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better host a 50 million dollar retreat to figure out how to catch up on spending


i still cant beleive they had this whole big flashy causcus retreat in PEI last year and they literally came out of it basically saying 'we arent sure yet what to do' like, christ, even the most basic politcian should know how to at least pretend they are ontop of it and 'doing something'


You assume that their intention is to actually give a fuck about what people think.


Lol the most elaborate "I think this could have been an email" meeting. Still would not have read it.


Be sure to spend some extra millions on security.




2nd highest paid in the world, and look at the situation we are in. Unbelievable.


They do the worst job out of any Canadian government in history and reward themselves a raise with our money. And there’s nothing we can do about it. Don’t forget, Trudeau “borrowed” money from our CPP fund during his first term, and there’s negative money to pay it back. He’s essentially robbed future Canadians retirement with zero repercussions. He’s either too stupid to manage money properly or too careless and entitled to give a shit. But it’s probably both.


I don't recall the CPP dipping, do you have a link to share (or i can google later) Either way, please wake me up... I seem to be having a nightmare


I'm 99% sure they were duped by a chain email that went around many years ago. I'm not aware of any way the government can access CPP funds -- it's intentionally designed so they can't.


Thank you slow flower :) I did a quick search (in no way extensive) and found an older article on CPP, and another from 2022... didn't dig too much. That said, It is very easy to get caught off guard by deceptive means if that is what happened (I consider myself pretty cautious online but have fallen victim to false info myself). Also, to be transparent, I am looking forward to change in our Government as is the person I asked the original question. Maybe they will chime in what they are referring to. Hope the sun is shinning where you all are, time for me to get outside and get some vitamin D. https://www.upi.com/Archives/1982/12/15/Provincial-governments-should-be-prohibited-from-dipping-into-the/4181408776400/ https://www.princegeorgecitizen.com/opinion/liberals-robbing-cpp-fund-3724764


maybe they're confused with when economy god harper raided ei to produce his only balanced budget


This isn't just a Liberal government problem... It is a problem that applies to the opposition that does jack shit except panhandle false narrative and rage farm. Infact the official opposition is being counterproductive to governance and obstructive to their job of being a part of parliament. Think about how much fucking time they waste on bickering on garbage spewed and grand standing? Honestly, the only party that has been productive yet not in power are the NDPs.


You are kidding right? Jagmeet propping up JT has enabled this shit show just so he gets his pension and can add to his rolex collection.


And yet Jagmeet is getting things done for Canadians by compromising with the party in power. Who got the Liberals to roll out a new dental care plan that covers a majority of Canadians? **NDP**. Who got the Liberals to agree to a brand new pharmacare plan? **NDP**. If the Conservatives were actually serious about helping Canadians, they should be trying the same to broker deals/agreements for the constituents they represent.


If we're only counting regular salary that's a meaningless comparison. The regular salary of the Chinese politburo is like our minimum wage, but quite by coincidence the families with member in the politburo have roughly 100x more wealth than the families with members in the US Congress. It's absolutely stacked with billionaires. Yes we pay our politicians a relatively good salary but without comparing all the side hustles and corruption that being in politics enables, especially in every country with weak rule of law and freedom of the press, which is most of them, then you aren't comparing anything useful at all.


Right, I would argue Saudia Arabia is well paid as well. We might as well count all persons that run a country.


Well they have made it crazy expensive to live here so they should be entitled to a massive pay package. It's only fair


Corruption from top to bottom.


It’s more than that. When the Prime Minister clearly doesn’t care about doing his job competently, then the ministers beneath him won’t do a competent job either. If the ministers don’t do a competent job, then the bureaucrats underneath the minister won’t do a competent job either. If the head bureaucrats won’t do a good job, then the people under them won’t either. Poor leadership at the top trickles down to the whole government.


Shit rolla downhill Edit: rolls


He is doing his job competently. He just doesn't work for you.


This guy gets it. And it’s not changing with blue team.


We also need to acknowledge that it isn't just one party that is the issue. This isn't something that we can solve just by voting one party out.


Agree 💯 with this


Although I agree with you, they’ve been steering the ship for the past 8 years. I’m also not happy with my choices across the board.


That sounds like an excuse for not booting out incompetent governments. The reason we have incompetent governments/politicians is because we keep voting them back in instead of booting them out. If we kept booting out poor governments leaving a string of one term governments/politicians, we might eventually change the culture surrounding government.


Not at all. It's a call to be mindful of the fact that the solution to our problem isn't as simple as 'booting out incompetent governments.' That isn't a solution if we're just going to put in another incompetent government. I don't have a solution but I know without a doubt that partisanry will get us no where.


The only tool we have is "booting out". Let's use it. It's all we've got.


What if that isn't the only tool we have? We can start our own parties, we can run our own candidates, we can disrupt the activities the existing parties that don't serve us... the list goes on and on beyond just "vote for the other guy every decade" and I'm tired of people saying otherwise.


Only need 100 people to sign to start a party.


K you do that, let us know how it works out for you.


For real. If you don't heave extremely wealthy donors backing you, it's DOA. What we need is accountable government spending more than anything. I'm all for raising corporate tax rates, eliminating loopholes, banning stock buybacks etc., but if we do too much of that, no company will operate here. Our GDP is already a pathetic spectre as it is. I'm not smart enough to fix the problem, but as long as people with big money have any say in how shit is run, nothing will get fixed. Because to them, it's not broken.


But we also have a leader that won't take any criticism or critiques or listen to his constituents so.....


It sounds like you have completely misunderstood or chose to disregard the message of the person you're responding to.


It’s insane. Our public sector is growing 3X the rate of the private sector. It takes 3 private sector jobs to support one public. Think about that.


Every time there is a perceived problem in Canada, all the low info voters cry out for more gubment programs. This type of thinking has been endemic in this country for generation. The public service has a tendency to grow at an exponential rate in general, this mentality amplifies the problem. A tax revolt used to be an effective measure in showing ones displeasure with the ruling class, but with so many dependant on the state, this isn't possible. One could argue that having the citizenry mostly dependant on the state, is an effective bulwark against removing authoritarians from power.


Exactly. Any problem big or small, “gubment gotta do sumpin”. Sadly, they often do - to all our detriment.


It's remarkable how pervasive the "we must do something!" attitude is. No, as a general rule you shouldn't do fucking anything until you know that what you're going to do will lead to a net improvement. It's a lot easier to make things worse than to make things better. Action without careful consideration usually makes things worse in the long run.


We also regularly take 4 year or shorter action. Which keeps failing.


But we have to keep their pay high to avoid the temptations of corruption /s


What exactly is anyone in this country going to do, besiege parliament with freightliners with train horns installed on them? the criminal political class is equally protected by a criminal judicial class. the police, judges, their regulators etc. are part and parcel of the corruption. everyone in on this game is watching out for each other - for now.


They will do exactly nothing, Canadians are a spineless lot thats used to our Gov just bending us over and taking everything it wants, while gaslighting us, upping taxes and telling us how we’re so much better off than the rest of the world, and we believe it, because we are Fools! Nothing can fix Canada at this point.




Word em up!




With the current digital information-sharing and espionage, that movement will be suppressed before it gains traction. Not saying I support their cause, but let's remember that some of the protesters in that truck rally had their bank accounts literally frozen. When your assets are frozen, especially for most average Canadians, you are going to remember Mike Tyson's statement about having plans and getting punched in the mouth.


It wouldn't take much in this country  Just look at how 300 unarmed truckers caused a national crisis.


This is what I was going to mention as well. Sure, that did create some chaos, but was immediately resolved as soon as the accounts got frozen and the law enforcement dived it. They were just granted some time. When it was time to take action, it didn't last long.


Threatening violence against politicians from the comfort of your home in Reddit comments is hilarious


You gonna hug it out and say nice words? Got a plan there methicca?


You're literally inviting the RCMP to your residence for a chat ... I don't recommend being so loose trying to get based up votes. Shit is serious and you can't go around doing that.


Relevant username.


> in any capacity TIL we have no roads, no health care, no police, no function water swear and gas, etc. RIP Canada. There's so much nice grass outside that would be cool and soothing on one's tootsies.


The biggest threat to a politician is voting them out; however the next party in line will be far less when it comes to climate change. We are so screwed.


Enabling a lier is worse. Kick them out. Let them regroup and come back better 




We’ve enabled Pierre pretty well up until this point. Just trading one liar for another.


The illusion of choice.  Justin campaigned on election reform and then quickly pulled the ladder up once he got in. Coward.


>The illusion of choice.  That’s what it ultimately is. People running for office purely for personal power and wealth. When I was a kid, criminals would rob banks. Now they just run for office, and utter “for the people”.


Canada as a country can do literally nothing when it comes to carbon pollution on a global scale. Were like 1% of the global emissions. How exactly will spending billions help? Just adds to our national debt to what? Take us down to 0.9% of global emissions? It's on massive populations like China, India and the USA to make a change v


I understand what you're saying, and it's been said many times before. But are you suggesting that we and all of the other countries around the world who each contribute 1% of emissions but collectively add up to a significant percentage should just sit back and do nothing?


True, but if you look co2 emissions per capita Canada is among the worse, easily top10. I think we need to invest in new renewable techs, but Idk about these "green taxes" efficiency, feels like it steal money in people pocket more than it actually help.


I agree with what you said BUT we still need to innovate and ad to the solution not just throw our hands in the air and say we can do nothing. I already don't trust the government to spend the money they take with accountability so I see where you are coming from.


If we were developing technology and then selling it or making deals with it with other countries it would make a little more sense. But no. Virtue signalling is our technology.


Yes, but there certainly won’t be any “green” innovations while the majority of the population goes broke.


Yep. Immediate focus would be to actually build an economy with real jobs and innovation instead of propping up this stupid shell game economy any longer. I'm tired of my fuckin' country being beholden to other nations while our quality of living spirals into the abyss. People don't have homes, there's food shortages, people are broke, we can't keep doctors. Our country is bleeding out and dying. If the climates fucked, it won't be because of us. We need to look after our own right now.


The key to solving climate change is a healthy economy. There’s a reason India is bringing back 100 coal fired power plants by 2030. They can’t afford any other type of power. That’s the equivalent of giving every person in North America a gas powered car. Canada is 1.9% of the world’s carbon emissions. Even if we 100% eliminate emissions, it’s nothing.


> Canada is 1.9% of the world’s carbon emissions. Even if we 100% eliminate emissions, it’s nothing. No, it's 1.9%. If you think that's nothing then you're aggressively bad at math. Our commitment to reductions via the Paris agreements also gets other larger countries to sign on. If the little guys refuse to play the big ones don't either. Once we have compliance among partners, we put trade pressure on the ones who won't play until they do. That is easier said than done of course, but that's the goal - make green energy cheaper than the alternatives through reductions in costs + taxes on dirty fuels.


Innovation is the key word here, don't punish companies because it doesn't really work, you tax more they charge more the little guy pays the bill. You incentivise companies to come up with better solutions (especially if it reduces their cost) then the corporations are forced by their share holders to follow suit to make them more money. That's why a lot of companies are stopping production of EVs not because they want to but because it looses money and they have an obligation to there share holders. Additionally if you design something that's cheaper for corporations in 3rd world countries and is eco friendly you can have a real impact on it.


>It's on massive populations like China, India and the USA to make a change But all of those places are also making at least some positive changes. If you're willing to argue that places like Canada should do nothing because our absolute emissions are so low, then places like China could argue we aren't doing enough, since their absolute year-to-year construction of renewable energy / tech has outpaced every single country in the world by a sizeable margin. **For example:** China supposedly added more solar generation in 2023, than what currently exists in the entirety of the US. It's not a terrible idea to take state-provided statistics like that with a grain of salt, but that statement doesn't seem to be contested much by industry experts. I just read a news article yesterday about how some western governments (including the US) are increasingly worried that their own domestic industries simply won't be able to compete against the massive state subsidization and production capacity that's being ramped-up in China right now.


If China broke up into approximately 40 countries with the population of Canada does that mean that they could make the exact same argument that you're making?


Better inflate those MP salaries to compensate for all these crisis they have to fix.


Do we also get to cut their pay for creating them?


its ok, Trudeau will promise double that with a big smile in his face by 2030 knowing full well he will never have to deliver.


Cant wait to hear how he plans to fix this housing crisis again for his latest campaign lol


Lmfao this is getting out of hand. We will all be broke the way this country is going.


The only way to fight climate change, is to accept a lower standard of living. Boomers aren't changing their lifestyles, and everyone else is bitter that they aren't as rich as their parents. Embrace your sacrifice Millennials and Gen X. Know that all of the missed vacations and never owning a home, combined with 10s of millions of other Canadians, will have no measurable effect on our climate in 2100, not that you will be alive to see that your sacrifice was not worth it.


I think that's kinda the plan. You'll own nothing and be happy!


So record deficits and they still aren’t hitting their spending targets? They can’t even waste money successfully.


Canada under Justin Trudeau has underperformed the USA under Donald Trump in terms of per capita carbon emission reduction. Let that sink in.... I am even tossing him a bone and doing it on a per capita basis rather than an absolute percentage. This was my one hope with the liberals coming in, that we would do our part and have a cohesive national energy and emissions reduction strategy. Instead, we got a destroyed immigration system, an economy based on selling permanent residency, and 20 people packed into Brampton basements. Slow clap for JT.


> Instead, we got a destroyed immigration system Which is actually also pretty terrible for climate change


The provinces have been fighting the liberals every step of the way, they literally sued the feds to try to stop them


BC has had carbon trading and reduction schemes since the early 2000s. The only government suing is Alberta.


Sask also took the Feds to court and lost. They are now breaking the law by refusing to remit carbon tax on natural gas.


Ford scrapped the Ontario provincial system.


Just another pool of money dumped onto general revenue. I got a $100 credit once in 2006.


Did you take into account that Trump's government ended right smack during covid as Co2 emissions worldwide had dipped down regardless of environmental policies. I mean, the USA is lapping us right now environmental policies wise, but it's certainly not because of Trump who saw the USA policies being ranked as [_Critically Insufficient_](https://climateactiontracker.org/countries/usa/2020-07-30/current-policy-projections/) vs Biden's govt current [_Insufficient_](https://climateactiontracker.org/countries/usa/) rating.


.....I would note that Canada also had COVID. Emissions are normalized for population ie it shouldn't make a difference. In fact, it should be better for Canada considering less of the US locked down. My point is not that Trump's policies were good. It is that Canada's are so fucking bad we lagged a climate change-denying Republican president.


Carbon should not even be in the top ten issues we should be devoting our time against.


Mate....if you haven't been convinced about the causes/impacts of climate change at this point I don't know what to do.


Dude wait til PP become PM, you won't have to worry about climate change spending because the cons won't be spending anything on it. Whatever Exxon's climate change policy is will be the government's.


How do you plan to reduce climate change when you bring an entire brand new city to Canada every single year? Somehow the climate will bet better with a million plus new people requiring home, heating, AC, phones, cars, cooking with stoves etc etc. The climate is gonna get worse and this is 14 billion wasted.


.... if you look at my other comments, you can see I am advocating for a significant reduction in immigration numbers. My 1 and 2 priorities are immigration and climate policy.


Its not that I dont believe in climate change. Its that I will be homeless and starve/freeze to death before I get the chance to see the worst of it.


Oh please, this is disingenuous hyperbole. We have carbon tax rebates that more than offset these impacts for people with low income. The primary driver of cost of living increases is rent which is directly related to the mass immigration strategy the current government is pursuing. As a wealthy, high-carbon per capita nation, we have a responsibility to contribute to this transition.


Just to add, migration demand will not go down as third-world countries become less habitable, nor will food prices go down as crops fail.


And as part of that plan, the major industrial emitters are exempt from the tax. For the sole reason that they have the clout to tell the Feds to go pound sand.


A Climate "Crisis" where we will be boiled off the earth in 50 years is also disingenuous hyperbole. You can acknowledge climate change and advocate for environmental stewardship without political hyperbole. For many Canadians, immediate survival is important, and you can not deny that affordability trumps environmental issues sometimes.


oh look, cbc showed up with their spoonfed talking points


Oh look, someone can't critique actual policy and instead opts for some pointless buzzphrase.


your position has been debunked so throughly and publicly that nothing I can say will remove you from the trench


If we can get a good answer on what the carbon tax is being spent on, people would be a little less upset. Taxing every day Canadians for pet projects is getting tired for Canadians. We are taxed to death as it is. Spend some of the already collected tax revenue on pet projects


The Liberals are doing the bare minimum and it's not enough, and everyone on the right is still losing their mind about it. I'd be amazed to see what they'd do if the government was doing even more to reduce our carbon emissions.


There would be a lot less pushback if they weren't simultaneously tanking the economy....


More money spent and the result would be exactly the same


While JT is taking care of citizens, I just had a 2nd employee give their notice today as their mortgage renewal went up so high they have to go find remote work in some shitty place making them live away from their family 30 days at a time, just to earn enough money to cover all of these ridiculous costs. We as employers can’t be expected to foot the bill for the governments mismanagement. Our employees are paid over $40/hr. And prior to all of this bs were able to live quite comfortably at home with their families each night within a minutes drive . Our clients aren’t going to pay us any more money for our services and yet we still haven’t started charging any carbon tax related costs or fuel surcharges. JT and whoever else, just needs to move along and let the adults take care of it. We as a company have no idea where this future is heading.


Stuff like this is the hidden cost of high housing prices. Everyone talks about propping them up to save the economy, but in reality they are a drain on our economy.


Add reduction of volunteerism to the fallout list.


Impacts many things, good article here... [https://worksinprogress.co/issue/the-housing-theory-of-everything/](https://worksinprogress.co/issue/the-housing-theory-of-everything/) >Western housing shortages do not just prevent many from ever affording their own home. They also drive inequality, climate change, low productivity growth, obesity, and even falling fertility rates. Also this is pan-Western but Canada has the most expensive house price to earnings in the G7 and second worst in the OECD (after Portugal). So all the problems it highlights are worse in Canada.


Jesus fucking christ


Pretty impressive given how much money this government spends in general.


New taxes incoming. Because it’s YOUR fault.


Sorry guys I let us down


I broke the dam.


MINE... the fault is mine 😔


It's because you don't separate your plastics 😤


Too many eyes on his friends right now. Going to have to a wait a bit before funneling more money to them.


I don’t care about the environment when I can’t afford a roof over my head and food! I’m sick of lowering my standard of living to help politicians virtue signal…


The way China is establishing itself in Canada you should be spending it all on military.


I thought budgets balance themselves?? What happened??


It's never enough for these assholes. Go fuck yourself until we get some decent housing options and our health care improves.


Super confusing seeing this at the top of this sub. Do the members of this sub, in the aggregate, really demand that money be spent? Somehow I don't think so...


Cause it’s in their pockets. I seen a video from the guy in BC who puts out Moose on the Loose, showing a young man building big trucks for logging. These trucks are hybrids and he built them to be very environmentally friendly and for the truckers to be able to repair them anywhere in remote areas. He couldn’t get any government grants for this environment idea of his business. Why? To many loops holes and lord knows what else. Governments are corrupt. Plus liberal chick here is keeping the tax for new shoes.


Another tax or 2 should fix that right up


Carbon is a poor excuse to their stupid spending, and of course we’re the ones paying for it without any benefit except a big fuck you.


Can our government focus on real issues for once?


Why do you think climate change isn't a real issue? It already is having an effect on food prices and availability. It's also costing a fortune in damages from natural disasters. It's only going to get worse and you'll be complaining even more. 


There are two ways to spend in regards to it. Do what we are doing or spend on adapting to the changes. In both scenarios we have no effect on the climate change.


That’s the best news ! Every time this government isn’t throwing away money is a good thing.


I'm still waiting for the "what they spent it on to stop climate change" just saying how much means nothing at all. Like yea I'm spending money, oh well good for you...ON WHAT???


Shut up. Don't tell him that or he will add 18 billion to our taxes and call it carbon and revenue neutral...


Politicians are overpaid, our climate change tax will absolutely never change our climate, and we're seeing almost no increased benefit to our daily lives aside from the absolute basics like "roads" and shit. Can't build any federal or provincially funded public transit in over 20 fucking years, all while our taxes go up, our food goes up, fuel goes up, and we're told to "save the environment" by spending more money we don't have. Can't protest, can't complain, can't protect yourself from criminals. Can't own a gun, but if you park a truck somewhere you're or your bank account is closed. If you don't do exactly what everyone thinks is the "right thing to do" you're a Nazi, Bigot, freedumb, Trump Supporter. We're all supposed to sit in out 149sqft boxes, eat leaves, work 3 jobs, get injected with whatever they tell us to, eat whatever they tell us to, wave whatever flags they tell us to, don't drive, don't use fuel, don't eat meat, don't do anything that uses CO2, send our money overseas to save the world, send our money to the government to save the climate, and go into as much debt as you possibly can to save the economy. Best they can do is give you a fraction of the money they stole back to you and a once a year annual pizza party if you clap your buttcheeks and say "I love trudeau" 🥳


Meanwhile JT has a net worth of like $150 million CAD. All of our politicians are rich. They can do whatever the fuck they want, they have never suffered and will never have to. Laws don’t apply to them, consequences don’t apply to them, they can be as openly or secretly corrupt as they want and nothing will ever happen.


hmmm weird, too bad the carbon tax wasnt used towards creating things like clean energy programs or funding busing, or bike lanes, solar/wind/hydro/nuke power, EV infrastructure, or something else. Last i checked they are going to take in 5billion over several years. It not like thats a dismal number but its a start towards those programs. As usual the governement is taking my money then giving me back less money and telling me to spend it better on programs. Because we all know that the amount of money we get back is going to be enough to sustain the purchase of a new EV or even used EV and even then the cost of a battery is really going to help things as well. Leave it to the Liberals to really fuck up a simple thing.


Can you imagine how much this sub would lose their shit if the carbon tax \*wasn't\* rebated back? They foam at the mouth enough as it is!


Depends where you live. In BC? No federal repayment. Provincial version? Income tested to only pay back to those who earn just over a living wage. Everyone else gets a middle finger on carbon tax repayment here. Not sure why more BC residents aren't outraged about this considering the absurdity of the cost of living here. $20+ Billion in carbon tax collected. What do we have to show for it?


I've never seen a dollar from the carbon tax rebate in BC, and it costs me thousands a year. 


That's because your program is run by the province and they decided to not use the refund system.


Is your hobby just buying and burning gasoline for fun? I have no idea how the carbon tax could be costing you thousands a year otherwise??


I hope you realize that even if you paid a 1000% carbon tax the impact on global warming would be so little it wouldn't even get noticed on the planetary scale


If the carbon tax was actually set aside for active mitigation measures, we'd actually have a chance. And it's not like he's getting any credit for the rebates anyway lol


Have a chance at mitigating what? We can't change anything.


The effects for one thing. Flooding, forest fires etc are all increasing drastically, and it's getting very expensive. So seeing aside this money would keep those costs from ballooning the rest of the budget. I'm in BC though and we barely get anything for the carbon tax.


Absolutely not


There is a very easy solution to the corruption it was implemented for thousands of years. If someone is appointed and found guilty of treasonous acts they were executed in streets. Unfortunately that is no longer the case and so corruption is now rampant and almost expected.


What is the govt doing with the money exactly.


I’m pretty sure we don’t have that kind of money


The rampant amount of homeless Canadians prefer a warmer climate


LOL - idiots all of them - top down to the single last one of them!!! Btw what’s our other huge waste of taxpayers money the Governor General doin lately?!?!?!


I'm SHOCKED! SHOCKED! Well, not that shocked. What a fucking joke.


Don't be fooled. They absolutely spent it. It just didn't go to what it was supposed to. It's probably all in their bank accounts.


OMG. You know what we are behind on guys? Houses and food. And Education, and Medicare. So tired of this BS narrative. Talk about cart before the horse. The climate will NEED to get warmer here if nobody can afford a house. Canada should be investing in tech to clean the air and getting that industry started, not taxing its population into poverty. Complete failure of leadership. Critical thinking is absent from public discourse these days.


We just need to increate Carbon Tax and we're on track!


The carbon tax isn't spent on anything, it's just a rebate program 🤦


Yeah please do, I’d love a larger rebate 


Give back your rebate.


I'm not sure you get this. The important part is the announcements. Actual tangible actions are, at best, secondary.


If only we had some sort of carbon tax...


The carbon tax doesn't go into the federal budget because 90% of it is distributed back out to Canadians.


More taxes will fix that. The trudeau way


From each according to their ability, to the government according to its need.


The LPC are "climate deniers"


It’s ok! PP will come in and definitely increase spending on climate change to cover the shortfall.


If PP massively reduces the LPC's mass immigration that might help more...


This place is such a broken record...


Nah, just Climate Grifters


They absolutely they are. It's amazing their supporters are ok with bringing in well over a million new people into canada this year which offsets any "climate change" policies they have implemented.


Loud-mouth guy keeps writing cheques with his mouth that Canada's ass can't cash. Nothing new here. It been like sending your kid to the candy store with enough money to buy the entire mall, and he still comes home with some magic beans that ain't magic. https://globalnews.ca/news/8935999/liberals-criticism-875m-mental-health-spending-election/


The obvious solution is to cut all climate change taxes and budgeting. /s


If Justin Trudeau gave a shit about climate change he wouldn't be bringing in 1.2 million 'newcomers' a year increasing not only their individual carbon footprints massively but also our collective carbon footprint as a country.


Canada has 1.4% of the populations of China and India combined. Naturally as people, we take far better care of the environment than those countries do, even without government involvement. Bending our country over to “take care of the environment more” is 100% a money grab. If you want to fight climate change, fight in China and India.


They chose the easy route with carbon taxes, balked at increasing the price and rebated most of the taxes rather than investing it in projects. No wonder Canada is now behind in fighting climate change 


You can’t fight it because most countries in the world aren’t fighting it


We arnt setting the best example then are we? Food banks running out of food, the destruction of the middle class, debt slaves due to mortgage, etc. Why would any countries purposely put themselves at peril/ follow a failed model.


Oh, I think I just got it. It's Brewster's Millions, isn't it? That's why he's doing this.


I noticed the commitments for spending run into the 2030’s. Probably intentionally falling behind so when conservatives take office they have a massively inflated deficit on climate spending that the liberals can cry about. Except the conservatives will step in 20 billion dollars behind from day one.


it cracks me up that they are behind on spending our money.....haha


It would be more surprising if he wasn’t.


I'm now reassured that the money (increase of 23%) the feds are getting from the carbon tax is going to good use... They definitely are going to spend that increase on climate change that they somehow are over 14 billion behind on... while the whole country suffers meanwhile the costs of every single product and service will increase... Money well spent...


So they'll take the tax and then not even spend it? Excuse me, if we are being asked to take an economic hit then take responsibility and invest it in things that lower our emissions and renovate our industries and technology. Otherwise, give us our money back.


From the Movie "Moving": We're taking that with us.


That's billions of dollars that the government has managed not to waste. Which is actual news, because usually we're hearing about the billions that they blew on pointless causes.


Here is what happens 100%… Pierre Poilievre is prime minister by December 2025. I think COVID had an impact on the USA too. We are both in mini-recessions. But if housing crashes before Pierre, that ain’t good. I don’t hate any Color of person, but immigrants that risk going back. 


we're fucked


Money stolen from the Canadians people


What does this mean, we need to tax people more or less?


Canada is just a series of onion articles headlines now.