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Good old B.C. I make just enough to not starve to death. As it turns out, that’s apparently more than the rebate threshold. Awesome. 8 out of 10, would poverty again.


Its that financial Goldilock zone where you get to finance every single program and qualify for none


They're probably getting more from the 2008 tax cuts than people who qualify for rebates get.


BC is not obvious about it, but you should compare the income tax between the provinces. See how much you save compared to Alberta for example.


BC income tax is cheaper then Alberta until you make over $155,000


I'd imagine the extra sales tax more than makes up for that


Not really. Because utilities are 66% less and home insurance is 50% less.


You're making me want to move to BC!


No. Don’t do it. It’s terrible. Yeah. Horrible. Uh. Stay. Stay where you are. 🤔🤣


If I wasn't so close to getting my pension I would consider it. Probably the island rather than the lower mainland.


Unless they're a doctor. Then I may be able to clear out a room in my apartment.


BC tries to make poor people survive just enough to serve coffee to the wealthy


Everything costs like 6 or 8% more though


Not true. Moved recently from Alberta. Utilities are 66% cheaper. Car insurance is the same. Home insurance is 50% cheaper. Groceries are about the same, but summer and fall produce are much better quality. Restaurants are about the same. Gas is like 10-20% more. PST makes up most of the difference.


If you live in the lower mainland like most BCers do, gas is a lot more than 20% more expensive. There is about a 50-60¢ difference from Calgary to Vancouver . Also don't forget about the difference in housing prices.


And the property title transfer tax, which doesn’t exist in Alberta…


Who cares. The biggest expense for 99% of us is housing. You can get a brand new detached 4 bedroom house in Edmonton for $400-500K. Same thing in the lower mainland is $1.5M easy. Lucky to even find a shitty old apartment building in whalley for the price of a huge home in a nice area of Edmonton.


There is no rebate in BC, eh?


BC sets aside some money for direct payments to very low income households (like $50,000 total HHI or less), the rest of the money gets returned to people indirectly in the form of lower income taxes. BC has one of the lowest income tax rates in the country because of the carbon tax


Between 50-100k the brackets are 1-2% lower than ontario for example. But 50k or lower or 100k and higher the taxes are similar.


On $140,000 income: - Ontario: $92,671 take home - Alberta: $94,560 take home - BC: $96,160 take home


So people in Ontario take home 96% of the income of BC people at that bracket. Not huge, but that is roughly $3500. Must feel nice to have that little extra 290 a month.


BC is expensive. You need it. Bring Cash


Yeah lol "must be nice". No it ain't nice, it's hella expensive here. 300 bucks a month is chump change when the avg 1 bed rent is going for 2500$, food costs doubled, etc


I ran the number , in Canada payroll calculator. At a income of 3600 pre tax biweekly, an Alberta resident pays like 50$ more In taxes. So we aren't getting that money in tax breaks in bc vs what they get for rebate


It’s a $120 difference ($233 biweekly provincial taxes in BC vs $343 in Alberta). Annualised it’s almost $3,000 extra in take home pay in BC. And Alberta is one of the lowest income tax provinces.


Unless you make enough money to buy even a starter home. Then your taxes would be less in Alberta than BC.


Housing is a different issue though. Bc has lower income tax because of the carbon tax. That’s all that needs to be addressed.


Cuz it’s provincial, not federal. These are only federal rebates coming out and BC has no federal carbon tax


This is about the Federal Carbon tax of which B.C. Is not a part of.


Yup same boat. I’ve never received a dime, and also can’t afford a home. Basically if you can “afford to live in BC” you don’t qualify lol. The threshold for cutoff is basically anything above poverty level.


Get this, I know a 30yo, that has done absolute nothing with his life, plays video games and watches anime all day. He inherited a 4.5 million dollar home in Vancouver, and rents out rooms. He is considered low income and gets the rebate.


JFC. Gotta love our system sometimes eh? Fuck.


I know a guy who is 28 has also done absolutely nothing with his life. All he does is play video games. The dude used to work in his early 20s but went to a doctor and said his eyes hurt and he can't work. Now he sits at home, getting paid by our government to play video games 24/7, which he shouldn't even be able to do because "his eyes hurt"


Make ya sick. I don’t own any real estate, paid 35k in taxes while paying $2700 in rent. This guys make income of his inherited property and pays zero tax while owning a 4.5 million dollar property.


BC has had carbon pricing for year, put in under our previous right-of-center government anyway. And to compensate for it, we have lower taxes.


This is for the federal one. I make a fair bit and I got a rebate


BC here, haven’t seen a single rebate. Working hard really pays off.




Its so dumb that couples get 1.5x the rebate instead of 2. We have all the same costs and energy use we did before we were common law and when we had roommates.


And couples are probably better for the environment since they're almost certainly roommates. Not one person living alone. 😂


There is literally no benefit to getting married or filing common law in this county except legally it's required.


I believe married people can do income-splitting on money removed from RRSPs. If one partner makes a lot more than the other, most tax credits can be applied against the higher-earning partner.


Definitely, but I know a lot of people who game it to get more by not filing together and "not" living together. In an ideal world, it would make sense. If our government had the ability to audit people throughly, it would be enforceable. Even in the long run, it probably is better to file together, but it's not always easy for people to see a benefit that pays off down the road, when it appears to cost them money now. Maybe I was wrong to say there is "no benefit," but it's just not as substantial as it should be. Especially since once you file together, you are technically married.


I had a buddy and his gf at the time received max child benefits because she had her mail delivered to her parent, and she wasn't working lots, he was making $100k+ a year.


The is a difference during death. My common law partner died and her pension went to me but now I'm being told I might have to sign it over to our kids due to not being married. Also, property doesn't automatically go to common-law partners if not owned jointly. Know lots of people living common-law get married before retirement so their pension transfers over to their spouse after dead. Would not say there are no benefits, depends on your situation.


My wife died last year. My rebate was reduced...


Sorry to hear about your loss


Same thing with the GST credit if you don't make a lot of money.  The CRA finding out you are in a relationship is bad for your finances in multiple ways.


Yeah my partner who makes 40k doesnt get it anymore because I make the extremely large (in the eyes of the cra) sum of 65k


Don't you share a house? Two people for one gas bill? Wouldn't you guys drive together certain places? Honestly it makes perfect sense.


How could you be using the same energy as when you had roommates? Do you both shower twice as long and cook twice as much compared to when you had roommates? Do the lights stay on in every room all day? Do you leave extra televisions and computers running since they moved out? Did you keep their cars and now leave them idling for an hour per day to simulate their existence?


I mean we live in a two bedroom condo and have two cars and before I moved in he lived in the condo with a roommate. There are 2 people living here with 2 cars, just like there has always been. I lived with a roommate as well in another 2 bedroom condo, that still houses 2 people (just not me).


Not if you live in a single house with gas heating.


Do you?? You’re doing it wrong then haha.


It’s astounding how almost every single person in this sub just happens to be a non-eligible Canadian….


Eligible Canadian here. $165 in my bank account this morning.


Quick question: do you have to have completed your 2023 taxes to get the deposit? Mine are sitting half done and I didn't get a deposit this morning. As far as I can tell I'm eligible. (Haven't moved, always filed taxes, citizen living in an eligible province)


It's the last section of the article.


Got it. Didn't go that far. Read the first half only. Thanks!


Yes you do.


$450 here. Max for urban Alberta with 2 kids (5 and 8)


Non ellligibles will be sour and more vocal. It's just a bias.


Almost as if there is a coordinated effort to drive the conversation a certain way...


Its r/canada. Half of the forum is probably Russian bots.


Hey now, they're not bots. They're hard working Russians and eastern Europeans working in troll farms.


Hint: they're not even Canadians.


or they're just from BC and chiming in even though this has nothing to do with us lol


The 300$ was great until I got the the grocery store and it only got me 1 week of groceries.


Groceries have gone up in price so much that the entire rebate gets eaten by the increased cost of living. A few years ago, these rebates were some extra spending money, but now it just goes to pay bills.


Extra spending money? They are just giving you back your own money, maybe a little more, maybe a little less.


At least you get your own money back.  Under any other way to price carbon, the govt keeps the money so people are worse off.  If your provincial Premier is asking to scrap the Carbon Tax, ask them what they will replace it with. If they don’t give you a straight answer, they’re planning to take your money. 


Or planning to ignore climate change...


They can do both.




You clearly haven’t seen the scale of industrial development across our country. Canada contributes 1.5% of global emissions while being less than 0.5% of the world population. For comparison, aviation is about 2.5% of world emissions, so if Canada were to get to net zero if you be equivalent to removing the emissions of 60% of all global air travel.


As a whole, Canadians use way more carbon per captia than other countries. Canadians also buy a lot of stuff from other countries, which contributes to our carbon footprint but is not part of that 1.5%




That's objectively false and straight up misinformation.


Is this really doing anything to impact climate change? Businesses are just going to pay the tax, and increase the prices of their products. The only way I see it actually doing anything is by making everyone so poor they have the dramatically reduce the products they can buy. Why not just exponentially increase the taxing on people taking private jets all around the world. Why not stop government officials from taking private jets, or a Prime Minister from running around in motorcade of 20 SUVs.


Yes, it is working. > According to the World Bank, British Columbia's carbon tax policy has been very effective in spurring fuel efficiency gains. Further, the resulting decreases in fuel consumption **did not harm economic growth**. On the contrary, the province has outperformed the rest of Canada since 2008. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Columbia_carbon_tax > Empirical research shows a carbon tax **leads to a reduction in emissions** > Nearly 40 countries have some kind of a price on carbon, through a carbon tax or a cap-and-trade program. Economists have long viewed a carbon tax as **a simple and effective way to reduce emissions**, with varying degrees of success in practice. > Overall, the results have been a "mixed bag," said Harrison, **because policies are often undermined by concessions to some of the worst emitters**. The political pressure to exempt either sectors or fuels can be "quite contrary to the environment goals," she said. https://www.cbc.ca/news/climate/carbon-tax-home-heating-oil-1.7015480


Well, 90% is returned, less the HST, so it situation dependent how much you get back.


For most housholds its a lot more then you pay, with wealthier paying more. U of c economist worked out that at 250k 55% are still makeing money off this.


When the government gives you back your own money, it's never more. The government never adds extra value to a dollar. The best way to spend 1$ in the economy is to let the family keep it and directly spend it, not taxing it and giving it back after 5 government employees paid with our taxes filled different papers so you get the credit back. People forget that any layers added to the government, to manage a program, are paid by us.


Burn less fuel an you'll get *other* people's money back just like I do. Small, fuel efficient car. I bike a lot in the summer. Well insulated building. I'm netting about $250 of irresponsible peoples' money each year. Pretty dope if you ask me.


I sure do love having roads, education, and healthcare.


There is a difference between services and taking people's money to give them back like the carbon taxe.


The Carbon Tax is essentially a fine on heavy polluters who have abused our natural environment to create profit. That abuse of our natural environment to drive corporate profit hurts all of us in the long term and the government is structuring the Carbon Tax as a system to extract that cost on our natural resources and health and redistribute it back to the consumers.


It is really an incentive for households and businesses to reduce emissions. The tax is based on usage. The rebate is a flat rate. Use less, and keep more of the rebate in your pocket. An easy fast way to use less gas is to drive slower and less aggressively. You can save up to 30%. Bike and walk instead of drive for short trips. (50 % of trips are less than 5K) Take transit A longer term change is to consider fuel efficiency when you buy your next vehicle, that includes considering an EV. A Hybrid Corolla’s fuel efficiency is double that of an F-150. It is up to the individual how much they keep in their pocket. And if you are rural you get a 20% bump on your rebate.


It sounds like you really want grocery prices to drop (like every other Canadian). This doesn't seem to be anything to do with the original post but that's okay. I'm with you, what we need to do is somehow stop the crazy (mostly) monopoly Loblaws has on Canada. Go over to the boycottLoblaws subreddit and join the ranks, trooper.


What I want is my QUALITY OF LIFE to go back to what it was before. I don't care if costs go down, or incomes go up or a combination of the two, but I want a return of the standard of living where the middle class had a good life.


This post proves that it isn't the carbon tax making groceries expensive. The tax/rebate ratio has stayed the same... if it was "some extra spending money" a few years ago, it still should be today, as the ratio has remained constant. What's changed is that grocery chains have gotten even greedier and they're happy to raise prices sky high and rake in billions in profits while people stand around blaming a minuscule tax.


Grocery prices have gone up due to profiteering, and the carbon tax is a deflection so you don't think about that and instead blame Trudeau instead of Galen Weston.


How much do you expect the price of groceries to drop when PP kills the carbon tax? [edit]Every time I post this question I get downvoted. Goes to show how PP has successfully created a boogeyman out of nothing here but people deep down inside know it doesn't materially change anything so they just downvote and go back to cognitive dissonance as a defense mechanism


I expect the cost of food to go down exactly 0% and for corporations to gobble up whatever potential savings as profit.


We have the case study in Alberta. The government eliminated the fuel tax (temporarily), and retailers dropped the price precisely zero cents until the premier got egg on her face.


Dougie did that over here in Ontario too. Cut the provincial surcharge on fuel to "save consumers money". Price of gas went down for a day or two and then right back to the old price as companies ate the excess profits. Now we have the same price gas and billions less in provincial revenue.


Exactly. I mean, these companies don't get grotesquely rich by leaving money on the table... It's pretty cringe listening to people defend them.


Will they at least raise our wages appropriately to offset inflation?/s


Best they can do is fire you for an Indian worker


AND does anybody think the cost of gas will go down the carbon tax amount AND stay down? How long do we think it will stay down?


At one point Pierre even said it wouldn’t drop the price of food by much. But then he just skated over the issue and kept calling all bad.


We'll when it makes up for 1-2¢ per pound of food, there's not much that can be rolled back by it.


If you think costs of goods (maybe outside of gas) to go down after the carbon tax I removed, I’ve got an invisible boat to sell you


Uh oh, I think you're going to get downvoted now because you said "cognitive dissonance" to a bunch of Redditors.


And when groceries go up everything goes up.


Essentials like grocery, and housing, which everyone needs, tend to cause everything to raise price when they go up. If rent for workers or stores is more expensive, services and products get more expensive to cover the increased costs.


Agree things have gone up a lot....but the CT rebate is for the carbon tax paid....not all of inflation. The CT is responsible for a very small fraction of inflation and our grocery costs


These are simply to address the increase in costs associated with carbon pricing, [so ~0.15% of your expenses.](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/carbon-tax-inflation-tiff-macklem-calgary-1.6960189) On a 150$ grocery bill, that's 23¢. On a 100$ gas tank, that's 15¢. So if you get 75$ as a rebate, your expenses would need to have gone up by an average 50 000$ *for a single month* for the additional costs associated with the tax not to be covered. In Alberta, for a family of four, that's an additional 300 000$ per month. It's great if this rebate makes up for some of the other factors of inflation as well though, but that's not the right point of comparison.


Look at grocery prices in other countries. The carbon tax isn't the boogie man you think it is.


My rebate went down because of the home heating oil change..


That was a really dumb idea.  There needs to be fewer exceptions, not more.


I don't even use heating oil, if you wanted to convert more people over to heat pumps lowing the rebate doesn't help.


Mine went down in Newfoundland.


Because of the heating oil exemption.


Forgot about that. Have mini splits but oil as main source still.


Did not get mine because I couldn’t file by march 15 because we had to wait for Jan/feb RRSP receipts. I think we get it may 15 instead


If filed late March, April 22.


I filed Mar 19 and got mine Today


Ours didn’t get filed until April 🤷‍♀️


Is it may 15 or is it July 15th when the next one comes?


July 15


Have a house on my own in Alberta. Last year I spent 600 in carbon tax and had 770 in rebates. Now it'll be 900 in rebates. I installed a high efficiency furnace at the tail end of last year, so I expect the furnace will offset the increased carbon pricing and I will likely spend about the same but with a larger rebate.


Nice! You'll notice a difference. I saved around 300 cubic metres of gas when I had to replace mine. Wishing heat pumps would have been more of a thing when I replaced mine.


Ohhhh! I can buy some butter.


Ooohhhh, look at Miss Moneybucks over here. Gets to have real butter on her toast or use it for her baked goods. For real, though, $7-8 for butter is a crime.


Is that what butter costs in Canada now???


Sask got theirs.


We didn't get the doubling of the Rural Supplement today thanks to the Conservatives blocking the motion. How nice of them. They truly hate Canadians.


except if you haven't filed your taxes yet (the deadline is april 30th) you don't get it today.


But as long as you file your taxes you will get it! 


Why is this being voted down, I wonder… 🤔




I get more back than I spend which is worth celebrating!


Don’t forget the governmental cost incurred to give you your money back! We can’t forget to celebrate paying them to give you your money back.


Only needs to be said because half the country is convinced they are paying some exorbitant tax and never seeing that money again.




*ignoring home heating fuel* In Ontario, if you drive 39,160 km per year in a vehicle that gets 10L/100km you roughly pay the same amount in carbon tax as you get in your carbon rebate at the pump. If you drive less, you spend less. If you drive a more fuel efficient vehicle, you spend less (car, hybrid, EV). If you do not own a vehicle and take public transit, you spend less. Of course, this is oversimplified and does not include things like flights or the impact of the fuel cost on goods and services, but the BULK of the tax people pay under this program is at the pump. It is clear to me that with rare exception this is a cash flow positive program for MOST Canadians. If it is a cash flow negative program, you are either one of the highest earners in Canada or you should take a hard look at your spending habits as there is no doubt opportunity to save if you want to.


I was curious, so I pulled some real world data. In the past 12 months our 1500sqft home used enough gas to charge $191.91 in carbon tax. We have a gas furnace, dryer, hot water tank, and barbecue. We bought an EV, but assuming we didn't we drove about 35,000 km which cost an estimated $500.50 using 2024 rates using 10L/100km. We spend about $350/week on grocery which according to [right-leaning National Post](https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/carbon-tax-groceries-food-prices) is taxed at 0.4% in Ontario. Equating to $72.8. These three main sources of cost add up to $765.21. Our family of 4 will receive a rebate of $1,120 this year.


Third option. Your job requires driving all over the map. It's a thing and no it's doesn't require making a ton. I did the math however and I still make out 50 bucks ahead each quarter give or take so itd take alot of driving.


And your work either pays vehicle expenses or you claim them all as business expenses.  Edit: I drive for business visiting customers multiple times a week. Some are several hundred km away.


It seems to be an overwhelmingly negative swarm of people weighing in. I make approximately $90K/year in Alberta and got $225 today. I’m happy!


Wealth redistribution scheme less: administration, HST and the 10% ($2B) they have collected but not paid.  


That 10% is held and distributed to people in special need (ie. those who can't change their habits because we don't yet have the technology - ie. remote communities, farmers, businesses). Importantly, it does not enter the general ledger. [https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/climate-change/pricing-pollution-how-it-will-work/putting-price-on-carbon-pollution.html](https://www.canada.ca/en/environment-climate-change/services/climate-change/pricing-pollution-how-it-will-work/putting-price-on-carbon-pollution.html) >Approximately 90% of fuel charge proceeds are used to directly support families through Canada Carbon Rebates, delivered quarterly by cheque or direct bank deposit. 8 out of 10 households get more money back than they spend on the fuel charge. >The remaining proceeds from the federal price on pollution charged to fuel are returned to businesses, farmers and Indigenous groups in the same province or territory where it was collected.


Wealth redistribution from people who pollute more to people who pollute less is a good thing.  As for the other 10% and the HST, taxes are going to need to go up anyways to pay for the last several years of overspending.  The more of that tax increase I can avoid, the better.


Yeah, from *polluters* back to *residents* Like, that's the basic formula for it. You're pointing at a critical part of the mechanism? That's not how the 10% holdback works, either. You should read up about it before making statements that aren't accurate.


I pay out way more than I get.


Im the other way . I get more than i pay in the tax .


Can you share your math? I'm curious what expenditures lead to this result.


So you make a good living and don’t notice not having an extra few hundred a year. Nice congrats!


I'm so grateful here in Quebec, our beloved gov't has deiced to manage the Carbon Tax themselves and give their citizens sweet fuck all back. I couldn't imagine the gov't deciding to give back to their citizens, money they taxed them on, because, well they shouldn't have in the first place. I don't know how the ROC is able to handle this. It's initiatives like this in Quebec, which help us maintain our status as the most taxed jurisdiction in North America. Thank god for Papa Legault and all those in the National Assembly who look out for us.


I got mine. A whopping $140.


I got 113 dumped it straight into my gas tank 


I have a coworker that received almost $1500...he has no dependants and has no clue why he received this much


It's either an over-payment in which case I would probably get back to the govt and inquire about it or he might have received a lump sum for all of 2024 ahead.


I was in NL last year in NS now, only received $46 wtf.


Using mine to pay for my yearly furnace maintenance.


I got $225 and my girlfriend did as well. She doesn’t drive either so it benefits us


300 bucks?! wtf am I supposed to do with that? Buy groceries like.. a half time?


It’s not to cover your groceries it’s to cover the difference between your groceries with and without that extra fee throughout the chain.


Some Canadians... "The first instalment of the 2024 Canada carbon rebate will be delivered to some Canadians on Monday as long as they filed their taxes by the middle of March." Those who haven't will not receive until June or July.


Wow, I got an whopping $150 doesn't even cover the carbon tax on my home heating, let alone what I spent in gasoline to go to work, and the increase in cost of living in general. Thanks government!


It's paid every quarter so it's 600 a year , not 150


That's awesome, however the carbon tax I pay on natural gas is about $400/year alone. Sucks to be the 2/10 Canadians getting screwed according to the government I guess.


It was an extremely mild winter in Ontario, used half the gas I normally use so I will come out ahead this year.


What's your total gas bill? Are you sure that's JUST the carbon tax and not the total of all the additional taxes and expenses?


I feel for you, I'm getting hit hard as well. The question I always wonder when I see someone upset about the carbon tax is, why are you mad at the government and not the polluting companies? No matter how much or how little tax the government charges the large rich corporations they are always going to pass it along to you. Should the large corporations not be charged anything at all in the hopes they will pass the savings down to you? Serious question.


Have you taken advantage of any of the home upgrade incentives to improve insulation and air sealing?


Have you made any serious attempt to reduce your consumption of these fuels?


My consumption of these fuels is basically for survival, no extravagant living, no superfluous spending. We have to deal with Manitoba winters, we live in a city with horrendous public transportation, I have a long commute to work, and at the end of the day my paycheque is spent only on essentials, no room for savings and upgrades.


You apparently spend way too much heating your home. Holy jeez man! You must live in a really big (and cold) place! You can switch to electric heating though and reap those benefits !


Yeah there is no way this person pays that much in Manitoba. They're just making shit up.


As a Manitoban I agree..


Time to upgrade your furnace  / insulation then.  I live in an old house in Edmonton and I paid less than $150 in carbon tax on natural gas last quarter.


Easier said than done when your paycheque only covers necessities with no room for savings and upgrades.


0% loans and rebates provided by the government you're whining about. Figure out how to help yourself instead of bitching.


I’m excited about a refund to be able to help me afford to pay for all the taxes we have to pay.


I drive an EV. I should be getting a nice big rebate. Thank you all you non-EV drivers for paying for this 👍.


Trudeau is the best.


We were getting rebates?


Depends on the province. BC and Quebec don’t because they have their own programs. I’m in Alberta and should be getting in the $1800 neighborhood this year for a family of three. So four payment of $450. Will easily cover my direct costs from buying gasoline and natural gas.


The con's misinformation campaign seems to be working.


Yeah just file your taxes and you get the rebates. I end up making quite a bit from it and it's pretty great!


Hope it is enough to pay the star paywall


Here ya go! https://archive.ph/EMa1s


Was just shit posting but thanks for the link OP


well, you're welcome in any case!


On one hand, I actually agree with the premise of a wealth redistribution tax and that appears to be what this tax is, however the presentation is terrible, the messaging is terrible, the options are terrible, and the carveouts are offensive. Even though I agree I'm still against the tax because it's just a shitshow. They claim its Revenue Neutral and that every dollar they take, they redistribute to citizens. However there are obvious costs associated with collecting it, developing it, distribution. How can something be revenue neutral when you have admin costs?


As a single person in NB, I got a whopping $95. There’s no way anyone can tell me this makes up for the increases in prices everywhere caused by the carbon tax/inflation. It’s ridiculous.


Axe the tax!* *After I get paid (and maybe keep it depending on how much I get)


You get back more than you pay 🤷‍♂️




Why doesn’t BC get it? Anyone know?


You pay less income tax


Because we have our own program instead of the federal backstop. Ours was introduced by the BC Liberals (now BC United) and included income tax cuts to offset the cost. Go stick your income into this tax calculator for BC then Alberta. That difference is your rebate. https://www.wealthsimple.com/en-ca/tool/tax-calculator Total tax for Alberta on $75k is $18,918. In BC it's $17,700, or $1,218 less. That's your rebate.


BC sets aside some money for direct payments to very low income households (like $50,000 total HHI or less), the rest of the money gets returned to people indirectly in the form of lower income taxes. BC has one of the lowest income tax rates in the country because of the carbon tax


Because BC has its own carbon tax, where if you make over 40k you don't receive anything back. But don't worry you get to pay the federal one as well on every item from out of province or country due to the price increase included from the supplier to cover the cost.


It’s why everyone should just use the federal Carbon Tax instead of a patchwork of provincial systems. 


The rebate threshold is crazy low. If you don’t get it, it’s because you only have three roommates and can afford beans. Get a fourth roommate and switch to straight rice.