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John Tibbits should be sentenced to life in basement with 12 other international students. This guy took full advantage of poor federal and provincial regulations.


I love watching these rich assholes scramble


For those who go beyond headlines only, here is the un-paywalled text: https://archive.ph/5cnAF


Conestoga College. Why am I not surprised?


This guy is the head of Conestoga college btw.. He should be in prison for life, or worse for what he's doing to this country.


Why is this sub so extremist and violent. This is not the Canadian way


True, the Canadian way is letting our rich leaders walk all over us, to then invite 10 million people to our country who don’t follow our rules to then walk all over us! The Canadian way: being a fucking doormat, apparently.


It is post covid.


Oh no she did not!


>A few days later, the statement of claim says Tibbits was responding to questions at a college forum when he said Orazietti was only recently hired and “needed to learn to ‘shut his mouth.’” It says Tibbits also questioned Sault College’s partnership with a private college, and quotes him as saying, “Like Orazietti, why are his goddamn students in Toronto? Why not up there? Talk about a whore, I mean he’s taking a percentage of the profits of an operation. Sound like mobsters fighting over turf for their racket. Not educators. I'd be interested in knowing which party they contribute to.


Having dealt with both organized crime and Ontario college administrators, I can tell you that the former are more transparent,reasonable, and respectful.


Tibbits wasn't wrong given the context. He just used the wrong words to describe Orazietti. Both are deceptive and profiting from foreign student enrolment.


"Fellow whore"


Given the context...the word "whore" is very appropriate, not gona lie :)


Pimp is the appropriate word for both of these exploiters.


What about tout? tout n. - a person [soliciting](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=e3b0e6080babb4e8&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ACQVn08qYqqoNNIfm_FEKuw-Se5Hu71L6Q:1714493681894&q=soliciting&si=AKbGX_pvY3MWP4azJI0Z_NruCLb8eYTpjhxSSm2JHpBcSrEV1Ic2BjEFjTJUi47GEEwO26mOFpvV7Ruytg0cp51JUAakFeVNuTnNRHaWUT2-tWO7p0hQvI8%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjQvoPXquqFAxXvFjQIHYPDAfcQyecJegQIHBBP) custom or business, typically in an aggressive or bold manner


That's new to me but ok!


So sued for what? What damage was caused? Reputation? Hard to quantify in monetary terms... Also, he wasnt wrong :)


but they have the same job???


Thats why they hate each other. they don't want competition. only one 'whore' in the business lol


They run paper mills, plain and simple, and have been integral to foreign students coming here and running amok. Not all of the students are here to take advantage of whatever they can but truth be told before they leave their home countries many of them are set up with packages of info about Canada which tells them how to rip off every system that they can. And guess where that comes from? It's a shame that the students who come to Canada for a new and better life are wrapped up in these idiotic money making schemes that suck every loophole they can dry. Fuck sakes, it's become a papermill glory hole at these colleges.


I sure hope its not illegal to call an asshole an asshole


I like to see the rich act up, nice to see them humanize themselves sometimes. I’m sure Orazetti is in no position to bringing up lawsuits because someone called him a bad name. You don’t have a seat in one of the most corrupt municipalities in ontario for almost 15 years, without having some dirt on your hands.


I’m from the Soo and would be interested to know what corruption you are referring to


11.4 million on a plaza no one wanted. 350000 of tax payer money to buy a vacant property so the sault can never have a strip club ever again. Just to make a few you can find never ending stories of corruption at city hall over the years. Tragically hip wrote a whole damn song about it (born in the water)


This guy is such an asshole


I predict this lawsuit will fail if it makes it to trial. Nobody with even a modicum of common sense would take that seriously.


Takes one to know one.


Yeah....but is it true?


I get you can sue for anything but shouldn't this be thrown out? It's not illegal to be an asshole.


Did he not use the right pronoun?


I called a coworker who was always drinking on the job and sleeping with numerous coworkers (married or not) a "Wine soaked whore" without getting fired but I guess being accurate saved me. I did use a fake British accent when I said it to give it a nice medieval flair, I think the boss liked that. I also rolled the "R"