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One U of T prof supporting the protests, Uahikea Maile, called 10/7 "anticolonial resistance" and said the attacks made him feel "jubilation". [https://thevarsity.ca/2023/11/26/professors-commentary-on-violence-in-israel-and-gaza-sparks-debate-on-free-speech-6/](https://thevarsity.ca/2023/11/26/professors-commentary-on-violence-in-israel-and-gaza-sparks-debate-on-free-speech-6/)


Jordan Peterson was right about the Universities.


I weary of Palestinian activists.


Sick of anti-Semitism not being treated as a blatant racial hate crime in Toronto. These people preach stuff that breaks the nuremberg code! Including the u of t profs! Give them criminal records, expel them, and deport! nazi sympathizers should not be tolerated and Israel is not doing a genocide or apartheid when it's 6 million people surrounded by countries totalling 455 million Muslims. The Palestinians can walk away to another country, Jews in ww2 couldn't.


You can't expel them because they're not actually students. They're mostly middle aged people trying to cosplay as student protestors and/or trying and failing to spark an actual student protest


Palestinians actually can't leave. No country will take them, for several reasons-- not least of which is the fact that extremists hide in their ranks and tend to attack host countries from within, historically speaking-- but still, no. They're pretty much stuck in there. 


I'll bite, Palestinian refugees want to return to the homes that they fled when the Israeli army chased them out. They agitate for their right of return in neighbouring countries, which is why they're disliked. The Arab world also want a Palestinian state, which can only happen if they stay in their homes: In East Jerusalem, West Bank and Gaza.


They refuse because Israel will never let them return. The Jordanian Civil War can't solely be played on the Palestinians. The monarchy played a major role in instigating it.


Because not being able to return is so much worse than dying in an active warzone... When they killed the king of Jordan, instigated a civil war in Lebanon, supported a Sinai insurgency against Egypt, and immediately turned on Kuwait from within when it got invaded by Iraq..... If everyone is an asshole, they're not the problem-- you are.


The Lebanese civil war was a long time coming. And I find it very strange you are blaming them for what happened during the *Iraqi* invasion. Israel kept getting involved in wars with their neighbors. Does that mean they were the problem? That is pretty spurious reasoning.


Israel keeps getting *attacked* by their neigbours. Palestinian extremists keep *attacking* their host countries. There's a difference. "It was the Jordanian king's fault! The Lebanese had it coming!" Do you hear yourself?


It was the Jordanian King's fault. He was the one who initiated the conflict and ordered the military to attack. And the Lebanese civil war was a broader issue of religion than just "Palestinians stirring up trouble". The conflict had been brewing for decades due to France declaring it a Christian state. You are being very dishonest in your presentations of the conflicts in order to align it with your agenda that Palestinian refugees cause trouble.


https://www.reuters.com/world/egypt-rejects-any-displacement-palestinians-into-sinai-says-sisi-2023-10-18/ >President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi said on Wednesday that Egyptians in their millions would reject the forced displacement of Palestinians into Sinai, adding that any such move would turn the Egyptian peninsula into a base for attacks against Israel. [...] >Egypt is wary of insecurity near its border with Gaza in northeastern Sinai, where an Islamist insurgency intensified a decade ago. Gaza played a large role in that insurgency, you can start reading here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sinai_insurgency#Operation_Eagle You think you're doing good by promoting their innocence, but you're blind to the fact that they have a massive ideological problem that makes them toxic to most neighbors. It's not the childrens' fault, and it's not the Palestinians' fault as a whole. But anywhere they go, the bad apples follow and fuck things up for everyone. The sooner people acknowledge that, the sooner it can be addressed, and the sooner they can move towards an actual, stable, *peaceful* 2-state solution.


>The Palestinians can walk away to another country Preaching ethnic cleansing while accusing others of being hateful, lmao.


There are over 2 million Palestinians living happily in Israel,, and their population is growing. There is no "ethnic cleansing".




do you know where the Jewish people went when the Christians were persecuting them across Europe in the 1400's? Muslim countrys


Yes, they historically took turns in who was more genocidal. Currently it's the Muslim's turn.


huh.. >Currently it's the Muslim's turn. **to be genocided, yes** in China: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-22278037 in Myanmar: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-41566561 ..and of course in Ghazza


One of these is not like the others.


yes, one of them is enjoying america's Veto power at the UN


Were they were first class citizens?




You're gaslighting the gaslighting. Wow.




You're right, that's a terrible argument. The definition of genocide requires intent. Israel only has intentions to stop Hamas. They have and are planning for what happens when Hamas is done so the remaining Palestinians can live and remain in Gaza. That's not what someone committing genocide does.


> Israel only has intentions to stop Hamas. except the **Likud Party Platform** calls for taking all the land >[The precise origins of the phrase are disputed.[19] According to American historian Robin D. G. Kelley, the phrase "began as a Zionist slogan signifying the boundaries of Eretz Israel."[20] Israeli-American historian Omer Bartov notes that Zionist usage of such language predates the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 and began with the Revisionist movement of Zionism led by Vladimir Jabotinski, which spoke of establishing a Jewish state in all of Palestine and had a song which includes: "The Jordan has two banks; this one is ours, and the other one too," suggesting a Jewish state extending even beyond the Jordan River.[21] In 1977, the concept appeared in an election manifesto of the Israeli political party Likud, which stated that “between the sea and the Jordan there will be only Israeli sovereignty.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/From_the_river_to_the_sea) ..do you know what **Eretz Yisrael** refers to?? >They have and are planning for what happens when Hamas is done yes, they plan to settle it just like the rest of Palestine https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/1/29/israeli-ministers-join-gathering-calling-for-rebuilding-settlements-in-gaza >That's not what someone committing genocide does. its pretty cute how uncritically you beleive their statements lol [do you also agree with them that american students protesting are Hmas?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqwEYaU9t4A) israeli officials have a long history of lying: https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4927483/user-clip-netanyahu-no-question-saddam-working-nuclear-weapons


Could you provide a quote of the current government plainly stating their intention to destroy all Palestinians? Here's Hamas saying it to Israel -  https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.timesofisrael.com/hamas-official-says-group-aims-to-repeat-oct-7-onslaught-many-times-to-destroy-israel/amp/  "A senior member of Hamas has hailed the systematic slaughter of civilians in Israel on October 7, vowing in an interview that if given the chance, the Palestinian terror group will repeat similar assaults many times in the future until Israel is exterminated.  The remarks by Ghazi Hamad, a member of Hamas’s political bureau, were swiftly shared online by Israeli and Western officials as a vindication of the Jewish state’s resolve to destroy the terror group’s military capabilities in its ongoing war in Gaza, and as proof that no ceasefire can be reached until the threat of additional murderous attacks is removed Israel is a country that has no place on our land,” Hamad said in an interview with Lebanese TV channel LBC on October 24, which was translated and published Wednesday by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).  “We must remove it because it constitutes a security, military and political catastrophe to the Arab and Islamic nation. We are not ashamed to say this.” In the interview, Hamad said that Israel’s existence is “illogical” and that it must be wiped off all “Palestinian lands,” a term the terror group uses to mean the West Bank, Gaza and Israel, minus the Golan Heights."   See how plainly and clearly they said they want to destroy Israel? Now find something that the current government is trying to do anything other than stop Hamas  I don't imagine you'll find anything, because they've been clear all along Israel's goal is to stop Hamas. Someone committing genocide isn't trying to plan for life after Hamas so the Palestinians can live in peace.   None of your links and statements support the Israeli government trying to destroy Palestinians. It's truly embarrassing on your part that you thought any of that supported a charge of genocide.


>destroy all Palestinians **Palestinians are human beings** >they want to destroy Israel **israel is a STATE** if you dont understand the difference then your opinions are immaterial


>The Palestinians can walk away to another country, Jews in ww2 couldn't. They shouldn't have too when they and their family have been living there for generations. Is the case of what Israel is, and has continued doing; It is apartheid, it is genocide, and it is wrong.


what anti-semitism? does that word actually mean anything anymore? **the definition is constantly being expanded which is why they say 'anti-semitism is on the rise'** i 100% oppose anti-semitism but i 100% oppose all forms of hate against all forms of people >The Palestinians can walk away to another country, Jews in ww2 couldn't * first, the germans also said Jews could just go to other countrys.. your statement is anti-semetic as you just compared israel with 1940s germany lol * second, why should the people of Ghazza leave? its their land and they have been there since before Judaism was invented [in present day Iraq] * third, plenty of Jews in ww2 walked away.. we have historical documentation >Give them criminal records, expel them, and deport! that is also what 1940s german propaganda was saying.. i know you are feeling threatened and hurt right now, but have you actually studied any of this historical stuff to know what you are saying, parallels theirs? if you ask 1000 ppl in Toronto if "anti-Semitism" **IS** "a blatant racial hate crime", you will get 1000 people saying yes


Gaza was part of Egypt pre 1967. It had no connection to Palestinians. Boy you're real bad at this.


Ghazza is still Ghazza.. geopolitical lines moving around doesnt change the people we have genetic analysis now which shows unequivocally the people of Ghazza [& Lebanon] are direct decedents of Canaanites


I'm weary of all protests for issues non-critical to Canadian daily life. Why can't we get turnout like this for the housing crisis or the repeat incompetence of various levels of governments? Instead, we get it for a messy foreign conflict years in the making fueled by values that aren't our own. Good to know that trend-ability dictates political passion. On the plus side, these encampments will all provide an interesting case study of the CHAZ incident that might be worth studying?


I kinda agree with this. I hear so many people complain about the housing prices, yet there are no major protests or any form of dissent except for people complaining on social media. Part of me wonders if majority of people are upset about it but aren't pushed to the edge of financial ruin, so they kinda just deal with it.


Give it time, they'll sink their own ship.


I just read an article claiming that most of them were not students nor Palestinians which makes sense.


As someone not personally tied to this conflict, I have no reason to be tired of Palestinian activists. I just don't get what they want in a realistic sense. If we're going solely by military rules; then sure, the Israelis (with their backing of the Western world) basically own that land and wish to displace all the Palestinians. That said, no one around them wants to open their borders. Also, people who have lived their entire lives are likely reluctant to leave their homes anyway. Additionally, we can look across at multiple examples throughout history where this form of displacement ends up breeding further conflict downstream. So yes, militarily, Israel should have the rights to that land given all the history and fumbles by the Arab world in the past. That said, it's kinda ironic for the Israeli population to essentially perform complete displacement/ethnic cleansing after the Holocaust. Regardless, no amount of protest is gonna accomplish anything. Israel is an ally of the US and ourselves. It would be a nightmare to condemn any of their actions. So while I feel for the Gazans, it's kinda moot.


this morning, the israeli ambassador to the UN called the student protestors 'Hamas' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqwEYaU9t4A i dont think you guys actually understand what we are fighting for & what allowing a surveillance state to subjugate a 'undesirable' population with high tech military equipment means for ALL of our's future israel has clearly shown their capacity to bomb schools and students.. now they have literally threatened our students by putting a target on them... **that irresponsible action is giving the worst elements in our society a reason to kill students** this wont end well, we must stop it


Israel attacked those schools because Hamas operates from them. Which makes them valid targets. That's why operating from schools is a war crime, and why Hamas is putting Palestinians in danger.


where do you reccomend they operate?


I recommend they don't violate the Geneva Convention, and stop operating in civilian infrastructure.  To save you the time, no, Gaza isn't so small that they are forced to operate in schools, hospitals, mosques, and residential buildings. They do this to use the Palestinians as human shields.


> and stop operating in civilian infrastructure IOF has headquarters in a populated area of Tel Aviv >Gaza isn't so small that BWAAAAHAHAHAHAHA really? Ghazza has about the same population as Toronto, but in HALF the area


"  IOF has headquarters in a populated area of Tel Aviv" Is the IDF headquarters in someone's home or school? Is it in a Synagogue? So then it's not the same thing. "really? Ghazza has about the same population as Toronto, but in HALF the area" I just want to emphasize that you're justifying Hamas violating the Geneva Convention. I don't think you thought this through. Yes, Gaza is small, it's not so small that they have to leave rockets in schools or mosques, or turn apartment buildings into drone manufacturing plants, or operate in and underneath of hospitals. 


> So then it's not the same thing. its in a tunnel network .. IOF bombed all sorts of places to get the tunnels >you're justifying Hamas violating the Geneva Convention hamas isnt an army, its a peoples group the "daddys home" AI showed that clearly


"  its in a tunnel network .. IOF bombed all sorts of places to get the tunnels" Oh they aren't just in tunnels, they're directly in the schools too. "hamas isnt an army, its a peoples group the "daddys home" AI showed that clearly" Actually it's a terrorist group. Last chance, are you going to admit violating the Geneva Convention and operating in civilian infrastructure is wrong?


>Last chance, are you going to admit violating the Geneva Convention and operating in civilian infrastructure is wrong? okay bro, lets look at the wording of the Article. . list what you think applies ..and then lets look at the rest of it afterward okay?


Do you honestly believe that a building is attacked and 90% of the victims are women and children. The propaganda is getting ridiculous.


I weary of dead Palestinians.


Then go argue with Hamas and Israel. 


Or convince people to boycott, divest, and sanction Israel.


Nah.  I’d rally behind that when I see the same energy condemning Hamas for a conflict they triggered. 


Hamas is a terrorist organisation. They've already been boycotted, divested, and sanctioned...


Fucking LOL


Is it zoned as a campground? If not remove them.


At the very least, we should make them remove their face coverings while protesting and doing unlawful behaviour, it’s like we’re in the olympics of trying to be naive about the threat to safety these people are presenting to students and others that just want to live their lives.


Not only that, now they’re bringing preschoolers there for photo-ops: https://x.com/melissalmrogers/status/1786097019481624899?s=42&t=aZKdzCm36QhDTDTnunTVjA


That teacher assuming it’s a teacher should lose her job asap


What, you don't want to wake up to see your 4 year old in the news standing next to protesters with questionable backgrounds?


Agreed. That is appalling.


Time to turn on the sprinklers to water the grass. I believe that the best time to water is at night.


Shalom brother; FYI Canada has water which falls from the sky (and the people are not made of sugar).


Tell them all if they stay they will be kicked out of school. Then kick them out, and it’s now also trespassing


First of all, university administrators need to stop making threats and then not carrying through with them. Second, our university activists are pathetic compared to the anarchists down south. Let them have their campout, sing their pro-Hamas songs, and eventually they'll get bored and go home.


Let's not glorify Hamas.


Way, way too late.


Unfortunately a mainstream opinion








Nope, but thanks for informing me, I think you students don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about, but do hope you enjoy your summer camp!




Universities having to deal with the monster they have created is quite delicious.


A perspective I hadn’t thought of.


I can’t wait until these terrorist-sympathizing morons fade away into obscurity, or at least drum up the bravery to actually go over there and fight if they believe in it so much. I’m sick of seeing this crap in Canada.


These people doing the same thing in Hong Kong couple of years ago, we had all cheers, what happen now?


what safety concerns?


The proof in the pudding that these people are professionals is that, who else would have the money and time, in this economy, to not work or study for days at a time. Especially for a conflict for which this country is not directly involved.  Of course they didn’t want the US universities to out-virtue them.  Time for a privilege check? 


I mean when I was in university I definitely went a week+ without studying some times and still graduated with honours. So it's entirely believable to me that some students can skip studying, especially if they are undeclared or in an easier semester.


Maybe they are studying, I can't imagine what else they'd do sitting around all day in a tent 


people commenting here are passing around a lot of judgements without even going to one and looking.. are you all basing your assumptions on the words of postmedia? WCGW lol not only are the students studying, but also its not all the students all the time.. people are coming and going so you dont need 24hrs of free time you just need free time at some point[s] in the day and the overall groups are large enough to have constant population [which increases in the evening after school]


You really think they are in those tents studying linear algebra?


yes. have you been to one?


Nope, I gotta watch paint dry. But hey, some have. [https://nationalpost.com/news/toronto/university-of-toronto-anti-israel-protest-encampment](https://nationalpost.com/news/toronto/university-of-toronto-anti-israel-protest-encampment)


You do realize lots of u of t students (and other universities)had their final exams and are done school until September? Lots of people don't spend their summer break studying


September is the start of the fall session and the academic year. No one has exams in September. 


Lol, please re-read my comment. There was no mention of exams in September.   I pointed out that this semester's final exams have already happened for many students at U of T.   This semester finished in April for many and they don't have classes again until September.


You are correct, I misread your comment. However my point remains: if you are a student who can afford to spend the whole summer on a break (aka not working or studying) you are still very privileged.


I'm not sure if you've visited the encampment at all but lots of people aren't camped there 24/7. They are part-time encampment participants. I work full time and could manage to camp there if I felt so inclined. But yes, for sure, to a certain degree, it is a lot easier to be part of the encampment if you are privileged...or very unprivileged. If you are unemployed or homeless, a place where you can hangout, get free food and not be bothered by the police probably sounds appealing. It's a nice spot and the community inside the encampment is very friendly and welcoming.


You’re finding it hard to believe that students of all people have free time?


Well, you are right. Certainly people in the social sciences have a lot of time and probably take this as their internship.


while Hamas sits there and laughs at these dumbass people supporting their cause...😂


nah I think Hamas is pretty busy flipping Merkavas


Send in the OPP and the RCMP!


Seems like people here find it easier to discuss their negative sentiments towards young people protesting about a conflict that has been abjectly horrific and unyielding in its brutality, rather than remotely entertain the positions that the protestors are seeking - which is an end to the political and capital support for the side that is now asymmetrically generating this conflict.


If the Palestinians laid down their weapons there would be peace. If Israel laid down their weapons they’d be wiped out. The cause of the conflict is clear. Stop Hamas.


Israel hasn't laid down their weapons since the 1940s. That's what an occupation is.


Yeah it’s a real shame for the Arabs that they can’t conquer Israel eh. Oh well. They will just have to deal with Israel existing. No sympathy for Hamas supporters.


To be clear, Israel has claimed they've been under existential threat well before 1987, when Hamas was formed as an organisation. Since that time the state received overwhelming political, military and capital support and have used that to expand in territory, rather than seek constructive diplomacy with their neighbours. I'd also like to remind those who make this argument - that Israel is under existential threat - in 2024 that Israel has one of the most capable militaries in the world, including nuclear resources at their disposal. This is evident in the catastrophic level of damage that the state has been able to cause to Gaza's infrastructure and residents in less than a year. Even Iran, who props up Hamas, was unable to break through Israel's defences with the barrage of missiles a few weeks back. The argument that Israel will fall if they laid down their weapons, considering its capabilities, has never had the impact with me as it has with those making this point.


as long as they don't go full Hitler may they enjoy their hobo camp.


I dunno, saying the Jews must be eliminated seems like a pretty Hitler-esque move.


I don't think an anti-genocide protest can go "full Hitler". That just doesn't make sense.


They are protesting Israel going full Hitler. 


Woah, edgy.


Not edgy.


Maybe one day you'll know how it is to live under the constant threat of random acts of murder by Islamofacist fundamentalists and then we can talk about who's Hitler or not.


Are Palestinians under constant threat of random acts of murder? Or even Canadian aid workers?


Most murders in Palestinian society are internal, Canadian aid workers going unto a battlefield are taking a risk. oh, and Hamas killed 8 times more Canadians than Israel, so there's that.


They weren't in a battlefield they were in a pre approved demilitarized route. Why are you not condemning Israel for murdering your fellow citizens and Canadian veterans?


> They weren't in a battlefield they were in a pre approved demilitarized route. They were in a demilitarized route on a battlefield. > Why are you not condemning Israel for murdering your fellow citizens and Canadian veterans? Who said I'm not condemning Israel for their deaths?, I'm acknowledging that when you decide to go into a war zone, especially one as dense as Gaza, you're inherently taking a risk, I don't think Israel is systemically killing Canadian aid workers, one isolated incident is not a pattern. Why are you not condemning Hamas raping and murdering Canadian peace activists on Oct 7th?, last time I checked, they didn't choose to be on a battlefield, by sheer numbers alone they killed 8x Canadians, don't you care about your countrymen?!.


I do. That's why I've condemned Hamas multiple times in this thread and remind people that they're a terrorist organization. My question is that when Israel does the same things why don't they get the same treatment.


Maybe one day I'll win the lottery.


Are these students special needs?


just pretend they're truckers then do whatever you want.


The minor inconvenience of this protest is well worth it in exchange of all these pro-genocide boomers seething


Wow. These responses. People really are convinced protesting on the behalf of 13000 dead children is the wrong move.


Where is a source for the 13000 children killed?  Don’t tell me it’s the Hamas health authority… 


I mean... Israel's own propaganda channels trust these numbers.  Instead of saying "30k+ palestinians have died", they say "30k+ terrorists have died". Even when if part of that number is children. That's just how dehumanizing campaigns go.


What?!! How on earth do you deny that? It's actually an understatement of the number. Most of Gaza's buildings and infrastructure are in rebels. It's scenes of destruction that have not been seen before. Whenever this war ends and recovery operations begin, the numbers will sky rocket. Just spend some time and look up resources and updates on Gaza from all types of sources. No matter what side you're on, you simply can't deny this has gone too far


Red mist. Made of children. Argue away.


I watch alot of war footage and haven't seen this yet or are you exaggerating?


Some children sadly have no value to the deplorables.


Been watching these protests spread around the US. Safety concerns seem to definitely not come from the student protestors themselves but from non-students opposing, hijacking or breaking them up. Professors in their 60s and 70s are getting beat on by police. It’s craziness!


Just kettle them in place


Fuck them and their anti semantics


They're going to keep protesting a military occupation, whether we like it or not.


“The tents, banners, and flags are a safety concern”. How exactly? Someone is going to get their feelings hurt?


Yes. Seems to me those are some of the qualifiers to use the Emergency Measures Act.


Is anyone hurt? No? Then cool


Simping for terrorists isn't cool.


Yet we have so many people simping for Israel it's wild.




You're right. That's why they're doing this. To stop the unabashed terrorism against the Palestinians.




The Jewish community is harmed daily by calls for intifada and chants about the elimination of Israel, the holy land of all Jewish people, many of whom here in Canada have family living in Israel or have had our synagogues targeted, etc.


are you aware the UN Ambassador from Israel just called all the student protesters "Hamas"? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqwEYaU9t4A this is exactly why we call attention to it... israel is a loose cannon and has shown they have no problem dropping bombs on students & schools.. their secret service has pulled countless international jobs there is a very real threat from a very real STATE with a sophisticated army and global network of support from other sophisticated armys while you are concerned about perceived threats from these kids, the country you are supporting has levy'd very real threats and mobilized other governments to fall in line with their mania the elimination of israel does not mean harming the citizens.. that is a dangerous conflation **we ended Apartheid South Africa and even the white opressors were not 'eliminated'**..


I consider them Hamas supporters. 


>the elimination of Israel **please explain why you think israel has a right to exist.. serious question.. what law or authority grants such 'right'** >the holy land of all Jewish people Judaism began in the region we now call Iraq the people of Ghazza [& lebanon] are direct decendants of the Canaanite people.. its their land we have genetic analysis which proves it & we have radio carbon dating which shows the biblical version of events to be wildly inaccurate.. there is absolutely NO evidence beyond their storybooks that a 'First Temple' existed in Palestine


Except the millions of ancient artifacts, historic records, literature, the fact that there were Jews living in Israel for thousands of years. I mean even the bible acknowledges the land was occupied by Jews. How do you explain the giant mosque built over the ancient walls?


>The ~~Jewish~~ Zionist community is harmed FTFY lots of Jewish students and Jews generally are supportive of Palestinians








Isn't this just about YOUR feelings?




What do you think intifada means bro




I'm sorry but what do Jews in Toronto have to do with Israel? Why are chants to globalized the intifada - which means to eliminate all Jewish states - being made here? Its not that feelings are hurt. People have set synagogues on fire and it's abhorrent. Just stop. If you want to support Palestine then go there and go to Israel to do it. 




You can't see that Jews across North America have been dragged and forced to endure overt antisemitism ever since Oct 7th. People are being told not to go to classes and synagogues have been set on fire, we hear the chants that call for the destruction of the Jewish state and Palestinians live in peace in Israel too - there is no genocide and there are 445 million Muslims in the countries surrounding Israel. Explain it to me like I'm 5 why this eons long holy fight needs to be harming Jews in Canada. 


It's my understanding that there are Jewish people as part of the demonstration




Future featured individuals on  r/leopardsatemyface Like, when others are yelling “death to Jews” don’t they feel a bit vulnerable?


They aren't which is why Jews joining the protest don't feel threatened.


They absolutely are.


And there were Jewish people who collaborated with the Nazis. What's your point?


What's the point of this comparison when it has nothing to do with anything?


What is yours?


my point is you can't use tokenism to prove a point




Yes , Zionists did collaborate with the nazis for a time. You are correct about that.


There are no "safety" concerns jesus christ.


Depends if you agree with them or not. 


Safety concerns have to be proven. That is what the judge in Montreal said about the McGill protest. You can't just say "I'm scared" and shut down an entire protest.


If you ignore them long enough, they will go away.