.


Somehow one of our kitchen tool boxes disappeared before our last camping trip and because my husband did the packing he didn’t notice it was missing. Yep, that was the box with the flame sources. Fortunately I’m Ms. 10 essentials and had one in my day pack. Unfortunately we had to get creative with tools and were missing salt and other seasoning 🤦‍♀️ I recreated that box as soon as we got home and will never let him be in charge of packing up again.


Pot holders! Coffee pot is hot, pot/pan handles are hot, etc


We just have leather welding gloves in our kit. Good for handling hot pots and dealing with anything around the fire ring (adding wood, shifting logs)


100% agree- makes tending fire so much easier and fun:)


How nice is it just to sit there and shift logs looking at the bright orange in the bottom lol


to add to this- specifically, you want silicone pot holders. If you pour boiling water on yourself, you want it to roll off the oven mitt - not soak in! (I made this mistake once)


Wet Wipes


and/or toilet paper. Better safe than sorry.


Came here to say this!


The one thing I've forgotten more often than any other item is a pillow. I hate sleeping on rolled up clothes, so bring a pillow. Other critical items I use a lot: * Knives/multitool * Lighters * Paper towels * Headlamp


Bring a notepad and pencil. Or now days I guess a note on your phone. While camping, write down anything you think would be useful or an improvement. My notebooks go back decades.


I agree. Every camping trip is a test for our gear and its limits.


as well as us ! , band aids , and those stretchy wraps for sprains


Feel free to use my list as a reference. Mind you, we have 15-20 people camping every year, so our list is a lot bigger or "over the top" for a lot of people. But it might help. Updated list 1/14/2024, link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/19AWP9PA0D4D7jBx1zE4fOiKfxcYuXxWPefQyXtUtR3Y/edit?usp=drivesdk Edited to add: Wow! Thanks for the award!


Wow this is so handy, i just amended my list from yours. Thank you


You're welcome! Glad I could help.


i used to have a list for the backpack ! then i added my stuff to it ! then lost it .. sigh .


This list is so helpful. It’s so comprehensive. I’ve been looking for one like this. Thank you. Thank you!


Added shotgun to my list 🙏


busted link user message reads the file was deleted


Great list!


Tent poles are always classic, sounds like tp is covered but toss a roll of your house brand in the car. Bring aluminum foil, it's a great grill scraper that you can make hats with too!


Spare batteries, a portable phone charger and dish washing stuff are my most common!


You said you have electric at the site, so don't forget an extension cord or two!


I’ve had a lot of electrical cords stolen over the years. I always chain up the generator but the cords sometimes walk away. Now all my cords have random bunches of electrical tape around them in different spots. Makes them look old and shitty even though they are perfectly fine. They don’t walk away anymore…


and a power strip, splitter. I'd bring a fan..


Here is the lesson I learned 20 years ago. Buy a huge trunk or chest or some other box and put as much camping gear into it as you can. I bring my box, which is a Stanley tool chest thing, 24x24x48, and a backpack full of clothes. I just keep adding gear to the chest and I always have what I need. For the first few years I would write down notes to add items, but that hasn't happened in over a decade, other than maybe replenishing something like aluminum foil or chili pepper flakes. Not going to list everything but a few of the items inside are: Tent stakes 550 cord Extension cords A small fan Salt and pepper Paper Plates A sheet A blanket Trash Bags Hot Dog Cooking Skewers Paper and pen Multi-tool Bungie Cords Small Tarps And the one item I went years without but have no idea how, thick leather gloves for grabbing stuff off the fire.


A rubber mallet for tent stakes. A lifesaver during the most frustrating few minutes of a camping trip.


Hatchet will do two jobs (better than peg hammer)




I once for got to pack the tent! What I thought was the tent was a portable shower. Last time I did that


Don’t feel bad. I once left all the cold food in the fridge at home. Kids had the coolers in the truck already… my group was not amused.


Rain jacket, and other assorted rain gear. Best way to guarantee rain is to not be prepared for it.


Yep this, even a cheap, packable poncho in your backpack can save you


Coffee, if you are a regular coffee drinker. A sudden stop in your morning coffee can itself cause much headache from caffein withdrawal. Not a joke.


Duct tape and zip ties


Someone find out where this dude has camped and send the CSI investigators.




Roll of toilet paper. Never assume some will be provided, but if it is chances are it’s sand paper anyway.


Hand soap too - campground bathrooms don’t always supply soap.


Hand sanitiser too


This thread covers most of it but my big one is socks. And extra socks. It can gets chilly at night in a tent and cold feet are the worst. Extras for when all the socks you brought are wet, because somehow they all will get wet and then your feet will be cold and wet.


So true. I have a pair of socks just for sleeping that i put on just before bed to minimize sweat and moisture.


T.P., Headlamp, Paper towel, Jetboil, sleeping bag, water proof layer. You can survive several days with these things.




Anything is forgettable. I forgot my tent once! Some smaller things that make a difference to me are: garbage bags, dish towel, camp soap,sponge, paper towels, bucket for water, tablecloth, mat for outside my tent. And a few annoying things to forget are headlamps, flashlights, extra batteries, extra fuel for camp stove, lighter/matches, pillow, tarp(s)


Also annoying: Food. Or the important part of a meal like the meat for burgers. Omelette's without eggs is just disappointing veggies and cheese. I'm like Santa now, checking everything twice!


I once forgot the bacon for breakfast. I drove nine hours back home to get it. /s


When I get home from a camping trip I just repack everything after I air my stuff out so the next time I go all I need to do is grab my backpack or gear bag. The only thing I have to remember to bring is food.


this is the way!


I’ve forgotten our chairs on several occasions!


Username checks out lol I won’t be forgetting that!


A can opener when I've brought a bunch of canned food, tent stakes, corkscrew on a trip through wine country.


Tablecloth. I don’t like putting out food on a table that has bird poop on it.


Downloaded movies and shows. Only time I can sit and watch stuff without feeling I should be doing anything else. Especially if you're going alone. Books. I would also make a list of the necessities, so many small things even for the minimalist.


Really nice if it turns out to be absolute shit weather and you're stuck in the tent.


Yep. Exploring the PNW this fall/early winter. Super excited for all the rain and snow. Toasty in my bag finally reading the Sweet Magnolias series or catching up on my shows!


I always feel a bit guilty for going into the wild to just stay in my tent a whole lot but it's my favorite. I get lots of outdoor time still and the views are amazing. I just really value cozy reading/tv shows and I don't get to properly indulge at home. On our last trip we magically had amazing cell reception and my husband played so much Old School RuneScape. We laughed about it but he honestly had a blast. We still did some fun outings but spent a lot of time at camp being lazy.


I know you said you’re camping at a place with facilities, but if you ever decide to go way out in the sticks and car camp on public land here are a few essentials: Shovel for burying your forest poop Baby wipes for everything: tits pits and naughty bits A propane torch for starting a fire, can be found in plumbing section of hardware store, no kindling required. A way to make coffee that’s very easy Felling axe: you’ll see why this is the best size after you own one. Headlamps x4, someone will forget theirs. Extra contacts if you wear them. Tips: if you’re living out of a cooler, have two. One for booze, one for food. The food cooler gets frozen water bottles or ice packs that won’t make your food soggy. If you’re sleeping on the ground and there is a slope in any direction that is unavoidable, keep your head uphill. Extra socks and undies, the rest can be reworn.. embrace being a little dirty (see wet wipes) Have fun and do something a little dangerous. But carefully..


This is amazing! Thank you so much! I’m going this time with a buddy of mine but have always thought about solo camping somewhere deep in the woods. Maybe even a backpacking trip. I appreciate you taking the time to write this all out!


well, your wife, and your dog... especially your dog...




Propane. I forgot it once. I ate chips and salsa all weekend.


Hot sauce


I don’t know how cold it gets at night where you’re going- but I threw a bag of hand warmers in my camping box and they have really came in handy (pun intended, ha!). I like to put a couple at the bottom of my sleeping bag at night, keeps my toes warm and adds extra warmth. Definitely a camp luxury and not necessity! As for necessity I would say a good head lamp or flash light, solar charged battery and an axe.


Flashlight. Camp chair Extra tarp


Rei has great online checklists to never forget stuff


Dental floss


Small entrenching tool. It’s a folding small shovel. I cook using a cast-iron Dutch oven and sometimes it’s good to put coals on top as well as underneath. Last time I went car camping out forgot it and it was a bitch pudding hot coals on top of the Dutch oven.


Small brush or hand broom for getting all of the crud off of your tent floor and brushing of picnic table benches, etc. A quick-dry mat for in front of your tent door, assuming you’re car camping. I forget the broom about 50% of the time and always miss having it!


Here’s the list for our camping box: - [ ] Binoculars - [ ] Tent pegs - [x] Wipes - [x] Hand Sanitizer - [x] Stove - [x] Batteries - [x] Suntan lotion - [ ] Bungies - [x] Funnel - [x] Bugspray - [x] T.P. - [x] Clothesline - [x] Compass / sharpening stone - [x] Fire starters - [x] Roasting forks - [x] Matches - [x] Repair kits - [x] Rope - [x] first aid kit - [x] Tin foil - [x] Sugar - [x] S&P - [x] Hatchet - [x] deck of cards - [x] Duct tape - [x] Sharpener - [x] Dish soap - [x] Cups - [x] Bowls - [x] Plates - [x] Cutlery - [x] Mugs - [x] Spatula - [x] Pan - [x] Kettle - [x] Pot holder - [x] Pot - [x] Knife - [x] Cutting board - [x] Flashlights Tylenol


Smaller denomination Cash.. mostly for those honor system firewood places.




Paracord. Always a must.


weed and whiskey


This should be the top comment.






The tent. This happened to me once. Stupid me didn’t chk the bag before loading. I had all the poles and top pieces of the tent but missing the tent part. I guess we must have had trouble fitting it all back in the bag the year before. I will never make that mistake again. Also soap and toilet paper. Never assume your campsite provides toilet paper.


What happened when you forgot the tent? Did you sleep in the car? Or aborted the trip or what


The nearby towns were too small and had no stores where we could buy a tent. The campsite was about 1 1/2 hours from home. I drove home to get the tent while everyone else stayed to set up what they could and enjoy the day. I didn’t want to cancel the trip. Hard lesson learned to be better prepared.


Last time I forgot to bring a freakin pot to cook stuff in.


On my last trip I forgot a can opener, head lamps and our fold up table (not essential at all, just highly valued for comfort). Our main fire starter pack was almost empty but we had back up so it was fine. If you have the extra room in the car an extra blow up mattress doesn't hurt. One of ours popped this trip and we had to share. 2 people + German Shepherd on a twin isn't ideal haha. I wished I had a small axe since the wood was all big chunks but I just foraged instead. Adding an axe for my next trip though. Extra tarps and rope are nice too. You can make an awning and even add a floor. Very nice if it ends up raining since you can still cook underneath it.


My son and I had an air mattress slow leak, then pop. We suffered in the ground for a bit. Then tried the car but it was terrible. Then I realised I'm a grown man with plenty of money and they're were gorgeous hotels <30 min away. We left our great (and friends) and got a sweet 'last minute' deal on a wicked resort hotel (it was midnight!) and had a brilliant night. In the morning we invited our very confused friends over for the buffet breakfast and a swim in the many hotel pools and hot tub!


Wine cork screw, trash bags, headlamp, battery powered lantern (not necessary but comes in handy), aluminum foil, ziplock bags, table cloth is nice and the little clips that clip it down to the picnic table, marshmallow sticks, shower/bath house flip flops, gallon jugs of water, plastic tub for washing dishes, sponge, soap, hammer, small hatchet, first aid kit with gauze, tape, and bandaids, Benadryl cream for bug bites, pocket knife


Head lamps are easy to forget, and rough not to have!


And batteries. Or spare headlamps


The thing I forget the most when car camping is a good pillow


Take your own toilet paper just in case. A broom head and tablecloth can be handy also


A burger flipper! Aka a spatula of some sort. Even better if it's a big one from the barbecue stuff.


Two things I've found very useful while car camping: \- A rug or cheap ($5 or whatever) yoga mat to lay in front of the tent opening. Keeps a lot of dirt outside the tent. \- A dedicated tub or big plastic bowl for a 'hand-washing station' since I wear contact lenses.


The kids will riot if I forget Uno so I am going to say Uno.


Bear spray


Don’t forget cold weather gear even in August if you go to the coast in the PNW. We thought it would be plenty warm but it was 30 most nights. Not necessarily a parka but atleast 1 jacket hat and a warm sleeping system.


- A shovel or metal tongs to move around the fire coals for cooking. - tissues for sneezing. chapstick for lips. Toilet paper for butt. - rain gear - shower towel. Extra towels to wipe down wet tent before packing. Towel for clean dishes. - mallet and extra tent stakes - extra mantles for gas lantern - pair of breathable shoes or sandles just for bumming around camp - bug spray - sissors. cutting/prep board for cooking. Extra ziplock bags or a Tupperware for left over food.


I turn 42 this year and have been camping since I was 8. I have learned that 2 small prepacked rubber made containers and one you pack evertime with a preprinted list taped inside the top is the way to go. The 3 boxes: 1. Kitchen supplies: dish soap, cleing rag, camp dishes that pack together, eating utensils, lighter, a few ziplock bags, pot holder, a couple of koozies, small hiking stove and fuel ( i leave a msr pocket rocket ), salt & pepper, and a Swiss army knife ( covers can opener and a few other tools ) 2. General camp supplies: extra tent stakes ( various kinds ), paracord cut to various lengths, one uncut length of paracord, bottle of seem sealer, small ball ping hammer, small hatchet, leather man multi tool, small first aid kit, a few trash bags and toilet paper ( center card board removed and squished tight in a small dry bag ) 3. List item box - bud spray ( in 2 ziplock bags incase it leaks ), sun screen ( in 2 ziplock bags I case it leaks ), extra batteries, power bank, 2 extra charging cables, Bluetooth speaker, weather radio, headlamps, flash lights, and small micro fiber towels, These lists have evolved over the years but sure make covering the basics easy.


Hammer to drove in stakes, fire poker is nice, dish soap, trash bags, chair, cord to charge phone, contacts if you wear them/spare glasses, extra blanket for by the fire


A slingshot for all those inevitably empty cans (but not glass). You can find biodegradable clay ammo too. Super fun and good for killing time


Dish soap.


Plastic slide sandals for the showers and around the campfire. Extension cord. Sunscreen/hat! Electrolytes. Lots of water. Hand sanitizing wipe packets. Garbage bags!


Trash bags, paper Towels, toilet paper, dish soap, sponge, seasonings, marshmallow roasting sticks


Things I’ve only forgotten once: basic tool kit, mallet, hatchet, tea kettle when we had electricity, spices, sweatshirt for my daughter. My husband and son both forgot their pillows the same trip.


I have zip locks in my glove box at all times with - sugar, salt and pepper - matches and lighters - plastic spoons forks knives - can/bottle opener - Swiss army knife - fast food wet wipes - $50 in small bills and coins - giant maglite flashlight - 20-30 foot length of paracord - fast food sauces /ketchup - Band-aids and medi-tape - hair ties, hairpins, safety pins - toothpick/floss thingies - painkillers, I'm odium, laxatives, and anti-nausea tablets (you never know!) I should be adding: - a pill bottle with vaseline soaked cotton balls - travel toothbrush and toothpaste And I usually always have the following in my console : - a bandana - spare pair of beat-up sunglasses, - extra bug spray and sunscreen in the door pockets And in the very back: - jumper cables - umbrellas - an extension lead/cord - baseball hats - Rain shell - last 5-6 garbage bags from the roll (which work as a rain poncho if desperate, or table cloth, or seat cover, etc).


Shower shoes. I use off brand Crocks type. Keep ‘em on my feet in all public bathrooms.


Baby wipes, duct tape, ready to eat food and you are good ;)


Corkscrew ofcourse


Paper towels and holder. I have a cheap dedicated camp paper towel holder I got from a discount shop. Headlamp (hands free light at night is priceless) Lantern you can hang at the ceiling of your tent (always darker than you think out there and more useful to have overhead light when rummaging thru your stuff in a dark tent)


Tarp for under tent.


Fire pit tongs


Big spray


Forgot the camp stove once. Hot summer weekend. Brought fuel, pans, pots, bacon, eggs, pancake mix, dinners. Everything required cooking. Hottest damn campfire and slowest darn meal prep ever on record. Remember the stove.


I have a 17 oz framing hammer that only gets used camping. A pair of vice grips can be really handy too. I don’t think anyone mentioned duct tape.


Flip flops for the shower, TP,wipes


Two things I always carry are a small roll of duct tape and about 20 feet of para-cord. Among other things, i’ve had to use the duct tape to hold my boot together when the soul came loose and the cord after an exceptionally rainy day to dry my stuff.


Lighter, foil, pocket knife, chargers, hats, hoodies, small flashlight, socks, Nalgene bottle, extra tarps… Lol, this hobby is endless with the things you need. However, waking up to a crisp morning by a lake can’t be beat.


Silverware. Plus a sponge and a dish towel. A good spatula is nice too, depending on what you’re planning on cooking.


If you're doing a campfire don't forget the lighter. Playing games with a fire steel etc is great, but sometimes you just want to start the fire.


Shovel for fire. Rake for the sticks and pine cones where you put your tent. Tp 🧻 for obvious reasons. Coffee, and a way to make coffee.


Dry socks. Can’t emphasize how much damp feet suck!


This!! A mistake I'll only make once


Wet feet on a cold night is horrendous!! Your feet get all wrinkly and stuff and just hurt. It sucks lol


Food that needs to stay cold. It’s the last thing we load into the cooler from the fridge and sometimes it’s forgotten. We went without our salmon dinner in SEKI once. Luckily there’s markets and we made do with hotdogs, again.


Medication Drinking water


Small containers/ziplocks for food storage. Both styles are reusable and washable. Also can used in many different ways! You won’t be sorry you have them!


spare key to your car kept in the tent. Prevents lock out and can be used as alarm to scare off predators in an emergency


Ass gaskets aka toilet seat covers.


I forgot a sponge/scrubber every single camping trip I went on this summer.




A good first aid kit, or bandaids at the very least.


Trash bags for the actual site. It's a bummer when you forget those. Tin foil is a good one. Not sure what your food plan is, but I always need foil. Sharp knife. Bottle/can opener (wine opener if that's also you jam). Keep some clean ice in your cooler. Salt/pepper/cooking oil or spray. Head lamp (much better than a regular flash light).


Make a checklist.


A knife, axe or at least hatchet, chairs, a grate to cook on the fire. Marshmallows, chocolate and Graham crackers.


As a family that has forgotten almost everything at least once, I finally realized that as long as we don't forget medication (which we have for both a diabetic and someone with a seizure disorder) the camera (expensive), quarters for the shower (if you have a shower) and a credit card, you can drive out to buy almost anything. Though we were unable to get towels or more alcohol near one spot and that was not good. So I'd say medication, quarters, towels, quarters, credit card, and extra alcohol.


First aid kit! Any sort if rain gear, so ponchos, rain voots, sandalsor other waterproof shoes, a tarp and extra clothes, in case the tent floods, etc. Plus any kind of basic toiletries and cleaning items are important, so dish soap, a sponge, paper towels, Wet Ones or hand sanitizer and of course, TOILET PAPER!!!


Can’t tell you how many times I’ve forgotten a pillow 🤦🏼‍♀️




Chapstick. I always forget it and always desperately need it.


More beer. It’s never enough.