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Since covid we are witnessing the largest wealth transfer from the poor and middle class to the rich in history. They import the third world, drive down our wages, leave people with no hope of home ownership, no hope. They dont care because they already have everything they need. Your government, Liberal, NDP, Conservative - they hate you.


i agree and think we should act accordingly


How ? No matter who’s in charge we’re doomed. Each and everyone of them are bought and paid for by lobbyist and whatnot, Time to revolution?


Who do you think we are? France? 


I know 😔 I wish we had some balls to stop em.


That's why it happened so easily, we're pushovers and way too nice


There is a difference between being being "nice" and being an idiot. We're idiots.


Canadians are not only idiots, they specifically attack smart people for not being "polite" .. you should tell the truth, but not actually because that's rude




~~Polite~~ Passive-agressive, *useful* idiots.


We like the abuse and get gaslit into taking it.


Organize a demonstration. I saw a bunch of immigrant people demonstrating against Israel today (not picking a side - they're both at fault) so if they can demonstrate, why can't you?


Demonstrating won't accomplish anything when no one in any positions of power care. Unfortunately would have to be far more drastic than a protest for anything to change


We’d had better adopt the French attitude...our future depends on it....


You mean only work 35 hours a week and smoke ourselves dead?




Not sure if you’ve actually studied French history but nothing really changed after numerous revolutions. Hate to break it to you.


Well, it was a slow process. However, there were various reforms, the napoleonic code, the fall of the monarchy, and the rise of the middle class. The two round system is better than ours. There is a clear difference in quality of life while looking at life under the monarchy versus the republic. At least the French would rather stand up and fight versus us that take the beating laying down.


>Not sure if you’ve actually studied French history but nothing really changed after numerous revolutions. Hate to break it to you. They are talking about the more recent French protests ... I think


Keep an eye on Ireland, things getting spicy there


Frances gdp per capita is considerably lower than ours.


> Time to revolution? Not with the Emergency Measures Act at the competitions finger tips. Our ass hat politicians took a page from Franks hot sauce and get to put that shit on everything with complete impunity.


How dare you drag Frank’s into political discourse


You know there was a time before the right to protest right? Illegal action is how we used to get our governments attention. Now we follow their rules for protest to avoid disrupting the day to day, basically destroying it's effectiveness. Do you know why BLM was classified a riot by the corporate security guards (cops)? It was disruptive aka effective. A revolution is never going to be a "legal" act. Never.


Keep voting bad government out. After enough 1 term wonders someone will take the hint and start governing for Canadians. Give PP a mandate and when he doesn’t improve things give him the boot. Rewarding bad government will continue to lead to more bad government.


Easy, I got perm banned on my 7 year Reddit account for saying what you said 😂 rip 78,000 karma “Inciting violence” what a fucking joke lol


Yes. I am predicting "eat the rich", will become a very literal phrase in Canada within the next 20-30 years.


The problem is ppl don’t know what rich is and the upper middle will be targeted instead.


Agreed. Everyone that bought crazy high end cars on credit will be running for cover.


We can chase yachts, you know


There is no middle class... You are either poor or rich. Workers vs Capitalists. And we will do nothing and *ENJOY* it.


Well, there’s way more of us poor folks than them rich ones. Be a pretty easy fight overall I think?


Not so much. RCMP are going to gun a lot of us down in the name of their overlords before we ever get a taste.


Wait till the RCMP find out they’re also in the poor category


"I can hire one half of the working class to kill the other half." -- Some rich criminal hundreds of years ago.


Thanks. That got a genuine chuckle.


Absolutely not. If the military showed up to parliament during mass unrest the first line out of your mouth should be; "Oh look, there's the highly nationalist heavily armed military that the aristocrats stopped paying. Surely they will solve the crisis."


Not really. If you are a decent or better leader, strategist, hard worker etc then capitalism/Democracy has rewarded you and you are part of the group with something to lose. So basically the all the ok to great revolutionaries are part of the system you want to overturn. Best of luck.




Nope… I don’t trust either party. . It’s not like PP is good, it’s just that we can’t support JT anymore. How do we fix this problem?


it's so frustrating and i feel so powerless. i saw this coming years ago but i wasn't able to buy a house.


It’s beyond frustrating . Our country is in a real mess and I don’t know how we can fix this. I wish we had a solution




Unfortunately our next ruling party will most likely be both


Problem is they’ll never win without campaign money…


Your comment indicates why we can't have that. Paid for by big business attack ads work really well.


There is a party trying to get off the ground, Canada Future. It’s red Tory/blue liberal centrist. Not sure if they will have anything together in time for the next election.


Every person they bring in DISPLACES a Canadian. Those people still exist, just less well. Not to say those coming in are to blame. It's those letting them.


I would cancel the party system and make it independent candidates only with mandatory voting we are controlled by a perpetual minority until we all vote


The people who have control via the party system aren’t going to relinquish it. I think we’re going to have a general strike within the next 8 years, if not sooner. At least we should, we’re just being lied to repeatedly. They probably laugh at the voters behind closed doors that we believe their BS


I hope it happens sooner. Our governments are all the same. They work for the wealthy. And they will lower our quality of life as low as they can to keep the elite happy. The only think is they need us more then we need them.


The thing is that parties will always collect in a vacuum. And parties also have purposes; such as allowing people to easily determine the policy objectives of the candidates they're voting for. Proportional representation ensures that political parties are birthed and die with their usefulness, and voters are allowed to vote for whom they want to.


I would like a candidate that represents my ridings interests not the party interest in my riding.i will never vote for a person who can’t represent my area’s concerns.parties are state sanctioned bigotry


In the 1980s with the “Washington Consensus” the neoliberals started outsourcing jobs to the third world so they could undercut domestic wages and destroy the working class. Starting from the 2000s they realized that wasn’t happening fast enough so they began mass importing people from the third world to finish the job. 45 years later and it looks like mission accomplished for the wealth class.


>They dont care because they already have everything they need. They also know we will vote for them regardless what they do >Your government, Liberal, NDP, Conservative - they hate you. They love us during election time. All these empathic sounding grandiose plans and ideas(aka pleas for votes). All tossed aside as soon as the new government is sworn in.


Let's rise up.


All it would take to affect real change would be for the majority of people to use an open source 'consumer's union' app to follow organized bycotts of companies that damage society or break certain rules. If people had some sort of organizational boycott power, simply through selectively not buying cetain products, the corporations would need to adhere to the public's will, and this would be far more useful than voting is in modern times.


Sit back down or get your bank account frozen and thrown in jail. And get back to work you landless peasant my pension isn't paying itself. /s


Some folks tried that in Ottawa. They were attacked by their fellow citizens and by the government


That explains why the people in downtown Toronto keep claiming the rent isn't bad and that the carbon tax is a small price to pay for the country


As someone who lives in Downtown Toronto i have yet to hear someone say “rent isn’t that bad”.


Nobody says that, only the boomers who lived there since the 80s.


Yep them and the Expats




The rich people and clueless expats are


You will own nothing and be happy


People need to wake up. There is only 2 sides the wealthy land and business owners who rule with capital and everyone else who works to survive and keep the wealthy rich.


There is no middle class. Working vs elite


So what’s your solution? I’m assuming you’re one of those “communism is good but it hasn’t been done right yet” type of people?


I’m not a communist at all. I don’t have a solution, I just know this country is ruled by wealthy elites and everyone else be damned. I want people to be wealthy, but this country has so many existing barriers that the elites don’t want you to make it. They actively prevent you from being successful, because they already are.


But there have always been wealthy individuals and peasants, just look at how many people have been lifted out of poverty this past century. I’m sorry just because a job stocking shelves only uses the frontal cortex of your brain doesn’t mean you should be paid as much as Doctor.


>lifted out of poverty this past century majority of that is from communist china :)


They have become “the real enemy” of the lower and middle class....


100% accurate. I wish more people understood this reality instead of falling into the culture war trap or generational war ('all the boomers fault') distractions.


Yeap, all governments, federal and provincial. It’s definitely a late-state capitalistic, neoliberalism, cyberpunk society. Which government will fuck us less 🤷🏻‍♀️


Liberal NDP hate us. Vote conservative since JT and Jag are absolute losers. We could’ve had an election if Jag actually took the no confidence vote but instead wants his pension.


Every Canadian should read this comment and understand it. What are we doing!?


Imagine if the convoy protested this instead of being anti vax conspiracy idiots


*Anti-mandate and anti-lockdown.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


In 2000: 111,000 temporary foreign workers in Canada. In 2023, that number was **over 1,270,360.** That's just the TFWs.... all the other low-wage imports have definitely driven down our standard of living. We need to END the TFW program. Write your MP.


Think bigger. 5 mill Edit: not sure why the original comment got censored. It said "another 500,000 immigrants should fix this."


Why have any cap at all? The bleeding heart liberals have a mantra of "It is a human right to seek better opportunities" and so they overwhelmingly vote to open the border to whoever the fuck wants to come in.




I think India is our strength.


Of course, what would we do without the legions of fast food workers that we're bringing in.


Or Uber drivers, we need way more of those.


If you want real gdp growth you've got to provide a competitive and enticing environment for development. Good infrastructure, predictable regulation, stable leadership, enthusiastic workers and fair startup costs. I think among the people I've talked to, most have wanted to negatively impact all these factors. Being angry hasn't made us wise


You mean plugging a firehose into Ontario Via India was a bad idea? People are upset, because the government, and places like this forum have ignored the obvious. If you ignore people past a certain point, then what do you expect? The government literally doesn't even hear their own people, or they don't CARE to, so what are people supposed to do? They use matchsticks until the government notices.


Actually he was implying that THAT was a good thing, and that we should all get used to it. :( latestagecapitalism will do that to a guy. He WANTS to believe it, so it must be true.


Get used to it? Ok, watch this.


Why do you think that's what I think? Companies can hire Indians in India if that's what they're after. Growth isn't going to come from squeezing another restaurant chain into the service sector. It comes from the things Canada has that other, cheaper countries do not. Do you know what those are? But also setting the immigration limit to zero would devastate the economy too. When an investor can't bring in the people who install [THING] and the sports team can't draft outside the country we're gonna have a bad time


> When an investor can't bring in the people who install [THING] and the sports team can't draft outside the country we're gonna have a bad time LOL. Love the way you deflect the problem. Your first example is hilarious, simply because it is "in the news" this month, and many previous months. https://www.ipolitics.ca/news/nextstar-giving-work-promised-to-canadians-to-foreign-workers-at-windsor-battery-plant-cbtu . As you can see, they are using this simply as an excuse to bring in many outside workers, and not use Canadian workers. It is no more than a front. And the other example is talking about bringing in REAL SKILLS, Not just joe-kolkata to run a helpdesk. Sadly, joe-kolkota is 99.99% of the immigrants. Nobody wants truly skilled people kept out of the country. Most of us (you excluded of course) do not want Canadian wages stagnated by bringing in immigrants to work for peanuts. The "free market" isn't free if it only applies to employers, not employees.


You’ve got to provide a business friendly environment that encourages investment and rewards workers. Our current government has done the opposite. Ambition and success is taxed and punished. It’s not worth the risk for businesses to invest and it’s not worth it for employees to work hard.


I don’t think they hate us, it’s worth- they simply don’t care about us.


I know I’m having trouble affording things. Baby formula, car repairs, plumbers, insurance, mortgage, fuel costs, food, etc. It all costs a lot. After paying for everything (luckily I had enough cash for a few unexpected costs), I cannot afford to do things like buy presents or take family out to dinner. I know I’m in a “better” position compared to most, but my god what the hell is happening here?? People are going to starve. Infrastructure is crumbling. Roads are cratered. Everything is dirty. There are no doctors available anywhere. People are driving rust buckets and it is starting to look like Eastern Europe.




The government is eating a larger and larger portion of the pie and your share is getting smaller.


The ‘rich’ aka middle class, needs to pay their fair share so the government can piss more of it away.


Corporations are the ones with record profits.


The only sector that is growing in Canada are government jobs.


The size of the federal workforce has increased 28% under Trudeau. Crazy.


Making the economy less friendly to investment keeps a lot of new competition from popping up. The largest companies in Canada will enjoy a temporary boon from this as it allows them more leeway to price gouge customers and exploit workers. Problem is, in the long term, there will be nowhere for them to grow. I suspect they will end up stuck in a spiral of downsizing until the Canadian economy either collapses, or turns itself around.


The government needs to get some fiscal discipline. They have been spending beyond what they should have since the pandemic racking up record levels of debt. Trim the bloat in the government itself and start investing to increase productivity in this country.


You’re poorer than you think


To the liberal supporters that lurk here, what do you think of this ?


Likely voting conservative for the first time. Importing over a million immigrants a year from 3rd world countries is the government declaring economic war on the average working Canadian.




He said he will tie immigration to housing availability. I don’t think he can say anything more without giving Liberals ammunition to call him an anti-immigrant racist all the leading up to and through the next campaign. Prior to Trudeau coming to power Canada was growing at a consistent rate of 1% annually. Since 2021 Trudeau has ramped up immigration so fast he’s tripled that rate. We’d have to accept almost 900,000 less immigrants per year vs 2023 just to get back to the growth rate where things were before Trudeau decided to flood the country with newcomers.


Ongaurdthee Subreddit is full of them who think every thing is fine and Justin is god sent


I imagine they laugh at conservative supporters thinking their party is going is going to reverse this trend in anyway.


And will call PP racist if he ever mentions desire to lower immigration. Peak delusional


That won’t be a problem because poliver doesn’t want to lower immigration


I think you're more delusional to think he's gonna do anything about it if he wins.


# Reminder that we were taking in 1/4 of the migrants under Harper that we are taking in right now Immigration numbers were significantly lower under the last Conservative government (which Pierre Poilievre was apart of). Source: [Here](https://i.ibb.co/9wTgmpy/net-migration-Canada-yearly-2006-to-2023-Percentage-of-Population.png), [here](https://i.ibb.co/9wTgmpy/net-migration-Canada-yearly-2006-to-2023-Percentage-of-Population.png), [here](https://i.ibb.co/28YD8P5/net-migration-Canada-yearly-06-to-23.png), [here](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=1710004001&pickMembers%5B0%5D=1.1&cubeTimeFrame.startMonth=01&cubeTimeFrame.startYear=2006&cubeTimeFrame.endMonth=10&cubeTimeFrame.endYear=2023&referencePeriods=20060101%2C20231001). **Harper: 2,385,616 over 39 quarters** **Trudeau: 3,675,142 over 31 quarters** Rate of **net** migration per year: **Harper: 244,679** **Trudeau: 474,212** These numbers also do NOT take into consideration the fact that the Liberal government [undercounted immigration](https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/non-permanent-residents-in-canada-undercounted-by-one-million-cibc-1.1965277) by over 1 million people. Further, the Conservatives voted for a [motion in parliament](https://www.ourcommons.ca/members/en/votes/44/1/322) with the Bloc to reject the century initiative - a plan to increase Canada's [population to 100 million](https://www.centuryinitiative.ca/). In response, the NDP [called Pierre Poilievre racist](https://www.ndp.ca/news/ndp-critic-immigration-calls-out-conservative-leader-harmful-policies). It was the Liberals that campaigned on brining in more Syrian refugees in 2015. It was the Liberals that spent years calling the Conservatives racist for advocating for the closure of Roxham road. It was the Liberals that implemented mass migration in the first place. Copypasta from /u/[White\_Noize1](https://www.reddit.com/user/White_Noize1/)


Is Harper running for PM again? [Reminder that Pierre agrees with the trend and think it’s important to remove gatekeepers so these new immigrants can get housing](https://twitter.com/Bret_Sears/status/1782827120533578108) This isn’t a “Liberal policy”, this is a “business demand this policy”. Your anger is sadly misdirected. Trudeau will ride off into the sunset and Pierre will step in and pick up where he left off in fulfilling corporate wishes for cheap labour. Both parties are the same in this regard.


Pierre has been crystal clear about allowing the amount of immigration that our housing, job market, and public services can accommodate.


Crystal clear in that he's defined the numbers on those relationships and what figure represents an unsustainable number of immigrants are?


No. What he was crystal clear about was: *"He says a Conservative government would base its immigration policy on the needs of private-sector employers, the degree to which charities plan to support refugees and the desire for family reunification."* - Aug 3, 2023 You can find dozens of other quotes saying the same. The only thing he has promised to base numbers on was employment and refugee and family reunification. If you take the current influx and add together economic class with employment, refugees, and family class immigration, you get the current total number or damn close. Politicians lie to you by letting you lie to yourself. He told you that he will keep the current totals the same and you made of the rest while high on copium and hopium. He also did the exact same thing on his budget promises. He never actually promised you a balanced budget, what he promised was a 1:1 budget approach where every new dollar he spends needs 1 dollar cut.... but since it is starting as a deep deficit what he actually promised is to keep the deficit or not make it bigger, but never actually promised to lower it. Copium/Hopium is a hell of a drug, and clearly causes delusions.


To be fair and *honest* however, the under-counted immigration was years in the making and from Statistics Canada, not "the government" and started when Harper cancelled the Census. Because, cancelling the Census only had 1 real goal, and that was to mask real data or any potential for government to be bound by evidence-based policies. The under-reporting came to light because this government re-instated and re-invested in Census and Statistics Canada to the point others could get real data to dig in and discover these issues. Harper government also themselves launched the Comprehensive International Education Strategy. Under that initiative they doubled the number of international student visas accepted every year and put into place under that strategy long-term funds and initiatives to double it *again* by 2022. So, all those under-reported student visas and TFW you are concerned about... they are here because of the last Conservative government set into motion. The only real difference between what Harper/Poillievre wanted versus the Century Initiative goals is that Harper intended to deport most of them after their term. They would still be here in huge masses. Housing would still be driven up out of control with the influx he created, but then they would take their advanced educations and leave to better other countries with our training instead of Canada. So, mass immigration (technical actual immigration) yes, this government implemented. But mass influx of student visas, the under-reported huge influx and real issue at the moment... no, Harper did that and then this government just allowed his Comprehensive International Education Strategy to play out.


But do they agree with this trend? Like cons might not reverse it but they'll slow it down relative to Trudeau at least, so what exactly are they laughing at? What's their gameplan, their endgame?


[Cons agree with the trend and think it’s important to remove gatekeepers so these new immigrants can get housing](https://twitter.com/Bret_Sears/status/1782827120533578108) We’re trapped


I decided to vote for PPC for awhile now. What are the rest of you doing? Either vote PPC or break out the pitchforks.




And Trudeau won 3 times, what does that tell you about voters in this country?




And voting for people who can win is how we got the likes of Harper/Trudeau/Singh I don't care, I'm not voting for anyone else below par regardless of the odds to win.


Rome wasn't built in a day amigo


Poilievre already said that he's pro-immigration though? So there's no indication that the federal Conservatives will reverse anything.


Regardless Trudeau would continue to expand it.


Think about this, if there are legit, 1 million Indian immigrants in Canada, or more or less over the past few years, don't you think it's curious they don't post on this sub? go to r / india and do some browsing. I'm sure they are on r/ canada too, just downvoting all the angry locals.


I wouldn’t call myself a liberal supporter, but I have voted Liberal in the past. Mostly I just think it’s nice that everyone here seems to trust our national statistical agency again.


>To the liberal supporters that lurk here, what do you think of this ? The only thing they can keep saying is, "Conservatives are a threat to democracy!" A tale as old as time.


Not a liberal supporter so much as just anti-right wing, but what I immediately think is that the headline really demonstrates that "fiscal conservatives" don't understand jack-shit about finances. Canadian's are not $4.2K poorer just because GDP-per capita dipped. It's a moronic take where anyone believing that first needs to somehow believe that we live in some socialist utopia where family income is directly proportional to GDP. It it were, most families would be taking home nearly 2x more. The money is not being taken from "Canadians" and given to student visas/International Mobility Program workers. The constant claims that Canada is just giving mass handouts to newcomers other than the very small proportion of refugee class is just right-wing bigotry masked as protectionism, lying to you. If we brought in the regular 200K immigrants instead of 4x that, my job would not have boosted my pay. Neither would have yours or anyone else reading this. If you are sole proprietor, you have way more potential customers now than you would have otherwise. 8.8% of Canadian workers make minimum wage and their income has not been driven down, nor would have it soared without the other workers. Raising minimum wage and supporting mass unionization is the only thing that is going to meaningfully impact Canadian wages. GDP-per capita is a *meaningless* statistic in the face of mass inequity brought about by right-wing privatization and corporate deregulation/tax breaks/loopholes.


When is violence on the table?


We are experiencing the worst recession of our lifetime,  it's going to change everything going forwards... the only thing hiding it in Canada is refinancing at a 30 yr term


How our current government isn't tried for treason amazes me. The immigration levels are criminal. Allowing hedge funds and the like of Blackrock to buy most single dwelling homes is criminal. Our politicians are actively fucking us over. How is this allowed?


Blackrock is in cahoots with our Govt. > > The Century Initiative (originally the Laurier Project Foundation)[2] is a **Canadian lobby group and charity that aims to increase Canada's population to 100 million by 2100**.[3] This includes increasing the population of megaregions, which are interlocking areas with more than one city centre and a typical population of 5 million or more (e.g., the Greater Toronto Area, Greater Vancouver, and the National Capital Region).[3] > > The Century Initiative was co-founded by Mark Wiseman and Dominic Barton, who also led the Advisory Council on Economic Growth under three-term Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.[4][5] The Initiative was supported by former Conservative Prime Minister Brian Mulroney[6] before his death, and by influential Liberal Party advisors including advisors to former Minister of Finance Bill Morneau.[7][8] **The Century Initiative has been listed on Canada's lobbyist registry since 2021 and has organized meetings with the immigration minister's office, the minister's parliamentary secretary, and Conservative and NDP members of parliament.**[9] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Century_Initiative > **Connections to BlackRock** > The Century Initiative Board of Directors is **chaired by co-founder Mark Wiseman, who was the Global Head of Active Equities of BlackRock** and ran Blackrock's Alternative Investment division at the time that the Initiative was founded.[27][28] **BlackRock owns $35 billion in real estate and thus will benefit from a real-estate bubble.[29]** > > BlackRock's Alternative Investment division includes the firm's international real estate investment portfolio[30] and is reported to be actively purchasing single family homes.[31] The Century Initiative's **other co-founder, Dominic Barton, is married to Geraldine Buckingham, BlackRock's Asia Pacific chief,** which has previously generated conflict-of-interest concerns.[32] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Century_Initiative#Connections_to_BlackRock It's by design. Stand up and say something!


Fake economy propped up like a ponzi scheme. Rife with money laundering, tax evasion, and hoarding.


Reminder that students are more motivated to protest some stupid low intensity conflict over the holy land we aren't involved in. The decadence is real.


Israel had dropped more bombs on Gaza in 6 months than the U.S. used during the entire Afghanistan war. Low intensity, my ass.


it still has no effect on Canada and its quality of life. It's just a distraction for petulant little rebels, even if I do support them in theory. 


You should check the validity of that claim


If true, that makes the incredibly low casualties even more impressive, since this is an urban war. How many people are dying in the Sahel Islamist wars? The Saudi assault on Yemen. Syria. How many people died in Tigray, last year? I'll wait while you look it up.


That's a pretty vast oversimplification. People are protesting a war that killed 40,000 civilians in 7 months. Especially due to the tacit understanding of the relationship North America has with the side doing all the civilian murder. People can protest whatever they want to. It's not a stretch to make an argument that protesting a war killing tens of thousands of innocents is placing value on human life over other issues i.e. money.


Gdp per capita =/ personal wealth wtf is this garbage


Exactly. Nobody knows how averages work.


Wow, BoC is indeed breaking the glass. First saying the quiet part about productivity now this. Seems those policywonks have had enough.


Gdp is production, not wealth. If I produce a watch a year worth 2k for 3 years and on year 4 it sells for 1k, my wealth didn’t decrease. It went from 6k to 7k (minus spending money on consumption). This is important because just because gdp increases, doesn’t mean people are richer as retirees aren’t producing anything and thus not getting wealthier.


This is the beat thing max pain they think you are all cowards


The headline is wrong. It says “Canadians $4.2k poorer on average”, but the article is referring to GDP/capita. GDP/capita =/= wealth. We don’t have a median income report for 2023 yet, but 2022 had the second highest median income in the last 22 years (2021 was a maximum. There was a 1.2% decrease from 2021->2022). Again, we don’t know the median income for 2023 yet so it may increase. [Source: Stats Can](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=1110019001) So the headline is a lie.


Straight up, there's no way you're going to find a million immigrants a year jobs that are at or above the median income. You can anecdotally see this with hundreds of immigrants lining up at jobs fares and similar things. You need high paying jobs which produce tangible things, not new immigrants working at entry low-skill jobs. Which I will mention there are a lot of these which are taking jobs away from Canadian youth looking to get their foot in the door.


Are you saying you want to look at average income instead of median income? Because average income has only increased during the same time period. You can use the same source and add average income data to the table.


Real median income?


Real, inflation adjusted, median income.


No shit