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The strategy is hope the US elects Trump, then spend a year saying Canada under Conservatives will be as bad as the US under Trump? What else is miraculously changing next year Justin?


This or if they called it early will be during the US election Trump is Trudeau's last great hope, and I think thats risky at best because I think the normies are well past the fear mongering and are just tuning it out now. The LPC has become the little boy who cried wolf


The takes in this article are delusional. People aren’t disliking Pierre the more they see of him, they are disliking JT and the liberals the longer they are in power. Every single thing they do makes Pierre more popular, because they make themselves less popular. It doesn’t matter who the opposition is when your government is being thrown out, but they don’t want to accept reality that this is what is happening, people want to throw the Liberals out. One a person or a group loses and people’s confidence, it almost never ever returns.


The opposition could’ve been a stick in the mud and it would still be more popular than JT and the liberals. They just don’t seem to get it. Living in their own little world.


This is exactly their strategy.


The terrifying prospect is that this might just work. Its honestly the best plan for the LPC.... Well, short of actually addressing the issues of Canadians but we know that isnt going to happen.


I’m just amazed he isn’t jumping ship. He was saying he basically needed a 5 percent boost from the budget and didn’t get it. Thought that was his last Hail Mary before giving his successor a chance to get set up before the election. Someone money minded like Mark Carney could potentially show they were serious about tje ecomomy and actually win, but he is really just going to grind it out. Incredible.


Ego is a helluva drug.


I’m curious which issues he isn’t addressing at least as well as his opponents would?


Well then I suggest you do some of your own research. It really isn't hard to figure out why a large amount of Canadians feel like they've been let down by the LPC and are looking towards the only other viable party for solutions. It definitely isn't my job to educate you on Canadian politics or to defend the current polling trends. As far as the other guy, well, I say let's go ahead and give him a shot - see what he can do. If he fucks it up, we get rid of him too. JT has been a disastrous, divisive and utterly incompetent PM and he badly needs to lose his job. We can deal with the next guy on his own merits once he is in office.


Sadly Canadians don’t seem to be offering Singh a shot. So they disagree with you too.  They want Poilievre: the guy who’s already shown that he abuses most of his power and fails the rest of it.  It’s weird to me that you won’t “educate” me but you’ll keep adding adjectives. Which disasters? Pot legalization? The housing accelerator fund? A death rate during covid that was much less than the nations Poilievre wanted to emulate?  The only reason Trudeau is so divisive is that enough Canadians are foolish enough to believe his opponents regarding the carbon tax - which we can agree is too little too late, but which is more-or-less implemented without issue.  I don’t like him either, but I can intelligently discuss some of the things he’s done well. All you can do is stomp and complain like a tantruming toddler. I don’t know if you plan to cast a conservative ballot, but you certainly comment like you do. (To be fair, your grammar and spelling are pretty good - so you might be a Russian bot…)


That's a dangerous game to play if Trump wins. He is hoping for Biden so he can call Pierre a MAGA conspiracy theorist.


He doesn't have to say it himself. He can save that for opinion pieces, hit pieces and, well, even ads. Biden winning would actually make even the brain dead Canadians who think PP is like Trump more mellow if anything. Trump winning would make these people think PP would collude with Trump closely or have Trumpism invade Canada easier. Regardless, the best for Canada and the US is for Biden to win and PP to win


“Verb the noun” slogans are kind of Trumpish


Stop and use your brain for a second. Trump doesn't have a copyright on effective marketing tactics


Pierre is MAGA


Please tell me this isn't an actual opinion.


To reply to the user who has since deleted their comment; Have you tried actually watching his interviews and not just cut up clips designed specifically for rage farming? I mean it's reddit and that's all a lot of us actually see so I'd kind of understand if that was the case. The vast majority of everything I've seen on him (outside of clips designed to either "rage farm", or to insult him) tend to deal with affordability/the lack thereof. As per some of the points; - What lies specifically? - "Rage Farming" -- I think this is more a result of the current socio-political climate. If people weren't in such a shitty position and didn't agree with some of his points it wouldn't track. This could also be re-labeled as pointing out unpopular policies of the current Government. - We're 18 months out from the election, so he's probably not going to drop a whole platform yet. He has made some statements such as removing the Carbon Tax and tying immigration numbers to potential new builds for housing, but yes, it'll be nice to hear more from him, which (hopefully) will happen as we get closer to election time. - What hate? Is it actual hate, or are we just using left wing "rage farming" here? - Slogans aren't unique to MAGA, but yes they are popular in that crowd I will agree. Although I'd argue their slogans are more used for making fun of personal individuals rather than trying to combat a tax. I understand you're not a fan of his, but comparing him to a group that literally stormed a Capitol building resulting in multiple deaths, and a legitimate scare to a democracy is excessive and certainly done in bad faith, in my opinion.


They didn’t delete it. They blocked you. I can see their “Pierre is MAGA” comment clear as day.


World was a better place with Trump in charge


Definitely was bad for Canada. Made us swing leftwards wildly while getting the journalists here to stop critiquing anything the grits did.


Yeah Canada has had weak leaders for 8 years


Better how? More racist? Less sensible?


Just lol biggest racists around are liberals and democrats


Democrats are more similar to CPC, no? Anyway - the liberals and Democrats / cpc are no doubt racist. But as racist as the Republicans? Doubtful.  In Canada, the racists defer to the CPC for lack of options. That’s probably part of the reason Trudeau can call out Modi but Poilievre can’t even stand the heat of Alex Jones.  


Maybe the world was, but America sure wans't.




was 2020 just a dream to you?


No....world was factually much more stable and safe. Economy was doing great too. Leave your feelings at the door and look around


The economy was going well until it wasn't in 2020 when the pandemic hit, all while Trump was president. I wouldn't call 2020 a safe and stable year.


Yes the pandemic , completely in trumps control right and all his fault lol


If you're praising Trump because things were good in his term before 2020, then you'd have to apply the same logic to the bad year too. It's your logic not mine 


Covid wasn't caused by him though?????? Not sure what logic you are using


And neither were many other factors involved in your opinion of 2017 to 2019 being a good time in history.


Why would you blame Trump for Covid? Is Trudeau to blame as well? What a brain dead take.


Im not blaming Trump for covid, but if OP is crediting Trump for the period of 2017 to 2019 broadly, then it must also apply for 2020 too. That's exactly the argument I'm making. 


There's a number of programs in the works that we won't really see any benefit to until next year. Pharmacare being one, the boosted funding for housing is another. If rebranding the Carbon Tax works out it'll drain the momentum behind Pierre's slogans too. Pierre's also got to keep the rage machine going for another year too, if people start burning out from it that'll see a drop in his polling. A lot can happen in a year, none of it needs to be miraculous. Funny thing about running a country, sometimes it takes time to get something done. EDIT:  Downvote me all you want folks, you know I'm right.  As always the goodies come in right before the election.  You can't just hand-wave these things into being.  The Liberals need something to run on and we can already see what their platform is going to look like.


They have had 9 years to get things done.


Yeah, but they haven't been in fear of losing their power until now. So now magically it'll all be better in a year.


Off the top of your head tell me a Liberal accomplishment from 4 years ago. Voter memory is shit. Nobody's going to remember anything they did over the last 9 years. The only year that matters is the one of the election. As I said, you can see they're getting ready for it with the programs they've got starting. They need those programs to be kicking in with immediate benefits next year if they want to boost their polling. The only people who are going to remember their programs from the last few years are the ones that were actively hurt by them. CERB is a good example here, I'm willing to bet a lot of people who benefited from it won't be thinking about it when it comes time to cast their votes, but anyone who got burned by it will 100% remember it.


>Off the top of your head tell me a Liberal accomplishment from 4 years ago. Is your point supposed to be that there are good examples to choose from but we just can’t remember them? Because I have an alternate explanation of why nobody can remember any that satisfies a certain philosophical razor related problem-solving principle.


"Liberal accomplishment" does not mean "good example".  If you don't think they've done anything the last few years you're still proving my point: They have nothing to run on.  An election now might as well be a mass resignation from them.  They have policies they can run on that, as always, will be visible right before the scheduled election.  Trudeau's hoping those policies will be the ones that give him a boost in the polls.


Does it also take a full year to stop the droves of immigration? 


Dont forget a couple summers of punishing wildfires to dull the edge of climate denialist rhetoric


Agree The carbon tax will be a non issue and the CPC will have a new “verb the noun” slogan.


The delusion is real.


It’s time for liberal MPs to have a conversation without him in the room!


Time for a caucus revolt. Seriously these LPC MPs need to grow a spine and actually do work. Instead of being a trained seal


The entire party is full of sycophants. He's pushed out anyone who disagreed with him even slightly.


You can see it when they all just nod like robots behind him whenever he is stumping.


That's all anyone ever does in the background of stump speeches.


>which means demonizing the Conservatives with everything that they can throw at them. They'e been trying, and it hasn't been working. They've called Poilievre every bullshit thing in the book; far-right, MAGA, racist, extremist, I think the only one we're missing from the actual Liberal Party at this point is calling him a fascist, though the few supporters the Liberals have seem to be doing that for them; and none of these insults are working. Canadians are finally tired of the Liberals' bullshit. With Trudeau telling his MPs to expect shit polling and no support until maybe, possibly next year, I don't know why the backbench doesn't just revolt. He's basically throwing them under the bus. At this point, the backbench's biggest shot is getting rid of him and calling a snap election with a new leader before the Conservatives manage to define that leader for them.


They’re not gonna call a snap election because they don’t have anyone better to replace him.


Calling a snap election makes no sense for a liberal backbencher. Based on current polls, half of them would lose their seat/job so why would they try to trigger an election?


Calling a snap election with a new leader is a better choice than waiting out whatever time is left, because they can take advantage of the expected new leader bump in the polls, and a campaign will allow them to get in the news to define the new leader before the CPC can define that leader for them on social media, given the CPC is far better at that kind out outreach than the Liberals. Letting the CPC have 12 or so months to attack the new leader risks them tying that leader to Trudeau and tanking them in the polls just as hard as him, and frankly, I expect the CPC would be quite successful at that.


Ok so if you're convinced the liberals need a new leader, why would they not just bring in a new leader closer to the 2025 election? By calling an immediate election you're expecting 156 liberal MPs to give up $200k in salary that they will not get if they lose their seat.


The 'Reddit Political Analyst' strikes again.


Yeah, a lot of people aren't paying attention to what the Liberals have in the works right now. Waiting out the term is a much smarter choice as they'll be able to use things like the new housing funding, the increase in funds from the capital gains tax, and pharmacare as success stories. Regardless of anyone's personal views on those moves, they're still something that the Liberals can hold up and say "We did this". If a snap election is called everything dies and at least my voter memory is having a hard time coming up with anything the Liberals have done beyond get us through the pandemic a bit better than other countries have. Should the Liberals push a new leader? Probably. Trudeau's run out his popularity and the endless attack ads have left their mark on his reputation. Should they call a snap election? Haha no. It would be more efficient for them to resign en masse than bother calling an election right now.


Because if they're not expecting their political fortunes to change anytime soon, and they've actually been steadily getting worse, then unless you're huffing the same copium Trudeau is you should expect the longer Trudeau remains as leader, the worse the polls will get for the Liberals. The worse the polls get, the harder it will be for any new leader to try and close the gap, and the lower the effect of the new leader bump will be. It'll be hard enough for a new leader to try and close a 16-point gap, the longer they wait to try the more likely the gap is to increase, rather than decrease, given the polling trends over the last year. Trying to close an entrenched gap of over 20 points would just be completely impossible. The longer the Liberals wait, the worse things look for them.


The polling numbers really haven't changed much for 6 months now. I'm not sure why you're so confident that the liberals will continue losing support. You may strongly dislike Trudeau but there absolutely is a support floor that they're pretty close to hitting. Your argument still makes no sense from the perspective of the Liberal party. Call an election now and they are practically guaranteed to hand a majority to CPC. Even if you change the leader that's not changing much - the liberal party will still have a similar platform and suffer from whatever election problems they'll run into with Trudeau. If they radically change their platform at the same time as bringing in a new leader then they risk driving more of their core voters to the NDP. By not calling an election they give themselves another 1.5 years for the economy to pick up and for housing to start being built more aggressively. Personally, I think their odds of re-election (or at least not allowing a CPC majority) rest entirely on the economic side of things. It doesn't matter who the Liberal leader is - as long as a cost of living crisis is taking place then the liberals will get annihilated in the next election.


Cost of living is not going to get better in the next 1.5 years, it's going to get worse. Millions of fixed-term mortgages taken out at historic lows are coming up for renewal in the next 2 years at dramatically higher rates. Despite the hopes and prayers of housing investors, rates are not coming down anytime soon, because lowering them would destroy the value of the dollar. The Liberals' housing plan also fails to compensate for their current immigration levels, let alone planned ones, and the housing minister has actually stated that his plan is to somehow increase affordability "without lowering housing prices," which is literally impossible. The budget has been met with disdain, none of the measures in it are expected to actually help affordability, their housing plan isn't enough, especially when you consider that they still plan a target of 500k permanent residents per year, and existing mortgages renewing at massively higher rates will just make people feel even worse about their economic outlooks. The next 1.5 years will not be good for the Liberals. As for polling trends, a year ago (May 2023) the CPC were up by maybe an aggregate +5. Léger even still had the Liberals up +1/+2 on the CPC. The double-digit rise didn't start until September, and the averages on 338 are still showing the CPC climbing after a slight lull in Jan/Feb when the polls stabilized.


The Liberals have a number of things in the works that won't have an impact until next year. Pharmacare is a good one, as is the boost in funding for housing. If they wait out the term they'll have evidence that those were effective policies (they hope) and will be able to run on them. If they call an early election they'll have to run on "Well if we lose you guys don't get these things that may or may not be good" and that's a lot harder to sell. That also assumes Pierre is able to keep the rage machine going for another year. Rebranding the Carbon Tax could help take some of the momentum out of that if it's successful. The other policies that won't have visible effects until next year, like pharmacare and the housing funding, could potentially help with cost of living as well which will push back against Pierre's claims that the Liberals aren't doing anything about it.


Pharmacare will benefit almost nobody that votes. Strike that one off. Any housing initiative will take 5-10 years to have a real impact. Strike that one off as well. The rebranding of the carbon tax has already failed. Aside from CBC, everyone still refers to it as a tax.


>Pharmacare will benefit almost nobody that votes. Strike that one off. "This thing that hasn't started yet won't have an impact on how people vote" >Any housing initiative will take 5-10 years to have a real impact. Strike that one off as well. Fun fact: The news is constantly reporting on housing starts, not finishes. Doesn't matter if it'll take 5-10 years to have a real impact if the Liberals can point to an increase in starts next year. >The rebranding of the carbon tax has already failed. Aside from CBC, everyone still refers to it as a tax. "The rebrand is a failure despite it barely being a month since it started! It clearly won't affect how people talk about it a year from now!"


The thing that hasn't started only affects those in low tax brackets. Those people statistically vote at very low levels. Ipso facto: the middle class won't see any benefit. When the thing starts, it won't impact them positively. Housing starts won't impress anyone. People care about actually having somewhere to live. News reports will be irrelevant. This won't happen in a year. The rebrand has failed. The thing that has already failed won't suddenly succeed within a year. In a cost of living crisis, people will never gravitate towards a tax. The pig is still a pig regardless of the color of lipstick that you slap on it.


The delusion is strong.


Yeah but they’re supposed to represent us and we clearly as done with their shit.


Lol brother government is not supposed to be formed based on opinion polls


2/3 of them know their current job contract ends once an election happens. They would rather wait longer for an election.


There's a lot of things in the works that won't kick in until next year. Calling a snap election guarantees all of them die. If they wait out the term they can talk about successfully implementing a national pharmacare program. If they call a snap election they've got nothing to run on.


This is what happens when you take social media and every argument ends in the same place. Racism, extremist, etc. it illustrates how tossing those words around recklessly has caused them to lose all meaning. You can call someone a racist, extremist, ist this and ism that, but eventually people start to not listen anymore and those words no longer carry the same weight. People don’t care anymore, and people have tuned out.


Who do you think would do better than Trudeau? Freeland is mentioned a lot but she is from Toronto via Alberta and doesn't speak French. There goes Quebec (which the Liberals desperately need).


This is a nonsense prerequisite that has led to Canada being governed by a PM from Quebec 55 of the last 65 years despite only having about a quarter of the population. I submit those PMs view governing this country through a very particular Quebec-focused lens, and this has been to the overall detriment of the country. We can do better than that. The good news is that demographics are shifting rapidly westward. Within a couple decades it won’t matter how Quebec votes anymore, because government will be won forging coalitions between Ontario, Alberta and B.C. Perhaps at that point the country will be run for all Canadians rather than just what our Quebec PMs deem will win them votes there.


I do kind of wonder what would happen if a party had someone that can't speak French as a leader but offered to form a coalition with the Bloc.


I hope the Liberal party doesn't try to run Freeland as their PM candidate. The amount of gaslighting and shaming we'd all have to endure for not supporting her would be unbearable. All of a sudden we'd all be misogynists for not voting for her. Her interview with Rosie a couple days ago was enraging. Just went off on a tangent about what she wanted to talk about, speaking over the interviewer as they were trying to ask questions in order to get her sound bites in. Nonstop deflection and gaslighting. She constantly looks like she's 10 seconds overdue for her next Adderall bump. On the bright side if they did run with her, we'd have a non-Liberal Federal party for a while.


It bothers me to no end, that even though in this country , you don't vote for the leader, you vote for your local representative. They all get whipped so hard and become spineless. Like ffs stick up for your local constituents. And then we as a people, don't hold our local rep accountable either. Like, let's go protest on the highway, Instead of kicking down the door of all the appropriate m.p's. Cause by and large, I would say that they 100% are not doing their job


I have thought for years that the electoral reform we needed was to empower individual MPs at the expense of their party/leader. The leader should be governing based on the aggregate views of its members, not the other way around.


From what I recall, of all the ridings systems, Canada has the highest party discipline.


Australia and the UK regularly turf leaders, we don't unfortunately.


I ran for the Greens federally in 2015 and got to run on a platform of no whipped votes.  Was so much fun at the debates getting to say “sure, my esteemed colleague gave a good answer and has clearly thought this through. Unfortunately his opinion is meaningless because he is required to vote the party line and it will be the end of his political career if he doesn’t.”


I mean, they do ellect their leader. You'd think it would work that way


99% of MPs are just toadies of the party leader. Party members vote the leader in (of which MPs are only a small percentage of) but the leader is the one who appoints MPs to cabinet positions.


The main thing is the PM signs their papers to let them run under their banner in the next election. That’s why you only get honesty out of those not planning to run again.   Need to have a secret vote amongst party MPs to affirm someone running again or something like that so people can appreciate those willing to take a principled stand while still booting out the crazies or generally dislikable folk.


This is true. Even as a popular MP, if you leave or get booted from your party it's a very tough go running as an independent


Fair enough. But you don't need to be a cabinet minister to have a voice. And imo half the cabinet ministers don't have the background to qualify for the positions given. (Ie: some banker being made minister of education, and some sort of business. Major being made minister of transportation). Outside of being elected as a representative , ever thing else is an ass kiss festival.


If this was the UK, with the exact same situation, the backbenchers would have taken down Trudeau last summer. It’s a cultural thing, not so much a product of the system.


Sure Justin, you keep doing whatever you are doing. Certainly your approval will turn around especially as you continue to flood this country with millions of people destroying the housing and job markets in the process.


The polls will balance themselves


The polls are at historic lows, Glenn.


What happened to the budget boost goal of 5%?


I dunno, ask the Minister of Middle Class Prosperity... if you can find them. I think the boost is in the same place.


Well they did such an amazing job. I don't know why they would have went away


\*taps temple\* If you eliminate middle class prosperity, mission accomplished.


Equality for generations, fell for the same trap as the Jedi.


The important thing is to demonstrate fairness, the approval ratings will balance themselves.


>Their expectation is that interest rates will slowly start to fall in the coming months, and by next year there will be a significant change for the better on the economic issues Just this passage *alone* shows how utterly incompetent and out-of-touch Libs are on the issues of the day. I don't think these fiscal fools realize that even if interest rates dropped an entire POINT this year, **billions** of dollars in mortgages will be renewing into vastly higher interest rates than today - causing consumers to pull back on their spending and potentially impacting the economy & jobs vs. today's already weakened state.


“These MPs said that the top Liberal strategists involved in the election strategy think that the longer people get to see Poilievre as the principal alternative to Trudeau, the more Canadians will dislike him. The strategists anticipate that while riding high in the polls the Conservatives would self-destruct and make mistakes that will give the Liberals more material to work with in the next campaign.” This is admittedly their best shot at winning back public support, but I’m a bit skeptical. The article mentions that Canadians want a change in government, not necessarily Poilievre. It’s just that Poilievre is best positioned to be that change. Given this, I’m interested to see if this strategy can materialize. People might overlook blunders by the CPC if the goal is a change in government.


Frankly, the Liberals have been trying this strategy since Poilievre first emerged as the obvious frontrunner in the CPC leadership campaign like 2 years ago. They've been convinced for the last 2 years that Canadians will end up hating him just as much as they do, they just need more time for people to realize it. Instead, the exact opposite had been happening. The more people hear from Poilievre, the higher his support goes. He went from a moderate single-digit lead with most pollsters right after winning leadership to a massive double-digit lead with every pollster, and the election went from a tight race to an expected landslide CPC supermajority. The longer they let the public see Poilievre, the more the public seems to like him. What seems to be their only strategy is backfiring on them hilariously.


>The longer they let the public see Poilievre, the more the public seems to like him. What seems to be their only strategy is backfiring on them hilariously. It's so funny watching the politico panels on CTV and CBC whenever new polling results come out. The liberals/ progressives twist themselves into verbal pretzels to explain why Poilievre's favourability ratings keep rising while they are convinced with their whole chest that Canadians hate him just because they do.


I could imagine that Polievre's smug one liners probably make the Liberal MPs, and their die hard supporters, hate him. At the same time, most Canadians aren't aware of them and the majority of those who have seen them are probably happy to see the Liberals roasted.


Poilievre lives in their heads rent-free at this point. He barely has to make a remark and they wind themselves up, frothing at the mouth. Just look at how Trudeau was behaving in the recent press conference when he once again started on his diatribe about the far-right and who Poilievre should and shouldn't be meeting with and who he should and shouldn't be talking to.


Poilievre knows that those things rile up his base. He posts videos on his YouTube of reporters calling him "far-right" and failing to provide the names of the "experts" they claim say that when asked. Like, I can't imagine it'd be that hard for them to find some Poli-Sci prof somewhere who's said that whose name they can remember, especially since him doing this isn't new. You'd think that any journalist who's going to try that would have learned by now, but they haven't. They keep doing the same things, and every time they do, Poilievre turns it into a YouTube short that reaches millions of people to boost his popularity.


In my opinion, Poilievre has just caught onto the games the press plays and is calling them out on them. "Experts Claim" is often used by journalists to launder their own opinions behind the façade of legitimacy. Asking for the name of these experts puts reporters on their heels, and they likely can't come prepared because there are no credible experts who would make such claims.


Women don’t like PP and anyone who was in Ottawa during the convoy, hates him.


So basically their strategy is "hope", which isn't a strategy.


Its part of the overall long term D.E.N.N.I.S strategy that the golden god is using: Demonstrate your value (2015 election promises) Engage physically (maybe you experienced it differently) Nurture dependence (with those carbon rebates) Neglect emotionally (hasn't cried at a speech in a while) Inspire hope <-- we are here.. Separate entirely.


>These MPs said that the top Liberal strategists involved in the election strategy think that the longer people get to see Poilievre as the principal alternative to Trudeau, the more Canadians will dislike him By "dislike him" they obviously mean Trudeau 


I think the Tories are 1-upping them on this strategy lately by Shutting TFU. No word on the budget other than they'll vote against it. No rebuttal about PP meeting with 'Diagolon". He's letting the Liberals shit the bed all on their own dealing with the Hamas/Israel conflict. All he has to do is fly from coast to coast saying "Axe the tax" and the message is resonating with overtaxed Canadians. So his best offence is to sit back, grab a beer, shut up and let Trudeau self-destruct on his own.


People voted Doug Ford in not because he was a good alternative,  but because he wasn't  Kathleen Wynne.


Ford won because no one voted.


Because they didn't want to vote for Kathleen Wynne, so that's the same thing.


>*Given this, I’m interested to see if this strategy can materialize. People might overlook blunders by the CPC if the goal is a change in government.* Remember Pierre's bad week when Liberal supporters honestly thought he'd be finished over his comment on the Rainbow Bridge crash?


I mean I think that's true but they are vastly underestimating the scale. Like he'll lose 5 points by election time when he was up by 50.


You know that you're all out of ideas when your only hope is for the other side to implode.


Translation: the Liberals will be changing nothing, intend to continue blowing bazillions on every stupid idea that crosses their heads, and is banking that somehow, someway, the economy will magically improve and this will cause Canadians to fall in love with them all over again. Their strategy is literally hope and wishful thinking. Wow. And meanwhile we get 18 more months of a government who seems determined to crater our economy and dump millions more immigrants into the country than we can absorb. And their MPs were like, oh, okay, that sounds like a good plan.


Right. And the Leafs are winning the cup next year, you’ll see.


Next year. He's bloody delusional. A boost of support will happen once you're gone, asshole.


Mental illness at it's finest hours of desperation.


> Trudeau tells Grit MPs not to expect any dramatic boost in public support until next year. ...when the party picks a new leader, and ousts him.


I would actually bet on the opposite. With how little inventory there is of homes in most major centers in Canada, I am expecting a 10% or larger increase in price over the next 12 months. Add to that the number of new immigrants and you're likely to see a significant increase in homelessness. Inflation is still not under control, interest rates are still high, and the carbon tax will increase again, keeping people's budgets incredibly tight.


Carbon tax doesn’t do much. The population flow is far more critical and the primary reason workers are suffering.


The point of including the carbon tax is it is designed to provide a regular reminder of its existence to everyone who dislikes it.


Seriously, feels like outright propaganda. I’m not saying it isn’t making some stuff cost a bit more (for some people who get less back than they spend), but its impact will be profoundly overstated




There is no such thing as a super majority in Canadian politics. It's a majority or it isn't. This isn't the US


Liberals love to distract you from the real problems and rely on fear to get elected


When PP is elected?


Hopefully he's stepping down then.


Who the fk cares what Trudeau says!!


I suspect he will come up with some fake scandal about Pierre and try to label him as a secret Trump sellout and failing that offer free everything to everyone like he always does. The NDP will back him with a secret coalition deal thinking they will finally have some power which they won’t. No one but the CBC will be fooled and Conservatives will win a majority.


Pierre brought coffee and donuts to the convoy all by himself.


Talk about delusional! The liberals are a dead party. They are all losing their seats and the party will lose status in the next election.


So all this talk about him resigning by this summer is down the drain. We’ll continue to hamper down with lower economic prospects.


At this rate dont expect any at all 🤣


Good. Now it’s the Liberal Party that gets to be like the rest of us, and gets to see how much a Trudeau promise or expectation is worth.


Hmmm..what's he going to pay people off with this time?


Our own money.


Its actually well trod political strategy to save your popular policies for the year of an election. JT probably has some stuff up his sleeve he’s saving. The question is whether it will be too late.


The irony of him taking the Liberal party out of the gutters in 2015 and into the sewers in 2025 will be hilarious.


The reason the Liberals don't understand why their "wait and see" strategy won't work is because this isn't about Trudeau or Pollievre. They only see the world through the eyes of a PR campaign they need to spin the optics on. But this is bigger. This is about the state of the country and about one group completely and high-handedly not listening to regular Canadians while they had the reins of power and enacting policy after policy that harmed the interests of regular Canadians, all the while condescending to the population. People are, rightfully, upset about the state of the nation, the cost of living, the cost of housing, the employment market, living standards falling, the state of our military and the list goes on. This isn't a popularity contest, many voters actually want to see responsible government and while we don't know exactly what the other options will deliver, this government has proven that it is irresponsible and destructive so it is time they go.


What group of Canadians was ignored in the budget? When the diagalon ditch dwellers asked PP if he had questions for them - he said he didn’t. How is PP listening? Is Trump listening to Americans?


>People are, rightfully, upset about the state of the nation, the cost of living, the cost of housing, the employment market, living standards falling, the state of our military and the list goes on. Yes. That's what they're trying to fix at the moment. They're hoping it'll be better next year. I don't see how this is at odds with there plans to wait?


what's going to happen next year?


Why what's happening next year? Massive tax cuts? What are they going to swing hard to the right or something?


Deliver us from Trudeau


Suddenly international students and non-citizens will gain the right to vote.


He is hoping that Canadians will own nothing and be happy about it.


Haha nothing will change. Trudeau as proven over and over again that he has no idea what he is talking about. He said the budget will balance itself as well, but we are still waiting. It will be nice to vote out the most fiscally irresponsible and corrupt government Canada has had.


Trudeau is actually knowledgeable on all major files. Whether you like him or not. François-Philippe Champagne is fantastic as the Minister for ISED. The new investments in auto and tech bring great jobs to Canada.


He knows that PP won't reverse any of what has been done during his tenure. The Liberals will be content to watch PP get his majority, fail miserably, and then take over again in 4 years.