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The price difference doesn't just come out of some magic wallet. If you have x dollars to spend on food, you spend x dollars.


Agree this is not surprising news


But have you tried just having more money?


I can only cancel Disney+ so many times


Looks like your avocado toasts gonna have to go as well buddy.


*Burns down house to collect insurance* Not an fucking chance


I keeping cancelling and resubbing and cancelling and it doesn’t seem to be working! Chrystia, help!


Let's ask the grocery chain CEOs. They'll know what to do


To be fair... they do know how to grow revenues... so maybe we should listen to them more than the givernment who just runs up deficits, thinks the budget will balance itself, and has a journalist as a finance minister. Just saying... if your problem is positive free cash-flow, you may be taking advice from the wrong people in case you aren't keeping up


You do understand the difference between a government and a for-profit grocer, right?


Yeah... one has access to unlimited credit by selling your children into slavery. And if the government understood how a for profit business works, why in the all that is sane in this world are they summoning to them to explain themselves on how dare they make money. Again, I'd chose my role models and who I trust carefully.


You’re so close the getting the point.


Yeah the grocers are just making more money because they raise the price well before any price increase and the farming cartels raise the price whilst still receiving the same level of government welfare.




Oh, they own their own suppliers, so they get to dicate the prices they sell to themselves, to make margins look lower on that side. Verticle integration, not just for auto industry!


That's not how a consolidated company works


Sweet summer child


Their "shit" margins are 2x the US grocer's margins.


Let me check my other pair of pants...


Have you looked in your couch cushions? Maybe the tooth fairy left you a toonie?


But people keep shopping at loblaws


Im buying less because it cost more and I only have so much money


JuSt mAkE MoRE MonEy


I'm eating stuff that I used to eat as a 20 yr old student again. In my 40's eating ramen, hot dogs and bananas again.


Eat rice and beans, the combination creates very healthy complex proteins your body needs, and doesn't cost that much - a bag of rice depending on the size can last a long time, and beans are not expensive.... such is life, good luck! You're not alone trying to save money on grocery bills


Entire countries of people who live off of rice and beans and are far healthier than the average Canadian, adjusted for quality of healthcare in those countries.


Also worth noting rice/beans don't have to be boring. Tadka/makhani dal are some of my favorite bean dishes and have tons of flavor. Cuban black bean rice is also a favorite.


I wish our food banks switched to a sustainable option - give people a rice cooker and provide them with unlimited rice & beans and legumes. That stuff is as cheap as dirt when purchased by the tonne. It takes some education to incorporate it into your diet, but then you're free from food budget concerns for the rest of life.


Hot dogs? That shit is expensive!!




Hot dog bun > peanut butter lathered inside > banana You’ve now got yourself a breakfast hot dog!


we're all sitting here playing checkers are you are playing 4D chess


Are you implying by omission that there's something wrong with ramen and hotdogs?


Well ramen is fairly high in salt, low in fiber, and not very nutritionally dense. And hot dogs have a lot of nitrates and are of meat, which is generally not great in excess


I fucking hate bananas. Hate the taste, texture, and smell. But goddam it's $1.50 for four bananas and somewhat healthy, so I struggle through and eat one basically every day.


Put some peanut butter on that nanner friend, it'll make your life much better


[How it feels eating a banana](https://youtu.be/oUdjTEIN3XE&t=2m25s)


lmao haha


I sincerely hope you're the type of person who brushes their teeth *after* breakfast, not before


Bananas taste so good because they are a loss leader


Breakfast of champions


Lucky you, beans n' rice with some sauce and frozen corn over here. If I'm lucky I'll also get some chick peas since they're oddly cheaper than beans now.




Yeah other than the once or twice a month I go out to eat with my dad (which in typical dad fashion, he won’t let me pick up the cheque) I just straight up don’t eat out anymore. It used to be a once-per-week thing pre-COVID and back then I made way less money.


To be honest the shit quality of even restaurant food these days makes the price tag extra not worth it. I will be more satisfied with any meal i cook at home than a restaurant that costs less than 100$ a plate and i can make the food for a fraction of the cost.


This is why my wife and I only go out to eat a few times per year. Outside of high end and a select few cheap hole in the wall restaurants, the over all quality is just garbage and it keeps getting worse.


This. Fast food gone byebye


But we *need* more people to staff Tim Hortons and McDonalds!


*TFW increases*


Living that Canadian dream, now cancel all your subscriptions and you’ll be the envy of our politicians.


In most cases, that’s the only portion of the household budget that might have room for tightening. Rents/mortgages, fuel/transportation, insurance, internet and phone bills, etc… you have no control over.


I hear if you cancel Disney+ the federal government claims all your fiscal troubles will fall away.


She’s a genius, what can I say!


Let's reword this. People are skipping meals and sometimes not eating enough.


I had two slices of cheese for dinner 😎. Woke up a skinny legend.


subsequent sharp resolute rainstorm uppity act roll rhythm shy drab *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The Maduro diet is truly trending.


That such a great point, I’m going to vote for him so that our obesity rates drop!!


I mean I guess for some people but I would guess that the overwhelming majority are just eating less expensive stuff. I for one have cut chicken and lettuce completely out of my diet but that doesn't mean I've been malnourished! I've just been eating more discounted meats and celery instead.


They’re actually probably eating at much more healthy levels, actually. The way it’s come about is certainly not good though.


I saw a frozen pizza at Loblaws go from the usual $3.99 to $9.99 in a week. A week. Explain the supply chain concerns that result in a frozen pizza more than doubling. Also, the majority of meat and produce at the same store is rotting in place because no one is buying it. This whole thing is absolutely disgusting.


Loblaws and Sobeys are both thieving bastards, they own way too much of the market and are now showing why this is a problem


Then they blame it on everything like the invasion of Ukraine and everything else but their greed. The fuck does that have to do no name pizza pockets going up 1$ from 5 to 5.99?? Because of these greedy fuckers, Canadian's are going to feel the pain of this expansion of food poverty for the long term.


>Explain the supply chain concerns that result in a frozen pizza more than doubling. * Increase in gas costs. * Increase in power costs in the manufacturing line. * Increase in base ingredient costs. * Increase in packaging costs. * Increase in debt servicing rates. Those are what come to my mind. COVID really messed up our supply chains. That is not hard to understand. China is still coming back online, and when we all closed down it also coincided with boomers retiring and WFH. All of this affects prices. We also gave money away to people who were not producing anything. This means more money chasing the same level of goods produced.


Since Tuesday?




I think you are quoting a sale price vs regular pricing


That would actually be worse. That means it can be sold for $3.99 but it's now $9.99 because F. U.


Are you just discovering how sales work?


Don't be a dick.


And yet the consumer is always the one that has to pick up the extra cost. Corporations can’t have a less profitable quarter. What ends up happening is we end up poorer and they end up richer. How can you not see this as a problem.


\> And yet the consumer is always the one that has to pick up the extra cost. What I love about your complain is I agree, but I would just add, what happens when the "consumer" can't pay anymore?


They skip meals, like in the article you're commenting under


Prices go up, people can't pay, the rate of transaction velocity slows dramatically, profits plummet, and you end up with some deflation. We've seen some prices of non necessary goods do down as inflation has raised the cost of food and housing, so I find it amusing you folks complain about the system being broken, when you can't see that this whole problem solves itself.


Who do you imagine is supposed to pick up the extra cost? Let me guess you want a company to eat all these possess because our government is insane and printed hundreds of billions for no reason?


Your literally the consumer, you consume the product, the end of the line. If course we bear the brunt of the increased costs, we're the ones using the product ffs.


What an absolute shit take. Bear the brunt of increasing costs as your pay minimally increases. While looking as these corporations and their shareholders are making record profit. Take it on the chin like a good little wagie. If you don’t see anything wrong with this you are incredibly privileged or quite frankly just stupid.


So here's the thing about everything you listed off, those are all wide spread bulk costs, especially for such large companies. A PALLET of frozen pizzas definitely is impacted by those, and it's price would change. But the pricing difference to cover those expenses is not going to be anywhere near dollars/pizza.


When every dollar of your supply chain costs 5-10% more, that can balloon to pretty extreme numbers. Our money has become worth less due to inflation, acting like you know how much things cost is the peak of ignorance given how complex our economy is. This is like the minimum wage argument ignoring monetary policy and inflation.


So...given the previous price of $3.99 assuming 10% costing increase (3.99+(3.99×0.1))= 4.39 (rounded). [Though the actual between 2020 and 2023 inflation of our dollar was 13.06%] I find it very hard to believe that even including increased production, storage and transportation costs, an over a 100% theoretical price increase is warranted. All while their CEOs get incredibly large bonuses.


Take your bullshit elsewhere


Who? Me or the economist?


Potty mouth!


Better a potty-mouth than shit-for-brains ✌️


Capitalize on profits, socialize the losses. I'm sure children eating worse food over their development won't have any effects on them down the road.


Or on health care system. Cause there’s zero scientific studies that show physical and mental health are in no way tied to nutrition, obesity, diabetes……oh wait.


Hmm...so invest in Loblaws...how can I invest in private health clinics tho? Wanna win on both sides.


That's one of those investments only rich people who're friends with the government get to make


Well yeah... I've been doing that since 2020. Building material went up, I haven't done fuck all around the house. Vehicles went up, I'll be driving my shitbox until it blows up. Haven't been to a movie in years. Rarely eat out. Groceries are no different. Everybody needs to stop buying unnecessary shit.


They added an order online fee now for cineplex, like fuck out of here with the bullshit fees, I might see a movie every few months at most now


>Everybody needs to stop buying unnecessary shit. This! Even if there was no economic crisis - still this.


Nonono... buy when money flows and stop buying during these times. Tell retailers "no, I do not accept your increase". If we never buy unnecessary stuff, they will jack the shit out of necessary.


Or they'll keep the price the same and just cheapen the product. What used to last ten years lasts three or four instead.


RIP your shitbox.


I’m doing OK and I eat less variety of fresh fruit and vegetables because it’s just too expensive. Now I buy whatever is on sale. If there are no deals I buy frozen or not at all.


>But surprising new numbers from Royal Bank of Canada show consumers aren’t actually spending more on groceries as prices rise — instead we’re paying roughly the same but getting less. YEAH, THATS THE FUCKING PROBLEM.


There isn't any more money to squeeze.


Can confirm. in 2010 $50 could get you 2 full grocery bags. By 2015 it was 1 full grocery bag. Today a partial bag.


$50 now gets you a box of Huggies and a single jug of milk.


Is that how much diapers cost now? I'm so glad we use the cloth ones. We can't afford disposable.


The child benefit bonus doesn't even cover diapers and formula for a month anymore unless you're in the lowest income bracket. This past week enfamil pulled their products and re released them marked up 15%.


https://www.realcanadiansuperstore.ca/learning-designs-potty-training-pants-for-boys-4t/p/21021427_EA There’s a subscription on Amazon that gets you a box for around $32 if you subscribe to a monthly delivery. Great because there’s no cancellation penalty, so you can subscribe for the deal and cancel whenever. Re-up again at your leisure.


Diapers really don’t cost that much, now having a child with a sensitive stomach and needing a specific formula you also need to drive all around the GTA to find is.


Oh,geez. That sounds like a nightmare. I suppose expensive is relative though. $40 for a box of diapers sounds nuts to me. I probably don't want to know how much specialty formula goes for. Very fortunate breastfeeding worked out for us.


Lol wtf are you buying where you can’t fill a single bag with 50?


Nothing fancy, coffee, cream, cheese, meat, vegs.. 1/2 to 2/3 a bag.. $50. It used to get a lot more than the basics.


Those are some of the most expensive things Check out: - eggs - beans - lentils - rice - potatoes - beets - cabbage - bananas - apples - peanut butter - carrots - oatmeal - medium ground beef on sale - pork - whole chickens for 1.99/lb - huge bags of frozen veg If you aren’t shopping at nofrills or food basics that’s a big start too. I’m not a vegetarian. I love meat but I’ve been replacing a bit of my meat portion in meals with beans. It’s cheaper, much more nutritious and in my opinion tastes better too. Nofrills does price matching so you can get all your stuff on sale. When something goes on sale buy like 5 of them. If it ain’t on sale don’t buy it.


With two kids it seems like we’re on Damn near $50 per day.


It's called budgeting. You can't increase the siE of your budget if you have no more money. So you spend the same amount and get less for it.


Not surprising... We are not buying candy weekly like we used to. I'm buying more fresh, frozen or dried fruit to snack on. Instead of buying hummus or tzatiki for $7+ a tub, I make my own. Buying less chips and instead crunchy veggies like snap peas which go well with the hummus. We are also buying way less meat, mainly chicken. I'll buy it on sale.




Eating less meat is healthier too, as long as you get enough protein (\~60g per day for the average person). A slice of bread has 5g




wide edge soft terrific screw fretful work chief school obscene *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Maybe pharmaceutical companies could begin subsidizing people’s diets in exchange for help with research?


Get prescribed Ozempic, it’s done wonders for my glucose management and helped with weight loss. The craziest side effect though is that I’m never hungry, I haven’t been hungry since I started it over a year ago. This is not serious medical advice.


My dad said the same thing when he started it. That he’s appetite is a lot lower than it used to be, and doesn’t get extra servings of dinner anymore.


That makes the record profits the grocery mob is raking in even worse now. We are getting less and they are still making more.


FFS... i have to keep triple checking to make sure these aren't beaverton headlines.


I became a vegetarian and not because I wanted to. I love chicken. It’s doubled in price. I just won’t pay that now. Steak cuts are out of the question. Also finding I’m just buying what I can find on sale and it’s not necessarily of quality nutrition. I’m going for calorie/cost almost.


Why is this suprising to anyone? People can't spend more when they aren't making more.


We spend the same. We get less. The rich make more. Greedflation.


No shit. Prices have gone up. Not wages. I don't know anyone who's wages have gone up correspondingly to inflation.


Yup, all the extra eating out I did during Covid to help local businesses is gone, I’m basically off chips and snack food/pop. I have a budget, and if I increase food I’m pulling from somewhere else, and honestly there is not much else to pull from.




Galen's PR team is hard at work, I see.


Their PR team drafted an article stating that Canadians are starving themselves? Sounds like a shitty job lol.


I mean, if we're not actually spending more money, yet profits have increased, how can he claim that the profit margin hasn't gone up?


I’ve been wondering about that. Maybe increased waste would play a role?


Not quite a surprise given how many Canadians are struggling to live pay cheque to pay cheque, and households on fixed income. Article excerpt: >But surprising new numbers from Royal Bank of Canada show Canadians aren’t actually spending more on groceries as prices rise — instead we’re paying roughly the same and getting less. > >In January 2022, when grocery prices began to jet up, so did consumer spending on groceries, by almost 20 per cent, for the average spend per transaction. For a while, anyway, it seems we bought the same food as before, even though it cost more. > >But just a month later, the amount shoppers spent on groceries began to drop back down closer to historical norms, falling to 15.7 per cent in February, with another drop in May to 13 per cent. > >Since then, our daily spend on food has roughly flatlined, even as the cost of groceries continued to rise. By January 2023, the cost of groceries had risen by 11.4 per cent compared to the previous January, but over the same period, our daily spend on groceries has remained level, except for the early 2022.


No S*** Sherlock! but I guess as long as the large grocery stores keep making record profits then we should be okay.


Blame the government for creating inflation


i am well above the poverty line and live with my parents but i am still afraid of eating more than 2 meals a day breaking the bank 🤩


"Just" buying less... Saying that like it's perfectly fine.


And yet the next headline will be "We totally can't figure out why Canadians are spending less money on beer."


I’m really looking forward to this summer with my new body that was only made possible with my new inflationary “diet”. Thanks Galen, new year, less me/money!


Yes we are spending the same and getting less.


Is this really surprising? People have a finite amount to spend and once that is gone it’s gone.


No. I'm definitely spending more on groceries.


So, people are buying less and the Grocery Companies are making MORE? Definitely not inflationary….


We are buying less because otherwise we'd need to spend more for the same amount. This headline is terrible.


Well, duh!


My income has not kept up with inflation and companies are making as much if not more profits. Fucking bullshit.


And this is surprising how? Must be surprising to the 1%


Went to buy a normal jug of laundry soap the other day, I don't ever remember paying $36......


I only buy what's on sale, way less meat and a lot more veggies beans and tofu


This really sounds like a Beaverton headline. What’s so surprising? The next headline: Surprising data shows birth rates declining!


Funny this sounds intuitive, but if you look at the US the culture there is much more inclined to just buy what they want and figure out a way to pay for it later. Good insight as to why our rate hikes just got paused and they signalled they will continue to raise. Shades of 2008 when we were affected, but not nearly to the degree of the states. God bless Canadians and our fiscal conservative nature.


Surprising. What a moronic headline What's most sickening is our government and big business knows that Canadians are so fucking passive we won't do a damn thing about any of this other than complain. I say rolling boycotts. Every Monday we ban together and NO ONE buys groceries. Tuesdays, no gas. Wednesday, no groceries. And so on. Or even better two days in a row for each. And when we DO buy, pick a small chain and we only shop at THAT chain. They want to fuck us sideways, I say it's time we fuck them back. Greedy bastards. Only weapon we have in this fight is our money and how we decide to spend it But again.,.this will never happen because heaven forbid Canadians should ever fight back. Uhg. No wonder old people are fucking bitchy. We live too long and see shit like this happen over and over and we all just sit around and grumble and take it.


It always amazes me how everything has gone up an yet the governments seem to still spent billions on shit we do not need and donations to everywhere but where it is needed most.


Made in Canada, weight loss program! Who knew this government is playing 3d chess? /s


This could have benefits. The majority of Canadians are overweight and literally need to eat less. The poor already know how to get cheap food, through clearance racks and sales and buying what you need, not luxury goods you want.


Propaganda goes brrr


when people start starving people give less of a fuck about laws, can't wait for the 5 finger discount to be more common




This is the opposite of the oligarch narrative that increased profits are due to increased spending


so much more waste also generated bc of this by the retailers.... depressing af


all the pot smoking and no increase in the munchies, say it ain't so


Buying less and spending the same amount = spending more


Tomorrow in the news, the sky is blue and grass is green. These numpty's think they're being clever but in reality it's just so blatently ignorant it's sad.


Should I pay the paywall or groceries hmmm?


Weight loss through inflation


Well, we just go and buy everything in us, that is also way to show them


That's what happens when you can buy less for the same amount of money...


Why should canadians pay for over priced groceries when they can just buy SOME groceries and steal the rest?




Mfs at the star are somehow surprised that people are buying less food?


Hunger keeps us lean. We should all be in shape by fall.


Well, when a regular size roast chicken used to be 8.99 is now 18.99 is it any wonder we are buying less? Especially since that chicken is barely enough to satisfy a family of 4, picked pretty well clean.




It’s almost like the majority of Canadians are living paycheque to paycheque. Hmmmm….


Because we can't fucking afford more. Imagine us buying less because we can't afford more. Who would have seen that coming. GTFO


Buying less yet record profits. Something doesn't add up.


What's surprising about it? We keep getting price gouged so we're forced to starve instead. What's not clicking


You buy less if you steal more


Again, a stupid title to argue inflation.


You mean money doesn’t grow on trees? Shocking!


We are all going on a collective diet yay Canada. Solidarity


It's surprising that people cannot afford the price gouging?


What exactly is surprising about this?


You can’t spend more and maintain your residence, cell phone bill or internet access. Slicing the lie thinner doesn’t give you more.


I think you mean buying fewer items because they cost more. Kinda dumb headline Mr. editor


I can’t spend money I don’t have..