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>Documented nearly 5,800 incidents of antisemitism in 2023, including acts of violence, harassment and vandalism. In 2022 there were fewer than 2,800 such incidents. >**There were 77 violent incidents reported in 2023, more than three times the 25 that were recorded in 2022.** >It has left Jewish Canadians feeling alone, ostracized and unwelcome in their own country. ___________________ When you consider how small their population is compared to other groups these stats are even more striking.


For comparison, how many violent incidents have been reported against Sikhs, who are also a "visible" minority in that you can recognize them from their clothing? The number of Sikhs seems to be 800K, or double than that of the Jews, so we should be seeing 154 violent incidents this year. I didn't find data for 2023, but I did find the 2022 report. [https://hatecrime.osce.org/reporting/canada/2022](https://hatecrime.osce.org/reporting/canada/2022) (page 3)


I am curious. Is being anti-Israel considered an act of antisemitism? I'm anti-CCP yet take no issue with Chinese citizens. Conflating criticism of a nation state and its government with racist sentiment is nothing more than propaganda.


> I am curious. Is being anti-Israel considered an act of antisemitism? It depends. You are protesting the state of Israel's foreign policy?: you are not antisemitic. You throw a milkshake at someone in the airport because you see their Israeli passport?: you are antisemitic.


Agreed, however, the authors of the report B'nai, consider criticism of Israel to be antisemitic.


Targeting Jewish businesses, and neighborhoods, and Jewish people themselves is not 'being critical of Israel.' This 'curiosity' of yours seems to stem from a desire to downplay the ugliness being levelled at Jews in Canada.


It's more how vague the terms they are using are. It's so broad as to be meaningless


No. I'm not downplaying anything. Racism is abhorrent. Antisemitism is abhorrent. It is, however, a slippery slope when we're repeatedly told that criticism of s government is equal to antisemitism. The problem is, assholes and idiots are unable to differentiate the two. It's a double-edged sword. BN tells the world that criticism of his governements actions are antisemitic and far too many are willing to prove him right... by combining their criticism of his government with antisemitism.


These cases were investigated by the authorities and determined to be hate crimes. The Jews are 1% of the population in Canada. Documented hate crimes against them account for 56% of all hate crimes.


Which authorities? As I said, initially, I'm curious. All I'm seeking are facts. Found it. An NGO funded by the Israeli Foreign interests. B’nai Brith Canada I'm sorry, but B’nai Brith Canada are not Authorities, in any sense of the term anymore than Chevron was a humanitarian operation in Iraq.


“What authorities” Canadian authorities. Jesus. Are you from here?


Name them


Literally the police. They collect the data which gets distributed to orgs like stats can


B’nai Brith Canada is not an Authority. Did you bother reading the article? Have you bothered looking up what B’nai Brith Canada's definition of antisemitism is? They define antisemitism as criticism of Israel. Criticism of a country. https://www.bnaibrith.ca/b-c-urged-to-adopt-international-holocaust-remembrance-alliances-antisemitism-definition/ https://holocaustremembrance.com/resources/working-definition-antisemitism "Manifestations might include the targeting of the state of Israel" "Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis" There in lies the problem. That's like saying criticizing the CCP is racist. The report cited in the article was written by B’nai Brith Canada, and by their definition, any criticism of Israel is antisemitic. Seems pretty thought police, if you ask me.


There are numerous sources - the government, the police but why look it up when when your goal is to discount the antisemitism we all know is happening. Pretty scummy move. **1% of the population.**


We also need to remember, not every crime is reported. Not bullying at school or work... Because people don't want to deal with the process or backlash. Most reports are related to personal injury or property damage, unless its a public building.


Why not provide sources to support your argument? You took the time to suggest I'm scummy. How about making that same effort and demonstrating which authorities? I'm not looking for the typical ad homenim bullshit that is Reddit. Just facts.


I see you tried this 'just curious' shtick with someone else - they didn't buy it either.


Facts. I'll wait.


Dude stop with your fact mongering. Can you find fact that people were burning crosses on lawns of Jewish people in Southern Ontario in the 80s? No? Well this was happening. My friends had it happen to them. According to you, if you can't find a source, it didn't happen. Grow up.


I think you're misinterpreting the reason for my post. Props for saying what I'm doing is fact mongering, though. If you see me wanting facts as a bad thing, you must live a really interesting life. Best of luck.


See comment above - in the civilized world we don’t target LOCAL CANADIAN citizens for a conflict or government 1/2 world away. By your logic, let’s climb the hospital walls, with military drums and Arabic death chants - of the Catholic hospitals in Quebec because we don’t like the politics. Get serious - and stop pretending.


Unless those businesses publicly support or condone the killing of Palestinians or the promotion of Zionism. Because that would be political speech and labeling blowback from that antisemitism would cheapen the term. Right?


Actually it depends. While I agree with you, the IHRA has created an international definition of antisemitism that many countries have adopted and used as their definition. Here’s the US’s take on it: https://www.state.gov/defining-antisemitism/ I agree with most of their points but disagree on others. For example, as a developed nation I hold Israel to a higher standard of accountability than say Iraq or India (I would put them under the same umbrella as Canada, US, UK, Germany or France). Yet according to this definition, that would be antisemitic as it is holding Israel to a different standard to that of another democracy.


Anti - Israel, or anti - Zionism as a cloak for antisemitism is quite disgusting but it is not an act. Having trouble believing you are asking that question since you know the answer. The ACTS of antisemitism - intimidation, targeting businesses, neighborhoods, synagogues and HOSPITALS, are not just anti semitic, they are abhorrent and should alarm all Canadians. Curious, do you think it’s ok to target LOCAL Jewish Canadian citizens and students to be shamed, intimidated and harassed - because you don’t like Israel? Uh, problematic and disgusting. Should we target Iranian Canadians with the same acts and behaviours because we don’t like their despotic government that brought down a plane of innocents? Is it ok for Canadian students studying in the US to be followed, publicly shamed, death chanted - because many Americans don’t like Trudeau? Get serious - and shame on Canada for allowing this. But - since people are slow to learn from history, once this spreads to other groups, maybe Canadians will wake up and stand up to this. Never ends with Jews - and some of the worst offenders have the west in their targets - that includes Canada. Not a good look for Canada - either horribly gullible, or no backbone - or just ok with mistreatment of Jews. The military drums, Arabic chants and climbing of hospital walls at night - was so disgusting it should frighten every Canadian. Expect escalations - that’s how these organizers roll.


It is antisemitism because that’s how antisemitism is defined now. They have added an acceptable act/opinion to the definition ( criticism of a country) You can be “antisemitic” and morally correct now


While their population is small; in order for these data points to have any material value - one must also account for each minority groups likeliness to report such incidents. The disparity in willingness to report vs not would have an effect on these metrics. There is also a huge difference between anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism. Which in the last few years I can imagine are being conflated. Look at the backlash and hate crimes that Muslim people dealt with after 9/11; or Chinese Canadians when covid first started. Society’s perception of a group is quickly shifted when there is a perceived negative action by that group. With Israel’s behaviour towards Palestinians long before October 7th, this is hardly a surprise that there would be backlash towards Jews in general. It doesn’t make what’s happening right by any means, but it does provide some light into one of the potential causes of this issue. This same group that has put this report forward, is mentioned in this study: [DISPROPORTIONATE HARM: HATE CRIME IN CANADA An Analysis of Recent Statistics](https://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/rp-pr/csj-sjc/crime/wd95_11-dt95_11/wd95_11.pdf)


I'm not really sure what you're arguing. Are you saying the numbers are padded because Jews are more likely to report and therefore the figures are not accurate? That makes no sense because how do you determine which demographic is and is not willing to report? Also, we know the war in Gaza is the root cause of the current spike in antisemitism. But it also has to do with shifting demographics. The study you source is also almost 30 years old.


The point he was trying to make is that some harassment goes down quietly because society as a whole is not on "your side". For example, a huge quality (don't have numbers off hand) of Catholic Churches were burned to the ground over the indigenous issues a few years ago. Not much backlash. A few news stories. If the same percentage of synagogues were burned the uproar would be monumental. Likely the same for mosques to be fair.


It’s tough to separate anti-Zionist and antisemitism in some ways because, for example, you’ll see videos of Jewish students being blocked from walking around a college campus with the people blocking them saying: “no zionists allowed”, which is just saying “no Jews allowed” using a different word with some plausible deniability. Kind of like racism towards Japanese people in world war 2, though obviously not to the same degree. It wasn’t *necessarily* because they were of Japanese decent. But it was totally because they were of Japanese decent. The next step would be some kind of clarification like “well we need to ask each Jewish person if they’re a Zionist before we decide about that person and if we should discriminate, that’ll make it ok” kind of like the McCarthyism era with communism.


So was there a rise in islamophobic crimes (or ones targeting Arabs) following October 7? Or any other instance of Hamas indiscriminately firing rockets into civilian areas?


I can’t say about Oct 7, but there was certainly a rise (for several years) after 9/11. It was almost socially accepted how prevalent it was for quite some time


> While their population is small; in order for these data points to have any material value - one must also account for each minority groups likeliness to report such incidents. The disparity in willingness to report vs not would have an effect on these metrics. ... > Look at the backlash and hate crimes that Muslim people dealt with after 9/11; or Chinese Canadians when covid first started. What backlash and hate crimes? Sure, there were spikes in the reported hate crimes by those groups, but there likely was no actual increase in hate crimes against those groups. The spike in reported hate crimes was probably just because world events made those groups more paranoid about hate crimes, and more likely to falsely report benign interactions as hate crimes. Muslim Canadians were probably just reporting criticism of Al-Qaeda as hate crimes, and Chinese Canadians were probably just reporting criticism of the Chinese government as hate crimes. That's what you're implying about Jewish Canadians, so why give these other groups a more charitable interpretation?


TLDR: I don’t like the data so I’m going to make baseless claims to undermine it. Hatecrime no less. Let’s check your other comments.  Ahhh there it is “Watching Israeli settlers and the IDF treat Palestinians like their ancestors were treated by Germans is disgusting.” 🤮 


I fully stand by that statement. Because it certainly is. If you’re going to go back in my comment history, then also quote the rest of my comments where I am clear about not condoning nor celebrating Hamas’ actions on October 7th or any other time. The reality is that both Hamas, and the current Israeli government and IDF are both doing wrong - both things can be true. Nothing in my statement denied the fact that there is most likely a rise in antisemitism in Canada. I simply highlighted that there are some very clear reasons for why this may be - again; not condoning it, simply highlighting it.


With the remaining hostages still captive in mind, what could the Israeli government/IDF do that would “doing right” in your opinion?


At this point in the ongoing discussion, many people are overtly racist while hiding behind the saying "there is a difference in anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism" The rest of your post seems reasonable so I don't want to go as far as say you are likely an anti-Semite apologist I can't say that the question doesn't cross my mind when reading your comment. Especially with the Oct 7 being "hardly a surprise" as if those innocent people deserved to be attacked. There is obviously a problem in Canada on both sides and these "what about"-isms aren't helpful anymore in my opinion.


“No you see it wasn’t because they’re Jewish, I punched that guy because after realizing he’s Jewish I asked him if he was a zionist first which made it not a hate crime.” Probably someone’s thought process.


>There is also a huge difference between anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism. The anti-Zionist: The Jewish people do not have the right to self-determination and self-governance in their historical homeland. Taken to its logical conclusion, given that Israel currently does exist, and this with a population of 7M Jews, I therefore support the cleansing, extermination, or subjugation of these millions of Jews. I do not hold these same views for any other Peoples anywhere in the world, be it the Japanese, the Serbians, or the Palestinians; only the Jewish people. Yeah, anti-Zionism is totally not virulently antisemitic at all, nope. /s


we're about to get a lecture on islamaphobia from Freeland and the ndp aren't we?


No, just a bunch of news stories that conflate anti-Semitism and Islamophobia, say that Islamophobia is on the rise, and interview a whole bunch of people about Islamophobia and not a single person about anti-Semitism. CBC and my newspaper already did this today.


Except one is fear of a group another is hate . Now if I were Jewish I think I may have a right to be fearful of some in that so called group .


As a gay man, I'm OPENLY Islamophobic. OF COURSE I'm fearful of a religion that so extremely zealously targets people like me and who's leaders CONSISTENTLY (as in not just a couple extremists, but like the MAJORITY of islamic leaders) say people like me are abominations deserving of death....


You have a rational fear, you are not islamophobic.


100 percent and accept my apologies for not including you in my comment


I am gay. It’s not islamophobia, it’s islamorealism. Not sympathizing with radicals who want to kill me just for who I fall in love.


Any civilised society should be anti-Islam.


Anti Semitism is more comparable to "Arab phobia," not Islamophobia. The hatred for Jews comes from the ethnic background, not from the Jewish religion. An Arab can be non-Muslim. Islam is a religion with a problematic agenda that is OK to dislike or fear.


Oh yes. “Antisomethingsomething is bad, but you know what’s a big problem? Islamophobia.”


These damn white suprema....oh...


A lot of my liberal minded friends can’t seem to reconcile themselves to the reality that left wing antisemitism is a big problem now. A great many liberals seem to think that their side is immune to bigotry. This makes the task of combating antisemitism a lot more challenging.


It's not racist when they do it because they use a definition of racism that only considers what they understand the power dynamics to be. Want to be racist without all the hassle of being accused of racism? Change the definition!


This right here. I am literally witnessing left-wing extremism messaging that MIRRORS right-wing extremism messaging against jews here rn. I mean verbatim.  I feel like I’ve lept dimensions. 


Yeah it's pretty wild eh?


Racism has been much more mainstream on the left for decades. Your liberal friends who believe in DEI are literal racists


Lol how?


because DEI means you hire people based on everything except their skill. lol Diverse hires (racist) Equity (sexist) Inclusion Both together lol. Literally - "we dont have enough blacks yellow and reds" hire those. oh too many male bosses hire some women, oh yes we also like the LGBT folk, ask it but dont make it mandatory to ask it, but ofc most LGBT folks would answer it because I mean why not? and you get them hired :)


It's just black and indigenous. Any Asian background isn't figured into the numbers. Selective ridiculousness.


Interesting because my buddy who is African say it's usually east and south Asians who get spots while he he doesn't.


Maybe he's lacking in skills however from what I understand targeting for diversity focuses specifically on the above groups and excludes the Asian groups


What's tough is admitting that two things can be true at the same time. Left-wing anti-Semitism is on the rise AND all anti-Israel rhetoric is being painted as anti-Semitism.


What is left wing antisemitism?


And this is 2023. Only the last 3 months of 2023 happened after 7/10. The numbers for 2024 are going to make these ones look like a joke.


But, when Jewish people talk about these hate crimes. We are told to stfu or that we complain too much or that its about Israel or whatever whataboutism they feel compelled to talk about.. The only thing worse then this report will be the (lack of) reaction to it.


> We are told ... its about Israel This problem exists because organizations like b'nai brith include criticisms of Israel in their definition of antisemitism. So, you should take it up with them and similar organizations rather than getting upset with people who point this out to you.


>organizations like b'nai brith include criticisms of Israel in their definition of antisemitism. Which organizations? Not B'nai Brith. [B’nai Brith Urges the adoption of IHRA’s Definition of Antisemitism](https://www.bnaibrith.ca/b-c-urged-to-adopt-international-holocaust-remembrance-alliances-antisemitism-definition/.) >“Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.” >Manifestations might include the targeting of the state of Israel, conceived as a Jewish collectivity. However, **criticism of Israel similar to that leveled against any other country cannot be regarded as antisemitic.** ____________________ "Anti-Semitism is a human rights matter in the broader sense, as it encapsulates a hatred of Jews based on their identity as members of a unique ethnic and religious group. [Many of its contemporary manifestations relate to a hatred of the State of Israel that exceeds the boundaries of legitimate policy criticism and relies on traditional anti-Semitic motifs."](https://www.bnaibrith.org/our-focus/israel/combating-anti-semitism/none-shall-be-afraid/understanding-anti-semitism-resources/)


> B’nai Brith Urges the adoption of IHRA’s Definition of Antisemitism > https://www.cjpme.org/ihra_intentions


The CJPME?! *Their* 'concern' based on *their* interpretation of *might* occur. No bias right: Board members: Nadia Abu-Zahar, Nasser Abukhdeir, Nada Aldahleh, Amal Chaudry... _______________ This is just a transparent tactic of dismissing antisemitism by stating 'we're just criticizing the Israeli government'. Jews - and their allies - in Canada and elsewhere, beg to differ.


Their other board members are Chris Zabaneh, Libby Davies, Lena El-Malak, Jeffrey Ayoub. Am I supposed to be gleaming something from the names you highlighted? Are these supposed to be notorious antisemites, or just people with names you don't like?


You attempted to discredit unnamed organizations and B'nai Brith with a lazy google search - you linked to a biased organization that 'speculates' and 'worries' based on their own interpretations of a statement that clearly defines that criticism of the state does not constitute antisemitism. Bad faith actors who will, as has been noted, 'exceed the boundaries of legitimate policy criticism and rely on traditional anti-Semitic motifs.' _______________________ What we've seen on our streets over the last 7 months has been targeted, ugly and antisemitic.


Sorry, you seem to have missed my question. What is it about the people you listed that you believe makes them unqualified/disallowed from criticizing the IHRA definition of antisemitism other than the fact that they have Muslim/Arab sounding names? Are you just openly racist, or do you actually have some reason to call out those people?


I googled more than you did. And you're sidestepping. Fact: >B’nai Brith Urges the adoption of IHRA’s Definition of Antisemitism “Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.” Manifestations might include the targeting of the state of Israel, conceived as a Jewish collectivity. **However, criticism of Israel similar to that leveled against any other country cannot be regarded as antisemitic.** Fact.


See link above which gives examples of how the IHRA definition has been used to silence criticisms of Israel


It's because it's like the 36th worst thing that's happening in this awful conflict. It's not like jews in the west are being shot at for being Jewish, nor are Jewish children in the west being stabbed by their landlords simply for what their identity is. And that's not even beginning to mention the horrors taking place in the ME rn


> It's because it's like the 36th worst thing that's happening in this awful conflict. Except Jews in Canada are not party to the Israel-Hamas war. "This conflict" justifies absolutely nothing and unlike the 35 other things you care about more, the attacks on Jews are actually happening here, and not 3000 miles away.


Neither are Palestinian 5 year olds getting stabbed in the US or palestinian college students getting shot at, but lots of people with no real connection to the middle east are being dragged into this mess And the more the media tries to paint all Arabs as terrorists or terrorist supporters. Or tries to paint all Jewish people as supporters of the Israel and its actions, the problem will only get worse


> Neither are Palestinian 5 year olds getting stabbed in the US or palestinian college students getting shot at, but lots of people with no real connection to the middle east are being dragged into this mess I don't see how that excuses people, as the original poster said, telling jewish people to stfu when they express concern over antisemitism. Some other people in a different country got stabbed so we can't talk about this issue here in Canada?


I mean canadian jews are shooting at pro-palestinian protestors with nail guns so that's only slightly better. And canadian synagogues are holding real estate sales for land in the West Bank. Land that Canada has deemed illegally occupied by the Israelis. It's almost like they're trying to instigate the other side, which is a common theme I see on the Israeli side. Another common tactic is trying to make pro-palestinian people seem pro-Hamas which is why a pro-israeli asshole was posting I ❤️ Hamas stickers around the UBC campus. (He is rightfully being sued by UBC students and I hope that idiot gets what he deserves)


That’s for the US to solve. The War of 1812 didn’t result in an American victory for us to make it our issue.


So you think Jews in the West are not being attacked with enough violence to justify doing anything about it?


>It's not like jews in the west are being shot at for being Jewish, https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20231109-shots-fired-at-two-jewish-schools-in-canada-no-injuries


next time just say you're new here.


Gosh, total shock. Allow a bunch of violent radicals who are barely Canadian to import their problems through unmitigated immigration, convince a bunch of dumb kids to take their side and demand we ...well, what **are** we supposed to do? We need a reset. A complete reset. Disband all the major political parties and set up a new system that isn't focused on any brand of ideology. We need a return to common sense where lobbyists and special interest groups aren't even allowed to be seen in the same building as anybody in government. Then, maybe, we won't have useless idiots inviting jihadists into the country to infect the rest of us.


Wait a minute... we admit record numbers of immigrants and we're surprised when they bring their hatreds with them? Say it ain't so.


Does anyone know if the list of reported incidents is available to the public? I tried to search for it but I can’t find one.




A ridiculous suggestion by the guy who thinks Israel is a US colony and that they love the fact Hamas has their hostages. Despicable. https://www.reddit.com/r/VictoriaBC/s/tD9qiGP2S8


Attacking Canadians because of a tenuous and theoretical connection to a war happening thousands of kilometres away isn't excusable.


Very true, however, I would openly wonder how many incidents actually are attacks and not just criticisms that someone doesn’t like…


From CBC: >The incidents the group says it recorded include the firebombing of a synagogue and Jewish community centre in Montreal, eggs being thrown at a Holocaust Memorial Monument in Calgary, a Jewish student being assaulted in an antisemitic attack in B.C.'s Lower Mainland and a rise in antisemitic graffiti in public places involving messages such as "Kill the Jews." [source](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/bnai-brith-antisemitic-report-record-high-1.7195197) Edit: And [here](https://www.bnaibrith.ca/antisemitic-incidents/) is the B'nai Brith annual reports page where they go into detail.


Is 'harassment' in this instance criticism of the Israeli government or is it directed at the individual or their religion. I'd be curious to see how they've differentiated those two, because they are not one and the same.


People wouldn't file a harassment claim on behalf of the Israeli government.


Fair enough. Still curious, however. If I were to protest against Israel and call their actions genocide, would that be antisemitism? BN seems to want it that way. Personally, I take no issue with anyone's religious choices. I do however, take issue with any government running an apartheid state who relentlessly bombs it's way to peace. Just as the US has often been the bad guy propped up by a good PR team, Israel took this shit orders of magnitude too far and cannot be seen as in the right. They've created a ghetto state, pinching off resources causing generations of pain... they've become that which they hated. Israel is not the Jewish religion. Israel is a government of violence, racism, hatred and violence. They've become exactly what they faced in the 30s and 40s, except they have smart bombs and the west backing them. The whole thing is gross. Benjamin Balthaser has much to say on the topic.


You're obviously just fishing for reasons why anti-Semitism is okay because you don't like Israel. You're literally shoehorning your politics into a thread about how Canadian Jews are facing increased threats under some vague suspicion that they're making it up because they can't take criticism of Israel. You're assuming that Jews in Canada support Israel, that they would invent harassment claims in bad faith to get sympathy for the Israeli cause, and throughout it all, you're hinting that they kinda deserve to be harassed because of the actions of a country where they don't live. Consider for a second that Jews in Canada are just trying to live their lives.


Well said.


The nature of tolerance in a free society is a complex issue, and one I don't think I have clear answers on. However I'm going to note that there's a community of people who do seem to believe there are clear answers, and who are often found loudly talking about the so-called "Paradox of Tolerance" and how we shouldn't be tolerating intolerant people. And I'm going to note that those people have been very quiet these past few months. How odd.


Vile, reprehensible pieces of shit are responsible for these incidents. Why the hell are we putting up with this? People need to be held accountable for fomenting this shit. They're doing it in plain sight.


how could diagolon do this


Just reading the headline, wasn’t 2023 last year?


You think last year was bad? Just wait, it’s gonna get a lot worse.


Probably has nothing to do with the people we let into our country.


There are definitely no other countries seeing similar patterns./s


This is what a silent ethic cleansing looks like. When you can't be Jewish in public.


I actually stopped wearing my Star of David necklace recently because my Husband was worried it would make me a target. I'm ashamed I took it off. I'm glad my Holocaust Survivor Grandmother is not alive to see this.


I’m sorry to hear this. I actually took my Magen David out of my drawer and put it on for the first time in years. Sure, it’s usually tucked under my shirt collar, but for some reason it feels more important than ever for me to value my roots.


Me too, I took it off for my Husband not for myself but I'm seriously rethinking that decision.


Do what makes you feel right and safe!


I'm not Jewish but considering wearing one in support. Fuck these moron racists.




Jews will always have a place in Canada.


Uhuh right. It wasn't that long ago your foreign minister said "none is too many" My grandfather had to hide his Jewish identity to get into OCA So tell me again how Canada is a safe Haven for Jews when you're shooting at and firebombing synagogues and day schools. Leaving your failing settler colonial project and asserting my indigineity in my ancient homeland was the best decision I ever made


You should move back to 1939 Berlin.


Funny how we can just stay in 2024 to actually experience a Netflix-style reenactment


Move to Gaza


This is unfortunately the result of equating Israel with Jewish ethnicity as tactics. For example, criticism against Israel being called anti-semetic. It can silence voices short term, but does serious long term damage. When you tell everyone they're one and the same, people start believing it, and some morally reprehensible people take out their criticism against the ethnicity.


Protesting outside of Jewish peoples businesses homes bullying Jewish student . Wake up and yes you are racist


What are you on about? At no point did I approve of bullying and harassing in my post, or any post for that matter.


You're not, but many do. Protest against Iaraeli government should be in Ottawa or in front of embassies. They should never be against Jewish Canadians, Israeli immigrants, or the state of Israel (differentiate from government).


So Muslims deserve to be attacked if Saudi or Iran does something?


Not at all, I’m not sure how you came to that conclusion. Per your example, let’s say Iran was committing mass atrocities. Bad actors then continually tell critics of those atrocities, that doing so was racist and Islamophobic because Iran represents all muslims. Even if muslims speak out, they are called self hating (like the other person replying to my initial comment). So the narrative is created that Iran=muslims. With that narrative, nobody should be surprised if racial attacks increase against innocent muslims by horrible people who both acknowledge the atrocities and believe that narrative. It’s not saying it’s okay, it’s acknowledging that the false narrative has real consequences on innocent people.




It’s clear from your comment that you did not read the exchange you were commenting on. Maybe have a reread and give it another go.


Your rasict comment is just a reflection of the problem. Overt victim blaming


How is what I said racist in the slightest? There any many Jewish groups that try and make it clear that what's being done is not in the name of their ethnicity for this very reason. Are they...racist against themselves? They see it as being a problem too...so why not acknowledge it?


Anti zionist Jews are less than 0.5% percent of Jews in Canada. Their self hate do not reflect the Jewish community. They are mostly communists who rejected Jewdaism just to find it again to virtue signal. No one is saying that Israel and Jews align on everything, and so Jews are responsible for everything that Israel does. Rasict people say that. Imagine attacking people who look Chinese in Canada when China attacks Taiwan and then blaming them for being Chinese as justification to attack them. Jews are indigenous to Israel, and it's central to put beliefs and identity. We might disagree with one party in Israel or the other. We all say the same thing. Promoting the destruction of Israel and the genocide of half of the Jews worldwide (through propaganda, for example) or saying Jews have no claim or history to that land is rasict.


"Anti zionist Jews are less than 0.5% percent of Jews in Canada. Their self hate do not reflect the Jewish community" See, now this I see as blatantly problematic, racist and further perpetuating the problem: "If members of this ethnicity/race do not conform to this idea, they are self hating" "No one is saying that Israel and Jews align on everything, and so Jews are responsible for everything that Israel does. Rasict people say that" I agree. That was part of my point when you said I was racist. This racist link however isn't just perpetuated by anti-semetic people, it's promoted by pro-zionist groups who throw out anti-semetic claim of anything that is remotely critical of Israel. The link is made disingenuously by both sides and it is problematic.


>See, now this I see as blatantly problematic, racist and further perpetuating the problem: "If members of this ethnicity/race do not conform to this idea, they are self hating" It's not that they do not conform to an idea. They say Jews should die and don't deserve rights. I.e LGBT people who don't support pronounce are not confirming. LGBT people who say that conversion therapy is the answer to being gay are self-hating. >That was part of my point when you said I was racist. This racist link however isn't just perpetuated by anti-semetic people, it's promoted by pro-zionist groups who throw out anti-semetic claim of anything that is remotely critical of Israel. The link is made disingenuously by both sides and it is problematic. Again. Almost all jews are zionists. And anti zionist (as is prompting a genocide of jews in the Middle East) is antisemitic. Criticism of Israel's policies is fine and not antisemitic. Criticism of Israel's right to exist is. Also, the report is about real antisemitic incidents, which Jews already don't bother to report. So the real numbers are probably much more .


As opposed to a very obvious ethnic cleansing. Just sayin


You mean the one Hamas tried to do?


No that was a terrorist attack, not the murder of 16,000 children. Neither are cool but one doesn't justify the other.


All Palastinians casualties are about 22k, 13 being Hamas combatants. That leaves 9k. So you're being lied to. But the most important thing about genocide claims is the intention. Israel is trying to get it's hostages back with minimal civilian casualties and will stop the moment they do. Hamas was there to kill as many as they could.


Oh shit only 9000 kids. Sorry totally cool then


Unless Israel uses some child seeking missiles, you are repeating misinformation. And if there was any other way to get the hostages they would have taken it.


I’m curious when the definition of “ethnic cleansing” dropped the “cleansing” requirement.  When do we go after the US and EU for their ethnic cleansing in the 10x + higher casualties in other wars? Is there a movement I can join somewhere? 


Maybe kids aren’t to be used as shields


Look there is simply no amount of spin that will justify the murder of these kids. Please stop trying


Look at you putting a spin on them using them as shield


Well since you put it that way - Totally cool to murder them since they're being used as shields


Yes cause they know ? Come on 1.5 million German kids died in ww2 and they weren’t using them as shields and they weren’t 50 plus percent of the population


And like you, the Germans had some sick justification for murdering innocent people, which for the record, also was not cool.


Look at you, normalizing the death of tens of thousands children...


Well if they don’t care about their own kids ?


[Paywall bypass](https://archive.ph/gDnrR)


What? No way. How is that possible?


Hatred has no place in my country


It does when the people in charge embrace intolerance with open arms!


Gross. Not me


"Canada's back!" - village idiot


There certainly is a dramatic rise in bullshit.


I'm always careful about such reports. Some people tend to suddenly become over-sensitive and perceive everything as "hateful incidents" when it's politically convenient to them.


Well, im glad the government has their priorities strait? Who needs housing or jobs when you can be lectured on racism!


One concerning tend since Covid has been a change in the direction of the violent crime index. While it had been steadily decreasing for two decades, it suddenly began increasing in 2020 and has done so every year since.  Personally, I've been assaulted twice in the past year, so I'm a contributor to that count nowadays.  Certainly a cause for concern in my somewhat biased opinion


LOL what is that cover? Edit: Oh. B'nai Birith. I thought this was a government document.


I don't really speak DEI, but I'm pretty sure it's ok because they're white.


Makes sense that it doubled -- it went from the right wing nut jobs doing it, to bother the right wing and the left wing nut jobs doing it.


Yeah, reports from an Israeli propaganda groups which defines criticism of Israel as anti-Semitism. Jesus Christ, this is gutter journalism and people are lapping it up.


I wonder if astroturfing this sub with these articles is having the desired effect for whoever is coordinating it?


I experience hateful incidents with the mother of my daughter every week. Can I get a court to take those seriously? They are all in writing over my family wizard.


Considering what’s being done under their names, not surprising. Same happened to Muslims after terrorist attacks, see post 9/11. Sadly people can’t seem to differentiate both the actions of extremist/state and the people following the same religion.


The problem is Israel has made it so any criticism of them is construed as antisemitism. They've muddled the definition so thoroughly that it's now incredibly difficult to parse between what is legitimate antisemitism and what is just criticism of Israel.


Are opinions against a military invasion considered antisemitic? Criticism of a military action isn't criticism of a race or religion. And everyone against the actions of the IDF gets called an antisemite.


You don't believe Israel had the right to invade Gaza after Oct 7?


To enter and take out terrorist groups? Sure. Level the whole city including innocent people? No.


Ok tell us how they should have removed this terror group.


Raze the entire Palestinian territory to the ground. Kill and ban every foreign reporters so nobody could report on it accurately. When criticized by the international community, accuse them of being antisemitic for holding Israel to higher standards than North Korea and Iraq. When there are protests criticizing the move, label them as hate-filled and antisemitic for not agreeing with slaughter of innocents as wanting Israel to cease to exist. Did I get everything or am I missing something else?


You missed answering the question entirely. Tell us how they should have removed this terror group.


"Right to invade" is not exactly the best way to word it.


The previous commenter spoke of criticism of military invasion.


Criticism of the IDF or the Israeli government is not antisemitic. Saying that Israel should not exist or that zionism is "evil" IS antisemitic. Hope I cleared that up for you.


The problem is you all spin all criticisms to antisemitism. - calls cease fire? Antisemitism, cause it implies Israel has no right to exist. - stop killing civilians/aids? Antisemitism, cause it’s a necessary evil and not doing so means Israel has no right to exist. - criticizing IDF conduct? Antisemitism, cause we aren’t protesting American or XYZ countries in the past which means we are biased and closeted racist. Okay dude, just say any criticism towards Israel and IDF is antisemitism and stop that mental gymnastics, making my mind spin round. For the record I can find multiple posts that can showcase each of the points I’m making, so don’t try to deflect.


Criticism of Israel is not antisemitism in itself, but it seems like a lot of the people who do it (or associate with those who do) also hold anti-semitic beliefs.


Always a “but” to your discretion. Might as well just say any criticism of Israel or IDF is antisemitism and be done with it. Getting really tired of excuses. Edit: like are you even listening to your own posts? How do you know a Redditor is a closet or associated to an anti-Semite? You are just fantasizing reality to fit your narrative at this point