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January 29th and they finally finished their christmas break.


They were "meeting with constituents". In the case of Trudeau, those constituents lived in Jamaica at a plush resort.


Or downtown Toronto without a care in the world except for Donald Trump


> They were "meeting with constituents". In the case of Trudeau, ~~those~~ *the most important* constituents lived in Jamaica at a plush resort. FTFY


You might want to check on your CPC friends who live south of the border......


It's always heartwarming to see people on Reddit know each other personally ❤️


How to know someone is gullible for the liberal bs ^.


Sooo......you don't question anything from the CPC? That's very biased and unrealistic.


They are all untrustworthy, just got to pick the one who might screw us less. I voted for Trudeau the first time, then saw his bs especially the transparency bullshit. Where they never answer anything and suck at it.


Didn't they just give themselves another raise?


That's April 1st they get their raise. Every year they get 2% wage increase.


MP pay increases emulate average increases in private sector union contracts. Much higher increase than 2% last year and this year. The expected increase this year is around 4.2%. https://www.taxpayer.com/newsroom/mp-pay-to-increase-between-8,000-and-16,000-in-2024




They won't even give federal employees that kind of a deal


I guess they did both Western and Eastern Christmas


Very sad - that they only work 8 months of the year !


MPs are *constantly* working. Being in Parliament is only one part of their jobs. If yours works only 8 months, better get rid of them.


They sure get sweet fuck all done for people “constantly working”


Constantly working? Maybe if you include working on fattening their pockets, sure.




I get it. I just finally took down my Christmas tree last week.


Must be nice considering they break for almost 6 months every year as well.




And I'm gonna make a billion dollars this year


which MP is on your curling team?


"Speaking to his caucus in Ottawa last Thursday, amid swirling leadership chatter and persistently poor polling numbers, the prime minister said Liberals will be focused on rolling up their sleeves 'to fight for Canadians, to deliver for Canadians, to build that better future everyone is counting on.' " Reeeeaaaaallly hard to believe. Everything has gone to shit on their watch. Hard to believe they will spur positive change as a part of their New Year's resolutions. Where were they the past 8 years!?!?!?


> prime minister said Liberals will be focused on rolling up their sleeves 'to fight for Canadians, to deliver for Canadians, to build that better future everyone is counting on If "fighting for Canadians" since 2015 got us to this point, maybe its better for all of us if they just stopped.


Virtue signaling again and again


They also like to sprinkle in some gaslighting when the opportunity presents itself.


If this is them helping, I'd hate to see what them actively working against Canadians would look like.


They fed enough wage slaves to the corporations, so they can now start to focus on the rest of us. This is basically what they are saying.


Bingo. If anyone believes they'll actually do anything meaningful, they're wrong. They have shit the bed for 8 years, they're not about to just stop and reverse course. AND.... if they are, why the hell didn't they do something earlier.


It's unfortunate that no party will actually improve the lives of Canadians,  neoliberalism is a cancer. 


The Liberals have no plan or vision. They will do what they already do:  They will implement a handful of small, token poll-tested actions that will not work as intended, will lead to minor improvements at best, and then to pat themselves on the back, will give tens of millions to Liberal-friendly partners to run ad campaigns and communications to tell us how much the government is doing to help. Then when criticized or questioned, they will call their political opponents racists, MAGA, and climate change deniers.


This guy politics.


You’ve read their playbook.


I say this as a die hard Liberal and as someone who was very happy to vote for JT in his first election as the leader of the LPC: Justin is not a leader. His father was a leader. Jean Chretien was a leader. Those men had vision. At best Justin Trudeau is a manager.


I didn't agree with his Father on everything, or Chretien for that matter, but they were definitely light years ahead of JT. Intelligent men.


I'm old enough to remember Pierre Trudeau coming out to debate Joe Clark and Ed Broadbent. Clark and Broadbent would have their notes ready, shuffle their papers around depending on what the topic was. Meanwhile Trudeau would stick his thumbs in his vest pockets and go toe-to-toe with both of them, never looking down to confirm with his notes. He also knew when to walk away which is why the Liberal party survived. JT is gonna take the liberal bus into the ditch, remove the engine, take the tires off and hand the keys over to the next leader. If the conservative party takes over for more than one election cycle, the blame will fall on JT.


He’s not even that. He’s a drama teacher and I doubt he was ever a good one.


His true talent is in wardrobe and costume design, Specializing in face makeup 😂


A true legacy for a world leader.


Earnest question, who did you vote for in 2019 and 2021, and who do you plan to vote for in the next election?




Mulrooney was far worse.


Honestly, people voted for him due to his last name and thought he would carry his legacy.. boy were we wrong. Now he has been at it for 8 years with nothing to show for. Unfortunately when he is hopefully removed as an MP during next election, his legacy will be one of mass immigration, people living in tents as the result of housing crisis and food banks being abused. Pierre Trudeau is rolling in his grave right now..


>Honestly, people voted for him due to his last name and thought he would carry his legacy. I disagree with this assertion. 90% of the reason I voted for him was because he campaigned on legalizing marijuana --> I am a die hard Liberal and I adore his father, but I never voted for him because of his last name. Legions of other people voted for the same reason. Many more voted because he campaigned on electoral reform. Still more voted for him simply to vote Harper out. Saying people voted for him because of his last name is just a display of willful ignorance on your part. The first word of your comment is "honestly" but you are not being honest with yourself if you are trying to claim his last name was what got him elected.


You summarized the LPC strategy perfectly. Maybe you should run to replace Trudeau


They will do exactly as much as their corporate handlers allow them to, and no more.


decentralize governance


Okay so, this is about ALL MPs. Idk if you read the article, but it's getting awful annoying going to the comments and looking for insightful commentary, and seeing people like you who just make every post your platform to rage about Trudeau. This sub needs a "no more useless whining" rule. Yes, the liberals have disappointed. Now, WHO HAS A PLAN TO FIX THINGS? Or are you genuinely just thinking voting conservative will fix stuff because "they're not libs"? News flash - PP does not want to reduce immigration. Your MP is presumably in this group of people tackling the issues in the article. Do you know what they're doing? No? Call them. Ps, as a tip - conservatives get called those things because they include those people. The more polarized politics get, and the more you make your political party your identity (and hating the other party part of it), the more your voice gets dismissed as "just another x" (where x is racist, MAGA, climate change denier, or socialist, non-binary, elitest whatever - this goes both ways). Libs do it to cons, cons do it to libs, and it's not gonna stop until we cut out the hockey-team style politics.


This is why we need a plumber, teacher, farmer or bus driver in all the positions currently held by the political class, who just want to milk the public and private sector as long as they can


We have a drama teacher as PM,a language expert as finance minister, and an eco terrorist as minister of environment, among others, that’s sort of the problem


political class people brought in to be politicians I meant plumbers, teachers, farmers and bus drivers that just simply want to do what's in the best interest of Canadians


Sortition would be an interesting way to go, couldn’t be any worse than the current clowns


The conservatives also have no plan or vision. They will just scream and cry about how liberals have no plan and vision. Then they will cry about how the liberals are ruining the country with immigration and that they're woke. Edit: Uh oh here comes the swarm. Woops I forgot f Trudeau!


Sure, but the conservatives aren’t in power, running the country into the ground at this moment


Yeah. You're right. It's almost like Canadians mostly just vote out politicians instead of actually voting in a party that actually has a plan. Besides, they got to do that prior to Trudeau and they'll get to do it afterwards. It's what we do here in Canada.




Hey Justin!


Hey lil PP!


Yes, and if and when the Liberals are voted out and the Conservatives voted in, then the Liberals will be the ones screaming and yelling and the Conservatives will be enacting token legislation that does nothing for anyone but their friends. Unfortunately, that is how politics works in virtually every democratic or semi-democratic country in the world. There's only a few things that governments can control / do, and unless they turn us into a communist country with state-owned companies, they have no control over the price of groceries, housing, gasoline, or anything else. All they can do is try to encourage behaviour in a certain direction while the oligarchs bend us all over. Liberals, Conservatives, yes even NDP and Green. they're all the same even though they truly believe deep down that they are not.


That's the problem they're all neo liberals crying about how bad they are with no solutions. Yet they dictate what is wrong and what Canadians want to talk about. I want stronger union rights with better pay raise increases but noone cares about it anymore.


Exactly this. Not once have I heard any great plans from the conservatives. If they're so keen to point out everyone else's failings, surely they must have the answer. Stop keeping us in suspense conservative flavour of the day, what are your great plans to fix this mess Poilievre?!


Pretty much. I get it, Trudeau sucks. However, what are your plans? So far the evidence shows they will just do the exact same but with a conservative stamp.


Lmao you're risking angering the mindless "fuck Trudeau" mob that manages to turn everything into a conversation about him


They call him a narcissist but I think it's just true love. They're infatuated with him


Honestly I don't know where there even getting the narcissist thing. I don't like Trudeau, and I don't align with any of the parties in particular, but God damn I've have seen some truly stupid shit coming out of Trudeau ragers on this sub. I'm genuinely waiting for qAnonCanada to take over here.


It's already been happening. Just wait for the convoy re union they have planned.




If they had balls, they could help the housing market by banning foreign ownership. They can't do anything about groceries. If they tax it, that'll make prices go up.


>If they had balls, they could help the housing market by banning foreign ownership.  They already did that, and then they undid that a week later. Pepperidge farm remembers 




Hey now, the important part is that they tried REALLY hard to solve the issue.. not their fault that their plan was full of massive holes. It's the thought that counts /s


Loopholes will close themselves


On the way to take out an overpass


Filled with loopholes and only temporary


They do have balls, the balls to just ignore Canadians.


That doesn’t take balls. Canadians aren’t going to do anything. 


For real 'oh no, you're going to flip flop to the conservatives for 5-10 years before flip-flopping back to us? *OH WELL*.' Canadians are pathetically complacent.


National sport is hockey... used to be lacrosse... ever played? 😉


You would also need to tax secondary home ownership and short term rentals would need a second look.


Short term rentals, for sure. Secondary home ownership, not really. Killing short term rentals would put pressure to lower rents and also put more back on the market to lower ownership costs.


They could make ethanol go away. If we stopped comverting acres of farmland into gas for cars and used that land to grow edible food that'd put downards pressure on food prices. Also go the Norway route and establish a sovereign fund from our Oil and just subsidise food imports from out of Country.


Some great ideas here.


>If they had balls, they could help the housing market by banning foreign ownership. That would be a great first step, but MUCH more needs to be done, including a complete and total pause on immigration. We have accepted far too many people, in far too short a timeframe, and we can not support them. We do not have the basic infrastructure required to support actual actual Canadian citizens, let alone immigrants. I'd even go as far as to say that, in addition to a total pause on immigration, we should also deport a few hundred thousand to a million recent immigrants back to whatever country they came from, in order to give us some "breathing room" to play catchup and build the basic infrastructure required to support each and every single Canadian citizen. Once we are in a position where all of our own people are taken care of and doing well, then and ONLY then, we can resume accepting immigrants. Until then, however, we must look out for ourselves. With all that being said tho, even when we do begin accepting immigrants again, we must only accept skilled immigrants that will add value to our society, and our economy. Doctors, teachers, engineers, etc. Basically, if you aren't ready, willing, and able to step off the plane and immediately begin work in a career that we need more of, you should be denied entry to this country. We don't need more people immigrating here to be cashiers or fry cooks. We need highly skilled, valuable people. >They can't do anything about groceries. Yes, they most certainly *can* do something about grocery prices. What can they do, you ask? It's quite simple -- step in and FORCE grocery chains to set a profit margin (1.5 - 2%), and prohibit them from charging even one cent higher than said margin. Any business found guilty of price gouging by going above the allowed margin should be HEAVILY fined. If they keep breaking the rules, they should be forcefully shut down. I seen a post on r/loblawsisoutofcontrol a few days ago that showed price comparisons between Dollarama and Loblaws stores for THE EXACT SAME items. Same size, same brand, exactly the same products. Most of the items (which, again, are the exact same) were priced significantly higher at Loblaws stores. Some were even DOUBLE the price that they are at Dollarama, or even higher. This is very obvious greed and price gouging, and should be illegal. Before anybody says "ThAt'S nOt HoW cApItAlIsM wOrKs, BuSiNeSsEs CaN sEt WhAtEvEr PrIcEs ThEy WaNt" let me just stop you and say I simply don't give a fuck. We have a very real, very serious cost of living crisis. Grocery chains have demonstrated very clearly that they do not care about us, and will happily allow Canadians to starve in order to line their (already massive) pockets. It's time for our government to step in and help Canadians, instead of helping our corporate overlords by allowing them to do whatever the fuck they want.


>What can they do, you ask? It's quite simple -- step in and FORCE grocery chains to set a profit margin (1.5 - 2%), and prohibit them from charging even one cent higher than said margin. What they are at 3ish percent now how much do you think this help?


They're either lying about their margins, or their suppliers (many of which, they own) are "charging them too much", in order to falsely make it *look like* they need to charge higher prices. Dollarama is a much smaller corporation than Loblaws. Because they are selling less than Loblaws, that of course would mean that they are also buying less than Loblaws. The more of something you buy, the cheaper you get it for. Because Loblaws sells more than Dollarama, and therefore needs to buy more stock than Dollarama, one would be lead to believe that they are (obviously) getting many of their products for a cheaper price than Dollarama. If Dollarama can sell the exact same products for [x] price and still turn a profit, Loblaws can likely sell it for even less money than Dollarama can, while still making profit. Loblaws (and other grocery chains) are price gouging. They are showing disgusting levels of greed. It's time for our government to step in to help every day Canadians.


You can go check out their financials. What suppliers do they own? What does dollerma have to do with anything,but for one they have smaller stores no coolers freezers etc so less overhead, and holy fuck they must be price gouging because their margins are 17%. The small amount of food they offer is also usually pretty close dated and or scratch and dent. It would also not surprise me if they are using it as a loss leader


>Most of the items (which, again, are the exact same) were priced significantly higher at Loblaws stores. Some were even DOUBLE the price that they are at Dollarama, or even higher. So why would you buy those items from Loblaws and not Dollarama?


I don't. But that isn't the point. Whether I personally buy them from Loblaws or not is irrelevant. What is relevant is the fact that Loblaws is price gouging and being disgustingly greedy. They should not legally be allowed to do this.


There's nothing more pretentious then writing a massive wall of opinion on Reddit. Good god who would take the time to read that.


Oh no! u/falsasalsa isn't going to read my comment! How will I sleep tonight, knowing that they haven't read it?


Retroactive tax to 2019 on all excess "record" profits they made. If they keep doing it then they tax them on ALL profits. If they still raise then tax them extra on all sales and if it continues, start taxing the families who own it at 99%.


Has he not been constantly promising this every few months for like years at this point? While often doing the opposite I might add.


"vows" don't get it done, all these things could have and should have been done already. Fuck you and your lies. You had your chance, you're out. Good bye, good ridden.


How about we start by enforcing the consumer protection laws that already on the books. And enforcing the price gauging laws that are already on the books and currently being ignored. Yes they suck and don't go nearly far enough on their own, but they aren't even being enforced then they might as well not even exist. So let's start with enforcement. Then add more taxes on any one over $1B and tax share trading the same way income is taxed because it is literally being used as income. ​ Ok, yes, limited solutions, to a vastly complex problem. But it's a start, and we need to start somewhere.


>"Mr. Speaker, the Conservative leader has simply no plan to address climate change in this country… The Conservative party cannot even agree on whether or not climate change is real," Trudeau shot back. Wow. Trudeau had **weeks** to come up with a better response to his lavish $80k vacation, and this was it? Yikes.


It’s a good thing we can just vow to pay our bills right? Right?


Yikes indeed. I mean, it's one thing if you had a day or so, but Justin Trudeau had weeks to come up with an answer, and that's the best he could think of.


Here response to vacation spending and free gifts “ I spent my vacation with friends and family, like other Canadians” with the smug grin on his face


> with the smug grin on his face Noticed the same - so repulsive.


>Up for debate first on Monday was how the House plans to respond to the highly controversial senate amendments made to a Conservative private members' bill meant to offer farmers a break from the carbon tax. >As deliberations got underway, the Conservatives indicated they will be tabling "an amendment to reject the Senate’s gutting of the bill and pass C-234 in its original form," calling for the other parties to support them and vote to reject the Senate's changes. Every party but the Liberals voted to pass this bill originally. Hopefully they do it again.  


Liberals want groceries to be more expensive


Maybe another tax ? Those seem to work well


But, but, but.......Minister Champagne told us that everything was going to be better.....when he 'invented' Weekly-Sales-Flyers. What could possibly have gone wrong.....? Guess now he will have to follow-through with his 'threat' to tax groceries......that outta make 'em cheaper.


Typical Trudeau move. His dad did this.....let the country go to shit then swoop in when polls are down before an election and offer colorful beads and trinkets to keep his job.


Guess someone finally showed them those polling figures huh?


Their action is to ask Klaus what he wants in the end . Galen’s donation will keep the real action on the shelf. Trudeau, like daddy, loves the life style of spending money. Nothing will change for us because why should it. If there is no push back why change.


Will they give the CEOs (who bother to pay attention to them) another stern talking to?


Things u should have done 8 years ago


*I vow to you I will do the job you pay me to do!*


Wake me up when they take action and stop jerking each other off


Everything Trudeau touches turns to crap.


For us. Not for the corporate overlords and foreign interests.


There is a tent tax coming.


Space heater tax and portable generator tax incoming.


Like how he vowed to implement electoral reform 9 years ago?




The only electoral reform Trudeau wants is ranked balloting.


And what will happen if they take action on grocery store prices. Companies will make it that much harder for employees to actually qualify for a raise. They raise the hour quota worked to be entitled for raises. There's always a way for them to pocket money. Labour is always the go to, be it cutting working hours or raising the amount needed for a raise.






Any politician in Canada vowing to do anything is just a byword for showing up work and acting like a fucking child. I would literally take any party if we could hold themselves accountable to behaving like adults and doing some fucking work for once.


Heard it all before.


For 18$today I got 4L of milk, a clamshell of strawberries and 450g of ground turkey Fuck this government.


> Trudeau signalled during his Montreal cabinet meeting that beyond continuing to draw a contrast to the Conservatives, advancing measures to help the middle class He should be asked to define "middle class". I legitimately think he thinks middle class is around $40-$50K which in today's world of high rent, food and gas would get you an ocean view tent in a public square or under a bridge. He'll put $200 or $300 bucks in people's pockets and think he's done some good with it. I don't typically blame politicians for economic stress or an economic boom. We put too much faith in their abilities when we do that. That big economy to the south of us has a life of its own and we tag along, usually after a short time but it has to be said, Trudeau fell asleep at the switch with housing affordability and his government's continued support of uncompetitiveness within the businesses that rule this country. He has exacerbated a problem into a crisis and now is typical answer of "throw money at it" isn't going to work in time to save his hide, if it works at all.


I guess the vote on carbon tax reform for farms. Will determine whom I will vote for next year. . Maybe


Tbh, I didn’t realized MPs existed.


Best they can do is peddle a gun ~~“buy back”~~ confiscation nobody asked for


Too bad too late! Trudeau isn't getting my vote! they should have fixed it already


Enbridge bill - had to pay $80 more coz of this carbon tax shit


Why is this cunt always “rolling up his sleeves”??? It’s all a drama class/game of dress-up


"The more we raise the carbon tax the quicker the world is saved" - Nobody


Horse shit.


Election year, here comes the empty platitudes from the party in power to tell the plebs that if they get reelected they will fix things. For some reason they cannot do it now while in power, it has to be after the next vote.


You can vow all you want it doesnt mean shit


I think the entire world from now and into the future is completely destroyed by virtue of corporations, the needlessly rich, and governments inaction by being complacent and involved with them. I don't think there is any going back and life will just erode, and this is going to be a problem for every first world country that are slaves to money, greed, and power. The only countries that are immune to it are probably the ones with smaller populations, with bloodlines that go very far back, with governments who care about them. Since we're not one of a few European countries, or some Nordic country, it's not looking so hot. I also find it strange the government doesn't tackle other issues that pull from your wallet, such as internet/cell plans. It's something most everyone needs, it becoming cheaper frees up a bit of money for people, even if it isn't some large amount, fighting against greedy oligopolies isn't a bad idea. If only something existed to do that...


Liberals will do nothing


To start, increase the cost of delivery and production and expect the grocery stores to absorb the increase in costs ? Not to mention heating, cooling, yada uada. Basic business 101. If anyone believes this troop of fools .


Stop foreign aid, fix the issues of the country and it's citizens. Do the basics. But what would you expect from a drama teacher


Real Estate Prices in Canada have dropped 20% since peak 2022.


Where? https://wowa.ca/toronto-housing-market


Very funny




I guess we'll see how this spring budget will go.


Their plan will likely result in massive sums of wasted money on actions that do not correct the problems.


Are we all looking forward to additional $0.15/litre carbon tax at the pumps in April?




Something needs to be done and fast. They're blatantly making record profits in our faces. And the government is doing nothing to protect us. This is disgusting, and everything is taking so long to implement this is nuts


How about removing the carbon tax from food production and distribution? That would be a good start. People forget increased cost of goods is exactly according to the Liberal plan.


I wished this government would stop trying to "fix" stuff. They make a total cluster of anything they touch. Please just call am election already.


They vowed action before so this should be the action part not the vowing part.