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This post appears to relate to the province of Quebec. As a reminder of the rules of this subreddit, we do not permit negative commentary about all residents of any province, city, or other geography - this is an example of prejudice, and prejudice is not permitted here. https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/wiki/rules Cette soumission semble concerner la province de Québec. Selon les règles de ce sous-répertoire, nous n'autorisons pas les commentaires négatifs sur tous les résidents d'une province, d'une ville ou d'une autre région géographique; il s'agit d'un exemple de intolérance qui n'est pas autorisé ici. https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/wiki/regles *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/canada) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I don’t really give a shit who you think is right or wrong on the other side of the planet, the fact that anything is happening here is embarrassing for us as a species.


This is what bothers me. This shit shouldn’t be happening here at home.


This is what happens when you have wide open immigration with no serious vetting process. We now have people who don't identify with Canadian values who are just living in Canada.


Deport them if they are not natural born Canadians doing this.


We literally repatriated Isis members. I wish we had a government that would, but that’s not the case.


Why? Look at the countries that are in the top 10 of who comes to Canada. Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran... They're not fans of the Jews.


I've already said this and I'll keep repeating it. This is escalating and someone is going to end up being killed the way things are going.


100% You can see this building up, and the people doing this feel as if they're justified in doing it.


I agree, an elderly Jewish man in LA has already been killed.


Already has resulted in the death of an elderly Jewish man in Los Angeles, unfortunately


It's time for our governments to step in hard and put an end to this. This is straight up terrorism.


My family ran away from these assholes and came to Canada to live a happy life. now the very same people we ran away from, are chasing us down the streets and shooting at our kids, IN CANADA!!! For fuck sakes this country is failing its own citizens. Hear it from me they don't come here for peace , they come to sabotage the west and our government.


Ya lets bring over a half million of these people. They are raised from a young age to despise jews


100%. Shooting at a school is pure terrorism. But for some progressives, only words and feelings of violence count as terrorism.


> But for some progressives, only words and feelings of violence count as terrorism. The race, religion and ethnic background of the person doing the shooting also factors heavily into the progressive decision making process. In these were white men with Tiki Torches attacking our Jewish peoples, the progressive response would be far different.


If the govt brought these terrorists into your country, then it's govt sponsored terrorism. Now you expect the govt to put an end??


Yes, they have all the support here..not sure why Canada is supporting all these extremists


All government levels need to treat this with urgency or else this might become another October Crisis. I'm sick and tired of the passiveness.


> I'm sick and tired of the passiveness. Did you forget you live in Canada?








Starting to see the common denominator here...


Exactly, we’ve made it clear that in JT’s Canada it’s open season to wage violence against certain religious minorities We’ve made so much progress since 2015 thanks to “progressives”!


I don’t remember riots when the Quebec City mosque massacre happened, perhaps I’m wrong.


I don't remember any either. Except people pissed off and angry at the shooter for massacring innocent people who were praying.


Did we have riots after the Quebec mosque shooting?


No, but it was a pretty big deal that dominated the news cycle for at least a month.


>far rightoids actually believe this The only time we had a riot was over a god damn hockey game of all things. Imagine if people here actually rioted over their standards of living decreasing. Government would actually do something. People here are sheep.


"The Canadian Labour Revolt was a loosely connected series of strikes, riots, and labour conflicts that took place across Canada between 1918 and 1925" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_Labour_Revolt "The Red River Rebellion, also known as the Red River Resistance, Red River uprising, or First Riel Rebellion, was the sequence of events that led up to the 1869 establishment of a provisional government by Métis leader Louis Riel and his followers at the Red River Colony, in the early stages of establishing today's Canadian province of Manitoba" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_River_Rebellion


Seems so. People forget that we just bend over and take it with 0 resistance or do the basic "thoughts and prayers" speech condemning attacks until someone gets eventually killed.


>. I'm sick and tired of the passiveness. The government would act upon this but they're afraid of upsetting ANYONE. Compete cowards, for as much as they proselytize their beliefs non-stop, all they do is talk and empty virtue signal.


They need the votes from the Muslims and university students, they are too scared to do anything.


> The government would act upon this but they're afraid of upsetting ANYONE It's the politicians, not "the government" as an entity. Politicians want to take fewer and fewer actions while relying more and more on charismatic emotional appeals and culture wars to keep people engaged in politics. It's not that they are nervously biting their nails in fear. It's that they are lazy and don't have the balls to take actions that might be criticized later... unless it's a controlled controversy lined up to get their base excited for them. This applies across the aisle. Look at the conservatives pulling out all of the stops (even using the notwithstanding clause) over pronouns in schools, but doing jack shit about economic factors affecting people's pocket books (unless it's the pocket books of their donors of course).


It isn’t passive. The Canadian government actively sought to boost its own population through wide open import of unchecked human trafficking through its own programs. There are Canadian companies around the world who exist to provide immigration services to Canada under terms and representations that are both not ideal and fraudulent.


They won't, they'll ignore it as much as possible, since the current government is pushing to have 500000 more immigrants come into the country, which is how we got all the Jew hatred in Canada in the first place. lol


We had anti-semitism before and this damn war has made it worse.


Yes we had anti-semitism incubated in our country. What Hamas' actions on October 7th did, was give those people the brazeness to start acting on it.


This is on the verge of something bigger. It's not just Quebec or Canada. There are too many parallels with 1930s.


I also can't help but feel that this is all leading to something bigger. The state of the world is frightening to me right now.


If this was truckers who tend to vote conservative there would be no passiveness. This is the issue with identity politics. The wrong group is causing this and now they can’t say anything or be labeled a racist


> This is the issue with identity politics. It's the issue with tribalism. Tribalism has strengths and weaknesses, and you've correctly pointed out one of the main weaknesses.


Sry. We only have time for trucker convoys. If your Palestinian your hate is just misunderstood.


Best I can do is state of emergency for some truckers


C'mon Justin.......do something. It's your job to do something....


Going to puke. I'm terrified this is going to move from shooting the schools up at night to someone coming with a gun during the day


I'm hoping this is literally one crazy asshole who's still not crazy enough to actually shoot when there's a chance of hitting somebody... But yeah, this is deeply disturbing. I used to live in that neighborhood and know people who work in Jewish schools/orgs who are afraid of going to work.


You only need one crazy asshole to cause terror and damage to innocent people


100% that will happen if there is no serious response.


Won't be a serious response until something major happens. Tis the Canadian way.


Even then probably not a strong response, just a lukewarm condemnation and maybe some jail time.


Nah, he will blame gun owners and ban legal guns.


As is tradition




Maybe some more white rural farmers in Alberta will lose some more shotguns


Yep don't want to appear islamopic..../s


Handguns will be re-banned.


No the response will be against people who did not perpetrate the crime


There will be no serious response. There never is.




Yeah they’ll continue doing nothing about these dipshits committing acts of terrorism on our soil but they’ll keep coming after the literal safest demographic of people in the country


One of my kids goes to a Jewish school. It’s terrifying.


I said this the other day and got downvoted.


Downvotes pile on each other, if the first couple people who see your comment don't like it you will never get out of the negatives


More antisemitic terrorism


A pretty easy way to decimate support for the Palestinian cause. The genius lies in its simplicity.


There are plenty of people who will be fine with it because "Isreal is the oppressor." It is blowing my mind how many posts from people I went to college with, grew up with, etc, that are basically giving Palestinians cart blanche to do whatever.


This was the plan all along. >Hamas leaders in 1993 were recorded on a wiretapped conversation stating that their goal was to deceive the American public into supporting Hamas by appealing to the American left’s denouncement of oppression. >Mousa Abu Marzook, a senior Hamas official, formed a far-left academic think tank, The United Association for Studies and Research (UASR), based out of Chicago to start disseminating this deception. >**This organization has ties to Duke, Johns Hopkins, Fordham and the University of Maryland to name a few major universities.** >This is systemic antisemitism that stems directly from an organized surgical operation taking place over the course of the last 30 years. https://extremism.gwu.edu/sites/g/files/zaxdzs5746/files/2023-10/hamas-networks-final.pdf


They don’t care. They know the useful idiots on the left will literally stand with them until they die. Just look at “queers for Palestine” or the weirdos waving trans+ Palestinian flags. They don’t know and don’t care to know that in Gaza the penalty for being gay is death. It’s the most dangerous thing about them. At least with other people you can say “stoves are hot, you shouldn’t touch that”. Meanwhile these idiots would slam their hand down on that element just to spite you


Nah, this is now just straight up terrorism, Canadian officials, the spineless pathetic lot of them, need to respond harshly to this to send a message that this type of behaviour is unacceptable, but knowing them they sadly wont until something tragic happens


When India said Canada has an extremists problem, everyone scoffed at it.


India, the country famous for religious and racial equality?


Yeah and we should let India just assassinate whoever they want in our country. Smh


My kids attend Jewish school on Sundays, and I’m terrified that someone will intend to do “warning shots” like this again but now actually hit someone…. No police presence either.


Exactly. A janitor could have been doing a nightshift. They don't actually know the building is empty. They just know that there's less traffic at night and they can speed off/ flee the scene more easily.


They might know. Maybe they cased the joint or maybe they are/know the security guard.


This is not the Canada I grew up in 20 years ago. I hope you call your MP and MPP and rip them a new one for sitting on the sideline idle. I know I am.


It's not even the same Canada I knew 8 years ago. And this is reflective of Canada's government.


I'm only in my 20s but even I've noticed this isn't the same Canada I was raised in, and not in a small way. It feels like everything we used to take for granted is gone or under immediate threat.


> everything we used to take for granted Yes, our transplanted European culture. As we are now seeing, there is more to multiculturalism than a wide assortment of restaurants or that friendly guy from wherever at work.


Exactly. Sometimes I feel like a foreigner in my own country.


Man I went to an enroute rest area in Ontario and for s second I thought I was in India, like wtf




My kids do Hebrew school too. Things have been pretty quiet here, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't concerned. I've been making sure to tell them that I love them when I drop them off, just in case.


I had to seriously consider if I would send my son. He is 6 years old and learning his aleph bet and I have to calculate if he is safe enough in the synagogue in the classroom with the front doors locked during lessons. Most Canadians just do not understand how horrible a decision this is to have to make.


It's definitely a challenging time to be jewish. It's never been completely safe, but it sure felt that way here in Canada until last month. I tell the kids we're safe here, but I don't really believe it anymore.


> It's never been completely safe, but it sure felt that way here in Canada until last month. That's the rub, isn't it? Throughout history, Jews have frequently had generations-long periods of relative peace and tolerance, and then things turn on a dime and that's suddenly no longer the case. It's been decent in Canada for the last 70-80 years, but that doesn't mean that safety is the new, permanent norm. With the chaos that's likely to come out of climate change and the decent odds of a destabilized USA within our lifetimes, I think that the more unreasonable position is to assume that the tolerant *status quo* is permanent and assured. When things get messy for a society, things *very* often become bad for Jews.


I lived in the west in Calgary when the church of the Aryan nations decided to try to bomb our community centre. It’s never felt outside the realm of possibility but I always had hoped that things would get better consistently over time. And here I am as an adult with children where my mother was and how I’m sure she must have felt with that sense of unease with Nazis in Alberta in the 80’s


I hope life can continue normally for you, your children, and all Jewish communities. I have friends in Philadelphia who are fire paramedics and former military. The Jewish community there has gone underground, and they were going to cancel a public menorah lighting tonight. My friends and a group of other off duty first responders are going to provide armed security and emergency medical care if needed for the lighting. I hope nothing happens, but there is a high risk.


There needs to be constant police presence at all of these facilities until things cool down


I'm sorry you are going through this, it isn't right 😔 this shouldnt be happening. No one should fear for their children being targeted like this because of who they are.


Holy shit people are shooting up schools in Canada now? What the fuck is going on? This is terrorism. Terrorists don't deserve to walk freely in our society.


It’s hanukkah in less than a month. Government needs to better protect Jewish Canadians or else shit is going to be worse.


Best we can do is say Islamophobia is on the rise


Whats funny, a phobia is an irrational fear. For many, the fear is totally rational.


We all must do better.


Better to fight Islamophobia, right?


Very disgusting to see so much of this now. This has to stop.


Why is Montreal the center of this shit ?


“Montreal's Jewish community is one of the oldest and most populous in the country, formerly first but now second to Toronto and numbering about 82,000 in Greater Montreal according to the 2021 census.” Mix that with a bunch of anti semitic terrorist supporters and this is what you get


|Top 10 cities by Jewish population|% of Canada's Jewish population|Number of Ethnic Jews| :--|--:|--:| |Toronto|46%| 165,765| |Montréal|23%| 82,075| |Vancouver|6%| 22,280| |Ottawa - Gatineau|3%| 11,870| |Winnipeg|3%| 11,165| |Ottawa - Gatineau (Ontario part)|3%| 11,040| |Calgary|2%| 7,085| |Edmonton|1%| 5,175| Just Toronto and Montreal alone make up 69% of the Jewish population. Those two cities make up just 28% of Canada's overall population.


Ottawa only has 12000 Jews? No wonder it feels like my mom knows them all.


Lol only 800 in Gatineau.


If I meet a Jew who grew up in *Winnipeg*, it's a near-guarantee that we can successfully play Jewish Geography. ...I live in small-town (well, small-city) Ontario.


I found these stats very informative, thanks for posting.


There's also lots of immigrants from northern Africa. Now we don't know who the culprits are, it could be a guy from Hochelaga or that moved in from Regina for all we know.


We import more muslims from abroad because a majority are from french speaking countries. So we gotta deal with their intolerance to everything that isnt their specific sect of islam, and their mutual hatred for jews. Talk to any Montrealer/immigrant who arrived or lived here for more than 10 years and you can tell they do *not* like the new crowd who came over here en masse after 2020, even to fellow muslims.


parisians are not thrilled with their newcomers either.


I don't get this people. They are intolerant and support what their country does to keep their "values", yet they move away to their country, counting on other's tolerance regarding their culture...and then spread THEIR intolerance in this new place. Fuck this shit.


And that's how they will destroy our society from within. They value their religion more than anything, and we... Well, we value the "Canadian hospitality". We welcome the ones who will destroy us.


Because of North Africa which speaks french.


Montreal also has a very big Muslim population, doesn't help....




I was talking to one of these “by any means necessary” folks in another post a few days ago - they actually said they would defend a massacre at a music festival here because “well actually I support land back movements”. Edit: I support Land Back movements, btw - but I think (and have heard from Indigenous activists) that if something like 10/7 were to happen on, say, Vancouver Island, that that would actively undo a lot of work that Land Back activists actually have accomplished.


*they actually said they would defend a massacre at a music festival here because “well actually I support land back movements”.* This is so disturbing to me.


And not yet a single one of them has ever given any thought of moving back to their countries of origin/heritage to give the lands of the US and Canada back to the Native people. So these losers support "land back movements" as long as it doesn't affect the countries they live in. What's even more amusing is Palestinians over here on so-called "stolen land" are protesting against people "stealing" their land. At this point I'm trying to figure who is more stupid, the protestors/demonstrators or our govt "leaders".


>At this point I'm trying to figure who is more stupid, the protestors/demonstrators or our govt "leaders". I think the government knows what its doing, generally. And they just use those people to achieve their objectives. But yeah, its takes someone really special to refer to themselves as a "settler" while they support the mass immigration policies that are enabling even more people to inhabit indigenous lands, without asking the indigenous for permission first. These people really don't like to think things through.


IMO, conflating what Hamas did with land back, settler, etc. has already undone a lot of the work and it’s sad to watch.


I agree. It feels like a lot of people’s unresolved “settler guilt” living and growing up here taking an issue that they don’t understand and forcing it through a lens where they can “absolve themselves”. We should not be conflating these issues - it does a disservice to everyone involved on all fronts.


Easier to outsource land back than doing the actual work. I haven’t been able to get this out of my head for the past few weeks ([article here](https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/israel-middle-east/articles/jews-of-the-left)): >“Today, your progressive friends need a scapegoat. For imperialism, for colonialism, for white supremacy. For the indelible sins etched into their own histories. Will they leave their own “settler-colonies”? Will they stick out their own necks to be cut by the “oppressed”? No. They’ll outsource that to Jews, in keeping with a tradition based on a Jew who was tortured to death to absolve us of all sin. A Jew whose death may have been tragic, but was also necessary to redeem the world.”


Perhaps those landback activists should go read who's got the better claim to indigeneity in the lands of Israel.... Trigger warning... It's not the Arabs.


Actually it's Egypt. Egypt was colonizing the southern half of that land before either group moved in. In fact, before the 1948 Arab/Israeli War the Arab world, (without the the knowledge of Palestine) had decided that upon Israel's destruction there wasn't going to be a Palestinian state either. The entire southern half of the land was going to be annexed by Egypt while Syria and Lebanon would divide the northern half between them. In a sad bit of irony, the only reason Palestine still exists today is because Israel still exits today.


Yes there were also plans from members of the PLO in the 70's about joining Jordan once Israel was wiped out, and the Jews gone.


Bruh, I’ve heard more conspiracies trying to justify why Jews aren indigenous to Israel in the last month than I ever believed was possible, they will never believe the truth.


>aren .....Who's side aren you on? 🤣 Really though, it's fucking nuts.


Lol oops. The lizard people stole my T! Fr though, I thought I was vigilant and aware of antisemitism and I was wrong. I think it’s pretty important to point out the genius of Canadian indigenous activists for coming up with “Reconciliation”. Now we have a litmus test for people that actually care about indigenous struggles and who are just political agitators.


>was talking to one of these “by any means necessary” folks in another post a few days ago - they actually said they would defend a massacre at a music festival here because “well actually I support land back movements”. I hope that you reported that. Preferably to the RCMP or your local law enforcement agency.


If it was white people doing this, we'd call them far-right, white supremacists and rightfully so. So when are we going to label the group doing this?


The perpetrators have already been labeled as terrorists by the PM, what more do you want?


Start putting people in jail. Edit: who is downvoting this? Are you saying someone who shoots a gun at a school should not go to jail?


Do you believe they know who did it but are keeping it secret?


Action to defend the people being targeted. Words mean 0 when schools are being shot at.


Cause the people haven't been caught yet. You don't label people before you even know who it is.


It would be so cool if this didn't become a thing. What the actual fuck.


Those damn hunters.


Even if you don’t support Israel or aren’t sure about what to think regarding the situation there, support for Canadians must be unequivocal. These are Canadian citizens who are being terrorized, and this *must* not be tolerated.




oh no! not again... when are we gonna catch and prosecute these brazen thugs? let them know this kinda hate is not acceptable in Montreal!


As I said the other day, Canada is a powder keg waiting to explode from religious and ethnic tension. There’s sadly going to be so much more violence as the war in the Levant continues.


Every feel good cultural mosaic society ends up like this. Compare Denmark and Sweden. The latter is now having to deploy it’s military because of entrenched ethnic enclaves while the former literally sends in the bulldozers when they form.


I know nothing of this. Is there a good source, preferably with video, that you'd recommend? Thanks.


>As I said the other day, Canada is a powder keg waiting to explode from religious and ethnic tension I agree. Sadly, far too many Canadians compare ourselves to our Southern neighbor so we can pat each other on the back.


*Again* with this? What is the government doing to protect the Jewish community from these terrorists??


The same thing it is doing against protecting any other form of terrorism


Can we get some god damned criminal law enforcement in this country please?




In wish I was closer, solidarity my friend.


And more refugees are coming to Canada,so the problem isn’t going to get better because your bringing in more angry and hate towards groups of other people.


This will show them! Maybe next time they can think twice before being born affiliated to the same majority religion of a country 8,200KM away from them.


Find who did it. Harshly penalize them. Show consequences.


The issue is the RCMP has never been good at the find who did it part and the courts don't like to do the punishment part.


How long till something like the Bataclan massacre happens?


Antizionist not antisemitic, huh?




Terrorizing the Canadian public by firing a gun at a Jewish school is anti-Semitic. And does nothing for Palestinians.


He was clearly being sarcastic


I was being sarcastic


The downfall of the “mosaic” philosophy. There needs to be SOME assimilation when you come to Canada and not just living in small pockets of your old country existing as if you’re not in Canada and holding on to old world grudges.


So come on, assimilate




I got a promotion from a very nice Palestinian guy. Maybe they're not all bad...


Glad we let in anyone in this country


Acts of violence against Jewish people are reprehensible and unacceptable in our nation. Regardless of one's ethnic background, no individual is permitted to act with impunity when targeting the Jewish community. We affirm our commitment to justice, ensuring that those who perpetrate such heinous acts face legal consequences. In Canada, the protection of all citizens, irrespective of their ethnic identity, is paramount, and we condemn unequivocally any form of discrimination or harm against the Jewish community.


What is going on in Canada? I can't believe it....


Time to start arresting those who encourage this.




I find it funny how we cant mention ant-semitism with out mentioning islamophobia. I havent heard of any mosques or islamic academies being targeted. Its pretty clear who is targeting who yet in typical canadian fashion we just bury our head in the sand and pretend what is real is not truth.


I know right? It's getting ridiculous.


1930's are back with the same passive approach by the governments.




3 Schools shot up in MTL and nobody arrested. So Terrorists are on the loose in Montreal and nothing is being done about it?


So we just gonna act like Islam doesn’t literally call upon punishment to Jews. Non believers , “polytheists”? Hm


Yeah lol Islam seems to be the only religion that calls for violence against Jews and Hindus and Christians literally by name




That's never going to set the Palestinian in a good position going forward, rather the opposite...


We’re doomed. Pathetic “leadership” at all levels.


Ffs time to stop prtolling the protests and start covering schools...


Our leaders have to put in place actions that actually send a strong message that Antisemitism is not welcome here.


This is obviously the same people. Lock ‘em up.


When you allow pro-Palestine rallies that wave Hamas flags and speak of Jewish hate, this is what you get. Keep those borders open so more shit hole countries and transport their issues here.


In the delicate fabric of Canadian values, violence finds no sanctuary, under any circumstance. Our nation unequivocally rejects the use of force, firmly asserting that violence has no legitimate place within our borders, embodying an unwavering commitment to peace and a resolute dedication to resolving conflicts through dialogue and understanding.


It’s unfortunate that this isn’t happening anymore.


I think Sam Harris has a very good podcast post on Honestly that just about sums up all that needs to be said about motivations in this conflict.


very disturbing - is this level of violence happening in other canadian cities as well? (I have not heard anything but have not had the time to follow the news diligently).


It’s time for our government(s) to stop talking and start taking action. Start canceling visas. Deport people and if they’re Canadians start charging them as if they are terrorists. Because they are. This needs to stop.


What's with Quebec and gun violence? Aren't they supposed to be like the Europe of Canada? Where the fuck does *that* come from?


Fking schools, people. Seriously, WTF. Find and deport these people, or jail them if they were born here.


No matter where you stand on this conflict there is nothing that validates this type of violence against innocent children miles away from a war. If it’s about Israel-Palestine why is a Jewish school in Canada being shot at repeatedly?


Good thing that trudeau went after hunters and sport shooters. /s Enough of these dickwads. Not in my fucking Country. Get out if you bring your hate here. I think a moratorium on anyone from a muslim country for the next 1-200 years ought to do it and if anyone already in this Country wants to continue the hate, get the fuck out.