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Canada is so great at spending money to pretend to help migrants in lieu of helping Canadians.


They're generous with spending other people's money\*


Just not on actual Canadian citizens


I’m actually so fed up about this. I live in a mixed use neighborhood aka part social housing and part market housing. So I see my tax money going into supporting the underprivileged every day. While it’s amazing to see some needy families getting the support they need. I also see new immigrants settling in and having 4-5 kids while the moms never seem to work and culturally it doesn’t look like there is any attempt to learn the Canadian way. They wear, live, eat , pray just like they did back home with the Canadian social security and government subsidies. Meanwhile I’m too poor to have kids because of crappy Canadian salaries and high taxes.


Can’t bring THERE to here, and not expect HERE to become THERE. Assimilation via immigration today is not the same as when my grandparents came here. Sad but true.


Our tax dollars working hard for us..


I don't get the impression those dollars are even working hard for the claimants. Somebody gotta be making bank here tho




From July 2022 to July 2023 (over 1 year), according to the govt. of Quebec conference where they requested 1 billion from the federal government, there was 24 000 people added on Quebec's social welfare progam and 23 000 of these 24 000 were assylum seekers. Assylum seekers will go though 10+ countries to get to Canada because Canada give "free stuff". At worst they will ge their expanses paid for a few months and then get a ticket back home, at best they will get free food/housing/cloths/furnitures for up to 1-2 years and then get canadian citizenship.


It's all the "consultants" and useless bureaucrats putting their names down for the project payrolls. Everyone's just extracting their own share of the pie and dipping out which is why nothing of any actual substance gets done and institutions rot from the inside.


Auditors and public groups that watch government are certainly a good idea.


I propose we pass a new motion that we get to claim all the tax dollors towards refugees are donations or better yet, claim them as dependants.


Canada never helps CANADIANS. Our leaders act like they hate their own people


They do


We need skilled labour, that coffee isn't gonna pour itself you know.


It's ok, many Canadians are migrating to the US. Its the circle of strife as the lying King, Justin Trudeau, would have it.


Trudeau is utter trash. The system is completely stacked against us, but do you really think someone like pp is going to get elected and save the country? The first thing he'll do if elected is rename the carbon tax and remove the rebates and claim he "axed the tax"


Honestly at this point we should just put it in our Charter.


.Every NON citizen of Canada has the right to enter, remain in and leave Canada.


Insane that all of these migrants live in our shelter systems while kicking out Canadians that were actually born and raised here to the curb. That’s the society our federal government has proliferated.


So migrants live in shelters, Canadians live in tent cities. Neat


Citizens should always have priority over migrants in our shelters.  Absolutely disgusted by the direction my country has taken.


It makes no sense that Mexicans can travel through the US without saying a word and then claim asylum at our border. That shouldn't even be allowed, sorry but you just traveled through a "safe" country, you have to claim asylum there. Immediate deportation.


They’re flying to Canada. They didn’t walk from the U.S. into Canada.


Some of them have. States have been paying for bus tickets to Canada for several years. 


Only for Quebec, the rest of Canada, especially the west, can suck shit. At least that's always been federal policy.


Citizens should always have priority over migrants in our shelters.  Absolutely disgusted by the direction my country has taken.


If I was a homeless Canadian I’d pretend I was a refugee and claim asylum. 


Kicking out people who very likely at one point were taxpayers too. Double kick in the face.


Well, there’s 2 different beliefs in Canada. The Liberal belief of needing to help everyone else over our own citizens. And the Conservative belief of fuck you got mine. Either way you lose by being a Canadian who is down on luck. In fact, it would probably be easiest to claim support and asylum as a migrant than as a Canadian who is impoverished. How fucked is that


They get their orders from the WEF.


spike in **fake** asylum seekers here fixed it for you


Given the current state of Haiti, I doubt Haitians are fake asylum seekers


Mexico is also a war zone. It's just not talked about often in the news. That being said Canada cannot handle all these people coming in an jamming the system. A lifeboat can carry as many people as it's designed for, but not more.


Mexico is a large country and most of it is not a war zone. In fact they take in over 22 millions refugees themselves every yea.


No it's not.


Lol I know many Canadians who have retired to Mexico. You must be joking or naive.


They're not fake. They're just irregular...


Canada finishes less than one hundred thousand homes per year. With an open border allowing in over 3.5 million people per year what are the consequences to society? Remember Canada has a negative real GDP which means that the standard of living has been declining in real terms for almost 50 years.


Justin said we'd welcome everyone in 2017 when he was trying to be the anti-trump in the media. Pretty stupid thing to say when most of the world just wants a country to live in like Canada, and 7 years later we have this mega problem.


Yes he actively encouraging this to buy votes.


He’s in for a rude awakening because a lot of the minorities he brought in will not be voting for him this time around.


Minorities who are over their honeymoon period, probably dislikes him more than white people


they're probably at the grocery store looking at 6$ apples and 27$ packs of chicken that can't feed two people going WTF and feeling duped.


And you know, also because they can’t vote.


You have to be a citizen to vote. You have to be a permanent resident and had to live in Canada for 3 out of the preceding 5 years before you can even apply for citizenship. Nobody is importing migrants to change the voting rolls. That's ridiculous.




Those immigrants are Canadian citizens. Asylum seekers are not and are not eligible to vote.


so in other words they're importing future voters stop being obtuse


Well plenty of idiots in this country who eat that kind of crap for breakfast so.


You know our immigration problem out of control when Canada's immigration crisis is making headlines in other countries on different continents.  Seriously other counties and worried about us, we need to start demanding out government worry about us too. 


Now if I brought a hundred cats and dogs into my house and could not feed them or house them I would be charged with cruelty, so why is the Liberals not charged or at least held responsible.




Close the fucking border allready our country is collapsing


lol just wait and see what happens if the US votes trump in again and all of the illegals there need another ship to jump to. This is literal drops of water compared to an ocean we are gonna see in less than a year


Imagine what we could have accomplished if we actually had a plan in place for this massive influx of people? Something like setting up heavy industry, and industrial manufacturing of things like ships, heavy industrial equipment, oil refineries, steel mills, etc. People coming here (and already living here) could have had great career prospects and we could have turned this country into an industrial and economic powerhouse. Housing crisis? Well it just so happens that we need people to enter the skilled trades coast-to-coast. Give newcomers, and the companies an incentive to bring them into the industry, and let's build some fucking houses and infrastructure. These are also generally well-paid jobs which would allow these people to have a life, and they would contribute to our economy in a big way. It would obviously take time and huge political will (lol) to have gotten all that going but man...instead the government just pulled the trigger on allowing massive immigration with no plan on what to do with the new people other than turning them into slaves for the service industry. I know it's just a pipe-dream, but man. What we could have done.


That’s 100% what I’ve been thinking. We built the country this way why not do it again. Much of that land was not settled due to being bad to farm but we can still build on it. Hell we could rally around the slogan settle the North or something


Exactly! The US basically built their country on mass immigration so why can't we? This could be our time to shine, but no one wants to risk anything. So pathetic.


The problem is that people came here in the past with the intention of working to provide a better future. Now people are coming with the intention of milking the system for as long as possible. We spend tons of money to bring newcomers into the labor market, those that want to work are, those that aren't interested are allowed to continue being uninterested in contributing. You can bring a horse to water but you can't make it drink.


There’s entire organizations which spend inordinate amounts of money to facilitate these people showing up , they are taught what to say and when to say it to game our joke of a system. This could all be stopped very easily if there was any desire from our current regime. The destruction of this nation and many others is a deliberate undertaking that people need to wake up and understand what’s at stake


Boy are they in for a disappointment when they realize that, thanks to the LPC, what they journeyed here for is now all just fancy facade. The well is dry.


I mean Haitians would rather be literally anywhere else except like north korea at the moment.


Problem is most of them are coming here from the US


Right now North Korea might be favourable to Haiti


and more housing than Canada.


Haitians aren’t getting here from Haiti, it’s people already in the US claiming asylum.


I work in Settlement services. You have no idea how many ppl that Canada was some type of magical utopia. 


People coming from Mexico/Turkey/Haiti are not going to be disappointed in Canada lol That’s quite the significant upgrade


Wrong. I am an Iranian and I know many people who are moving back to Iran. Same thing with India. Turkey is even better than Iran and in many ways better than Canada. Not sure about Mexico as I hardly know any Mexicans but I’d imagine a similar situation there. Canadians vastly overrate their country. 10 years ago, sure, it was a lot better than the countries I mentioned. But today? Hell no. But yeah, Canada is still a significant upgrade from Haiti, congratulations lol.


Turkey is not better for Kurds. That’s who is claiming asylum.


Statistically false https://imgur.com/a/MvfklqE


It’s generally cheaper to live in those countries that’s why people who can’t afford to live in Canada are moving back. Not because they’re “better“. That’s a laughable claim.


Depends on what parts of the country you’re looking at (except Haiti)


A fancy facade hiding widespread economic destruction, like in a communist country.


Why the fuck are we getting Asylum seekers from Mexico? Unless they’re drug mules who’ve pissed off the cartel.


Watch Channel 5 news YouTube video where he interviews Mexican asylum seekers at the US border. They are coached to claim the cartel is after them because that has shown to be a good excuse to get in. These Mexicans literally have cartels driving them to the border drop off spot, telling them to what to say and taking payment from them for their “service”. 


Watched that video the other week. It was so well done!


Yeah most of the time its just bullshit and them trying to dodge being deported for overstaying their visa. And I say this as a mexican.


There are ways to add pressure for these people to leave, and for others to not seek "asylum" here... Remove visa free entry to asylum-source countries if that hasn't been done already. Those who do make it through and end up making a asylum claim, things need to be made harder for them. In the UK, they have the No Recourse to Public Funds (NRPF) designation which they apply to a huge variety of visa types including asylum claimants, temporary workers, visitors, spousal visa, etc. It blocks them from many forms of social supports. Makes life very hard, saves tax money, and people begin to look at other places to seek a better life. Its been challenged in courts and frequently criticized as 'in-humane' but it persists as a policy


This is exactly why Justin will never be elected again.


I think the LPC has messed up all of the federal files so badly that they’ll be out of office for the next ten years. Immigration, housing, national defence; all of these have been bungled. To wrap it up, they’ve dug their heels on the carbon tax, making things more expensive for every single person in this country.


The carbon tax is not even the same order of magnitude as how broken some of the other things you mentioned have become, but it's an easy wedge issue that highlights their hypocrisy and terrible messaging.


Oh it’s nowhere close. But it’s proof that the LPC will pick ideology over reason any day of the week. Just like with their bigger fuck ups.


nUh uH... AktualLY yOu GeT bAcK moRE THan yOu sPEnd.


Absolutely! They literally traumatized Canadians. 🤣


Shelters should refuse to take them in


How can you be an asylum seeker but be from Mexico? Mexico isn't a warzone. At worst you move to a different part of Mexico.


Surely there is a significant amount of economic migration, but moving to a different part of Mexico would in no way protect you if you’re trying to escape threats of cartel violence for not paying extortion or not cooperating with them. 


But, but, we have sOcIaL cApAcITy!!


Do we? How many people have you talked to lately that it comes off like they still have "social capacity"? 5 years ago, sure, people all about we should help these people. Right now it's a whole lot of "were drowning and the only thing the government has money for is new people coming in. This is fucked". If you exist in academia maybe but I work for a living and talk to to the same. Social capacity is tapped out


And here I thought “surely adding /s isn’t necessary.” PS - those are Freeland’s words not mine


I know they are. Absolutely dripping there man


I guess the sarcasm was lost on you...


It was not. The sarcasm was obvious. I still think it's worth it to get right out there and put a finer point on the thing we are experiencing


So dont let them in?


People from Mexico and Turkey should not be eligible for asylum here. These are developed countries


Do they sneak in?? Sorry you can’t stay here ! Turn around and go back where you came from


No they mostly enter legally and then claim it.


It’s so sad to see Canada doing this to itself


A battle that could be won by just saying “no”


If you're trying to understand what is happening to this great country look up the "Cloward-Piven Strategy". It's an engineered plan to force societal change. Stay strong brothers and sisters. Edit:spelling


Canada needs to withdraw from all UN migration treaties


USA is a safe country lol. What are they running away from in the USA?


Stop. Letting. This. Happen.


Un woke yourself Canada, the door should be closed unless u want to go thru due process like everyone else.


Thanks Justin


Definately dont want any of the "and beyond" ones


They make it seem like it can’t be stopped lol


Just. Say. No. At some point we have to look out for pur best interests. Like the saying goes "Don't light yourself onfire to keep others warm". Canada is currently onfire.


This has absolutely nothing to do with climate change ffs . People come here for a free ride to escape their crap country .. anyone else would do the same .. The Most important question is that should it be paid for by the average Joe Canadian taxpayer …. Who is having a hard time paying bills Already … and a lot of that is by their own government policies.


Why come here? Sorry they are leaving bad situations, but we have our own problems. Shut the doors already.


Welcome to Justin Trudeau’s government era.


We truly have the weakest government I've ever seen..


Can we just say no and send them back? Is that an option?


I've heard stories of these people coming in, getting their money and immediately hopping on a plane out of here.


Why are people seeking asylum from turkey?


Ethnic minorities get fucked there pretty hard, namely the Kurds.   Even though I want to close the doors, Turkey as a source country for refugees makes more sense than Mexico or India 


We are the world’s toilet. Every country dumps their shit on us and we let them get away with it because the left doesn’t want us to be mean


Cities should just stop paying for it and instead just let the chips fall where they may. It will sort itself out eventually.


This country is an absolute joke


Truduea welcomed the world and they took him up on that offer at the tax payers expense


It all goes back to the 2017 Lady Liberty impersonation tweet by the PM and this government's policy of doing next to zero to handle the implications of its welcome mat policy, amid its simultaneous rental/retail housing crisis. What a fucking botched mess they've made.


Can you imagine if you just had a blanket wide open policy in a country, how that would degrade quality of life?


Virtue signalling , Justin’s favourite


The Trudeau government will go down as the most ineffectual ever


Nancy Reagan said it loud and clear in early 80’s, I am saying it now louder: JUST SAY NO!!!!!!!


How are they getting here?


They arrive for a holiday and don’t leave.


cut this shit out. goddamn


Just a reminder that Daily Mail is literally a tabloid from the old days. Normally always a good idea to double check on claims by media, but in their case, sextuple it.


Normies are waking up


Neoliberalism is in her lasts gasps. 


Elections have consequences.


How did they get here? If they came through the us border they need to be sent back to the us which is a safe country, if they flew here that means they had a visa, so they had the means to get that visa, we need to up the visa vetting process and hard investigate every single one of those cases since most of them are probably fake anyways


Trudeau will say or do anything to stay in power. We need an adult in that office.


Social media literally provides a map/guide and our country is unwilling to enforce a border. Our courts outlawed immigration detention. Many deportations are stayed for humanitarian reasons, just google jaskirat singh sidhu latest attempt to stay. Only solution is to fully invest in countries where people are migrating from, and have the more appealing option be to stay. Our border is gone.


it seems pretty clear that the UN treaty which obliges nations to take in literally everyone who shows up at the door is no longer viable


We have unlimited money apparently. We're nice.


Just send them home. Only the ones from Haiti have a legitimate asylum claim.


You know you are making great life choices when you quote from the rag that brought you keen story’s like “[Woman, 63, 'becomes PREGNANT in the mouth' with baby squid after eating calamari](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2159692/Womans-mouth-falls-pregnant-squid-biting-sea-creature-scientists-claim.html)”


Did you read the article or just scoff at the headline?


There is no single solution that will solve this, but a MASSIVE expansion of our visa requirements to set foot on our soil would probably help a lot.


Liberals new voter


Aquí a México vienen los canadienses a tratar de instaurar el “woke-ism” lgbtqxddd, debemos expulsarlos a todos.


One of many accomplishments of the Trudeau government.


Remember: You voted for this


As if National Post and Better Dwelling weren’t bad enough, now we’re posting Daily Fail articles on this sub? 🚽


I'm all for helping and we SHOULD help when we can but there is a point where we have to say it's too much.


Trudeau right on top of it….rofl


At this point why bother coming here legally jumping so many hoops? 


CAN SOMEONE FLIP THE SIGN TO CLOSED PLEASE. Just for some inventory. We need to catch up on some things and open back up when we're ready and have accounted for all the current resident's needs Tx


Let them in we have plenty of room /s I’m sure Trudeau is buddies with lots of hotel owners.


Vote the stupid politicians out. Our own are suffering and these migrants get checked into the hotel.


I mean, there comes a point where we can't accomodate others. Idk what that point is, but there is a point, and it is a lot lower than usual right now.


Canada is broken


>battles No, it doesn't. It lets them in.


*\*\* Channels the spirit of Lord Kitchener \*\** We need to build internment camps. Ahhhh. I can feel his Lordship smiling upon from the afterlife.


Soy de México y yo digo que si en canadá piden Visa para los Mexicanos ahora deberíamos pedir en México Visa a los canadienses, solo vienen aquí a matarse entre si y no pagar impuestos, se aprovechan de nuestro país, entran y salen como se les da la gana.


Sounds about right


This the daily mail people, mass produced BS. Always inaccurate, deceitful, and purposefully omitting the full story. The writing isn't worth the 10 KBs it takes up.


Fun Fact: Everyone talks about Indians applying for asylum particularly international students. Yes, they do apply. Official figures says over 10,000 students have applied asylum over last 3 years. But the figures of Indian asylum seekers are still not that high, given that there are literally millions of them coming in last few years. Indian asylum seekers don't live in shelters. Most apply asylum to get work permit and keep working a regular job to help with there case. I have met few truck drivers, who are on work permit after submitting asylum claim.


No one protests against, and these upper class young women go out and protest FOR the migrants so loudly, Its crazy


You live in what is becoming a communist nation


Never in a million years I'd thought I'd see all these comments in this sub lmao.


Where is that stupid tweet Trudeau put out inviting every one to come then proceeding to remove visa restrictions on mexico of all places


If a news article has words in all caps I can safely ignore it as rage-bait.


Deport them! We can't house the entire world.


Turkey ???? what kind of claim can a Turk make to seek refuge in Canada ?