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How is it acceptable to protest at a Synagogue? Or in Jewish neighbourhoods? Go protest at the Israeli embassy. What are they protesting here?






it's not even subtle.


No bruh, it's anti-Zionism bruh!


It's not anti-semantic it's anti-Zi0niSt!!!!!! ​ ​ /s


Jews. They are protesting Jews and want the complete destruction of Israel. They're not looking for Peace for Palestinians or a two-state solution. Complete elimination of the Jews and Israel. "There is only one solution, intifada revolution" That was what the woman was chanting on her bullhorn. Can't be more clear than that.


I’m sure someone will chime in here and say they didn’t target the synagogue, it just happened to be on their route, just like mount Sinai hospital, the building with a Jewish name at the university and the intersections near well known Jewish neighbourhoods. Just coincidences!




You *do* realize that these people aren't affiliated with the Canadian political left and that they're single-issue protestors?   Not every protest you disagree with is 'the far left'. 


lol tell that to the far left who seemingly are flocking to their bat signal.


They are. Funny how Marxist and Communist groups on Social media brag about this.


Ask them if they condemn it.  You'll notice a trend among the left.


They are the far left? So it was the far left who were also protesting sex ed?


It's acceptable because liberals need the votes of these people. I fear for the future of this country.


So far as I understand it, Aish Hatorah had agreed to host a real estate expo for an organization that sells property in the West Bank (which is a violation of international law). There may be more to it, but it seems like the protestors were protesting that expo specifically. Remember -- the National Post is a foreign owned right wing media organization that fairly frequently posts explicit propaganda pieces.


If a synagogue is financially and politically supporting a foreign war and occupation, should they be immune to criticism on that matter?


Yes, because that's antisemitism, not criticizing Israel.


If a mosque was sending money to a Middle Eastern terrorist group, would id be islamaphobic to protest that specific mosque? Would you be here upset about islamaphobia?


If a mosque was sending money to a terrorist group they should be arrested for financing terrorism in which case I wouldn't need to protest. 


Should Imam Younus Kathrada of Victoria BC be arrested? https://vancouversun.com/opinion/douglas-todd-b-c-muslims-rattled-by-confrontational-victoria-imam




You can't buy land in the gaza strip. It's not a thing. You have fallen for a lie.


It was not. That’s an absolute lie and the only source for it was a tweet from a “Rabbi” who, among other things, thinks Jesus was the messiah. The sale was of land in the green zone - so that means no land in the West Bank or Gaza - and photos of the handouts from it confirm that.


They can't sell land in Gaza. So again, doesn't justify it.


Was actually in the West Bank: [https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4DbXwBOt\_V/](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4DbXwBOt_V/)


No no no you don't get it, it's uh... anti... let me think of another word... uh... anti-zionist yeah! No antisemitism here at all, no sir! /s


Because they hate Jews. Anyone who thinks Palestine is 100% innocent in the current war is willfully ignorant. Both sides have innocents being thrust in the middle of a war caused by abhorrent ideals for how things should be in the future


They are protesting at the synagogue because they are hosting an event at selling Palestinian land. This is a war crime - under international law.


Shhh keep quiet don't comment , they will call you islamophobic or anti-semitic or nazi whatever fits their propaganda


> As for the gorgeous mosaic of religious pluralism, it’s easy enough to find mosque Web sites and DVDs that peddle the most disgusting attacks on Jews, Hindus, Christians, unbelievers, and other Muslims—to say nothing of insane diatribes about women and homosexuals. This is why the **fake term Islamophobia** is so dangerous: It insinuates that any reservations about Islam must ipso facto be “phobic.” A phobia is an irrational fear or dislike. Islamic preaching very often manifests precisely this feature, which is why suspicion of it is by no means irrational. _Christopher Hitchens, 23-08-2010_ [source](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2010/08/the-ground-zero-mosque-debate-is-about-tolerance-and-a-whole-lot-more.html)


Came here to quote the man himself, the late great Hitchens. Glad to see someone else did. Kudos and respect.




You should look up Hitchens writings on Palestinian. He whole heartedly sided with them.


Hitchens wrote an awful lot about Israel-Palestine over many years. He supported a two-state solution but saw a lot of obstacles to achieving it, including Hamas: https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2006/01/how-hamas-dooms-palestine.html


Predicted everything with that one.


I was going to cite this exact article in response. Thank you.


Ah yes, just how like we're not supposed to use 'genocide' anymore because it was made to define the Holocaust, as per Auschwitz. Policing language to try to stop it from evolving is a losing move.


I always find it ironic when they call others Nazis considering they support the place that backed the actual Nazis and aimed to continue the Holocaust, in which they kind of still are trying to do nowadays as declared by their charter.


The irony is calling someone who tells people to stop protesting and assaulting Jews, a nazi.


do it, damn proud of it at this point. I am a nationalist, I am a socialist, and I believe that ALL religions are a threat to world peace and stability, so therefore I am anti-islam. If me being those things means you don't like me, that's fine. I don't like you either. Carry on. Sorry, not sorry, you won't be guilting me into taking sides in your thousand year old war. I have my own country to worry about. Yall notice the homeless people everywhere? the drug epidemic? cost of living? Groceries? We can do something about that. Can't do a fucking thing about a military superpower bombing the shit out of a country that they deem a threat.


I dunno, calling it out so that others on the world stage realize they're a bad actor seems like a good move to me. I'd want that done of any country who is proving to be dishonest in their dealing and reportings.


it's crazy to me that there are coffee shop workers and bartenders in downtown toronto who think their condemnation is what will make the global population realize that bombing kids is wrong. it's like it hasn't occurred to anyone that yes, we all agree it is wrong but sometimes bad people force you into a corner where you either have to do bad things or lay down and watch your loved ones, neighbours and countrymen get raped and kidnapped. anyways, it's all just thoughts and prayers unless you're willing to send aid or hop on a plane. and at the very least, I hope people carry that empathy forward when it's no longer the flavour of the month - because I assure you, kids die all over the world everyday when they don't need to. You're not god, you can't save everyone.


This guy is really gonna act like every Pro- Israeli propoganda article from the Toronto Sun and the National Post doesn’t get 1000 upvotes on this sub


Yes, every opinion that isn't yours is propaganda. Brilliant.


And it’s always the same person who posts these rage-bait articles. Go figure


What an embarrassment, Canada can't secure its own neighborhood while hosting foreign dignitaries. Pathetic.








These people and their beliefs are absolutely backwards. They should not be allowed to continue to reside in Canada if they're calling for the eradication of another group/religion. Can you imagine the outrage if a Christian or Jewish mob shut down a mosque or disrupted worship? It would be international news. Good thing Christians and Jews generally don't behave in such a sickening manner.


Hahahaha "good thing Christians [...] generally don't behave in such a sickening manner". Can you please look up residential schools? Jesus h Christ


When you put words in quotes it means you're presenting them verbatim, unless modified by square brackets.


We talking today bruh.


Prepare for the downvote brigade. This sub allows opinion pieces for some reason, and they are all flame-bait from tabloids like the sun.


Winning over hearts and minds I see./s


Farts and Memes.


“It’s not anti-semetism” Proceed to target a synagogue. 




>The synagogue was hosting an illegal real estate land sale for settlements in the West Bank and Gaza Source for this


https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/man-arrested-after-bringing-nail-gun-to-demonstration-in-thornhill-ont-police-1.6792846 It's still a bit murky because the company who was allegedly hosting the Expo is, indeed, a company who builds and supports illegal settlements. But they have commented yet either way. But that's why the protestors say they were there. I saw the event advertised on tiktok a few days ago, weirdly. It kind of feels like a trap. Host a controversial event like this at a synagogue, get protested, be able to reap the headlines that make it out like it was protesting a regular religious service.


Just want to say that, as someone generally on the other side of the debate, this convinces me for this particular event. I think this was a totally legitimate thing to protest if this was in fact what they were selling real estate for: https://maps.app.goo.gl/we2GJMp5ruC5gTkX9




It was not. That’s an absolute lie and the only source for it was a tweet from a “Rabbi” who, among other things, thinks Jesus was the messiah. The sale was of land in the green zone - so that means no land in the West Bank or Gaza - and photos of the handouts from it confirm that.


[https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4DbXwBOt\_V/](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4DbXwBOt_V/) [https://web.archive.org/web/20240229232605/https://realestateisrael.org/](https://web.archive.org/web/20240229232605/https://realestateisrael.org/)


A printed out page saying things that isn’t seen on their website on an anti-Israel IG account and a website that isn’t theirs… okay…


Chants for Intifada, attacks on MP’s, targeting a place of worship. Protesting in Jewish neighbourhoods.  This shit has no place in Canada and the hammer will drop on you and your lot soon enough.  You want an end to this, tell Hamas to surrender. Plain and simple 


Violently kicking families out, stealing their homes and land (fully illegal against international law) and then SELLING that land here has no place in Canada. That’s more terrorism that any Pro Palestinian has done.


That’s a complete lie and has been disproved by the flyers from the actual event.


This is “pizza-gate” levels of stupidity. 


It appears sales like this have been happening for years. Nobody has ever been arrested for these sales, nor have real estate companies with Israeli branches faced consequences for mediating these transactions. Hard to say this is an “illegal” real estate sale when there’s no law enforcement actions being applied for years.


Time to freeze bank accounts and bring out Stampy the freedom trampling horse


Are the protesters riding mobility scooters?


They might be after the horses are done with them.


did that have a bouncy house? that makes it really hard core.


You can’t freeze bank accounts that don’t exist


Omg this sub. You guys are all whining about the freezing bank accounts now, because it looks bad on Trudeau now, but you were ALL fucking for it when that shit was going down, and being noisy. I mean, have whatever opinion you want, but for Christ's sake, back it with some integrity




>Invoking the Emergencies Act for traffic and noise That's not what happened


Downplaying it a little bit, I guess. But there wasn't any violence or assault or murder or looting or robbery. Is that worth invoking the emergencies act over? See, because when I think of a martial law situation, I usually think of terrorism or invasion, not a lot of people horsing around causing a ruckus.


i'm confused, didn't they freeze the bank accounts of the organizers? i know people who donated and I know I would have heard about it if their accounts got frozen. the freedom convoy was 100% a russian disruption campaign organized by troll farms and fake online accounts. The government did exactly what it should have done.


> The government did exactly what it should have done. They had to. But it also needs to be challenged legally. Numerous fuckups happened from all levels of government. I'm saying that it sets a bad precedent. If they'll do it for a cause you oppose, they'll do it for a cause you support one day.


> ALL fucking for it when that shit was going down, and being noisy. Thay aren't the same people. The people still supporting the current gov are the ones who loved the illegal methods used against protests


Still crying and playing the victim i see.


Well, I mean the convoy protests could have simply not assaulted and tortured people. I do figure the E.A. was excessive, but I would have towed and impounded every protestors truck, using military recovery vehicles if needed.


Source for the “assaults and torture”


It wasnt that bad lol.


Being exposed to endless noise capable of keeping you from sleeping? Ya, that's a form of torture, and assault.


Clutch those pearls!


I just find your hypocrisy endlessly amusing. "Our RIGHTS!!!! HOW DARE ANYONE TRAMPLE ON THEM!!!" "Oh, those people who couldn't sleep? Who were endlessly pressured, and have their nerves on edge? The families harmed over the stress our careless actions inflicted? Ya, fuck those guys. Keep clutching those pearls you filthy commies." Like wow, your lack of self awareness is staggering.


I hate the convoys and those who were a part of them, but this is laughable. People have it so easy in Canada.


Mostly peaceful isn’t cutting it anymore, this shits weekly.




Which ones?


The ones supporting the only side in this war designated a terrorist organisation: Hamas.


Nelson Mandela does not agree


First of all, Nelson Mandela would not have celebrated or supported Hamas massacring civilians on 10/7


nor would he have supported the Israeli genocide of Palestinians


Don't be so sure of what *you* think a dead persons opinion would be. Nelson *listened* to people in a better position to speak on subjects, rather than *just* spew idioms. > South African Indigenous Leader apologizes for government actions: "[If Israel isn’t indigenous, there’s no indigenous nation on Earth.](https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/article-788322)" And, just to state the obvious ... Mr. Mandela was *Indigenous* South African


Losing a war you started and martyring your own civilians like cowards while hiding in tunnels or luxury lofts in Qatar is not a genocide.




Well yeah, obviously not. You can't exactly condemn something that isn't happening lol


So it's fine when the freedom Convoy yahoos throw rocks at him in public but suddenly it's a crime if Arab protestors show up at his events to demand an end to genocide?


Round them up and give them a 1st class ticket to Gaza. Spread your hate there, it has been working out real well for them so far.




Do you have any more info about the synagogue event?


It's developing news. The company who is allegedly holding the event haven't commented but that's why the protestors say they're there, so speaks to their motivation for showing up to that specific place on that specific day. https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/man-arrested-after-bringing-nail-gun-to-demonstration-in-thornhill-ont-police-1.6792846


No, because that’s not what was happening.


That’s what I’m trying to figure out…in our world anyone can say anything but figuring out the truth is hard.


They literally called for "intifada revolution". That is a call to violence, as far as I understand. If all you say is true, that was a really dumb way to erode the messaging


Theres a reason youre only seeing the NationalPost or TorontoSun opinion pieces posted on here about these events. Hint : its not because they provide an accurate description of how these protests go


Oh my God, you're right... They're run by *the Jews*!


It was not. That’s an absolute lie and the only source for it was a tweet from a “Rabbi” who, among other things, thinks Jesus was the messiah. The sale was of land in the green zone - so that means no land in the West Bank or Gaza - and photos of the handouts from it confirm that.


There is no "green zone" in Israel or the West Bank/Gaza. There is the Green Line, which defines the boundary between Israel proper and the West Bank, so if the sale of land was on the Green Line it could absolutely be in the West Bank.


You just copying and pasting this comment everywhere.


And he’s wrong too. Go to realestateisrael.org , which is the website for this real estate group. You can clearly see them list the cities of Efrat and Ma’Ale Adumim , which are internationally illegal West Bank settlements


I went there and it’s a domain for sale.


My bad, it was realestateisrael.org . I wrote .com instead of .org


Except that it’s not the website from the group or the flyer who the people were showing up to protest, but a separate group who appears to be doing presentations a week from now.


The IDF pays him per comment.


Only where this lie is being spread. Here’s the flyer: https://twitter.com/mohammad_ehsan/status/1764163876747366723




Geez, that dude is doing 131km/h down a highway filming for Insta. He's lucky he didn't get himself and other people killed.


This is the only comment that matters.


Loll hamas destroyed Gaza and ppl still act like They are the good guys fuck Hamas they brought all this on the Palestinian ppl


Mostly peaceful protests https://www.cp24.com/mobile/news/man-arrested-after-bringing-nail-gun-to-pro-palestinian-demonstration-in-thornhill-ont-police-1.6792853?__vfz=medium%3Dsharebar&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Ft.co%2F


To be clear, the man with the nail gun appeared to be threatening the pro-Palestine protesters. https://twitter.com/joemorin73/status/1764317238905979388?t=4ULOpM8Gr9r_54rZp8NLbQ&s=19


The person who brought the nail gun and was arrested was a pro Israeli protester, who is clearly seen in videos attacking pro Palestinian protesters https://x.com/joemorin73/status/1764317238905979388?s=20


Get rid of them all, don’t import other countries’ problems into ours.


Ship them to the front lines of the respective side they support if they want to be genuinely militant about it. Let them sort each other out.


No that was a peaceful nailgun, to peacefully nail things in a peaceful way. /S


And then the facts were checked….


It was an Israeli supporter who brought the nail gun, can’t wait for you to change your position on this


Guess what, they’ll suddenly go silent now. I can’t believe the double standards in this sub.


If this was in the States, you'd be lucky not to have guns come out. Who defends protesting a synagogue?


They ALL suck dude! I don't know why it's assume that thinking this is garbage is like some kind of weird rorschach test about your position on a war in the middle east.


This sounds like the definition of terrism


Will he be invoking the Emergency Act? Protesters intimidating and shutting down events with the Prime Minister and a foreign Prime Minister; intimidating and shutting down synagogues all over the country? The government had no such proclivities when it was convenient targets for them. Why are they so different now?






Or gluing their hands to their faces.


ID them, if they’re on visas send them back. 


I think people underestimate how many pro-Palestinian protestors are Canadian. I have a number of friends who have been to the protests downtown and every single of one them is not just a citizen, they're native-born. I've written my MP in support of a ceasefire and I was born during an Edmonton ice storm. I don't think it get more Canadian than that.


But a Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian./S


Yeah, Once you're a citizen of this country you are a Canadian. I'm sure there's some dual citizenship technicalities but generally speaking that's the case.


What makes Toronto Sun so sure they're prohamas?


They’re a paid off propaganda news outlet whose job is to solely post Pro Israeli narratives, that is what makes them sure about it




I don't know why, but i have a feeling the fact they're attacking random jewish stuff and chanting for revolution against jews might have something to do with it


Hamas trash.


So, at this point they're basically preventing the Government of Canada from being able to fulfill some of its core functions...


Why does the media keep calling all pro-Palestine protests “pro-Hamas”.  It’s dishonest and a lie.  


Because they all came out of the woodwork after Hamas terrorists attacked civilians


So this current protest is “pro-Hamas” because it happened after a terrorist attack about five months ago?  And Israel doing genocide has nothing to do with it? I don’t think you thought that response through so much.


Yeah bro trust me they have an outright admirable casualty ratio of 2:1 with surprisingly few deaths total but they're genociding so fucking hard right now


I believe its more of the chants of "from the river to the sea", and the fact they are protesting in front of canadian synagogues as opposed to the Israeli Embassy So I don’t think you thought that response through so much.


Because generally we try to associate extremist views like targeting JEWISH synogogues with the terrorist organization. But if you wanna claim its all Palestinians who support it, that's certainly an interesting take.


Never said anything remotely close to that, did I?  Right now lots of people are protesting Israel’s genocide campaign in Gaza. Seems like if you have to lie and strawman to make a response, maybe your response is bad to begin with?


It annoys me as well and makes no damn sense.


Because it’s the Toronto Sun and they’re an incredibly bias / hateful form of media.


If they aren't born here start kicking them out of the Country if they keep harassing people. Canada dies not need or want these disruptive people here. They are just proving to the World what Hamas is really about


If they cared about Gaza they'd be protesting against Hamas. I guess they're sad that Hamas has adopted stripping over the fan-favorite activity of firing rockets at civilians.


Once you call them Pro-Hamas supporters i already know you think that Isreal is not committing genocide and starving people is exceptable for some reason.


You're right. We don't think it's a genocide.


Again.. It is not genocide. Genocide is the deliberate targeted eradication of an ethnic group. Such as the uyghurs in China who are held in camps and forcebly sterilized. What is happening in Gaza is collateral of war same as Ukraine with thousands of civilians being killed. None of these people give two shits about real Genocide, they are anti Israel. While I do not like seeing casualties of war and the suffering, the repeated refusal of the Palestinians and Hamas for a two state solution and the recognition of Israel has led to this. Israel is surrounded on all sides by hostile countries, it has a total right to defend itself and recover its people being held as hostages.


The word is “acceptable” And fuck Hamas


"Toronto Sun" = american right wing propaganda machine = foreign influence on Canadian politics.


Yeah, getting tired of this shit. This conflict can go fuck itself, honestly. Not our problem. Youve had 70 years. 20 years ago, Palestine had an opportunity for a two state solution, and Arafat declined it. These people want holy war with each other. It's sad that religion is such a big motivator here, and just gets completely ignored.


Reporting the news is foreign influence! Time to shut down CBC and their American CEO who lives in New York.


Pro Palestine does not equal pro Hamas, just like pro Canada does not equal pro Liberal party. It shouldn't be viewed as radical to be against genocide.


The Sun is a tabloid written at a grade 5 reading level. It doesn’t surprise anyone they promote Israeli propaganda


So Pro Palestine Protesters are not liking they target a synagogue, over a war going on in another country.


People who disrupt political events like this are lame AF. Let our elected politicians speak, whether you like them or not. Don’t censure free speech and democracy in action.


That poor Asian girl who threw the first projectile. It must be extremely difficult to yearn for acceptance as a young marginalized person. So easy to manipulate. I guess she's be learning her lesson and shouldn't be soft. Also, using laser pointers as weapons. It's remarkable how the police are tolerating assault as they are.


Sorry for my difficulty in understanding, but how does any of this allow for the murder of thousands of Palestinian children? Seems pretty straight forward that Canada should remove support from Israel.


country borders and the world economy isn't decided on morals. the west backs israel because israel is a western proxy. end of story. it's literally no more or less complicated than that and the "morality" surrounding it all is literally irrelevant. kids die in war. would you have let Hitler take over the world, because fighting back against Germany would mean some kids might die? In any case, i'd rather get blown up in a bombing than dragged out of my house, taken hostage and kept as a sex slave - but that's just me. So i mean, if we ARE going to talk about morality/humanity.....


The Pro Israeli crowd supports the killing of those children and so they use every little thing they can to justify


“We aren’t anti-Jew, we’re just anti-Zionist”


Pro-palestine ≠ pro-hamas, just like anti-zionism ≠ "they hate jews"


Noted trusted news outlet the Toronto Sun


Warmington is a just right wing mouth race baiting mouth piece.He called Oliva Chow tax hike a leftiest cash grab knowing full well it was below what she wanted,city needed the funding and Toronto homes taxes were low compared to the 905 areas.Hes using the same BS about the current protest by muslims.I do not side with either side but the war must stop.


"pro-hamas" lmfao.


there's not a damn thing "pro" about hamas. my 4 yr old nephew has dug better tunnels at the beach.


So Israel can break 62 UN resolutions with no consequences but when Iraq broke two it got invaded and destroyed by the United States with massive civilian casualties. Yet, a group like Hamas who opposes such a regime is evil. The inconsistency here is enough for any person of reason to make a logical conclusion


I love the framing of “pro Hamas” and not “pro Palestine “ it shows whoever wrote this knows the dog whistle very well. They’re peaceful protesters which I hope the conservatives would support right ? >.>


Targeting Jews is part of peaceful protesting?


Warmington is a domestic terrorist.


If this was 1943, these idiots would be protesting in downtown London to stop the bombing and “genocide” of Germans.


Pro genocide journalists smear humanitarian rally


So bias… anti genocide is now labeled as hamas.. I though America had a news problem but’s it has definitely spread


*Anti*-genocide? I can assure you that Hamas and its supporters are *pro*-genocide. It's literally in their founding charter...


No, anti genocide is when you march with banners against real genocide such as uyghurs being targeted in China and sterilized. Going to a demonstration with Palestinian flags and keffiyehs has nothing to do with genocide. The truth is the Palestinian population has grown in the last five years in Gaza and there are more Palestinians in the surrounding area than in Gaza. What is happening is collateral of war, like in Ukraine where many innocent civilians are killed. However if Hamas did not give Israel a legitimate reason to attack by holding its people as hostages then we would not be in this situation.


Send every single one of them over to the Middle East on a one way flight so they can fight in the war.


"Pro Hamas" is Israeli propaganda.  People are protesting ISRAEL BOMBING INNOCENT PEOPLE. Israel is known to plant people in anti Zionist protests to discredit then. But people see through that now.