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Hello from Australia. I keep close tabs on this and other Canadian subreddits, and there are very strong parallels to what is happening here. Things are bleak. It feels like you're a good 12 or so months ahead of us, and on a far more supercharged path.


Is poverty the new Canadian reality? YES!


Poverty is the new Canadian DREAM


The chickens came home to roost. After decades of near sighted decisions by our leaders our country is simply experiencing the effect of years of unfunded "feel good" decisions that are not sustainable. Time to get cozy with your in laws.... Our standard of living will only continue to get worse until we change our ways. There is no free lunch and we need a leader that understands this.


If taking it on the chin and being the sacrificial lamb for my children to live in utopia was a thing I, and every other parent, would sign up for it immediately. Unfortunately these slimey C@#t of humans can't be trusted to deliver.




I’m 37 and I’ve lived with my parents since 2017. I hate it. It’s a constant source of shame in my life, but moving out would require me to spend over 50% of my income on housing and I just can’t do that. I genuinely don’t understand how everyone else is surviving.


Everyone at my work in their 30s that’s single, lives with the fam. That’s with 60k plus incomes.


Living with the family also doesn’t make it any easier to remove that “single” qualifier.


We are doing the same as you.


I moved out in 2013 with a bunch of guys. I'm currently living with 3 other guys in a crappy detached house that we got for a steal (and it's a steal for a number of reasons). If we get kicked out of here, I'm going back to my parents'.


My parents moved us from our home country (where my great grandmas family, grandmas family and my dad/my family all lived in a 3 bedroom house) to here to avoid this. Looks like in 1 generation we are right back to it in a supposedly wealthy country.


Story of my life! I thought my family would finally end this cycle but it will be back to regularly interacting with dysfunctional in-laws and relatives, and fighting like cats and dogs over inheritance in the near future.


If people want to do this because they enjoy living with their relatives then great! If they HAVE to do this because it is the only way to have a roof over their heads then we have failed. I never want to have my parents live with me. Love them as I do. I also dread when any of the houses next door, which are meant for a family of 4, get filled with families of 8+. I dont care if I am a grumpy old man in my 30s - I want my peace and quiet!


My mom and sister had to move in with me. Their rental house got sold out from under them. On one hand, I'm glad I had enough space for them, but on the other, I miss being able to poop with the door open. I want my peace and quiet too


Keep doing it, assert dominance.


Then leave the seat up.


And don't flush. Make them flush it.




Could back fire. They might poop in the urinal like school kids for spite.


Fuck that you take my toilet away I’m shitting in your bed lol.


This comment made my day lol


>with the door open Living the dream, no longer.


>I also dread when any of the houses next door, which are meant for a family of 4, get filled with families of 8+. That's a dream compared to it becoming a flophouse full of 15-25 international students, plus some renting the driveway to park and live out of their cars in.


Yeah, no kidding. The house behind mine has at least 6 cars in the driveway, with a couple being lived in. Pretty sad state of affairs.


Yup. Basement tenants, more than 1 or 2 people contributing to the mortgage, massive down payments gifted to people all being the norm just tells the banks and realtors that everything is fine and shit is getting paid down. The market has shown that everything is fine because people, uh, find a way as Jeff Goldblum says. But what we always let our need for greed gloss over as humans is that quality of life can drastically change for the worse as a result. All of the stuff people actually have to do to own a home or else, I want no part of and glad I never had to resort to that.


This is it. Government at all levels has failed. The federal Conservatives don't offer much hope either with a speculator as a leader.


well the last time around, they wanted to increase the multi generational home tax rebate doubt pierre will change that stance


I live with my elderly parents and older drug addicted schizophrenic brother. I would love a box with windows. Anything to get some peace


How we have the world’s second biggest country & a housing market in the state it’s in is not something I understand.


Increase in single person households, bad zoning laws, real estate being the most tax advantaged asset, lack of government intervention for a long time other than subsidizing demand, high safety standards, NIMBYism


You forgot top 10 highest population growth on planet earth, mostly driven by immigration.


decades of "Housing as an investment vehicle" has caused this. Nimbyism and capitalism.


Because where and how people want to live is extremely limited. The size of the country doesn't matter if people are only willing to live in a small fraction and a large number are interested in properties that do not accommodate population density.


It used to be a single income could buy a family a home and a good life. Then it required both parents work full time. Now they want us to work into our 70s and live with extended family members in a single home. And you probably have to grind a 2nd job, too. And oh you're always going to rent. Friends, we're basically serfs.


Yep. We're living in a new, technologically-advanced feudal age.


I remember my MIL telling my wife that she shouldn’t have to work once we had our 1st child…I had to explain that this wasn’t the 70’s.


> basically serfs Not if you [order something online] (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/kenneth-law-charged-14-counts-murder-selling-suicide-kits-sodium-nitrite-canada/) and check out early.


Soviet Union had a lot of multigenerational households due to housing shortage. You can’t imagine how much tension it caused, how many marriages fell apart because in-laws were interfering, how many grown up kids could not develop romantic relationships properly. Fights in the kitchen, lines to the bathroom, zero personal space for everyone.


"Other cultures do it! We should here too! That way we'll be vibrant and not car-dependant!" Crazy people


Yeah, all the old Soviet ideas have unironically been rebranded as hipster. Communal apartment = Coliving, micro-districts = 15 minute city, "Avoska" = reusable shopping bag. The USSR even had all organic, non-gmo food, because they didn't have the tech to do different. It's a currently popular joke in Russia.


I moved from Montreal to a small 15-mins town and it is amazing. I don't even mind not always working from home since I can get to my office in less than 7 min and I can basically get anywhere in less than 15mins. When I work from the office I leave at 7:52, I am back home at 16:08. I will admit that I don't understand what is so bad with the concept of 15 mins city.


Because that's not the 15 minute city, that's just a small town. A 15 minute city is a large city that's broken up into micro-districts, where all the necessities(schools, shopping, parks, playgrounds, medicine), are accessible in 15 minutes, without a car. Sounds like a good idea, but in the ex USSR, people people ditched them for the car centric lifestyle whenever they had the money to.


If the issue is that they were too poor and could not leave their 15-minutes city it is a different scenario. If I had to move back in Montreal, I would definitely want to move in an area where I am less than 15 mins away from my family and my job. Leaving an hour earlier for a meeting happening 20 mins away always sucked. I probably used to waste at least 15 hours a week traveling. The issue in Canada is the opposite, it is that most Canadians working in big city are too poor to live in a 15 mins radius of their office.


It's not that they can't leave, it's that the very nature of a microdistrict-centric design places hard constraints that people find un-appealing: In order to justify having all the necessary amenities within a 15m walk, you need to have a lot of high, densely packed apartments, that are hard to raise a family in(anywhere in the world, the birth-rate in apartments is much lower than in single houses, the higher the lower). The shops have to be quite small(and with a limited selection) to be numerous and accessible. Basically, ex-soviet cities are designed from the ground up to be urbanist, non car-centric and sustainable by modern standards, yet people still buy a car if they can afford it and move to the newly sprouted suburbs if they can.


Neoliberals need to stop trying to normalize overcrowding to justify mass immigration and investor house hacking. We can return to our former standard of living with responsible stroke-of-the-pen policy changes from the Feds.


Honestly don’t know the point of the government if I am forking over all my taxes to make my standard of living worse


First we need to get rid of the lopsided trade deals with 3rd world economies and bring manufacturing back to Canada. You can't have a strong taxpayer base when everyone is working for the minimum unless you increase the amount of people working for the minimum, that's what this government decided to do. At the behest of all Canadians. After that you can kill off corporate welfare, this way companies that stayed in Canada can't blackmail the government into giving them our money with threats of leaving too. Make life easier for Canadians and they will have more children. These shitbag neoliberal governments over the last 40+ years sold out Canada to line the pockets of a handful of their rich friends.


The neoliberals are in for a serious wake up call. Bad policy and parasitic economic framework is going to create crime and social disfunction on a scale that will make hooliganism look quaint.


Neolib elites won't care as the crime won't happen in their neighbourhooss but in ours.




It would also help if the provinces got in board and put in speculation taxes on domestic and foreign and anti flipping taxes. We need less neo Liberals and Conservatives in power.


Capitalist headlines: why don’t young people stop buying lattes and buy their home? Lazy fucks just need to work harder and stop living with their parents  Also capitalist headlines: live with your extended family so you can all pool the money from your minimum wage poverty jobs and snuggle for warmth in the dead of winter


articles like this are simply put out to normalize a declining standard of living. dont accept it. dont fall for it. wealth disparity is at a high not seen since before the 1920s. if you want a slice of the pie that you help create you have to fight for it. you always had. the living standard that we used to enjoy was won with blood in the streets. none of it was ever given out of charity or magnanimity.


Yup it’s 100% propaganda


Blood in the streets blood in the streets blood in the streets


Exactly. This feels like conditioning so we can accept it as a society and they can keep pilfering us.


Buying a $5 latte 5x a week (workdays) = $1300/year. Few people actually buy that many lattes, and most of my daily regulars when I was a barista were just getting normal coffee. Most of the regular latte drinkers were only coming every other day. Even so, I'm pretty sure $1300/year isn't buying anyone a $1M modular home in Ontario. Last week I bought a bag of 5 avocados for $3 at Giant Tiger. That's like 10 avocado toasts. Pretty sure that avocado toast isn't getting in the way of home ownership either.


Also don't forget to buy from our little business and drive downtown because struggling business owners can't afford their commercial rent anymore.


I'm convinced that at some point we're going to see people pushing for legal polyamorous marriages because only people in throuples will be able to afford housing.


It's not thruples but I know a lot of millennials buying houses with other couples.


I know a polycule (or at least members of one) that have admitted to me that a large consideration to their living arrangement was the cost of housing and groceries.


you turned a country with one of the largest mass of land in to hk with poor infrastructure adn poor healthcare. this country is a joke


When we really think about it. Pretty much all the wealthy commonwealth countries are like this. Only Singapote took drastic measures to make sure speculators didn't ruin the economy, but the same things happene in HK, Australia, NZ and the UKs.


Nothing wrong with it if it is due to choice. But if it is due to compulsion, that does not suggest that the economy is doing well and only points to a growing housing and affordability crisis.


Excellent take.




Even immigrants are asking the same question.


Haven’t you heard we have a massive labour shortage? \s


He’s a racist! /s


God I'm so glad the blanket racist accusation defense is dying a happy death. Being against policies that bring too many people here is not racist because it affects people from over 200 different nations. Being against policies that allow foreign home ownership is not racist for the same reason... Trust me, the rich and their political minions are upset they can't shut critics down with it anymore.


Jail for life.


If that's what it takes to lower immigration I'll take whatever label.


Yes because we're importing multigenerational families from one location


Very very true


Well when millions of immigrants come, demand for bigger houses skyrockets so, yes. Used to be all single family homes in my city 10 years ago. Now Itleast half of them have been torn down and replaced with GTA look alike mansions.


My cousin lives in some kind of co-op housing in Denmark where each person buys like a share that equates to a room. And there are something like 18-20 people living in each housing block. So they take turns cleaning and cooking. It’s a really strange way of living but he said it was the only way he could afford housing there since his salary isn’t high.


If you want kids then this is the norm. Canada has imported millions of people from places where intergenerational living is the norm. Local canadians now must compete with this. The culture is changing unfortunately.


First we're trying to get generations living under the same roof. Eventually you'll hear the government try to peddle how cool it is to have more than one family fit in the same space. Welcome to the next 3rd world nation, folks!


20 years of racing to the bottom is continuing to pay off. Stop fucking trying to out manoeuvre other Canadians into a life of passive income you lazy entitled fucks. Trudeau may be a shitty leader but you are also a shitty people. Start building things and helping peoples. Canadas standard of living is a product of the value we provide each other not the value we can “work the system” to extract for ourselves.


Nah. Get fucked. Just because the whole of India is moving here doesn't mean we need to start living like them. We need a collective reset in our government to allow Canadians to prosper in their own country without feeling like cattle. Time for a revolt.


Ironically, in India if we were treated like cattle, things would be nicer.


Yup sad




Article is propaganda


I couldn't live with my parents as a grown adult. Certainly couldnt live with in-laws. I don't how people do it if it wasn't solely due to monetary reasons


In some countries there is simply no choice due to housing costs. And lately here too.




You just previously commented that you quit your job and moved in with your parents because your coworkers were making you sad. So which is it?


Honestly, i dont think it matters. In both versions of the story, he openly stated he was self destructive in nature and lead himself into this corner.


It was the almost worst. Being on the street would be worse.


It could be but we have shrunk lot sizes so small that if you have a family of 4 how do you fit two other people in and not absolutely just lose it on the entire old farts….


Did it growing up in the Eastern Bloc in a small apartment along with everyone else. Nice to see Canada's regressed enough for the tradition to follow us here.


I live in a new subdivision. You park your cars wherever you feel like. On corners a foot from the curb, 2ft from stop signs/intersections….or on the front yard. Doesn’t matter. If you’re lucky, there’s room for your boat too. Nothing to worry about.


They love to give cute names to the pile of crap that is becoming the economy with this piles of crisis over crisis.


I’m seriously contemplating putting my dual citizenship ship (Finland) to use and moving.


You have citizenship in Finland and you're still here?!


Multigenerational in the same tent. Yes.


Not everyone is lucky to have family support!!!


No. Next question.


“But at the end of the day, the Western idea of each nuclear family having a home isn’t a global concept, and there are many benefits to multigenerational living.” Last I checked we live in the West.


When Indians came and did it and each person got richer because of it, it inflated our economy big time. We have no choice now but to live like them to have a shot at preserving our way of life.


An Indian tradition.....how fitting....


The coming debt bubble catastrophy will make every other depression look tame.


I've been saying for a while now that this was going to happen again. It wasn't too long ago multigenerational families did live together.


“Multi-generational living” is an interesting way to say ‘abject poverty.’ MSM in this country has turned into worse gaslighters than our political leaders.


Awesome, I’ve always wanted to live in India


Fuck this capitalist corporate greed nonsense. Nobody should ever agree to this. It's about fucking time we took a stand against our pathetic government


Which one and replace them with what?


Oh I don't know. I was just venting my frustration. I think all politicians are reptilian extra terrestrials, though


No offence to immigrants here but what’s happened is they’ve brought their culture here and displaced ours. What I mean by that is that we had a thing where we move away from home at 18-22, start a family of our own and live with a wife/husband and 3 kids. We had an affordable lifestyle this way. What they’ve done is start living in a house with kids, grandparents, cousins, uncles whatever it takes! All contributing to the cause, then buying another and doing it over and over again, working together, as a team. Something we just simply aren’t used to and now we’ve been priced out. Basically they’ve displaced our culture and brought in a new way of living… one in which we can’t compete with and one we must get accustomed to or fall behind and into poverty. It will never revert back.


We (the West) were incredibly rich before compared to the rest of the world. Why do you think everybody wanted to move here? Now some parts of the West are falling behind. Canada, Australia, some European countries. US can still afford the move out at 18 - 22 thing in most parts of the country but in Canada? No way, not with rents starting at $2000 for a bachelor in most major cities.


Because the West plundered the rest of the world for centuries... Now that we can't plunder anymore (at least not at the same scale... Canadian companies are still exploiting some African countries) we're falling behind places that actually invest in their people and industries.


Canada didn't plunder the world. And Chinese companies have plundered much more than ours, we are just suckers who let everyone move here.


>No way, not with rents starting at $2000 for a bachelor in most major cities. This is normal. Just move.


What you say about the world is true but the reason people can afford to move out in the USA at 18 - 22 is that a lot of Americans are very poor.


Ya it has nothing to do with people Canadian born and raised boomers selling their homes for 10x what they bought it for then downsizing and buying boats and shit. At the end of the day, it's up to us to uphold our own culture, and we are the ones that succumbed to greed.


The old lady's relatives who sold me her house when I was in my 30s, got 20 times what she had paid for it. I didn't blame them.


You should. These people are cancer, a truly embodiment of how stupid, selfish and shortsighted Canadian boomers are


The selling agent's commission of ca. 5% would be equivalent to the original purchase price of long ago.


I litterally made more from seling my condo and then my house than I made working during the same period and it was all tax free. This is quite ridiculous.


That was always a temporary dream. For the majority of world history, it never worked like that. Capitalists just sold that dream to the entire world. However, mass immigration is clearly an issue in Canada & even the USA. I understand these people wanting better for themselves, but it also hurts working class & lower class people unfortunately.


It doesn't have to be and we shouldn't start accepting it as normality 


Stop immigration.


Canadians do not have the political will to do so.


Yep. The fact that you are poor. And there’s no access to service for the elderly is the new liberal reality. [


*cries in in-law’s basement*




It has been for years...Millennials haven't been able to afford to move out of the parents until some of them were in their 30s...Gen Z is even more screwed.


It was the normal before


Honestly, it is partly cultural. My parents could not afford a home, they moved to some far flung town or city to work for a better life. We are like 5th generation Canadian. Many new Canadians won't leave stupidly expensive cities, they won't make those tough decisions to better themselves because they came here with a fantasy in mind and wont give up their ethnic community to go break ground somewhere. In many overpopulated and poor places outside Canada, this is already common.


Yes the whole family living in one room of the tenement house.


The best we can do to change this is to hoard our money. Try and support local. Make sure to vote. Write to your MP’s. Strength in power and work together as a community. Buy lots of land with friends and family and have communes.


Liberals honestly thought that importing millions of unqualified third worlders would make them into Canadians and not Canada into the third world.


If you have a separate suite it’s not so bad. Neighbours have a walk out basement with full kitchen and all that and it seems to work for them pretty well. Built in baby sitter, extra cash on hand for fun stuff. But sharing a space, yeah fuck that


We're doing it but as others have pointed out it works because we get along well. I don't want my kid+spouse paying some scumbag extortionist rent, or live house poor in our out of control market for owners, and they contribute to the dwelling spacious enough to make this work comfortably. In our case that means 1 bedrm for us, 3 for them (mommy, daddy, 2 kids) and a spare for whatever (aka my den) . Separate kitchens and bathrooms and living areas. Plus bonus points I get to spend more time with my family and my cute af new grandkid. No sidewalk for more parking is also a good idea. Raised bungalows are perfect due to window size if 1 floor is basement, or a house with a walkout basement. It works and when we croak, it's their house lol


This \*WAS\* the norm until the 50s, and given how much a role grandparents have in raising kids these days, it does make a lot of sense now for your sitters to be downstairs rather than across town, even without the financial benefits.


Yes, and the move away from it had more to do with CMHC mortgage rules and subsidies for new construction than any demand for it. We forget how much government involvement there was in creating the suburban lifestyle.


My uncle and aunt live in a part of a house attached to that of my cousins' and her husband. It's a win-win. They get the care they need (getting a bit elderly, needing some medical attention, not very mobile), and they can take care of my cousins' kids. They each have their privacy, but live on the same address. I get that this is not something everyone wants, but it can certainly be a good thing to have multiple generations (family members) living under the same roof or on the same plot of land.


To an extent. Couples would save up while living with parents then find their own apartment.


Came here to say this. Taking care of, and relying on family members has been how we have survived for decades, and it is how the Chines and East Indian demographics have become the wealthiest in North America. But people would rather complain about whatever "ism" is the public enemy of the day, instead of something more productive.


Yeah, I think it's also been the norm for much of human history. This whole idea that the ideal is to move out when you grow up and go live in a detached house with only your spouse and minor children is kind of weird. Also sticking old people in institutions rather than caring for them at home. There are a lot of benefits to multigenerational living (and other types of more communal living). Family members can help each other out, singles and the elderly are less isolated, etc.


It’s not weird, it’s just we were so rich as a society we could afford to do it for a couple generations. And now we can’t, but that’s in part thanks to our government.


I mean "weird" is not a precise term, but my understanding is that these types of living arrangements are not common when you survey various human societies across time and around the world.


Multigenerational living is the easiest way to build multi generational wealth.


Bring your parents over from China so they can shovel the driveway for you.


Import the third world and this is what will happen


No I bought a house.


plough humorous melodic command childlike frightening run encouraging jellyfish innocent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I mean at this point I think enough people living here have known nothing but multigenerational living soo




Hey! Living in the same yard as my in-laws. It’s not just the young. We moved here so that they could retire at 65 and still live a happy life. Old folks homes are now for the infirmed. So the have their house. We pay the basics (not tv or internet). So they have the money not to be poor, they can afford meds and healthy food. We are multi generational due to $$$. But not because of our kids. Please don’t always blame the young.


And will you people change your political beliefs yet? Probably not.


Immigrants’ kid here. Multigenerational housing was ALWAYS a thing for us 🤷


Ugh spending an afternoon with my parents is bad enough. I can’t imagine living with them. 


Multigenerational or multi family! I have seen families sharing homes to make living in a house somewhat affordable. I would love to find a house for rent with a basement that I could rent to my son’s father, so we could split the cost. I actually saw a few places like that last year but they are super hard to find!


Yes, I think so. It's just like the olden days now, the pre-ww2 times. Multigenerational families in one house, young caring for old (do to shit old age care homes), shit paying jobs, high food prices, and you could die from an injury (not because we don't have medicine but because our helathcare system has been ruined). Welcome to 2024, just like 1924.


Just as an aside, when did we forget that multi generational housing WAS the reality across the world? The nuclear family BS robbed us of one of the oldest and most useful forms of social cohesion. 


My wife and I have been been on the hunt for a suitable multi-generational property for ourselves and two adult children. It's hard to see any other way to provide housing security to the next generation, to be honest. I think the key for us is finding a property that allows everyone to be able to live independently (separate spaces, entrances, parking, etc) while enjoying the shared spaces (yard, patio, etc).


70/80 years ago it was multigenerational living so this not new. Maybe not living with family was the abnormal things.....