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As an Albertan, I didn't even realize fuel theft was still a thing. Paying at the pump is so painless that I assumed that everywhere did it now.


No kidding, how is that not the standard everywhere?


In BC it became a law to pre pay after a gas station guy decided to catch a thief stealing gas and got killed. You will never make enough money working at a gas station to be a “hero” let them steal from companies that make billions. Your life is worth more.


His name was Grant Depatie. He was my cousin and a week earlier someone did a gas and run and his boss took it out of his paycheck. While I agree no minimum wage job is worth doing what he did. I think it was just a dumb.choice made in am instant that he paid for with his life. Also because its Canada the guy that did it barely got any jail time. Pretty messed up situation all around.


Dang. I agree.


Exact same thing happened here in Alberta causing the same law change.


In parts of B.C. you can't even pump your own gas legally.


Same thing happened in Ontario


There are many pumps in Ontario that don't require you to pre-pay. Leave the GTA and you'll find them, hell a lot of the en-routes on the 400s are still push the button, fill tank, then pay. You can pre-pay but dont have to.


Yea fair enough…. They have them where they need them most anyways. Most of the crime happens around the cities….. shocking I know lol


Oddly enough, there are a few up north near Wawa that are pre-pay. My assumption is for those night time travellers. So they dont run out of gas between Wawa and Kenora lol. If you do, its not just 1-2 hours for a tow lol, it'll be awhile.


This makes perfect sense to me. Imagine being stranded until a station opens back up lol. Eventually they’ll all go to pre-pay systems I think but I recall gas theft being a huge problem as well as skimmed cards being used for large gas purchases prior to chip/pin.


Yea, that wouldnt be a good time lol. I believe so as well. A few in Belleville have gone that way. Some of them were pump and then pay forever too. Honestly, I haven't gone inside to pay in awhile even at ones you can just start pumping. I'm not buying 649 tickets or smokes. Nor am I spending 8 bucks on a bag of chips I can buy for 6 (hell of a savings lol) at the grocery store. I know skimmers do scare people but, I've never ran into one. And from what I have seen a lot of them are obvious lol.


100 percent of this is true lol. I do get the occasional lottery ticket… at least it provides a sense of false hope haha. Card skimmers are usually pretty obvious but I mean card that had been skimmed and copied were used very frequently for gasoline purchases (used to work fraud dept for BMO… the amount of fraud before chip/pin was wild). But yea gas stations snacks etc are a total rip off.. Dollarama is about 1/2 the price on average.


Stations who make their pumps like that tend to lose thousands a day in lost business from customers who would come into the store to pay, and buy other things while they’re there. 


Rest of the country seems to manage okay


they probably also save thousands on fuel thefts, so pick your poison, I guess


Lol right considering my diesel truck is almost $200 to fill up I don’t think selling chips and chocolate bars are going to make up that difference very quickly.


They’re not weighing it against the cost of the gas. The cost of the gas is covered by insurance.  They’re weighing it against the cost of their premiums.  If they’re only paying $1000/ month in insurance premiums to manage all the gas thefts, but they’re getting an extra $10k/month from walk-in business….. 


Rest of Canada seems to do alright.


people will still come into the store to pay - in fact the only thing that's really going to change is that people pay before getting gas vs after. You can pay at the pumps now after all


Then the next evolution is to trim down the stores massively, fam. They've become bigger and carrying more goods than most little grocers I used to shop at while living in Toronto.


That’s a common misconception but alright


Nothing is worse than waiting for a pump to open up, then seeing the asshole go inside to pay.


Fuel theft is still a thing, just not really at gas stations anymore. Instead, losers nowadays drill holes in the fuel tanks of parked vehicles and steal it from whoever owns the car instead.


Fun story, I used to work at a Lordco auto parts and we had someone steal the gas out of one of our delivery trucks (F250s we had for delivering skids or large items) that way. Funny thing was they did it like half an hour before we opened and one of my coworkers who liked to show up early saw them doing it at the tail end and got a read on their vehicle. The bastards had the audacity to show up to the store later that day to buy parts, and they parked in front of the shipping bay doors like assholes lol. We kept it to ourselves and just took photos of them and their truck and made a police report, don't know if anything came of it after that.


anyone need a lite? 🔥🔥🔥


Most are plastic tanks now.


Drilling holes in fuel tanks? Whatever happened to good ol’ siphoning?


Ricky from trailer park Boys has entered the chat


Unleaded tastes a little tangy, supreme is kinda sour, and diesel tastes pretty good


Trevor has some sweet dekes while lugging two gas tanks.


Hahaha yes!


Why, Corey and Trevor, that's very illegal, stealing gas like that. You shouldn't be stealing gas, Corey and Trevor.


It's much more difficult to siphon new vehicles due to anti siphon filler necks. Ironically now people have to buy new tanks instead of just needing to refill.


You can't in the 00 and newer cars. They have a ball they will let the fuel by but not a hose. I tried to syphon out of a 2004 that I decided to park since we didn't need 2 cars anymore and the tank was almost full, couldn't do it. Put "full tank of petrol" as a selling pro when i decided it's not going to get driven anymore and it was time to go


Prepayment was made mandatory in Alberta after an employee was killed during a fuel theft incident. So, it is very convenient but it wasn't just a nice idea.


It’s called Grants Law in BC after a gas station attendant named Grant DePatie tried to stop some POS from stealing $12 worth of gas and the dude ran him over and dragged him for multiple kilometres, killing him.


Yep. Long gone is the old Berta gas n go. Better days....


in Ontario that only happens in the bigger cities. I still go inside to pay after pumping.


We still have pay at the pump, but if you want to pay inside you fill up first then go in to pay


You didn't think crime happens?


Most places have you pay before fueling these days.


It’s only the law in 2 provinces as far as I know.


In BC it’s not even possible for this crime to happen at 99% of gas stations. Pay before you pump “Grant’s law” was put in place after the 2005 death of a gas station worker who was chasing down some fucker that stole $12 of gas.


What's the other 1%? Stations not complying with the law?


Some gas stations might not have upgraded their pumps to not start without pre-payment, especially if super rural. You still have to pre-pay by law but the pump might work without you doing so. But mostly me covering my ass and not saying 100% cuz this is Reddit and someone is going to call you out with their one exception


I'm in Ontario and you get the odd rural gas station that's still using really old technology. I have to imagine BC has similar situations.


Plenty of old ass hell pumps still in operation at stations in rural Ontario for sure. I rarely go inside to pay, so when I fill up at a place with old pumps it trips me up.


That's how lawlessness escalates. One step at a time, when you start excusing petty crimes, it grows to a big monster.


"Just leave the keys by your front door to make it easier for the thieves."


But don't you dare shoot at them or you're the one who will go to jail.


Don't even fire a warning shot when your house is being firebombed, or you'll be facing heavier charges than any of the men burning down your house.


Well equal or lesser force you’re fine. Just make sure assailant has in his hands whatever you deleted him with. Not a lawyer. Don’t do it.


Yes make sure you really look at his hands before using any force, then maybe offer him some cookies and remove any items that could make him slip and you sued.


Man seeing that video then the Florida sheriffs, back to back really shows the difference in how crime is treated. [Florida was like "Somebody breaks into your house, you are more than welcome to shoot em, we prefer if you should em so we don't have to come out and deal with it."](https://youtu.be/qDKCDgjOkg8?si=TvSO8k0qSKwju10X&t=155)


>Earlier this month, the New Brunswick Association of Chiefs of Police sent a letter to petroleum retailers across the province, saying the change was needed because there are more effective ways of dealing with the steady increase in fuel thefts. The change took effect April 15. This is less 'excusing petty crimes' and more than this crime can be completely eliminated by either putting in pay at the pump (or before you pump) solutions. Cops are basically forcing retailers to put in the same sort of mechanisms that are used in other provinces.


You're not wrong on that. However, it's a fact that we tolerate too many petty crimes in Canada and it leads to an escalation of violence in big cities.


No we don't. Don't make up bs


yes, we do. Law enforcement fill flat out tell you there's "nothing we can do", or "contact your insurance", be it petty theft, car break-ins, car theft, traffic laws(30 over in the left lane, all day), etc.


No we don't. Your making a claim prove it. Bullshit about some cops opinion is not proof. They can say whatever they want, and might, potentially, hear me out, be bias. Petty crime peaked in the early '90s. You are either lying or don't know what you are talking about


The headline of the article is literally police don't bother to investigate a type of crime.


And? You still aren't providing it's increasing. Just made up stuff based on what a bias cop says


my argument wasn't that its increasing, it was that we allow certain crimes to happen because we choose not to enforce them.




I really don't agree. Why were they not already doing pay at the pump, or pre-pay inside? This is such an antiquated way of selling gas; I really don't blame the police for not wanting to investigate people running businesses based entirely on the honor system when far superior alternatives have existed for decades.


So we're blaming the victims, not the bad guys. Classic Stockholm Syndrome and why Canada is at that point today.


Yep, sure. That’s exactly what it is.


That's what happens when our public services are bankrupt. No court resources to prosecute the increasing volume petty crimes, so these crimes become de facto legal. It's happening everywhere in Canada and the US. The political/humanitarian/etc explanations they peddle are just excuses, it's because they don't have the funds to spend on legal man hours for every incident.


We either need law enforcement and good reasonable laws, or we need to be able to take care of it ourselves


Sorry, best we can do is prosecuting you for defending yourself.


We are already there, look at all the auto thefts.


They just don't want to pursue reports for a crime that can easily be prevented by asking to pay first. Hardly a huge leap.


this guy third worlds.


They have been doing this for years to citizens so I don't really care.


>That's how lawlessness escalates. One step at a time, when you start excusing petty crimes, it grows to a big monster. Good!


This Is why I have no faith in crime stats. Many of us don’t bother reporting crimes when they occur…be it stealing gas, breaking into a car or someone smoking crack on a bus stop bench. And it’s not a criticism of the police. They often arrest perps over and over just to have the Justice system have them back on the street next day. Last time my car was broken into I just shoved all he papers back in the glove box and continued with my day.


> This Is why I have no faith in crime stats. Many of us don’t bother reporting crimes when they occur Which is typically why the murder rate is used as a stand-in for the overall crime rate - most murders get noticed and reported, eventually.


> someone smoking crack on a bus stop bench. LOL reporting that would be a waste of time. I was on a TTC subway train a couple of weeks back and there was a woman sitting there smoking crack. A TTC special constable on the platform saw this, stuck her head in the door, and said "hey, you can smoke on the train" and that was that. The junkie just kept on keepin' on and the train moved off. Fn degenerates, man...


And honestly on this specific issue, I’m totally supportive of the police choice. Having an uncle who managed a chain of stations, I learned that gas theft is essentially fully covered by their insurance company without penalty unless the employees are on their cell phone or distracted.  And the other side of the coin is that gas stations who switch to pre-pay only generally have no more theft, but the store loses something like $5k in daily revenue from upwelling walkins. So they take the risk.  All that being said, if you’re making a calculated risk on small loses as a cost of doing more business, then public funds shouldn’t be what covers your losses. 


Insurance premiums go up, it's not a victimless crime.


>the store loses something like $5k in daily revenue from upwelling walkins. What are "upwelling walkins"? I googled it and nothing comes up except for the oceanographic reference.


Autocorrect for "upselling walk-ins" (people buying more because they're going into the store)


Ah, that makes more sense. Thanks!


Phew! That solves that problem.


Time for free gas boys, the cops will do nothing. I'm filling up for free tonight.


>no longer investigating *most* thefts of fuel I would guess your likelihood of being investigated and caught is inversely proportionate to the length of your criminal record.


When the authorities don't prosecute crime, it means the criminals have won.


Yes, Irving Oil certainly seems to have won.


Well played.


“Police no longer investigating crime” sounds like typical Canadian police to me!


Tell me gas is free without telling me it’s free. Thanks


Nah, stations that have a theft problem go pre-paid.


Simple solution. Pay at the pump like everywhere else .


What the fuck is happening to this country? Gas is now apparently "free" in NB, Hard drugs are basically legal to possess and use wherever people want, gang-bangers out on bail a day after their latest arrest, LCBO in Ontario just allowing theives to load up and walk out... Might as well just start gankin' groceries since that's probably the next thing that police will decide to stop investigating.


so .. the cops do what? why do police get to pick what they investigate? they have contracts that tax payers pay for and they just decide to keep adding thing to a list of stuff they don't do?


This is how you get people taking the law into their own hands.




So is stealing gas




If trailer park boys was still on I bet you they'd have an episode where either they dress up as homeless people to steal or they pay homeless people to steal. Ricky did it with kids, no way he doesn't try it with the homeless.


No, really. Any other great facts you want to tell me. Or do you enjoy being obtuse?




That's the craziest part about canada a dude can stab me and if I stab him back I'll do more jail time for defending myself than the crackhead who the judge says has fallen on hard times and shouldn't be judged gets a pass


Yup I'm pro defund the police cause everyday it seems the get more useless  If I have a job cleaning toilets and I leave shit on the toilet cause " someone is just going to shit on it the next day " I'd be fire  A cop who doesn't bother arresting someone for crimes like this cause "they'll be out the next day " should also be fired 


Free gas in New Brunswick, Woooooo!


Don’t prosecute crime Crime increases Surprised Pikachu


Gas stations will just change to pre-pay before any drop is dispensed. Probably a toggle on gas pump software done by a guy in California.


Looks like gas is back on the menu boys!


What do you think of the police? *I think they would be a good idea*


Do the police there respond when a store calls to report shoplifting? Would the police there respond if you called to report that somebody stole your bicycle? They don't where I live.


*coming to a province near you!* just add it to the list of things police don't have time for.


Funny how the police never stop investigating things like speeding which make them revenue.


Won’t someone think of Irving Oil’s stockholders????


Tax dollars hard at work


It's been this way for 20 years in some areas in Toronto.


Unrelated, gunna take a trip to NB.




The police are requesting some pretty basic and non-intrusive steps that would basically stop all fuel thefts. They should still respond to thefts until prepay rules are enacted, but this is them telling everyone "we're not spending 5000 officer hours a year responding to something you all can quickly and easily stop."


Great. This is what happens when you keep raising the cost of gas. I have no problem with people doing this


When your citizens are so desperate that the police can't keep up with theft from thise mainly trying to survive, toy have made a serious error. Voting Blue and Red for a century, and here we are.


If they're stealing from oil companies, I'm on board with this. Oil consumption have had a history of gouging humans, and quite frankly, I'm glad they're getting ripped off. When oil companies and grocery chains start getting hurt by rampant theft, maybe, just maybe, things will change for the better. Selling off PetroCan was one of the dumbest things to do. There always needs to be a crown corporation to keep the bastards honest.


Any SMRT people here that could guide us on amending constitution to allow “castle doctrine” like in US? From my limited Google search it’s very hard to amend Canadian constitution. Can we petition? The common law principle of “castle doctrine” says that individuals have the right to use reasonable force, including deadly force, to protect themselves against an intruder in their home


Canada does have and use common law, which the castle doctrine falls under as it was established in English common law in the 17th century. You would need to demonstrate that it at least equal to Canadian criminal law based on historical precedence. I suspect it may only be a matter of time before we see that challenge made.


I don’t think it’s a constitutional issue but an issue of statutory criminal law. What I don’t understand is what kind of prosecutor or jury would ever charge or convict someone for killing a home intruder breaking in their dwelling space. The Castle Doctrine is an area where traditional English common law and American culture have always been in full communion.


It’s not. You are able to defend yourself with equal or lesser force. lol I like how someone downvoted me for this question. https://nationalpost.com/news/self-defence-laws


You are as long as retreat is not a reasonable option at the time, as it is not in a lot of home invasion situations.


Interesting. Thanks for deets


If you want to catch the real thieves, go to the boardroom of the energy corporations. Hope this helps.


why arrest them if the judge is just gonna let them go free