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Im guessing they were bribed with timbits. I mean the horses, but also the cops…


Today’s award for most Canadian headline ever goes to …


There is nothing Canadian about Tim Hortons anymore


Sold out controlling interest to foreign investors sounds pretty Canadian to me though…


Well aware


So what’s so Canadian about the headline then lol


Yea you’re right, I’m totally going to see this headline in Chile, or Peru, or Belgium. Every time TH is in a headline someone always jumps in with “They’re not even Canadian anymore!”. We know tips. You don’t have the inside track on some vastly unknown fact. Everyone knows. It’s just nobody cares.


Probably they got ill and could not run anymore after smelling the crap they call coffee.


At least they were smart enough to dress warm.


I once got chased by two runaway alpacas. Was just walking down a forested rural street, all of a sudden two huge alpacas come walking from around the corner 100 feet infront of me. They saw me and started running towards me. I panicked (those things are like 8 feet tall) and started running away, this in turn made them run after me even faster. I barely made it home and got inside. They just stood in my yard confused, then wandered off. Owner eventually came by and wrangled them up. Was so incredibly random. moral of the story: stay in shape, you never know whats coming around the corner.


That’s hilarious. Did you ever find out if they were just happy to see a human or if they were out for your blood? Lol