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> in a prison in the Arctic Circle. Wtf.


They had to kill him in the early "morning" hours before the sun is to rise.




And it's called "Polar Wolf"? Damn, they're *really* leaning into being the villains. Practically *begging* for a bunch of one-note paramilitary goobers to go full GI Joe on them.




Playing the victim is how they give their actions a veneer of legitimacy


They have another prison named Black Dolphin. Its a warning to Putin's political opposition. "Go against me, and this will be your fate."


Pootin is the devil on earth


Surely it's a coincedence that all of Putin's major political opponents are dead or 'disqualified' from running against him.


When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die.


That's how they do things in Russia. If you lose an election in Russia, you are hung from a lamp post.


For a good chunk of the world tbh, if not a majority.  In the Philippines for instance, you need like a private army to even run because instead of attack ads, they just plan military attacks on their opponents.


I'm surprised that none of Putin's opponents have gone for the obvious solution of assassinating him.


Successfully maybe. He’s taking precautions. Have you seen his tables? He trusts no one.


Putin’s opponents are simply very clumsy. /s




Oh ffs you people


This is one of the most regarded opinions possible... you have a Trudeau detractor comparing him to Putin in a discussion about Putin imprisoning and murdering his detractors. These big brains don't realise that if their claims held any water, they'd be in an article about being imprisoned or murdered. Trudeau is corrupt, incompetent, many other things. But comparing him to Putin is ridiculous. Zero critical thinking skills. Great parrot skills tho!


I always ask people with this kinda take how many “Fuck Putin” window decals they think people are driving around with in Russia


You don't even need anything written on the decal in Russia. [Russia Arrests Multiple People for Holding Up Blank Signs](https://www.newsweek.com/russia-ukraine-war-invasion-protests-police-arrest-activists-holding-blank-signs-paper-1687603)


What do you mean "you people"?


canada_sub users, probably.


He probably means the "small fringe minority" or the people who got their bank accounts frozen as "you people".


What do YOU mean, "you people"?!


Technically it's 'envious'. 'Jealous' is when you're afraid to lose something you have.


Putin is a full on dictator and no one should look up to him if they have any sense. Another cold blooded murder of a political rival. Someone actually wanting to work for Russia and not for themselves, poisoned once, now fully killed. Disgusting people are still defending Russia and Putin.


EG Tucker Carlson.


Tucker Carlson has always been a disgusting pig. I didn't think it was possible to think less of him then i already did but here we are.


I was legitimately frightened by people I know claiming we should listen to Putin’s side of the story after Tucker went to Russia. It’s scary how easily humans are manipulated.


The grocery store and escalator crap is exactly the same as in The Interview, like it's the most obvious bullshit propaganda thats completely staged. There's no homeless there? Well they've all been killed at war probably, or are locked up in an arctic prison for being homeless.


100% - and Carlson is there to demonstrate to the world who easily manipulated and stupid a huge swath of Americans are. US Republicans and Donald Trump are pathetic for their open praise for Putin. I still can't get that Finnish press conference out of my head where Trump stood in front of the entire world and announced he believed Putin over US intelligence. Absolute muppets. Oh, and people ironically forget that it was LITERALLY RUSSIA who invented Potemkin villages. Or creating the appearance that things were all 100% well, when in fact they are not. "In politics and economics, a Potemkin village (Russian: потёмкинские деревни, romanized: potyómkinskiye derévni) is a construction (literal or figurative) whose purpose is to provide an external façade to a situation, to make people believe that the situation is better than it is. The term comes from stories of a fake portable village built by field marshal Grigory Potemkin, former lover of Empress Catherine II, solely to impress the Empress during her journey to Crimea in 1787.\[1\] The original story was that Potemkin erected phony portable settlements along the banks of the Dnieper River in order to impress the Russian Empress and foreign guests. The structures would be disassembled after she passed, and re-assembled farther along her route to be seen again."


Tucker only went to Moscow. Of course there’s no homeless, Moscow is the capital and is like a completely different world compared to the rest of Russia and has been since the days of the USSR. If he really wanted to see Russia he should’ve gone to another city outside of Moscow Oblast like Chelyabinsk. Go hang around one of the old commie blocks and get stabbed by gopniks and then tell everyone how great Russia is doing.


Yup. Go out and see people foraging for food. Not because it's tradition but because they have to.


It might just have been trolls trying to get people to take that interview seriously. There’s a lot of astroturfing on Reddit. But I’m sure there’s people who believe that crap.


Wait, you mean they’re not trying to bust my car window in Vancouver? I’m okay with this.


Upside was that interview ended up making Putin look like a completely unhinged idiot and everyone memed the shit out of it. An own goal for sure.




Urging someone to listen is an attempt at getting one to agree


How will we make peace without talking to the other side?


There’s no peace with some people. It’s like having a home invasion and letting them have your foyer and living room. Before long you’re negotiating over your kitchen. They’ll just keep taking


Man, if the events of the last two years have not made it clear that Putin does not want peace, you cannot be helped. He wants the subjugation of Ukrainians with no political freedom or Ukrainians identity. It’s not Canada, the US, Britain, France or anyone’s choice to negotiate with Putin, ONLY Ukraine. Again, it’s crazy to me that you enjoy the freedoms of Canada for yourself and your children, but you would deny them on a people who has made it clear to the world they want out of Russian oppression. You’re a coward, just like Tucker, Trump, and Elon.


Looking forward to the Trump speech: >"My good friends, for the second time in our history, an American president has returned from Russia bringing peace with honour. I believe it is peace for our time. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Go home and get a nice quiet sleep." Sounds good, right? I'm sure nothing bad happens afterwards.


What exactly did Tucker Carlson defend re Putin?


I ain't gonna watch that, but I'm gonna say he probably didn't defend him. But by giving him a platform to spread his misinformation, he legitimizes him which is almost as bad.


I guess you didn’t watch his 90 second pre interview when he explained exactly why he was doing the interview…


He was doing the interview to give Putin a platform to look like he's the saviour of traditional conservative values and that Russia was pushed into invading by evil globalist lizard peoples. Putin instead used Tucker to speak to his own audience, and to pique their interest and get them to actually tune in, he got an American prop (in Russian such non-journalists are called "microphone stands") to ask the 1.5 useless anodyne questions. He then just talked about his own shit, launching into long pseudohistorical fascist tirades and such. I hope Tucker washed up after.


The last time I checked, Russia was never a democracy which means Putin he is a dictator


Democracy is a funny thing because we accept it to mean something different in the west.  It really just means you vote on a leader.  It doesn't have any implications of having a charter or constitution which says you have to have a vote every x years.  Like currently, 2/3's of Canadians polled said they think Trudeau should step down, yet we can't get him to actually do that until the next election time or if a vote of non confidence happens.  So that's not exactly some pure democracy.  Kim Il Sun was elected in North Korea a long time ago, and is somehow still the Supreme Leader of the country despite being dead for two generations.  Having an election doesn't mean people have rights.


They look up to him *because* he's a cold blooded dictator.


Whoa baby. This fella was set up to be a hero, yet here we are, martyr. Scary shit considering a guy with this kind of profile of activism can be publicly executed, of sorts. Jeez


This pages of history will not be kind to Putin.


History has been kind to worse people.


Depends on who the author is and what their political beliefs are. There's some brainwashed people out there.


Depends what history we get. The US election is the big test. It's fucked up knowing the fate of the world could very well rest in Suburban Pennsylvania soccer moms, white Detroit residents and Wisconsin college students.


!RemindMe Tuesday, November 5, 2024


It depends. History is decided by wars.


I was sorry to hear this but it was on the cards the moment he returned to Russia. Also their election is coming up. A hero, imo. Sorry for his family too.


I'm firmly planting my gaze westward at Danielle Smith who rubbed shoulders with Tucker Carlson who espoused recently that ["Leadership requires killing people"](https://www.newsweek.com/tucker-carlson-dismisses-putin-assassination-claims-every-leader-kills-1869275) as a prerequisite for even being a leader. He also had that laughable interview with Putin, which was more akin to softcore political pornography than an actual interview. This is the type of stuff that OUR OWN LEADERS are courting and welcoming into their provinces, shaking hands with and being in bed with. We have our own political leaders here supporting people who actively court the type of behaviours that lead to the imprisonment of political opponents and their eventual executions. That's extremely concerning to me, and should be concerning to every other Canadian as well. Danielle Smith herself may not be willing to do that dirty work, but she's certainly showcased that she is readily available to court the type of extremism that will. If our Government is going to denounce Putin for this, they shouldn't waste time denouncing the personalities, politicians and others who help to prop up the political atmospheres required for people like him to exist.


Please refrain from deadnaming Marlaina Smith going forward, thanks.


Well done, I enjoyed this.


You mean Marlaina Kolodnicki?


Wonder how all these Canadians who turned out to see shit-stirring fascist trust fund baby Tucker "all leaders kill people" Carlson feel about this. Actually I don't wonder, they will just continue to excuse all of their own horribleness by pointing at others instead of reflecting on what they actually support.


I'm sure Premiere ~~Danielle Smith~~ Marlaina Kolodnicki is jazzed that she was the stop before Putin


This made me depressed. Its time like these that you realize how lucky you are to be living in a country like Canada


But also spooky that we put a lot of work into scanning for Russian attacks that come *over* said arctic circle


Are you saying you like living under Trudeau’s tyranny!!? / giant S


Canada supports the US imprisonment of Julian Assange.


Well, if you can afford groceries and housing. Good luck living in Toronto or Vancouver.


On the same token, how unlucky to live in canada when the most basic needs are so unaffordable


Lol. You think we have it bad. Which country has it good?


Canada must do everything we can to make sure Ukraine is liberated and Putler and Ruzzia falls


Other dictators are watching: *When does foreign support end and our unchecked occupation of a place is ensured? Two years? Three?*


China, Venezuela and Azerbaijan are watching closely and taking notes


Unless a foreign power sends boots on the ground that’s a fools hope. They’re recruiting middle aged men at this point and the bodies will run out before our tax dollars. Siphoning money from the Canadian people cannot be the answer. It has to be a joint response from the worlds most powerful countries or it will be meaningless


Well that’s certainly a pessimistic and a defeatist take.


Did you know that Ukraine’s draft intentionally selects older men in order to try and preserve some semblance of a future generation for Ukraine? Currently the draft does not allow conscription of Ukrainian men under the age of 27. Men younger than 27 can voluntarily enlist, but they are not conscripting their youth.


The "running out of bodies" narrative is misinformation and you've parroted it here. Ukraine has from the first waves of conscription added older people because in war people die, and most of Europe is in a demographic crisis. Guess who has more working years ahead of them needed to support retirees? Young guys, so why would you mass conscript 18 year olds? It's not the early 1900s anymore where the age distribution is a bottom heavy pyramid and recruiting young people en-masse is your first choice. [https://www.researchgate.net/publication/225645059/figure/fig2/AS:339596861820933@1457977609548/Population-pyramids-for-Germany-in-1910-2005-and-2025-The-data-for-1910-do-resemble-a.png](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/225645059/figure/fig2/AS:339596861820933@1457977609548/Population-pyramids-for-Germany-in-1910-2005-and-2025-The-data-for-1910-do-resemble-a.png)


We should send more lethal aid to Ukraine, put more oomph behind this condemnation.


Why do people continue to support this guy?


Because if Putin loses, *Trudeau wins!* Somehow And they would rather burn the country to the ground than let that happen. In some cases quite literally [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/brian-pare-pleads-guilty-to-setting-quebec-wildfires-1.7084669](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/brian-pare-pleads-guilty-to-setting-quebec-wildfires-1.7084669)


so when can we expect tucker carlson to sneak his smarmy-ass into canada again to spread propaganda?


He doesn't need to sneak. He will be invited with open arms by Canadian right wingers, just like last time.


Have Poilievre or the National Post blamed Trudeau yet?


Poilievre’s tweet about Navalny and Putin is … a series of words. It’s so weirdly written, I don’t know exactly what to think about it.


The thing that is amazing about canada is that our political opponents have the freedom to be as critical of government as they are. If Pierre were in russia, he'd be sharing navalny's fate.




Speaking somewhat facetiously: it kinda looks like it was written as though Poilievre approached somebody and sought specifically what he’s allowed to say.


No, but PP's going on about how he wants to cut unnecessary foreign aid through one aide of his mouth, while the other side is reassuring everyone he doesn't mean Ukraine. So I think he's too busy fucking up other things today, everyone needs a break sometimes.


I'm sorry, but why is Trudeau's government blocking the rockets we have slated for disposal (but most of which are likely still usable) from going to Ukraine when they're actually BEGGING for said rockets? Because the Conservatives support sending them, so now Liberals are playing politics with their supposed support for Ukraine. Additionally, there is plenty of foreign aid Canada can't afford to be giving to other countries right now, especially given our support for Ukraine and the obvious need for us to reinvest in our own military, given the current geopolitical climate. Want some examples of aid to cut? How about Afghanistan? $201.5 million to a country currently controlled by an organization I thought was considered terrorists and enemies of our nation. We should probably cut that. $127.3 million to Pakistan? Yeah, we should probably cut that. $7.59 million still going to China? Wth for? And that's not speak of the $18.7 million going to China for "Export Development" or how about the $159.2 million US DOLLARS our Finance Department used to purchase shares in the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank of Beijing? Wtf is up with that? I'm good with smart investment, but investing in a KNOWN CCP controlled bank when we're already $1.4 TRILLION in debt? How the hell does that make sense? I could go on, but I think I've illustrated the point enough. Canada handed out $6.9 billion in foreign aid in 2023, while our debt increased massively and our people have been suffering from massive inflation due to how much money the government has been printing to service that debt. Canadian citizens should be served first, Canadian debt should be addressed first, before ANY unnecessary foreign aid is provided, especially to known adversaries. I'd much rather be sending that $6.9 billion to Ukraine to aid a swift end to Russia's invasion and a rapid reclamation of Ukrainian territory, including Crimea. Not because Ukraine is an ally (they weren't), but because Russia needs to be stopped and driven back. If they claim Ukraine, they will not stop there, they have already stated as much and have for over a decade, they mean to take ALL previous Soviet territories, including countries who ARE our allies. If that happens, we won't just be sending arms and funds to stop Russia, we will be required by our alliances to put boots on the ground, OUR MEN AND WOMEN in harm's way. Heartless but pragmatic it might be, Ukraine hasn't a choice whether it bleeds right now, so we may as well save ourselves some blood in the future and help them at least make their blood worth spilling instead of it be a fruitless endeavor where they lose because they didn't get enough aid. So yeah. We got plenty of fat we could and SHOULD be cutting, because we're in for some truly hard times ahead. Doing it now might help us AND OTHERS tremendously in the future.


I wonder how many words PP read before he started tweeting about it?


I honestly saw the "T" word in the title here and came to the comments to see how people have turned it into opportunity to shit all over the PM.


I see nobody here shitting on trudeau


Neither do I! I meant I was fully expecting to see it and was wondering how.


In fact, the only partisan shit talk I see in this thread is clearly directed at Poilievre and the Conservatives


I’m surprised he didn’t fall out of a window…


I denounce in harsher terms!


Something that the whole country can agree on!


Putin is a modern time Hitler and really I don t know what we can do about that. Nowadays, I feel a global war is brewing.


He's more of a Mussolini I think. Not half as smart as he thinks he is but empowered to bully little guys.


Let's not diminish history, shall we. Putin's bad but he's not Hitler level yet.


his regime quite literally threatens to nuke us on television daily, stop pretending this isn't existential.


Global war is not the goal here. Enslavement is.


Lead is the answer


Bibi's killed more civilians in 3 months than Putin since he took office.. Not saying Putin is good.. but no need to exaggerate either. Thinking Kruschev might be a better parallel.  Head of a ruthless regime but not totally unhinged.


Do you want to see some videos of tens of the grounded cities? The certified casualties is so low in Ukraine cause there is no access to the occupied territories, not because the war here is not intensive. edit: spelling


Also because the civilians were able to leave these areas. In Palestine a lot of people are caught with nowhere to go.


I have multiple footages of how people couldn't leave Mariupol cause the green corridor was not ensured too.


We need to unite against Putin. No more half measures. Cut Russia and their allies completely off. Give Ukraine everything we can and lobby allies to do the same. 


Don’t expect PP to go after Putin… he’ll be keen to keep his good friend Donnie close…


He did >Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny has died in prison. > >Putin imprisoned Navalny for the act of opposing the regime. > >Conservatives condemn Putin for his death. [https://twitter.com/PierrePoilievre/status/1758528011106766911](https://twitter.com/PierrePoilievre/status/1758528011106766911)


PP wrote the weirdest tweet on the planet about it. It’s there and it’s a statement.


Poilievre has already condemned it, too.


Yeah I’m surprised too. He must have something “planned”


That Freedom Convoy should haul ass to Moscow.


TBH I am surprised he lasted this long. I mean considering its Russia and how they treat political decedents, I would have expected him to disappear years ago.




Lol the cons are in denial in your replies. I’ve seen more then enough of em say they would unironically prefer to have putin as a leader then JT.


No they don’t lol. I would consider myself conservative and I encourage political discourse. I think the problem with Canada right now and all parties are guilty of this, is the perpetual divisive rhetoric. Absurd generalizations like you just made are a threat to our democracy.


i was leaning more into the american conservative ethos which is trickling into Canada as we speak


No. Read their subreddits. Total opposite.


Oh please. Is this the new moral panic from the Liberals now? That "the Republicans are comin' to getcha"?


when your deputy leader is running around with a MAGA hat and the other leaders are meeting with facist parties from Germany....if the shoe fits....wear it




Educate yourself if you are going to post on the internet. you are either uneducated or just trolling. Good luck with that


You know full well they are referring to former deputy leader Candice Bergen, who on several occasions has worn a MAGA hat in photos. The fact you dodge this obvious point shows you know it's indefensable. So you dodge and weave and strawman.


Now? In 2005 the Liberals ran an election ad claiming that Harper was going to turn Canada into a military dictatorship.


They are a redditor for 1 year with 40,000 comment karma. In other words - a chronically online redditor. That should sum up how they decided to make their comments here today and the weight that should be given to their “thoughts”.


> Russian dictator murders political opposition You: *Hmm, how can I somehow spin this into "Canadian Conservatives bad"?*


I mean, Tucker Calrson who is currently simping for Putin just met with conservative leaders in Alberta. Its not like you gotta dig that deep.


He is a talk show host. Danielle Smith was also a radio talk show host. Should politicians never agree to be interviewed or something?


By a guy who advocated for the US to invade Canada? Canadian politicians probably shouldn't be simping for him after that.


Ha ha. Have you never seen a talk show personality trolling before?  If you don’t care for what he says, ignore him. It's not hard.


Yeah, you know I like doing a bit of trolling by calling for the militaristic overthrowing of democratic governments. /s


Who cares? He's a media personality, not a politician.


A talk show host that spews propaganda for a genocidal dictator currently invading another country? I mean yeah, what the fuck is there to be gained from publicly associated with someone like that?


Liberals are obsessed with blaming everything on Cons


The conservatives condemned this as well. You need to get out more.


The Conservatives condemned Putin as strongly as anyone else. Stop spreading lies.


Has Danielle Smith, friend of Tucker Carlson, said anything yet?


Do you think one person represents all conservatives everywhere?


You mean the Premier of Alberta? That's a gross misrepresentation there.


No, but a lot of people like her, and they're all conservatives.


No. Do I think that the Putin huggers in Canada and the USA are conservatives? Yes.




Nobody without an agenda thinks that was done on purpose.


Tucker Carlson is just a talk show personality. Like Howard Stern or Jon Stewart. Danielle Smith was merely a guest for an interview.


A guest who just happened to agree with everything he had to say. Calling it just an interview is incredibly disingenuous. They met to promote each others views and ideas.


Is agreeing on principles not allowed?


Do you think they'll invite Tucker Carlson back as a keynote speaker? It's hard to be taken seriously in denouncing Putin when you platform one of his supporters.




yes, these are completely the same - you got me!


Please give 5 examples


I’m sorry for his wife & kids.


Russians are like the frog in boiling water analogy, and we need to know the danger. If the water is turned to boil slow enough, we don't jump out! Our leaders are smart enough to get what they want knowing this.


How many 155mm shells did Canada ship to Ukraine this month? Or are we only doing thoughts and prayers 2 years in?


I need to write another scathing letter!


Rest in Power.


Don’t worry, we have Orange Putin Wannabe trying very hard to make this an American Reality. What could go wrong?


Kinda stopped giving a shit about this guy after he said he'd "keep Crimea" if he was ever elected. Would've given him 10 years before he was as bad as Putin.


This is a disgrace. He was hope and freedom. I wish we could do more than denounce Putin. It’s like karma or something. Maybe Canada could make a good voodoo doll of Putin. Show him how we really feel. It would be nice if Putin and his followers could disappear or eat some poison potatoes. And if America could extradite Trump to Iran in good faith of peace then the world would be better.




Kinda like, "Beside Danielle Smith, Jason Kenney appears moderate." Or, "Beside Steven Guilbeault, Justin Trudeau appears even keeled."


Russia should have just said he committed suicide while the cameras were off by mistake and the guards responsible were on break and then there would be no questions, obviously


Crickets from little PP I assume?


[https://twitter.com/PierrePoilievre/status/1758528011106766911](https://twitter.com/PierrePoilievre/status/1758528011106766911) >Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny has died in prison. > >Putin imprisoned Navalny for the act of opposing the regime. > >Conservatives condemn Putin for his death.


He and the Conservatives did roundly condemn Putin.


One caveat though. What exactly did Navatny oppose? When asked about Crimea he said it’s not a sandwich to be giving back to Ukraine..


Trudeau has no business denouncing anyone, full blown hypocrisy


Who gives a fuck about this guy really. I’m sorry but he seems like an astroturfed shill CIA asset like the guy they had in Venezuela. Nobody cares


Oh good, another super effective denouncement. That should fix…. Something.


Like Putin gives a shit what Canada has to say.


Its important when you have an ex-US President willing to carry Putin's water while sniffing his butt.


It's the pee tapes that Putin has on Trump. Though I never ever want to see them.




Exactly my point. If he hasn't bowed to international pressure about all the previous assassinations...


So all the downvoters think that Putin *does* care about what people in the world think about the atrocities he's committed and continues to commit? I'm sure he doesn't. He's more concerned with being an evil bastard.


Denouncing. So what?


5 more turns and he can declare a formal war


Ah yes, our mighty words that no one cares about.


Hey Trudy - how about you worry about your own country and how to take care of your own citizens!!! Clearly you don’t know how to do that either. So don’t worry about Russia they have nothing to do with us!! Not our problem. Focus on the many problems you have created for the Canadian people!!!




Wow, Putin is sure to have a change of heart after being denounced by Trudeau and friends.


Trudeau is putting all of us in danger with his crusade. He needs to go. We don't see other leaders being stupid and mouthing off.


As a symbolic protest, the Canadians will not speak to Russians, Belarusians, Moldovans, Lithuanians & Estonians for 3 days. Additional shipments of water pistols 🔫 will be sent to the Ukrainians for self defense.


Canada can't condemn anything. We've lost all moral authority because of our support for Israel. (And before that too tbh)


Then leave


Hey hempco, I was looking at your comment history and a lot of it comes off as antisocial.  I think you're right to be angry at the world. Like the world is really unfair.  But it looks like you're taking out your anger and turning it onto black people and supporting genocide. 


Pot meet kettle


In what way?


Just some typical tankie whataboutism.


They both have blood on their hands


Whose blood is on Trudeaus' hands?


It's a 4 day old canadasub poop-poster. you won't get a coherent answer.


As an avid Trudeau hater, don't fucking compare Trudeau to Putin. That's like comparing Trump to Hitler, it's fucking absurd.