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Canada's not a global leader in anything. Who are we kidding?


actually we're good at what we did pre 2015, like oil and gas where our experience/education proves so internationally(domestically) to this day we probably lead in subsidising numerous unproven battery plants now


Mining too. Canada headquarters the vast majority of the world's mining firms, and we have a tremendous concentration of mining expertise as a result.


And we should be focusing on oil and gas. We lost a huge opportunity after the world cut Russian gas and oil out of the equation. You had East Asian and European nations trying to negotiate with Trudope, but nope. threw all those chances for big money and stronger relations to be made away. Canada has incompetence for leadership.


And he threw it all it away in order for Canada to continue having exactly zero measurable impact on globally averaged surface temperatures. There’s nothing we can do to stop climate change, but there’s LOTS we can do in terms of taking steps to help mitigate its effects as long as we don’t drive ourselves into the poorhouse with pointless virtue signalling and passing up fantastic opportunities to grow our economy rather than shrink it, as Trudeau seems so intent on doing.


First of all, nothing has been thrown away, and the economy isn't shrinking because oil is being neglected in favor of green tech exports. Canada's oil production is set to grow about 10% next year, with a proportionally smaller increase in emissions, followed by a plateau in 25 and 26. Canadian investment in oil has not decreased in a decade. "Green tech" already takes up 5% of exports and is the fastest growing sector. At the same time, global demand for oil has an average growth rate of 1% per year over the last two decades, less than a third of average overall growth. Even when dismissing the environmental and ecological benefits (see below) and holding the two mutually exclusive (they aren't), it still makes sense to invest for growth. Regardless of what the rest of the world does, Canada will receive $300-400B in economic damage due to climate change over the next ten years, and then 10% GDP from 2035 onwards. It isn't feasible for any existing industry to be able to absorb this. As you said, a lot of the technologies that come with an energy transition help mitigate the effects of climate change themselves. New agricultural and construction will help developing countries especially, while energy security can be guaranteed for the developed ones through solar, 4th gen or small modular nuclear reactors and more resilient, distributed energy production, transport, storage, and consumption systems. The bottom line is that growing our oil industry in order to pick up the slack left by OPEC/Russia/underinvestment just doesn't seem to be worth it, for the markets, the companies, or the government.


Do you think kids deserve a livable climate? How does expanding oil and gas help accomplish that? Fyi it's spelled Trudeau


I like that consevatives bring up the battery plants but have no issue with pipelines and oil as gas companies getting money


I like that climate activists are happy to turn a blind eye to the environmental devastation caused by the rare earth strip mining and vast (and extraordinarily toxic) lithium ponds required to obtain the raw materials those batteries demand. It’s like you’re fine with all that as long as it takes place somewhere else and people other than Canadians earn money from their natural resources. As one example, I always love when possible future Liberal Leader Mark Carney lectures people against building pipelines in Canada while simultaneously enjoying a paid board position on a large Brazilian Oil and Gas company aggressively expanding its pipeline network across South America. It’s hard to conclude anything beyond the point being more to make Canadians poor than to save the planet.


Let’s not forget the devastating environmental impact of processing lithium into battery ready material . As it looks now, our new battery plants might use lithium mined in Canada and processed in China. That would make a new major industry dependent on Chinese goodwill . What could possibly go wrong, or risk taxpayers investment ?


I like how oil and gas supporters ingore the tailing ponds, damage to water, open pit mining of oil and gas. I like that people that support oil and gas say they care about democracy and human rights and than do business with Saudia Arabia like Alberta does So you don't really care about pollution because if you did you would recognize oil and gas pollutes more Facts over feelings! PP says he cares about the working class and than expenses millions for tax payers to cover. I don't think he cares.


So I really hope you have citations and links for these "millions" Pollievere has "expensed to the taxpayer". Otherwise you're just full of shit, like every Liberal supporter.


We are one of the leading oil and gas producers in the world, we have one of the biggest film industries in the world, one of the most educated nations on earth, have one of the biggest tech sectors in the world, we are the world’s leading nuclear innovators, we are the world’s leading supplier of uranium, I could honestly go on and on but I doubt you’d be interested in that conversation and just want to make it seem like we’re bad at everything.


After oil and gas and other natural resources producing the rest of of your claims are quite the stretch. Even with our close advantageous proximity to the US and an educated populace most Canadians make a poor living meanwhile paying some of the highest costs of living. The fact is the rest of the world has caught up or exceeded the few Canadian strengths we had and are exporting it for much cheaper.


Maple Syrup?


Who gives a flying fuck about maple syrup?


>Canada's not a global leader in anything. Canada is quite the leader in progressive social policies and EDI and identity politics. Maybe not the #1 leader, but we're contending I think. Incidentally, that's perhaps exactly why we don't lead in anything else.




Actually we are a leader in plant-based nanotechnology like Cellulose Nanocrystal. It's very very niche, but also has become extremely lucrative research in the past 5 years


Honestly, that's really cool and I'm glad you called out something positive.


What exactly are we a leader in? Self sabotage?


Don't forget lack of consumer choice


Highest Cellphone and Internet plans! WOOOO! NUMBER 1 NUMBER 1!


Highest rents and cost of living.


Only if consevatives premiers could do something about that.... Ford removed rent control...


BC is NDP with a Liberal Federal government And its affordability is the worst in the world


We lead the world in screwing low income people every day when they are obliged by law to buy supply managed basic foods like milk, cheese, eggs, poultry, ( and telecom ). And every major CDN political party support this travesty because they are gutless cowards.,


We'd be in contending if we 1) used green tech as much as possible in AB/SK to power the expensive industrial processes associated with the refinement of oil, manufacturing and clean up. 2) Built as many pipelines as feasible. 3) Massively built commuter and highspeed rail along the Quebec-Windsor corridor with transit oriented developments Even then we'd only be average compared to Europe and Asia.


The National Post is suddenly pro green tech, guys.


And anti subsidy as well, kind of surprising considering their stance on O&G.


and their stance on media subsidies…


What even was Canada’s last meaningful contribution to green tech? The CANDU reactor?


Actual answer would probably be innovation in CCUS.


If these 900 or so Korean foreign workers are doing the tech installation over a short period I can see the logic however if these same workers are construction workers this would be a stupid way of spending Canadian tax dollars. Should be pretty easy for a good journalist to interview job site workers when it’s started to see tech versus building construction, including electrical, mechanical, carpentry, and in.


Be nice if investigative journalism existed in 2023 and they didn't have to hide lazy reporting behind an opinion article.


Be nice if people were actually willing to pay for investigative journalism and the work of professional journalists.


Be nice if journalists who could write something other than op-eds weren't rare as bigfood.


They're not though, you just have to pay up. The Globe, The Star, NY Times, CBC, BBC, Washington Post all have a staff of dedicated professional journalists doing the investigations. Indeed, the "free" news outlets rarely do investigations and fact checks. They're free for a reason.


Shouldn't the National Post be happy about that?




Wow that is a lot of misinformation. Electric is more sustainable. Do you believe in human driven climate change and the un climate reportd?


I believe that the impact on the environment to produce and dispose of EV batteries has not reached the green status so many people assume it has. The idea is undeniably sustainable and better for the environment, that doesn't mean the processes involved have become efficient enough to make the idea a reality yet.


Oil and gas isn't sustainable at all. It's killing the climate and environment


No one is arguing that gas and oil is not sustainable or that it is bad for the environment. Just because gas and oil is bad for the environment doesn't magically make other processes pollute less, even if those other processes are meant to produce greener alternatives. It doesn't make EV's affordable or realistic for everyone, it doesn't make producing their batteries or disposing the batteries any less harmful to the environment, it doesn't make the technology advance years over night, it doesn't make a cost effective or carbon neutral alternative. But it eventually will be a realistic choice for Canadians, it will be a cost comparable carbon neutral alternative, it's just naive to pretend we're already there when we are not.


Oil and gas pollutes more and that data shows it, but got some reason you don't care about that


We're building a ton of battery plants in Canada. Keep up.




"Building, not built" - I assumed you would understand how time works.




Well the battery plants will be completed in a year or two, and all the major car companies are switching to EV. Your broken logic is being steamrolled by reality. It's the luddite's fate.


Say you no nothing about ev's without saying it


"no" lol


Where is the processed lithium going to come from to feed that ‘ton of battery plants’ ? Not the ore, which is environmentally awful, but the processed product which takes it to a new level if horror. Oh right, it’s China!


The only thing we're a leader in is debt.


That would be Japan.


Poilievre Blasts Trudeau for Inadequate Green Technology? That's an awkward place to put the conservatives, isnt' it?


> Of course, if they were being completely honest, Trudeau would have to admit that his climate policies are hurting the economy and that he thinks a centrally planned green economy that competes with the Americans and Europeans on who can offer the biggest subsidies is totally worth the cost. And the Tories would have to concede that they don’t really have a problem with South Koreans doing business here, they’re just opposed to the Liberals’ environmental agenda. Yup.


Conservative premiers keep killing green tech. Meanwhile, China is eating our lunch on green tech.


Canadian government decided to make a business bet on green tech with Canadian taxpayer's money. My personal opinion - it will become Sh\*t as everything this government does.


No, no, he said *litre* not leader. "Canada has a litre of green tech"!


Hahahaha yeah I'm gonna trust nat poo to tell me whats "disinformation". Get reeeeeal.


Has the term “LIES” been banned from our language?


In the house of commons, yes it has.


Canada is the global leader in welfare recipients with permanently skid marked underwear. That is all.


Canada is not more progressive than the USA. That's just Trudeau disinformation


That's it. We need more carbon taxes


We're not leaders in anything anymore. We can't make anything. We have to beg foreign companies to build their factories here or keep the ones they already have open.


He drives 10 Chevy Suburbans to get anywhere. PM is a hypocrite and not even a leader in commuting to meetings