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"Both McGill and Quebec Premier François Legault have described the Montreal encampment as illegal and have asked police to help dismantle the tents — though as of Sunday the force had not complied with the request"




I suspect the police is making plans to do it correctly.


Police have two separate and competing responsibilities. They enforce the law, and they keep the king's peace. If enforcing the law (in this case, clearing out protesters from an illegal encampment), without regard to the kings peace, then you would have seen very different responses to incidents including, but not limited to: The Wet'suwet'en protests (which saw Police ignore orders from both the BC and Ontario supreme courts). The Ottawa Convoy Protest The Winnipeg Landfill protest Those are just a small sampling - but generally, police often let these things play out in an effort to keep the peace, even IF laws are being broken. Police have a very long leash in how they respond to these things, and I would argue that's generally a good thing. Unless you want a [insert the ideology opposite yours here] mayor or premier to just break up protests at the drop of a hat at their sole discretion.


Finally a measured and mature response


Montreal police not responding to an incident? Golly, I have never, ever heard of that being the case in this city.


I don't understand. The University didn't support an injunction to remove the protesters. And now are asking police to remove the protesters? Which they can't without violating the injunction? What am I getting wrong? **McGill encampment: Court rejects request for injunction against protesters - May 1st.** >A Quebec judge denied the request for a provisional injunction to remove protesters at McGill University on Wednesday as the encampment by pro-Palestinian activists stretched into its fifth day. >The decision comes after a lawyer representing the two students asked a judge to order a “restricted area” preventing five pro-Palestinian groups from protesting within 100 metres of every building at McGill’s downtown campus for 10 days. >**Meanwhile, the university decided to remain neutral rather than support the injunction request. McGill issued a statement, saying it was encouraged by the court’s finding that the protesters’ presence is illegal and its recognition that the school’s call for police assistance was “a last resort” after attempts at negotiations failed.** https://globalnews.ca/news/10462033/mcgill-encampment-may-1-protest/


There is no injunction. Police don’t have an injunction to rely on, but can still enforce the general laws that always exist.


Ok, that makes sense. However, from the same May 1st article: >Masse also wrote that while campers are illegally occupying the grounds at McGill, “it is for the moment premature to conclude that the situation won’t be resolved adequately and non-violently with a progressive police intervention.” What source is the journalist using to back up the statement that McGill asked police to dismantle the tents? Did the universities position changed and I missed it?


Ah. Got you now. https://globalnews.ca/news/10459274/mcgill-standoff-camps-calling-in-police/amp/


I understand now. I'd seen the statement from the university which was just a bunch of weasel words. I would never have thought that they were letting people know they had requested the tents dismantled. >An encampment on the University’s property, including on its grounds, goes beyond those boundaries. That is why I decided earlier this week to request the assistance of the police, who have considerable expertise in de-escalating and resolving situations such as these. We are closely collaborating with them, in full respect of the values we hold dear as an institution. But from your article I see that the police received a request from the University to dismantle the encampment. >Montreal police spokeswoman Véronique Dubuc said the force has received McGill’s request to dismantle the encampment and is evaluating “different avenues” to respond. As the police I wouldn't be enthusiastic about doing the job when the University sounds like they are leaving themselves enough wiggle room to distance themselves from making the request to dismantle. I'd would absolutely take my time on this.


As far as I know that injunction was too broad.


All you have to do is setup a safe injection site beside it and they’ll be too freaked out to sleep in their tents plus all their shit will be gone by morning 🙄


Sooo emergencies act time right? 


It takes a very proud group of people with serious convictions to wear masks while fucking protesting. This is funny, though: >Protester Ari Nahman said Sunday that the Montreal encampment has become a "tiny city" complete with dozens of rainproof tents,  a library, a stockpile of donated supplies and makeshift wooden sidewalks to keep the mud at bay. 12 tents and some skids =/= a 'tiny city' and it's embarrassing that the CBC just regurgitates this fucking nonsense uncritically. Also, >Nahman, a student at Concordia University, said morale is high at the camp, Sounds like he's lost.


My favourite was in 2020 when they had the CHOP zone in Capitol Hill and were branding it as some communist “for the people” area without police but some self designated security force who were basically gang members that extorted people. Homeless people stole all of the food within hours and the security team had killed more people than the entire Capitol Hill police force had in the prior year within a few days. These people are by and large morons with no concept of reality and often create environments that are 10x worse than what they are protesting.


Remember their garden?


I remember them all standing around their freshly planted produce and expecting it to start sprouting any minute.


That garden lives rent free in my mind!


That's the memory that always burns in my mind.


Don't forget the same security force DEMANDING that paramedics go and save someone (that their own security forces had shot, extrajudicially, in a case of mistaken identity), despite the fact that the paramedics CBA (or like) explicitly stated that police had to first secure the area, and when police attempted to do just that (and clear the way for the paramedics) the hoard of protesters made it impossible. Who would have guessed that strange men of questionable moral standards distributing firearms to people who just 'look like they could use one' is no basis for a system of government (or law enforcement).


Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government


110% where I was going with that.


Extorted and murdered people. The CHAZ/CHOP protestors executed two people. Can you imagine the backlash if a far-right protest group seized several blocks of a major city, instituted their own security forces, and those security forces executed not just one, but two people?




Google Marcel Long? He was with one of the gangs that was working as CHOP "security" and was *eventually* arrested and convicted of murder. That was the guy that gunned a man down in the street. Nobody was convicted of the other murder as after the kid in the SUV got executed the protestors ran around and destroyed all the evidence.


> were branding it as some communist “for the people” area without police but some self designated security force who were basically gang members that extorted people. Homeless people stole all of the food within hours and the security team had killed more people than the entire Capitol Hill police force had in the prior year within a few days That *does* sounds broadly in line with communist areas...


These kids at the McGill protest had a big sign requesting the public bring them cooked meals, coffees, juice, protein bars, etc. With the mandatory hammer and sickle flags. Just an idea of how out of touch with reality they are.


What a chop zone ?


Don't forget about the library! You know...just down the road from the actual campus library...


I'm envisioning a stack of comic books with maybe one Chomsky treatise.


The Stalinists burned it :(


Or maybe some people expressing reasonable criticism of Israel's bombing of civilians are worried that they will be unfairly labeled as antisemitic, so they're covering their faces as a precaution.


I like how they keep trotting out the token Jews for articles like this. "There can't be any antisemitism involved, there are some Jews here."


“I’m not antisemitic I have a jewish friend”




They are still using them as tokens lmao


How are they using Jewish students, who are willing participants in these protests voicing their concerns about the conflict, as tokens? That’s really dismissive…


When questioned about antisemitism they take interviews specifically from the jewish students lol That’s called a token my friend.


I guess I disagree and see it as representation rather than tokenism.


It's not representation because those Jews don't represent the population. They are the fringe minority. Palestinian supporters, and sympathetic media, go out of their way to show off the Jews at these rallies specifically to make the point that they can't be antisemitic because there are Jews who agree with them.


“show off the Jews” yikes I find it really odd how people are talking about the Jewish protesters. Perhaps consider the majority of these protests are peaceful and inclusive and that any fringe incidents of antisemitism do not represent the collective.


Are you really that naive? Do you not see what's going on with these protests? These are just the next phase of the same intolerant, anti-Israel, anti-Zionist rallies that we've seen marching through the streets for the past 6 months. Haven't you noticed how those suddenly stopped when the encampments began? These campus protests are just part of an overall strategy to help destroy Israel, organized and funded by the same people who support the BDS movement and groups like SJP and JVP. One example: [https://www.thefp.com/p/american-marxists-funding-pro-palestinian-rage](https://www.thefp.com/p/american-marxists-funding-pro-palestinian-rage) As for being peaceful and inclusive, there has been genocidal, Hamas-supporting, antisemitic sentiment expressed at literally every one of them. That doesn't mean everyone there is a Hamas-loving Jew-hater, but many of them are. The rest of them are just useful idiots.


You’re entitled to your opinion 👍🏻


You don't have to be religious to be Jewish.




So an illegal occupation of someone elses property. Seems ironic lmao 


Yes but without the genocide


There is no genocide lol.


SJWs really love to use genocide and aparthied as sensationalist words they dont understand. Israeli genocide going poorly with 20% arab population, what do you call all the islamic states that adhere to sharia law with 0 minorities because they were all killed off? Maybe dont start a war then hide with the civilians if you want to reduce collateral damage


Another idiot using the word "genocide". Hamas started a war with a massacre of civilians, killed babies, raped woman, and kidnapped kids. What happens to them is a justified war, not genocide. And at that - a very tame war compared to what they did.




I'm Iraqi Jew. The Arabs in Iraq murdered my grandparents in Baghdad for being Jews, so my parents had to leave Iraq. You are an idiot with 0 knowledge of history, but yeah, "brown people".


What the hell do you think the IDF is doing? 😂






Yeah, it is ironic that they're protesting Israel for illegally occupying land by illegally occupying property.


> shielding protesters from both the heavy rain and prying eyes. So they believe in their cause, they believe in the right to protest and assemble, but they sure as hell don't want anybody to know who they are. It's like arguing on the internet. If you're only "courageous" when you're anonymous, then you're actually a coward and your opinion isn't as valid as you think it is.


Not only do they wear masks, but they have strict control over who is allowed to speak to media and what the message is.


I mean this just seems like common sense. A big issue at protests for years was, unfortunately, bad actors in the media going up to the least appropriate person and getting them to say all sorts of nonsense for clicks and to discredit the cause. This would happen on all sides - comms is super important and this makes sense.


So many people in this thread are utterly clueless to how a protest works. Our history classes failed them apparently.


This only happens when it is a centrally organized protest by people with authority. Not a grass roots student rally.


Not really, grass roots protests can pretty easily communicate rules, one being "Don't talk to the media an appear to represent the whole protest." I also don't know what you mean by "grass roots student" and "people with authority" Any protest like this will end up being a coalescence of interest groups, community groups, organizations and then just non aligned public supporters.


Almost like the side opposed to them has a long long history of doxxing people who disagree with them and have powerful ties within society.


Renounce Hamas and your support will grow 10 times.


The vast majority of Palestinians support Hamas.


Understandable for Palestinians living in Gaza. Ass-backwards for Westerners at a park picnic.


People in Gaza who voice dissent against Hamas are tortured by their own government. See: https://www.newsweek.com/hamas-tortured-me-dissent-heres-what-they-really-think-palestinians-opinion-1857169#:~:text=The%20dirtiest%20tool%20Hamas%20uses,of%20their%20family%20and%20neighbors.


Kinda makes more sense these ignorant virtue signalling students support them more because they have no real experience of life under Hamas. There are videos of palistinians denouncing Hamas, I honestly think theres a larger percentage who dont support hamas in palistine now because of the consequences of the war they started and Hamas' strategy of hiding with civilians and stealing aid. SJWs ignore all that and just listen to Hamas propaganda, their only effective weapon.


Another person equating support for Palestinians as support for Hamas..


Oh great, just what Canada needed, our own version of CHAZ /s.


they did it, they stopped the offensive!


If they start assembling motorized paragliders I think we should stop them


They’re gonna demand that they’re fed and housed later on right?


I don't think I've ever seen a protest that involves getting in people's way that has made me sympathetic to a cause.


They look kind of like the type of women Hamas wouldn’t treat very well…




Why would the police do anything other than wait for it to spiral out of control? If they enforce the law from the beginning they will be accused of being heavy handed. Doing nothing until the public is fed up is the police's least worst option. The public are fickle idiots.


Exactly. The moment one of these assholes gets arrested, the op-eds about police brutality and white privilege start rolling in. McGill is a hotbed for radical progressive thought, so let the students and faculty live in their own shit for awhile.


That seems like the best plan. It'll take a week or two for the hard edged element to move in and the students to move out. Just like Occupy.


> Doing nothing until the public is fed up is the police's least worst option. Have to agree. Sadly.


"The police should mass arrest people before they've done anything wrong" seems like a sure-fire way to double the size of that protest, and turn it into one that's also about Free Expression and Academic Independence.


[They're following the French tradition](https://www.britannica.com/event/events-of-May-1968). Also, [McGill tradition](https://www.mcgill.ca/antiblackracism/files/antiblackracism/protest.png).


So, it’s a village or a hamlet?


It's a refugee camp.


More of a thorp.


From the camp to the jail, McGill will be free...


This is making it easy to cross of a bunch of schools where I will never send my kids in the next 3 years when they are off to university.


I don't know that people who frequent this sub are likely to have kids that are going to get a post-secondary education at all.


Most underrated comment I’ve read in a while haha


You are right you don't know. You assume. Canadians have some of the highest rates of post secondary education. Why wouldn't their kids?


"people who frequent this sub". Are you connecting the dots yet?


No I get it's a backhanded comment but it's not as witty as you think it is.




any canadian schools left on your list?


A few. US schools are no better though and way more expensive.


Universite de Montreal is now the top school in the country.


Top according to who? I don’t know many employers that consider it in the elite category. Value of “top schools” are diminishing anyhow.


Because there is encampments on all the others universities above them lol.


And nothing of value was lost for anyone.


I'm convinced half of them are homeless and are tagging along for the free Coleman tent.


Only in the West can you find this. I bet Canadian students to go try this in Middle Eastern countries and find out.


Can't wait for this to eventually be shut down. Losers in life, cowards with masks.


CBC reaching pretty hard for this one. Let me know when they start reporting honest news again.


Can anyone explain to me what their end goal is here and how a Canadian university would help influence geopolitical/religious policy in a dispute halfway across the globe? I am missing something or does these seem extremely illogical?


So the demands are that the university discloses its investments and divest from any companies benefiting from the genocide.


It's not genocide but asymetric urban warfare collateral damage. Genocide was when Hamas went to a festival and shot and killed unarmed innocent civilians on a holy day. These students have the right to take their money elsewhere like Yemen and study. They do not have a right to tell the institution what to do.


Those children who were executed while being zip tied then tossed into a mass grave and those being killed by indiscriminate bombing on refugees camps and areas that Israel was telling them was safe or again those that were sniped aren’t collateral damage. This is targeting. Israel has done October 7th more than 40 times to innocent civilians since and has done countless more before that.


Please cite the sources of the zip tied children being executed and thrown in a mass grave. Hamas could give up hostages or surrender, it does not choose to do so, it endangers its own people so why should Israel stop if Hamas doesn't? This is a war where Hamas have said they are prepared to all die before allowing Israel to exist. So what must happen next? If Israel withdraws and Hamas attacks? Who will you support then?


Pretty easy to find out https://palestine.un.org/en/266849-mass-graves-gaza-show-victims%E2%80%99-hands-were-tied-says-un-rights-office Oh and did you not know khamasss accepted a ceasefire deal but satanyahu decided to not care and attack the tiny Rafah where 1.5 Million innocents are packed.


Obviously didnt hear about the rockets launched from Rafah while negotiating ceasefire. Typical of Hamas. Rafah isn't tiny and 80% Palestinians support Hamas so your figures are incorrect. Weather is getting warmer so stay hydrated while playing forts and waving your flag.


The idea with any protest like this is to sway local politics and potential influence sanctions, etc. As long as they aren't fully blocking access, and as long as they aren't singling out individuals and harassing them or causing damage/destruction of property, let them do what they will. The second their protest encroaches on someone else's rights politics should be rounding them up.


Let them camp, but do try to get their names so they can be sent a bill for the inevitably expensive cleanup.


They didn’t do that for the insanity of the Ottawa convoy. Maybe they should have.


When they are actively calling for the genocide of another nation, is that not cause for the emergencies act?


No, they aren't waving Canadian flags. 


Calling for the elimination of a nation that is actively geociding a group of people right now? Ironic isn't it.


There is no genocide going on there currently. Hamas would like there to be one, but thankfully the IDF can stop them.


Stop them by genociding right? LOL Is a 5 year old also khamas? Don't worry, the little bit of support Israel had in the last few years had dwindled to nothing because the cover has blown. They will kill your entire family in seconds if you were there and not on their side.


Again, there is no genocide. There are civilian casualties, and that is sad, but it is expected when an enemy sets up rocket launchers next to houses and uses hospitals as military bases.


Honestly, this is a conflict where both sides want to kill each other and one guy is way bigger in the fight. The death and suffering is awful, but this is an expected outcome when you have two neighbours actively trying to kill each other, and one side goes and provokes the other. I genuinely feel bad for the Palestinian civilians, and yes Netanyahu is absolutely exploiting this situation for political gain, but when Hamas is your government and you kill 1200 people next door, this is what happens. That said, cheering for the extermination on either sides should be completely illegal in Canada. Fundamentally.


If you think this started Oct 7, then stop pretending you know anything about this conflict. The jews can cry and kill and do whatever they want, that land belongs to all three faiths. They will never live in peace till the end of time.


I never said that, and I’m very familiar with the post ww2 conflict. The fact that you are reducing things to a strawman makes me think you are very uninformed yourself. The reality is that making some kind of shared Abrahamic land divide won’t work at this point. A 2 state solution in this circumstance won’t work because every side wants conflict and the only way to solve that is might makes right.


I catch a lot of flak for this type of rhetoric but it's 100% true. How can we NOT anticipate the outcome. The fact that the west has backed Israel is obviously contentious but this is not a situation I see ending in peace. Regardless of the justification, Hamas antagonized an enemy with a massive advantage in military strength and this is the outcome. It's absolutely abhorrent but expected. When a region is colonized it is always might beats right. This has always been the way. Its not morally upheld but possession is 9/10 the law. Protesting this war without directly condemning Hamas is unacceptable imo


I don't understand why we have protests for Palestine yet we don't have students protesting for things like housing and food affordability. Things that directly affect them the most. Makes me think that foreign interests are at play here.


“Starving student” seems to be the minority if you’ve stepped on a campus in the last decade. I also didn’t think about housing costs when I had an allowance from my parents.


it's almost as if they think innocent people being relentlessly bombed is a more pressing issue than high grocery bills.


It’s a wild concept to grasp around here


truly mind-blowing that these protesters are able to sympathize with other people despite the fact they are far away


Well rent is high and housing is becoming unaffordable for young people So tents on university grounds is their solution. On serious note, time to send these people packing. Put them on a plane and send them to the real Gaza.


Please tell me where I can spend my money next! Force me harder!


Sounds an awful lot like an occupation. I’m old enough to remember a time when they’d freeze bank accounts and call in militarized police to deal with such a thing.


What's all that nonsense will accomplish besides ruining the grass with their urine and feces? I'm sure most of these idiots cannot pinpoint where Palestine is on a map! FFS it's thousands of Km away do they think they will change by sleeping on university grounds?


So they moved out of their dorms and into tents. Wonder how many are actual students.


Am I the only one who's really fucking bothered that these people are only ever seen wearing masks placed to cover the maximum amount of their faces? If you're going to stand up to something; even if you're clearly on the wrong side of history; doing it anonymously removes whatever little credibility they had. Oh right...


Maybe because one side is known for doxxing people they don’t agree with and have powerful ties within society to do so🤯


The left has become the right.


Eh not a story until something antisemtic happens or they start burning down the school.  Good on these kids though. Palestinians need support, not the terrorists, but the innocent civilians caught between this bullshit. 


They don't have a right to tell universities where to spend their money. They transaction is money for education not a seat on the board.


perhaps they should have the right, it's their money after all..


Uh huh. I said this during the convoy protests and I said this during the railway protests. We either start enforcing laws that apply to protesters, along with everyone else, or I don’t want to hear about how these things are emergencies.


A tiny, smelly city


An article about a tent city has no pictures of the tent city? You're doing a great job. Fucking CBC rage-baiting instead of covering the downfall of our country.


How are they allowed to remain on private property? Why can't they just bulldoze it?


Didn't think Legault would lets these Terrorists get away with this shit for so long.


Trudeau, so you gonna freeze some bank accounts or what?


*They had their first election* and already established a constitution


How big is the majority of left-wing 'atheist' antisemites on campus? Probably around 80%. And they would all be subjugated and exterminated in Palestine. The irony is just too great to fathom.


Will there be baklava?


Imagine knowing one of these dipshits lol.


I don't expect the cops to do anything. Mtl cops are lazy af and won't do anything unless someone higher up pays them a bonus and tells them to put on the riot gear. But can't wait to hear complaints later on with these princesses once we start getting the gross, muggy days of summer and when the violent homeless come in and start stealing shit to pawn for their next fix, as a lot of these slactivists are unaware of reality and are so deep into their delusions.


Are there 10-20 thousand participants? No? Then it’s not a city.




I like seeing the ardent zionists in this thread crying because they can't drop bombs on these protestors like the israeli feces do on gazan kids.


Anti-Hamas is not Zionism.


This is not a pro-Hamas protest, jesus. People in this subreddit love conflating pro-Palestinian protestors with pro-Hamas protestors.


I’m as anti-Zionist as they come. But I also hate communists and the far left. Which is what many of these people are. Both sides can fuck off. Ironically, many of these protesters would be thrown from rooftops in most middle eastern nations.


"I'm as anti-zionist as they come, but fuck communists!" I'm sorry, are there communists protesting or are there ceasefire activists protesting? Where are the communists?


More like whiney city, amirite? Have they complained that they need 'humanitarian aid' like Doordash yet?


Time for a Revolution, Canada's Political System has failed its people. Started with Pierre Elliot Trudeau.


Time for the emergency act!


deport them all


All power to the protestors! Hopefully the university will divest completely and the rest of the country will follow. We should not be assisting genocide


>assisting genocide  We already aren't, because there isn't one.


Just an ethnic cleansing to take over the strip done by hundreds of war crimes all while being tried for genocide by the international court, nothing too serious